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History of Josiah; Burns' Magazine for the || thony; Poole's Sermons on the Communion ;
Young; Sewell's Evidences; Herbert Tresham, Manual of Oral Instruction upon the Bible ;
by Neale-45.

Knight's Old England; Christian Magazine-
MARCH-Bloxam's Architecture; Few Words 283.
to Parish Clerks; Hymns on the Catechism, by
Williams and Neale; Church-Poetry; Life of Organisation of plants, 121.
Savonarola; Present for Young Churchmen;
Sixpenny Books; Tracts for Lent, &c.; Journal

Peasantry of England, 110.
of Education; Bertha's Journal; Paget's War- |

den of Berkingholt; Brown's Account of the

All Saints'-day, 260.
Norwood Schools ; Grant on the Nestorians-70.

Altar-spoiler, the, 69.
APRIL-Hammond's Canons; Jesse's Natural

Bible, on the, 18.
History; Wordsworth's Communion in Prayer ;

Communion of the Church, 236.
Hawker's Poems-92.

Character of the Happy Warrior, 282.
MAY-Stories on the Lord's Prayer and First

Edburga, 17.
Four Commandments; the Wren ; St. Christo-
pher; Monro's Stories of Cottagers; Wilber-

England, the strength of, 164.

English Yeoman, the, 44.
force on Church Courts; Outlines of English

Labourer's Noonday Hymn, 165.
History; Palin on the Offertory; Gresley's Ser-

Legend of the Hive, 91.
mon at Warwick-116.

Lent, 69.
JUNE-Kettlewell's Companion for the Peni.

Poor Man, the, and his Parish-church, 186.
tent; Parkinson's Assize Sermon; Leger on the

Psalm cxxxvii., 141.
Daily Service; Devotions from Bishop An-

Rod of Aaron, the, 237.
drewes, &c.; Cheap Roman Catholic Publica-

Royal Woodman, the, a ballad on the Restora-
tions; Clark's Tract on Fasting-141.

iion, 115.
JULY- Aikin's Life of Addison ; Blunt on the

Signal of Laneast, 45.
Fathers; the Enthusiast; Sandys and Wray on

Spring, approach of, 116.
National Education ; Burns's Sixpenny Books,

Violet, on a, 18.
The Two Dogs-Faith, Hope, and Charity, &c.;

Psalms, the, 281.
Companion to the Sick-room—165.
AUGUST~Watson on the Common Prayer;

Private judgment, 40, 54.
Halton on the Catechism; Life of Reuchlin ;
Burns's Tract-Covers; Hierurgia Anglicana; Reapers, the, 199.
Sunter's Chart of Church Architecture; Tract Red Sea, the, 17.
Society Publications, (Errors of the Fathers);
Neale's Agnes de Tracy; Doctrine of the Cross Schoolmaster, the, at home-conclusion, 36.

Scott and Dryburgh Abbey, 5.
SEPTEMBER-Squire Allworthy; Instructive Scriptures, hints on the reading of, 131.
Biography; Reply to Milner's End of Contro Seabury, Bp. and the Congregationalists of Mas-
versy ; History of our Blessed Lord, with Pic sachusetts, 15.
tures; Lillian Arundel ; Popular Tales and Le Seged, the life of, 179.
gends; Elements of Knowledge; Paget's Pageant; || Sir Fiducio, the knight of the Ruby Cross, 154.
Heald's Visitation Sermon ; Bellair's Tales of
the Town; Hook on Mutual Forbearance; Se The system provided for Christians in the Church,
lections from Bp. Wilson ; Churton's Holy Por 235.
tion of the Land-213.

The wine of Chios, 259.
OCTOBER—Archdn. R. I. Wilberforce's Charge; Tithes and free-will offerings, 249.
Wesley's Sermon on the Ministerial Office--237.

NOVEMBER-Eastern Romance ; Legends and || Unbaptised Sceptic, the, a true story, 85.
Traditions; Paget's Tract upon Tombstones; Village Feasts, 148.
Remarks upon the Book of Psalms; Blunt on
the Romish Heresy; Devotions for the Sick Wiclif, life of, 133, 150.

