| Walter Cross (M.A.) - 1698 - 332 pages
...he Ends not Two Propofitions, his Prefcnce will make them fo. We mult repeat the former Verb thus: Seventy Weeks are determined upon thy People^ and upon thy holy City, to Seal up the yifim and Prophecy, and to Anoint the Moft Holy. Rejp. 2. His work is not done, he is here... | |
| Ägidius Strauch - 1704 - 456 pages
...coincldent with the time of the total Deftrultion of that City, acceding to the Words in Daniel c. 9. v. 24. Seventy Weeks are determined upon thy People, and upon thy holy City •, and the Words of St. Matthew c. 24. v. 15. When you fhall fee the Abomination of Defolation ftand... | |
| Moses Marcus - 1724 - 164 pages
...accompliflied in him, that no room is left to doubt but he was the Meflia. I proceed farther.;:Dan. 9. 14. c Seventy Weeks are determined upon < thy .People, and Upon thy holy City, c to finifli the Wickednefs, and to feal c up the Sins, and to make Reconcili. ver. 25. c ation for... | |
| Thomas Stackhouse - 1741 - 558 pages
...contained in it, which are plain and obvious to the meaneft Capacity. The Words of the Prqphet are thefe, e Seventy Weeks are determined upon thy ^People, and upon thy Holy City, tojinijh the <Tran/greJ^onJ and to make an end of Sins, and to make Reconciliation, for Iniquity, and... | |
| 1747 - 800 pages
...the gofpel, or of the new covenant, in and by that Meffiah. The" whole prophecy runs as follows (7) : Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city to ßniß} (or reitrain) the tranfgrejfion, and make лп end ofßm, and to make reconciliation for iniquity,... | |
| SEVERAL HANDS - 1759 - 636 pages
...of the verfes wherein it is contained, viz, 24, 25, 26, 27, of the ninth chapter of Daniel. { Ver. 24. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to curb or reftrain rebellion [or defection] to fill up the meafure of fins, to make reconciliation for... | |
| Ralph Griffiths, G. E. Griffiths - 1759 - 636 pages
...26, 27, of the ninth chapter of Daniel. D 3 * Vcr, 38 HARE'J Explanation of Daniel's Prophecy. ' Ver. 24. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to curb or reftrain rebellion [or defeflion] to fill up the meafure of fins, to make reconciliation for... | |
| Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...of man came not to be miniftred unto, but to minifter, and to give his life a ranfom for many. Dan. ix. 24. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finilh the tranfgreffion , and to make an end of fins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and... | |
| James Ferguson - 1767 - 356 pages
...book of Daniel, from the 24th verfe to the end; which is in our Englifh Translation as follows. Ver. 24. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finijh the tranjgrejfion, and Jo make an end of Jins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and... | |
| James Hervey - 1767 - 464 pages
...received by Faith, is the richeft Balm to a wounded Confcience, and the only Remedy for a guilty World. Seventy Weeks are determined upon thy People, and upon thy holy City ; tofini/h the TranfgreJJion, and make an End of Sin ; ta make Reconciliation for Iniquity ; and to... | |
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