as being congenial to the natural man. Let me | neral is best learned from a dead language; for the ask but one question, which I am better pleased Il pupil cannot advance a step there without having to propose than to answer: As far as the lower // recourse to principles and rules. Besides, Latin is orders can be said yet to have and to support a /a more regular and systematic tongue than our literature of their own, what is it? We must be own; nor will any scholar deny, that it is a great upon our guard here. We are doing comparatively advantage at the least, from the very outset, to be nothing, and perhaps worse than nothing, except | able to compare two languages together. It has we give them the power, and cultivate the taste, to been objected, that an adult will never acquire more read the standard works of our language-the best | than a smattering of Latin or Greek (it will be English classics in prose or poetry; books calcu- ll your faults, not mine, if you do not advance beyond lated not only to increase the information and ex- that); still, even a smaltering of those languages ercise the understanding, but also to improve the I may contain a considerable quantity of real English taste and elevate the imagination. Such being |etymology. A simple knowledge of the accidence, our aim, we must train them at school to a tho- || including little more than the declension of nouns rough knowledge of English, so that they may be || and the conjugation of verbs, together with a few able, as far as language is concerned, to read with rules not usually foundin grammars for the formation as much intelligence as fluency, not only hard l of one part of speech from another, will enable you words, but also logical periods in prose, or inverted to explain the derivation of words with a degree of sentences in poetry. If we mean to influence the || intelligence and satisfaction to which the merely whole of the future man, poetry is as useful in its English scholar is a stranger. To mention one effect upon the imagination and the feelings, and instance out of a thousand, which would appear through them on the will and conscience, as prose strange and puzzling to a person altogether ignorin its more direct appeal to the understanding and ant of Latin, you will soon see how the term oblathe reason. In teaching to read, we may to advan tions,' in the Communion Service, is as directly tage borrow Lord Strafford's motto, “Less than connected with the offertory' as the term • offer. thorough will not do it." Let it, then, be your ear ings' itself. And you will then have little or no nest endeavour to give your pupils the power and difficulty with cognate letters or the interchange of the taste to read in the only proper sense of the vowels, and as readily fall into the contractions word, to read English; by the help of grammar and other euphonic variations. Without meaning and etymology, and all other means and appliances, to disparage unfairly other branches of knowledge, to read English with ease, and intelligence, and I am persuaded that you cannot turn your leisure pleasure. You will thus enable them to derive hours to better account, either for yourselves or sound instruction and hallowing influences from your schools, than by the diligent study of Latin ; the Bible and other good books at home, and from || not that, however, you are to consider yourselves the sermons and every thing they hear in God's exempted on this account from the study of Enhouse. In a word, you will thus, in what is now glish grammar. too often looked upon as a mere secular part of education, be carrying out most effectually our ON CHRIST'S PRESENCE IN THE SACRAgrand principle, of making the school a nursery for the Church. MENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. The first step, however, and a most necessary It is very evident that there is in these days one, towards the general introduction of this sub much ignorance respecting Christian doctrines; ject-if it should not rather (as giving a new direc and perhaps none is more misunderstood than tion to the whole course) be called method of in- | that of the sacraments. A loose, semi-Socinian struction - is, that the masters should have the notion prevails very generally, not only among opportunity, which they have never hitherto en- || sectaries, but, it is to be feared, is entertained joyed, of acquiring the rudiments, at least, of a || by too many of the members of the Church. classical education for themselves. For, though The Lord's supper is either considered to hold the children may learn enough of grammar for the same position, as a means of grace, as pretheir purpose from their mother tongue, and need aching; or, if allowed to be superior in efficacy, not know the prefixes, and roots, and affixes in any | to be so only on account of its affording ai more other light than as component parts of English || lively representation of that which it sets forth; words, it is most desirable, if not absolutely requi- || and consequently being more affecting to the site, that the masters should go far beyond this. | mind and feelings, it is held to be a more solemn To say nothing of the irksomeness, to a man, of ordinance than the other parts of divine worshipteaching up to the extreme point of his own know- and that seems