Winter, 30.
DECEMBER-Select pieces from Wordsworth; || Woking.common, 65.
Watson's Churchman's Evenings at Home; Com. || Wood, S. F., the late, 163.
panion to Church Services ; Wordsworth's Theo-
philus Anglicanus; Sacred History; Poor An || Yeomen, the two, a tale, 97.

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- Dearest mother ..:::::
The mean thy praise and glory is,

And long may be!
Blessed be God, whose love it was
To double moat thee with his grace,

And none but thee !
Chertsey, in Surrey, the place where he
was born on the 18th of August, A.D. 1605, is
not only memorable as the birthplace of Ham-
mond, but as being a spot of British ground
on which Julius Cæsar trod when he invaded
our island; and in after-ages for having been
the scene of St. Wilfred's labours; and af-
forded " a little earth for charity,” for the
burial of the equally pious and unfortunate
king, Henry VI.

He was born to the richest of all inheritances-learned and pious parents. His father

was professor of Greek in the University of THE LIFE OF DR. HENRY HAMMOND.

Cambridge, and physician to Prince Henry,

brother of Charles I. His mother, a woman " THE whole earth is the sepulchre of the of ancient virtue, was a descendant of that brave," exclaimed a great Athenian general, ll well-known worthy of the English Church, when, on a memorable occasion, he wished to Alexander Nowell, “ a man,” to borrow good dignify the death of those who had fallen in Izaak Walton's description of him, “that on the battle-field, and to animate the courage the reformation of Queen Elizabeth, not that of the living warriors that followed his stand- of Henry VIII., was so noted for his meek ard; and no doubt the sentiment, though | spirit, deep learning, prudence, and piety, more figurative than real, was well calculated that the then parliament and convocation to accomplish both these ends. Without any both chose, enjoined, and trusted him to be metaphor, however, may it be said, that the the man to make a catechism for public use, holy Church throughout all the world is the such a one as should stand as a rule for faith Christian soldier's burial-place; and though and manners to their posterity." they who die or suffer for Christ's sake look The regard in which his father was held by for a higher recompense of reward than man the prince must have been great, as he stood can bestow, yet, next to the heavenly prize sponsor for young Hammond, who, in meof their high calling, the thought of having | miory of the honour thus conferred upon him, a recess of sympathy and reverence in every was nanied after his royal godfather. Christian heart, of every clime and age, may He acquired the rudiments of his learning not unworthily nerve the spirit of the mar- | in the best of all schools—his father's house; tyr or confessor in his afflictions of death or and so rapid was the progress of the young bonds. Thus wlierever the name of “ the scholar, that when, at the age of seven, and most learned, most judicious, most pious Dr. | yet in long-coats, he was removed to Eton, Hammond” is known, it is devoutly blessed he had made considerable advance in Latin, by all catholic Christians. And well may Greek, and Hebrew. Such a prodigy of English Churchmen render thanks to God for || learning, Hebrew being then little studied, having cast their lot in that portion of His | soon attracted the notice of his superiors; vineyard which, as it afforded ample scope and Mr. Allen, one of the fellows of Eton, for Hammond's piety, self-denial, zeal, and I and almost the co-editor with Sir Henry Safortitude, may surely satisfy for theirs. ll vile of St. Chrysostom, voluntarily superinNo. XXV.



tended his Greek studies. Nor was Ham- || many years his senior, commenced here; as did mond's sweetness of disposition and piety less | also his acquaintance with Hyde, the future

early developed than his intellectual supe- || historian, who was of the saine college, and · riority. In the contentions of his school- ll graduated in the year 1625. Nor is it likely fellows he never took any part; and even in that Lord Falkland's hospitable mansion at play-hours lie was known frequently to steal || Great Tew,-"a college secluded in a purer away to some place of retirement, wliere he || air,”-open to all the eminent scliolars of that miglit pray and meditate alone. This love of | age, would be closed against Henry Hamretirement, and want of sympathy in the pur- || mond, among the most distinguished of them suits of bis equals in years, excited the fears || all. This supposition is confirmed by Hamof Mr. Bush, the provost of Eton, as if augur- || mond having, after the fall of this unparalleled ing stupidity, and likely to " end only in a || lord, defended one of his theological treatises laborious, well-read non-proficiency.” But his against the attacks of the Romanists. fears were unfounded, for at the age of thirteen | It was a circumstance apparently accidental he was pronounced fit for the university. li that removed him from the thoughtful privacy

