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Yet in the sword exists no power

To save a sinking nation, Or stem stern ruin in the hour

Of woe and desolation :By England's Church—that structure grandThat glorious gift of God's right hand, Does England reign, does England stand

On her proud heights unshaken.

The towers of old cathedrals, rear'd

In hope and faith unfailing, Whose aisles a thousand years have heard

The daily prayer prevailing, Are England's forts of sure defence, Her rocks, her treasuries, from whence · The angels of God's grace dispense

A tide of ceaseless blessings.


Up to the throne of God is borne
The voice of praise at early morn,
And he accepts the punctual hymn
Sung as the light of day grows dim.
Nor will he turn his ear aside
From holy offerings at noon-tide ;
Then here reposing let us raise
A song of gratitude and praise.
What though our burden be not light,
We need not toil from morn to night;
The respite of the mid-day hour
Is in the thankful creature's power.
Blest are the moments, doubly blest,
That, drawn from this one hour of rest,
Are with a speedy heart bestow'd
Upon the service of our God !
Look up to heaven! th' industrious sun
Already half his race hath run;
He cannot halt or go astray,
But our immortal spirits may.
Lord ! since his rising in the east,
If we have falter'd or transgress'd,
Guide, from thy love's abundant source,
What yet remains of this day's course.
Help with thy grace through life's short day
Our upward and our downward way;
And glorify for us the west
When we shall sink to final rest.

Her armies are her priests, who wear

The symbol of salvation,
And to the throne of mercy bear

The soul's strong supplication ;
Who stand, and wait, and point the way
Of life divine to them who stray,
And watch and weep, if yet they may

Snatch some from judgment's burning.

Where'er is seen a sainted spire

Through the clear sky ascending, And round the altar's incensed fire

The faithful seed is bending, There lies a path to heaven-a stair Press'd oft by angels, when they bear God's answer to the earnest prayer

Of some meek child of mourning,


Oye, whose hands control the helm

Of empire-by whose guiding The vessel of this mighty realm

On the deep flood is riding,— Look to the Anchor of our might, Our Ark, our Beacon, that her light May gain you grace to steer aright,

Towards Heaven's eternal haven:

Lest in the dark and fearful day,

When powers of ill are reigning,
We have no refuge-rock, no stay,

No God, no hope remaining;
And, our long hour's probation past,
The fire descend, the avenging blast
Sweep o'er our isle, a chaos vast
Of smouldering desolation !

J. J. D. Bath, April 19, 1843.

Notices of Books. The Life of Joseph Addison, by Lucy Aikin (Longman), is, upon the whole, a pleasing piece of biography of a man who will ever hold a distinguished place in English literature. As a politician and statesman, which some of our readers, who know him only as the originator and principal writer of the Spectator, the author of Cato, and other literary productions, may be surprised to hear that he was,- it must be confessed that his · reputation is not great. The same constitutional bashfulness which prevented his talking before strangers at the club, made him a silent member of the House of Commons; and the style of composition which charms in the Spectator becomes apparently affected or insipid in his official documents, as chief secretary of Ireland and secretary of state. The reader, therefore, will have little pleasure in those parts of Miss Aikin's memoir which dwell upon the political character of her subject, especially as she loses no opportunity of representing him as the formidable opponent of what this lady is pleased to nickname "the highchurch party and bigotry" of his time. In this view, therefore, Addison will sink in the estima|tion of all right-minded Englishmen. And one

I See the Bishop of New Jersey's sermon at the con. secration of Leeds parish-church,

feels sorry to find, that at a period when our best to those of Scripture and the primitive Church.The literature is employed in defending what is best sound sense of this passage must commend itself to and holiest in Church and State, Addison, to whom every judicious reader; and cause indeed there is, English literature owes so great a debt of grati. that the principle here so eloquently enunciated tude, should be represented, with evident gratifica should be more generally acted upon. tion on the part of his biographer, as the advocate of principles which in their tendency undermine both our ecclesiastical and civil constitution. The

The Enthusiast ; or, Prejudice and Principle (Turliterary portion of the memoir is, however, very

ner, Hackney), is well calculated to disabuse eninteresting; and a good deal of incident is pro

thusiastic and fanatical persons of the not uncomduced, not before known, especially in the way of mon notion, that the Church of Christ, the channel private letters to literary friends. Notwithstand through which the Holy Spirit descends to man, ing, however, these advantages, there is a defect does not afford sufficient scope for the exercise of in the memoir somewhere ; and the feeling most

the most fervent and self-denying piety. The predominant after the perusal of it, is one of dis book is written in the form of dialogue; and most appointment, of less sympathy, and, perhaps, less of the passages, we observe, are quotations from admiration of Addison than we before possessed.