all. While those who contend that ledge, and of having perhaps to acquire at night | it is something more--that there is, as the Church what he will have to communicate on the morrow, || teaches, a real spiritual presence of Christ in the he will, in all probability, make sad work of etymo eucharist, “ the more real that it is spiritual;" logy, if not of grammar, without some acquaintance that in it he is more peculiarly communicated to with Latin. And it is a question, whether it will faithful recipients, — are accused of Romanising, not in the long-run be the easiest and most expe and charged with holding, implicitly if not expli. ditious, as well as most effectual method, to begin | citly, the comparatively modern dogma of transubat once with the Latin grammar. It is not merely |stantiation. For the benefit, however, of those who that we are indebted for the more difficult terms, Il cannot hear of the “real spiritual presence" withif not for the greater portion of our vocabulary, to out reverting to transubstantiation, and to their the Romans, whose language, though called dead, great grief and just indignation) charging thuse still lives and breathes in almost every European | who maintain this sound Church doctrine with dialect; but also that the theory of language in ge- || popery--we shall here produce the opinions of men who cannot possibly be accused of holding the || and blood of Christ; because that every man by popish doctrine of the eucharist, since they went || receiving bodily that bread and wine, spiritually to the stake in consequence of their refusal to ac- || receiveth the body and blood of Christ, and is made knowledge it. The following extracts from the |partaker thereby of the merits of Christ's passion." confession of Cranmer, Latimer, and Ridley, when | The holy office which the bread beareth, that is, arraigned at Oxford before a commission appointed to be a figure of Christ's body; and not only a true to inquire into their heresies, we give without note figure, but effectually to represent the same.” “In or comment-for they require none ; simply re- || the sacrament the worthy receiver receiveth the marking, that few modern advocates of the “real | very body of Christ, and drinketh his blood by presence," suspected as they are of Romanising in spirit and grace." And with these, does not the this article of the Lord's supper, would express doctrine of our Church agree? “ Then" (in the themselves more strongly :-" His true body is | Lord's supper) “we spiritually eat the flesh of truly present" (in the eucharist) “to them that | Christ, and drink his blood.” “The body and truly receive him ; but spiritually." " I say and blood of Christ, which are verily and indeed taken agree with the Church, that the body of Christ is and received by the faithful in the Lord's supper." in the sacrament effectually, because the passion | “ Sacraments are effectual signs of grace." "" To of Christ is effectual" (Cranmer). Ridley, after || such as rightly, worthily, and with faith receive making a confession of his faith on this subject in the same, the bread which we break is a partaking the words of many of the fathers, from Cyprian to of the body of Christ, and the cup of blessing is a Bertram (who wrote in the ninth century against I partaking of the blood of Christ." Radbertus, who asserted the carnal presence of Christ in the eucharist), says, “ But of these it may clearly appear unto all men how far we are Poetry. from that opinion, whereof some go about falsely PSALM 137. to slander us to the world, saying, we teach that the goodly and faithful should receive nothing else Where Babel's streams meand'ring flow, at the Lord's table but a figure of the body of We pensive seek a cool retreat ; Christ.” “ To the right celebration of the Lord's And there give vent to speechless woe, supper, there is no other presence of Christ re Revolving Sion's hapless fate. quired than a spiritual presence; and this presence is sufficient for Christian men as a presence by No more doth music sooth our cares; which we abide in Christ, and Christ abideth in Our harps, neglected and unstrung, us, to the obtaining of eternal life, if we persevere. Refuse to give their wonted airs, And this same presence may be called most fitly a real presence; that is, a presence not feigned, but All silent on the willows hung. a true and faithful presence ; which thing I here If I forget thy fallen state, rehearse, lest some sycophant or scorner should Jerusalem, my heart's desire, suppose me, with the anabaptists, to make nothing else of the sacrament but a naked and bare sign." Mute be my tongue, my hand forget “I affirming in that sacrament to be truly and Her skill to strike the sounding lyre. verily the body and blood of Christ, effectuously Far from our much-lov'd native soil, by grace and spirit” (Sermon at Paul's Cross, referred to during his examination). “For if you Can we resume the cheerful lay? take really for verè, for spiritually by grace and Can rugged bondage wear a smile, efficacy, then it is true that the natural body and Or ever-wasting grief be gay? blood of Christ is in the sacrament, verè et realiter, in deed and really" (examination in 1555). “Both Lov'd Zion! much lamented name! you (bishop of Lincoln, one of the commission) and Th’ Avenger soon thy