In the year 1618, therefore, he proceeded || of academic life. Two or three years after his to St. Mary Magdalene College, Oxford ; and | admission to holy orders (1629), Dr. Frewin, so far was he advanced beyond the boys of then the president of Magdalene, and subsehis year, that eight bachelors are said to have) quently Archbishop of York, had so high an become his pupils in Greek, and four masters opinion of Hammond's attainments and virin Hebrew. Besides these pupils, his superior || tues, that he deputed him (1633) to supply -indeed, for one so young, his wonderful-- || his place as king's chaplain, and preach beattainments, gained him a demy about a year fore the court. It happened that the Earl of after his entrance, and eventually a fellow- || Leicester was one of the auditors on that ocship. In 1622 he attained his first degree; casion; and so struck was he at the powers of and just before he took his master's, at the || the preacher, that though a perfect stranger, early age of twenty, he was appointed lec- || he offered him the vacant living of Penghurst, turer of natural philosophy in his college ; and || Kent, of which the earl was patron. This two years afterwards, was selected to pro- || gratifying offer was accepted, and he was innounce the funeral oration on the death of ducted into the rectory the ensuing August. the deserving president, Dr. Langton.

It was a happy day for Penshurst,-now Having graduated in arts, he determined to | dearer to English Churchmen for the sake of commence the study of theology preparatory || Hammond than from its connexion with the to receiving, at the canonical age, holy orders. || accomplished Sidney,-it was a happy day for Fortunately, however, he did not carry his | Pensliurst when he became its rector. He soon intention into immediate execution ; for, had | confuted the too common fallacy, that men of he done so, he would have fallen into the too studious habits and profound attainments are common error of that age, and devoted him- | unfitted for the duties of a parish priest. Never self to the study of popular systems of theo- || was any man more indefatigable in the dislogy, culled from the writings of the foreign charge of those duties than Hammond. He reformers. It was well, therefore, that he || was far too conscientions to allow his studies thought fit to pursue those secular studies a | to interfere with the more sacred labours of little longer, of his proficiency and powers in || preaching, catechising, visiting the sick, rewhich he has left such abundant evidence in lieving the poor, and the daily performance of the indexes still remaining, which he prefixed | public worship. The manner in which he disto every work of eminence in philosophy and charged these several duties is very interestclassical literature. Meanwhile his views as ing. In the preparation of his sermons,—not to the course to be adopted in the study of the shallow, indigested effusions of extemporadivinity underwent a salutary change. Re-|| neous eloquence, -he bestowed much thought nouncing the systems of Luther and Calvin, l) and labour. For no sooner had he delivered he applied himself, in conformity with a royal | his sermon on one Lord's day than he fixed injunction issued a few years before, to the upon the subject for that of the next. Hence study of such books as were most agreeable || he made his whole week's reading auxiliary in doctrine and discipline to the Church of|| to that end; as he always found something in England, and to the fathers and councils, his studies which bore upon the subject he schoolmen, histories, and controversies. This, I had in hand. So useful did he find this meof course, is tlie only foundation on which a | thod, that lie was wont to recommend it to the superstructure of catholic theology may be | young clergy of his acquaintance; and none, erected ; and some idea of his diligence may || it is presumed, ever adopted it who have not be formed, from the fact of his studies usually || found the advantage of it, occupying thirteen hours of each day. | It must not, however, be imagined that

