Marriage Minerals IXulon Press, 2006 - 152 pages I am 43 Years old, the president of a mortgage company "Golden Vault" and money used to be my main motivation. On September 6 2005 I was in a life and death motorcycle accident in which I did die twice on scene. I spent two weeks in ICU and after getting out of the hospital God opened up his word tremendously to me about marriage and the value of family relationships. |
God wants marriages to prosper and be in health | 7 |
In your marriage marriage minerals have value | 11 |
Plant marriage minerals and God will move your mountains | 15 |
Do not grow weary in your marriage | 31 |
In your marriage your miracle basket is about to touch the ground | 35 |
Your marriage is a just cause | 41 |
Called to peace | 47 |
Cast your burdens on the Lord | 51 |
Do not leave your post | 55 |
Does Jesus live in your marriage? | 65 |
Father of mercies | 69 |
Fixer or Fighter? | 75 |
If you love your marriage youll get wisdom | 79 |
In your marriage God is the multiplier | 83 |
Common terms and phrases
accuser action adultery adversary avenge basket behalf of souls blessed blossom born again believer bring cause Confess Corinthians crown of thorns David Kelly 49430 day with God's degree lose heart desires devil emotional torment faith family members financially fixer free from unclean gaze God's love God's word happiness harmony harvest healing Holy Spirit II Corinthians influence kingdom kingdom of God lack living soil Lord Luke manner or degree marriage this day marriage's needs married Matthew means mercy mind moral mountain move multiply mustard seed peace person picture of Jesus plant seed porn sites power of Christ pray prayer realm of success rebuke the devourer regards relationship rich rope rose salvation Saul seeds of love sexual immorality sexual immorality/adultery sow marriage minerals sow minerals sow your marriage sowing seed spouse and children successful marriage supply things tion unclean spirits walk watch wisdom David Kelly