Plural of "coast" used in speaking of Labrador because there are three distinct coasts__ 589-91 The page references given in this Table of Contents are to the pages of the original Argument of the Honourable Sir James S. Winter, K. C.-Continued. Treaty must be construed strictly__ Illustrated by reference to St. George's and Chaleurs Bays___ 607-8 66 Position taken by Sir Charles Russell at Fur Seal Arbitration, 617-18 Lord Bathurst's letter of 7th September, 1815, to Mr. Baker_ 628-9 630-1 Distinction between "bays" and "coasts"; authorities on inter- national law quoted. 637-8 Contention that Great Britain was making broad claims of mari- 1. Position of Sir Charles Russell at Fur Seal Arbitration, 647, 656, 661 661, 665-6 Argument of the Honorable Charles B. Warren-Continued. Question 5-Continued. Contention that Great Britain was making broad claims of mari time jurisdiction in 1818-Continued. 3. Position of George Canning-. 4. Position of Lord Bathurst_. Jefferson's letters in 1793__ Schücking--- Commonwealth v. Peters_. Page. 649-50 661, 664-6 650-1 651 651-2 The 3 miles" to be measured from intersection of 3-mile Newfoundland Fishery Regulations, 1908, section 64, showing Limits of Bay of Fundy, as understood by the parties in 1818. 701-2 Lord Malmesbury's letter to Mr. Lawrence of 11th August, 1852 787-8 789 Mr. Bayard's letter of 20th May, 1886, had to do with commer- 790 Treaties of 1783 and 1818; "bays" meant same thing in each case_ 796 |