foes shall smite I agree herein, that in the sacrament is the true E'en to the dust, in endless shame, and natural body of Christ, even that which was And thus our mighty wrongs requite. born of the Virgin Mary; only we differ in modo, in the way and manner of being. I confess Christ's Proud Babel, tremble at thy doom ! natural body to be in the sacrament indeed by spirit Let Edom feel the wrath of Heav'n! and grace : because that whosoever receiveth wor Thy sons led captive far from home, thily that bread and wine, receiveth effectually To mother's plaint no pity given ! Christ's body and drinketh his blood; that is, he is made effectual partaker of his passion.” “In G. W. D. the sacrament is a certain change, in that that bread, which was before common bread, is now made a lively representation of Christ's body; and Notices of Books. not only a figure, but effectuously representeth his A Companion for the Penitent, and for Persons body; that even as the mortal body was nourished || troubled in Mind, by the Rev. John Kettlewell, the by that visible bread, so is the internal soul fed with friend of Nelson and Bishop Ken, is a little work the heavenly food of Christ's body. Such a sacra which is better suited than any we are acquainted mental mutation I grant to be in the bread and with for the godly sorrowful. It was written by wine: which truly is no small change ; but such as I “ Coleshill's saint,” as the heavenly minded writer no mortal man can make, but only that omnipo- | has well been called, after he had left his parish in tency of Christ's word.” Hear Latimer:-"In || the troublous times of the revolution. Prefixed the sacrament by spirit and grace is the very body to the work is a beautiful and touching address to his parishioners, in which is a word of exhortation and without any acrimony or bitterness of spirit. which all of us would do well to follow. “ Learn ha- Tillotson used to say, and if he had always spoken bitually," says the writer, “ to breathe these thoughts, as well and wisely he would have been a greater and daily to live by them; and by this means you favourite with us, “ that a man is neyer angry with may both perfect the work of your repentance, and his adversary except for want of a better argu. preserve the peace of your consciences, which are ment." And perhaps nothing has more damaged The greatest and most concerning things you have the cause of orthodoxy against the Romanists than to mind; and the chief things which I earnestly || the intemperate and unchristian spirit with which pray that you would, and hope that you will, mind || their errors have been assailed. The abuse of a all the days of your lives." thing, however, is no argument against its use ; and we are persuaded that it will not only be useMr. Parkinson's Assize Sermon, On the true ful, but absolutely necessary, to meet the present Equality of Mankind (Rivingtons), is an able and popular movement of the Romish press. Of course important discourse, inasmuch as it shews that the Milner, and Challoner, and Bossuet, and all the Church is the only instrument for producing peace, Romish writers who have maintained their novelharmony, and genuine independence among men. isms against the decisions of the Catholic Church, Indeed, all the outbreaks of the Chartists, Social have been again and again worsted by our divines; but these answers, though answerless, are for the ists, and other fanatical and seditious incendiaries, are so many cravings after that unity which the most part more for theologians than laymen, and Church alone can supply. The sermon before us scarcely at all for the vulgar and illiterate. What shews this most clearly. we want is a plain and intelligible answer to the works now under review, printed in a cheap and attractive form, and written, as we have before Mr. Leger's Sermon, On the Daily Service of the observed, in a calm and Christian spirit. We m Church (Longman), is an earnest and eloquent ap throw out the hint, and leave abler hands to supply peal for the observance of the rubric in this parti the desideratum. The work, however, is not one cular. of much difficulty to those acquainted with the | writings of Andrewes, Hammond, Laud, Barrow, Devotions for the Morning and Evening of every || indeed of any of our greatest divines, against the Day in the Week (Burns), is a compilation chiefly Romanists. from the Devotions of that "peerless prelate," Bishop Andrewes, the great light of the Christian A Tract on Fasting, by the Rev. J. Clark, inworld, as Laud pronounced him to be. They are of cumbent of Hunslet, Leeds (Harrison), enforces the course most excellent, and we think the compilation || observance of the sacred duty on which it treat likely to promote a habit of regular and stated || a very thoughtful and satisfactory manner. prayer, which is sadly uncommon among all classes of Christians. Miscellaneous. New, cheap, and uniform editions of the best [Ro Church Unity: the only sure preservative of man] Catholic publications, with appropriate embellish Christian Charity. A passage from the History of ments designed by that eminent artist Pugin, printed Florence. “Know ye Dino Compagni, the Gonand sold by Thomas Richardson and Son, 'Derby. faloniere of Florence ?" said Marco. “He," reWe have often put our readers on their guard plied