Of Haminond's contemporaries and friends | preaching and the preparation of lis sermons at Oxford little is known. Probably his friend- || comprised the whole of his ministerial labours. ship with JeremyTaylorand Sanderson, though || He well knew, that though preaching taught his parishioners how to worship God, prayer || time in attending market, as well as the exwas the worship of God itself, and therefore Il pense of porteraye, he was accustomed to more characteristic of the priest's office than buy large quantities of corn, which lie rethe former. Hence, while he preached one day tailed to them far below the cost-price. His in the week, he, with the assistance of a cu moderation in collecting tithes, also, was very rate, to whom he allowed a comfortable salary, commendable, and much more worthy of imicelebrated public prayer once daily, and twice tation than the very questionable, if not ab. on festivals and other eves, as well as Satur solutely unscriptural, plan ofcommuting them, days. At these services his own household || now enforced upon the clergy. It happened was always present; knowing that it was in l on one occasion that, after he had received vain to urge the adoption of such a custom || part of the tithe due to him upon a large meawhile those under his immediate rule were dow, the crops were much damaged by a violating it. At this time his excellent mother | flood. When, therefore, the tenant came to superintended his domestic affairs. On first pay the remainder of the tithe, the generous going to Penshurst, he had formed, in com rector not only refused to receive it, but repliance with the wishes of his friends, a reso turned the former payment, at the same time lution of marrying; but finding that the lady ll observing, “ God forbid that I should take whom he would have chosen was likely to be the tenth, when you have not the nine parts.” wooed by one of higher rank and fortune than | In every parislı, however, there are many to himself, he generously forbore pressing his suit. || whom loans are more beneficial than gifts. When his mother became old and infirm, he || Hence llammond lent sums of money which again turned his thoughts to matrimony; but he was willing to receive, without interest, at the aspect of the times seemed to render the such times and in such proportions as might apostle's injunction obligatory ; so he re. || be most convenient to the borrower. Good nounced the idea, and never entertained it advice as to making a right use of them, and afterwards.

prayer to God for a blessing upon them, alIn the parish of Penshurst he found the || ways accompanied these loans. Indeed, the celebration of the holy communion sadly in- | advice which he gave to his friends of estate frequent. He therefore approximated in some l and quality in reference to the poor, he cardegree to the intentions of the Church by ad- || ried out most completely himself, -" To treat ministering the sacrament monthly. Soine || their poor neighbours with such a cheerfulnotion of the number of the cominunicants | ness that they may be glad to have met with may be formed from the fact, that the alms them.” Though his time was to him far more collected at the offertory were sufficient, I precious than his money, he was equally linot only to relieve the poor of the parish, | beral of either whenever the poor required thereby rendering a parochial rate for that | them. And while he would often deny himself purpose unnecessary, but also to form a fund | necessary recreation and the society of his for apprenticing the children of indigent pa- l equals, in order to enjoy his beloved studies, rents to some honest trade. And even then | never was he known to send away a poor a surplus remained, which was distributed | parishioner who wished to speak with him. among neighbouring parishes for like pur Their call he was always ready cheerfully to poses. How melancholy it is to know, that obey. Not that lie was neglectful of the hosthis ancient and prescribed mode of collect pitable entertainment of his richer neighbours. ing alms for the poor, and other charitable || Knowing how social intercourse of this kind purposes, has too generally given way to col would endear them to his person, and how lections made during psalmody, after the ex powerful the endearing of his person would citing appeals of popular preachers! Surely be to recominending his instructions, he often, the Church's way is the more Christian, which chiefly on Sundays and the Christinas festival, leads us to offer our gifts to God, and not to called them round his frugal, yet hospitable man, however eloquent he may be. Besides, | board. To modern ears it may sound strange it is well known to be the most successful way that such entertainments should have been also ; and it would seem as if God increased reserved for Sundays, which is too generally the gift, as well as accepted and sanctified it, the only day set apart for religious wor

But he did not allow the charity of others ship now-a-days. Probably, if we were to be any substitute for the exercise of his own. I to adopt Hammond's practice, and humble Besides devoting a tenth of his income to cha our souls with fasting on those days which ritable purposes, he set apart a certain sum | the Church enjoins, we should, like him, weekly as a fund for distributing daily alıns. || consider that we might best call in friends Moreover, in order to save his poorer parish and neighbours to rejoice on those days which ioners the trouble, and consequent loss of the Church has set apart as festivals for

1 Mr. Markland, in the Appendix to his “ Remarks on || Christian joyfulness. Besides, Hammond's English Churches," has satisfactorily proved, that collec- || dinner-parties were not like those of our day; tions made at the offertory are much greater than those

| and the Sunday-entertainments in the rectory made elsewhere. So true is it that obedience, like honesty, is the best policy.

ll of Penshurst were at once plain, wholesome,

and unostentatious. Nothing disgusted him as hypocrisy cannot be its own reward, we may, more, it is said, than a luxurious feeder; and without hesitation, determine that his heart he could not understand how any man could is pure.” This important truth is well ileat except for the sake of sustaining life. Ac lustrated by the private life of the rector of cordingly his own time of eating was once in Penshurst. His abstemiousness in eating, and twenty-four hours, and on fast-days, once in | his secret fastings, have been already noticed. twenty-six. There was, indeed, nothing that He was equally temperate in sleep, seldom he exercised more restraint over than his ap- || being in bed before midnight, and not unfrepetite; and the reason which he gave for carv- | quently out of it at four in the morning. His ing for his guests was, that the occupation industry is sufficiently evidenced by the nummight prevent him eating overmuch.

ber and laboriousness of his writings still reBeing a minister of peace, he not only en- || maining to us. One nay easily conceive that de voured to live peaceably among all men, he abhorred idleness. The idle man's brain, but to promote the same blessed end among || he was wont to say, is not only the devil's others; and never was be at peace with him shop, but his kingdom 100-a model of, and self till he had procured it among any of his appendage to, hell--a place given up to torparishioners who might be at variance.

ment and mischief. Hence there was no moThe young also were the especial objects of ment of the day which had not with him its his solicitude; and so important a part of his appointed duty. Even during his walks, his duties did he consider the religious training book was his most general companion ; and of the lambs of his flock, that, besides cate while dressing and undressing in his chamber, chising them balf an hour before evening his servant read aloud to him. Nor did he prayer, during the summer months, in church, permit ordinary sickness, to which, in the he hired an able schoolmaster to carry out form of acute attacks of gout and stone, he his instructions during the week. His cate I was much subject, to interrupt his studies. chetical exercises were attended by old as And yet, with all his devotedness to his books, well as young; and it was a common remark | prayer was the grand occupation of his lifeamong the parishioners, that they gained more he studied upon his knees. good from them than from his sermons. The Such was the beauty of the daily life, public groundwork of these instructions was, of and private, of the rector of Penshurst. Seekcourse, that inimitable forniulary, the Church | ing no commendation but the favour of the Catechism, expanded and illustrated by ques. God he served, and that of his own conscience, tions of his own, and which, as will be seen, and having no other object at heart than the he afterwards put together, and published | good of the people committed to his charge, under the title of a Practical Catechism. he shunned rather than courted public obser

While the good rector of Penshurst was vation or popular favour. In his mind there thus solicitous of the spiritual welfare of his was no honour equal to offering the daily saflock, he was not neglectful of the material crifice of praise and prayer to God in his holy edifices committed to his preservation. By | temple--no occupation at once so honourable the annual expenditure of 1001.,-a consider- and agreeable as relieving Christ's poor, inable sum in those days,--he transformed his structing the ignorant, visiting the sick, and pa sonage from a ruinous hovel to a neat, cheering the departing spirit in that awful modest mansion, with suitable gardens and hour orchards, the produce of which, it will readily “When earth recedes, and forth the spirit soars be believed, was not confined to the rector's

To ever calm, or ever boisterous shores.” own use. Nor can we suppose that he, who But the brilliancy of virtues like his was thought it a duty to restore and preserve in not likely to be confined within the little vilrepair his own dwelling, would suffer God's lage of Penshurst. And however personally house to fall into decay, or to lack any of ungrateful to him, he never shrank from the those decencies or ornaments which become discharge of duties in a more public sphere, the palace of the King of kings.

when they were fairly urged upon him. Thus So much for Hammond's discharge of his pa he was frequently suminoned by the Bishop rochial duties. Let us now follow him to the l of London to preach at St. Paul's Cross, à privacy of his own home; “ for there it is,” as | pulpit of wood, which stood in the open air Dr. Johnson truly observes, “that a man mụst | in St. Paul's Churchyard, mounted on stone be known by those wlio would make a just || steps, and covered with a canopy of lead. Of estimate either of his virtue or felicity. If all the effect produced by his discourses on these man carries virtue with him into his private | occasions a curious instance is preserved. apartments,—if we trace him through the round | When once preaching on the duty and blessof his time, and find that his character, with | edness of almsgiving, he made so deep an imthose allowances which mortal frailty must pression upon Dr. Potter, subsequently Dean always want, is uniform and regular,—we bave of Worcester, who was one of his hearers, that all the evidence of his sincerity that one man || he became a remarkable instance of bountifulcan have with regard to another; and, indeed, || ness to the poor. Some years afterwards a

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