Accursius, “who, as it is bruited, intends against the publications of the Protestant dissent to write the history of the republic ?” “The same," ers in this kingdom: it is now our duty to warn said Marco; "and the story which I shall tell them against a project which has recently been you, as succinctly as possible, will perhaps be in. established at Derby and other places, for dissemi serted by the Gonfaloniere in the pages of his nating the erroneous views of the Romish dis- | chronicle. Look for it there, should he complete senters, through the medium of a cheap and popular and nonular | the useful work in which he is engaged.” “But a literature. Many of the most fallacious and danger- || little while ago, when the fury of the Bianchi and ous of the works of the Romish writers, such as the Neri ran so bigh upon the expected intervenMilner's End of Controversy, Butler's Life of the Saints, tion of Charles of Valois, there came,-as Dino Challoner's Meditations, Milner's Letters to a Prebend. | said, -into his mind, a good and holy thought.' ary, The Garden of the Soul, may be obtained, as well Summoning, by virtue of his office, a general assemas devotional pieces and catechisms, at a price vary bly of the citizens in the baptistery of Saint John, ing from a shilling to a halfpenny. These works are, || where every Florentine is christ where every Florentine is christened, he there generally speaking, attractively got up, and in many urged the people to peace, | urged the people to peace and concord. How could instances soften down or explain away the more I they, -he asked them,--all brethren of one state. repulsive dogmas of popery. As they pretend, also, joint owners of one nob I joint owners of one noble city, and who had all beto be set forth “by lawful authority," and announce neath that dome received the seal of Baptism, thus on the title-page that they are printed for the Ca live in perpetual hostility ? Upon that holy font tholic Book-Society, it is not impossible that men which stood before them, and in which they had all who think no ill where no ill seems, may purchase been adopted as the children of one common Father, the works as being orthodox, and thus imbibe their he besought them to swear that they would fulfil poison before they are aware of it. It is chiefly on the pledge of love and charity. Melting into tears, this account that we now put our readers on their they unanimously gave the promise which he reguard against them ; at the same time we venture quired, and promised to put aside their enmity for to suggest, that no time should be lost in circulat 1 From "The Merchant and the Friar," by Sir Francis ing answers to them, written in a popular style, || Palgrave, p, 255. ever.” Florence will, I fear, soon forget her vows. Il distributed in this parish, and some others in BuckBut the argument employed by the Gonfaloniere inghamshire, as directed by the late Philip Lord contains the only principles upon which government Wharton. She lamented that her memory was not can be securely founded. Without neglecting, as now sufficiently retentive to enable her to meditate collateral inducements, to insist upon the temporal | during the night on what she read by day; but deblessings which Providence always confers upon clared that she could readily call to mind these those who faithfully seek the path of peace; still, lessons of her youth, and receive comfort from the only mode of ensuring our continuance in them them. Surely the Spirit of God dwelt “ richly" is by looking to the example, and following the in the preacher, “ with all wisdom,” when he said, precepts, of the Shepherd of mankind. " In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evenTREATMENT OF THE Book of COMMON PRAYER ing withhold not thine hand; for thou knowest not BY A DissenTER.--The following are extracts from whether shall prosper, this or that, or whether they a speech made by W. H. Bonner, Baptist preacher Il both shall be alike good.”-Book of Anecdotes. in Wood-street meeting-house, Bilston, at a meet The BISHOP OF EXETER ON THE WEEKLY USE ing on the 25th ult., in the Independent conventi- || OF THE OFFERTORY, FROM A LETTER TO HIS cle, Bilston, to take into consideration the educa || CLERGY.—To a revival of one, and not the least tion-clauses of the Factory Bill, &c. Mr. Robert || effectual (under God's blessing) of all its means of Bew, a Wesleyan, in the chair :-Mr. Bonner said | spiritual and temporal usefulness, I now invite you. -The education-clauses of the bill we are met to | But in order that it may be indeed effectual, teach discuss to-night require the children to be taught || your people to know and feel what the offertory the Church Catechism. He would make a quo- was designed to be-a means of discharging one of tation from the same :-" to order myself lowly and the most sacred duties, and of exercising, I had reverently to all my betters.” “Why," said he, l, almost said, the highest privilege of Christians “ I have not a better' in all the world, and all | the duty and the privilege of “ giving to God of his men are my equals." He then proceeded-“This own." Teach them that this is a duty which is alike book I have in my hand is the Book of Common || bound on the conscience of all to perform-a priPrayer; and common enough, indeed, to wipe my vilege which is alike and equally within the ability feet upon it.” He then threw it on the floor, and of all to exercise - that the poorest can give to rubbed his feet upon it. He took it up again, and God as much as the richest, if he give from the then threw it down again, and held his foot upon | heart. In truth, it is among the most obvious as it for some minutes. He produced a Bible, and well as greatest benefits of such an usage, that it set the Bible against the Prayer Book, and quoted, tends largely to excite and to invigorate the feelings “The rich and the poor meet together, and the which most become a Christian. It makes every Lord is the Maker of them all.” He then said, || worshipper of Christ feel that the love of manaddressing the chairman, “ If you will allow me, I evinced in providing for the spiritual as well as temwill take it up again; it is a pity the poor thing poral wants of man-is a necessary accompaniment should lie there." He took it up and made a quo of the worship of God, if that worship be " in spirit tation from the 19th Article: “ The visible Church and in truth.” It gives an opportunity of strengthof Christ is a congregation of faithful men.” “Some ening this feeling, by at once acting on it, free from one below would say it was the bricks and mortar." the alloy of worldly motivemof vanity and ostentaHe then referred to the 20th Article, “The Church tion: thus directly fulfilling St. Paul's directionhath power to decree its rites and ceremonies." “ He that giveth, let him do it with simplicity." He inferred that the article contradicted the former; It is, besides, continually recurring; continually, for if one of the congregation were to ask Mr. therefore, impressing on us the lesson-which canFletcher (meaning the incumbent of St. Leonard's) not be impressed too deeply—“ Freely ye have to read King James's Book of Sports, he would received, freely give." It accords, too, with that say he could not; and he has no power to leave sober-mindedness which the apostle was at all out the reading of the Lord's Prayer once, though times anxious to inculcate on those to whom he it be read half-a-dozen times in the Morning Ser wrote; knowing that their very piety, much more vice. Mr. Bonner said at the conclusion of his their “ liberality," is too apt to degenerate into speech, that no Churchman ever taught children, heat and intemperance. It fosters not, in short,nor took any interest in educating them, except no, nor does it admit,--any of that unholy excitethey were incited to do so by the “ragamuffin dis ment which the bustle and tumult of meetings, and senters.” consultations, and advocatings of the best and hoEARLY RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. — During the || liest causes can scarcely fail to create. It enables illness of a parishioner (says a clergyman) I had | almost every man among us to bear his part in the many opportunities of seeing her, and I visited her | common concerns of the Church, and thus makes for the last time on the evening before her death. || him feel that he is a Churchman-feel that ChurchAfter some conversation, I commenced reading to membership is not merely a profession, but a bond her, as a prayer, one of the Psalms, when she im of union, and a principle of united action. As a mediately exclaimed, “ Excuse my interrupting mode of almsgiving,' it will supply a fund by which you, sir; that Psalm is the twenty-fifth.” I di- || many of the most distressing cases under the operected her attention, for the present, rather to the ration (whether necessary or not) of the New Poor matter of the Psalm than its order; but before Law may be relieved. It will thus assist in preleaving her, I inquired how it was she remem- || serving the parochial connexion of our people, and bered so accurately that it was the twenty-fifth ? in keeping alive the precious sympathies of neighShe told me, in reply, that many years ago she bourhood, which it is the undeniable tendency of was obliged to learn this Psalm, with a few others, || this law (whatever compensation it may carry with before she could receive one of the Bibles annually | it) to destroy. Intelligence. the 43d George III. c. 108, which repeals the Sta tute of Mortmain as to the gifts of sums not exceedA ROMAN CATHOLIC BALL.-The following hand-lling 5001., or of land to the extent of five acres. bill appears on the walls in the neighbourhood of || They prayed, with the concurrence of the residuary Moorfields :-" The Twenty-first Tea-party and legatees, and all parties interested, that the bequest Ball, in aid of the Schools of the Catholic Society might be reduced to the amount of 5001. The Lord of St. Ann and St. Paul (5 Albion Buildings, Cam Chancellor made the order as prayed, and also bridge Road, Bethnal Green), will take place at the directed, as further prayed, that the costs of the Three Colts Tea Gardens, Grove Street, Hackney, || application should be paid out of the bequest of on Monday, May 15, 1843. The Rev. R. Horrabin || 50001.— There is something so awful in the fact will preside. The Rev. J. Foley and Rev. John || here recorded that we doubt the truth of it. It Moore will be present. Tickets to tea and ball, cannot be that, in a Christian country, what a 1s. 6d. each ; or to the ball, ls.; may be had of, | Christian priest had solemnly dedicated to God &c. &c. N.B. Tea on table at 5 o'clock. Ball to || should be judicially awarded to secular purposes. commence at 7 o'clock. P. and M. Andrews, 3 GOVERNESSES' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. — Duke Street, Little Britain, printers to the Right This institution has three objects in view :-1. To Rev. the Bishop V.A. Lond.” afford assistance, privately and delicately (as in the OLDHAM: FOUNDATION OF THE PARISH-CHURCH || Literary Fund), to English governesses in tempoSchools.-Easter Monday was a proud and happy || rary distress. 2. When a sufficient sum shall have day for Oldham, that day having seen the founda I been accumulated, to grant annuities to governesses tion of day and Sunday-schools in connexion with in their old age. 3. When a sufficient number of the Church. To the munificence of Earl Howe, - | names shall have been furnished, to open a provi. who has, in the most praiseworthy manner, given || dent fund, by which governesses may, by their upwards of an acre of valuable land, worth about || own subscriptions, secure annuities for themselves. 10001., for the site of this building,—the people of || BEQUEST TO THE Welch CHARITY-SCHOOL, &c. Oldham are mainly indebted for the boon. Liberal || - A lady, named Phillips, who died lately at Bou. grants have also been made from the Privy Council || logne. | logne, has bequeathed the sum of 45,0001., in equal Committee of Education, and the National Society; shares, to the four following charities :—St. George's and these, aided by a general subscription amongst Hospital, the Hanwell Lunatic Asylum, the Blind the inhabitants, are expected to raise the requisite Asylum, and the Welch Charity-School in Gray's funds for the buildings, the cost of which will be Inn Road. The latter maintains, clothes, and eduabout 28001. The site is part of an extensive plot cates 200 children, born of Welch parents, having of land, the property of Earl Howe, situate near no parochial settlement in London. to Henshaw Street, and a very short distance from SPIRITUAL DestituTION.-In the Diocese of the parish church. The schools will be erected at Chester, there are 38 parishes or districts in Lanthe end of the ground furthest from High Street: cashire, each with a population exceeding 10,000, they will be well seen in that direction, and will containing an aggregate of 816,600 souls, with present an elegant and interesting appearance. Church room for 97,700, or about one-eighth; The Tudor style of architecture has been adopted. the proportions varying in the different parishes The principal front will be surmounted by a bell from one-sixth to one twenty-third. It is stated tower; immediately below which will appear the that-In the Diocese of York there are 20 parishes armorial bearings of Earl Howe, elegantly wrought or districts, each with a population exceeding in stone. Accommodation will be afforded for 10,000, and with an aggregate of 402,000, while the about 700 children in the principal schools, and Church accommodation is for 48,000; the propor. for 300 in the infants' school. tions varying from one-sixth to one-thirtieth." In CARMARTHEN.-The Lord Bishop of St. David's the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, there are preached an admirable sermon, in the Welsh lan 16 parishes or districts, each having a population guage, on Sunday week, in St. David's church, to above 10,000, the aggregate being 235,000, with probably the most numerous congregation ever as. Church room for about 29,000; the proportions sembled within the walls of a church in the Prin varying from one-sixth to one-fourteenth. cipality. It was estimated that not less than two Dissenter ORDINATION—Mr. Killen was lately thousand persons were present; even the aisles ordained minister of the Presbyterian sect of Comwere thronged with attentive auditors. The beau ber. In the evening about forty dissenting teachers, tiful and sublime service of our Church was read and nearly 800 ladies and gentlemen, gave a soirée by the Rev. D. A. Williams; and the very effective to the newly appointed pastor, when several exchoir of St. David's chanted the Magnificat and cellent and appropriate speeches were delivered. Nunc dimittis in Welsh. His lordship selected for his text the 9th chapter of Mark, and the 49th verse. The accuracy of his lordship's pronuncia NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. tion was extraordinary, and excited the surprise of Will the writer of the first article in this Number be kind enough to leave word with the publisher where the many who had not before heard him preach in the proofs of his succeeding contributions may be forwarded, Welsh language.—Hereford Journal. in order that they may have the benefit of his own correcDR. IRELAND'S WILL.—Mr. Bacon stated that tion. the late Dean of Westminster had given 50001, tn LONDON: the Metropolis Church-Building Fund, to be ex Published by JAMES BURNS, 17 PORTMAN STREET, pended in building a chapel in such convenient | PORTMAN SQUARE; and to be had, by order, of all Book part of Westminster as the Bishop of London should sellers in Town and Country. approve, on the recommendation of the commis PRISTED BY ROBSON, LEVEY, AND FRANKLYN, sioners. Dr. Ireland's executors now referred to GREAT NEW STREET, FETTER LANE. |