writers of unquestionable merit and orthodoxy. A deeply reverential tone pervades the whole work,

in delightful contrast to that too frequently promiWhatever proceeds from the Cambridge Mar- |

nent in Miss Aikin's Life of Addison; and we congaret Professor of Divinity merits the attention of |gratulate the charitable institution, in behalf of English Churchmen; and we are persuaded that

which it is written, in having fixed upon a mode

of increasing its funds which will prove, we trust, the second part of An Introduction to a Course of Lectures on the Early Fathers, now in delivery in

| as successful as it is unobjectionable. the University of Cambridge by Mr. Blunt, will be duly perused by most of our readers. The

Most Churchmen will rejoice in the withdrawal learned professor's object is to shew, that the

of Sir James Graham's educational measure, at Church of England “professes to be, on the whole, the primitive Church restored.” Numerous in

once absurd, unconstitutional, and unnecessary. stances from the Church's formularies and disci

Those, however, who are of the contrary opinion

will do well to read a letter addressed to the right pline are adduced in proof of this assertion; and

honourable baronet by the Rev. G. W. Sandys, M.A., the pith of the argument is thus given in the con

of Pembroke College, Oxford (Ridgway), in which cluding paragraph :-" On the whole, therefore,

the schismatical tendency of the bill is thoroughly, whether we consider the words or deeds of our

yet temperately, exposed. Church; her express appeals, or her intrinsic

The same remark applies still more forcibly to structure; her precept, or her example; we shall |

an excellent sermon which has just reached us, find her bearing testimony to the value of primi

lately preached by Mr. Cecil Wray at Liverpool, tive tradition, and acknowledging the large use

in reference to the educational measure. she has herself made of it; herein confirming the dictum of Mr. Burke, which, if it had a primary reference to politics, had not an exclusive one,

|| Mr. Burns has put forth a batch of little books that all reformations we have hitherto made || for children of the higher orders, beautifully got have proceeded upon the principle of respect to ll up, which will, we doubt not, find many readers antiquity :' and accordingly we shall also find her || during the Midsummer holydays. We allude to justifying any of her members, much more any of the four entitled Faith, Hope, and Charity; George those who profess to be teachers of religion ac- || Hengrove ; The Two Dogs : Ask Mamma. cording to her view of it, when they study the primitive Fathers, which are the main witnesses of that tradition, and excite others to do the same. A Companion to the Sick-Room (Burns), being a And having this confidence, surely it is not to be || compendium of Christian faith and practice, chiefly expected of them that they will allow themselves compiled from the writings of divines of the “holy to be browbeat out of such broad principles of Catholic Church,” is by far the best work on the their Church, as are thus absolutely avowed by subject which has appeared for many years past. her in her own formularies, and which they have No sick-room should be without it.' The Priest's themselves in many instances deliberately sub Companion in the Visitation of the Sick, compiled by scribed; or feel themselves called upon to apolo Mr. Dodsworth, is also a most excellent and useful gise for attempts, not to remodel the Church, but publication. to reassert her; not to alter her landmarks, but to disinter them; not to speculate on what she might be, but to remind a generation who have half for

Miscellaneous. gotten her, what she is as she standsto remind them of this, in the reasonable hope, that in obliga THE FAMILY OF ST. BASIL.-His father whose tions which must be acknowledged to be common name also was Basil, and whose profession was that to all Churchmen, there may be found a common of rhetoric, was a man of landed property in Pontus bond of peace upon sound principles; and conse and Cappadocia, and of good family, as was his quently elements of a strength, which, once conso- || wife Emmelia, Basil's mother. He numbered in lidated, may thenceforth spread itself (is there not the line of both his parents high functionaries, mili. a cause ?), in bringing back a vast population, be tary and civil. Nor was his descent less illustrious wildered by strange doctrines, or reckless of any, | in a Christian aspect. His maternal grandfather

was a martyr; his father's parents had been driven to live seven years in the woods and mountains of

Intelligence. Pontus, during the Dioclesian persecution. Basil || DAILY SERVICE AT Court. - The Queen and was one of ten children; three of them lived to be ll Prince Albert, every morning at nine o's bishops ; four of them are held in remembrance as invariably attend prayers at the new chapel in saints—St. Basil, St. Gregory Nyssen, St. Peter, and Buckingham Palace, at which the ladies and woSt. Macrina, besides his mother. Another brother, men of the bed-chamber, and all the domestics, are Naucratius, embraced the life of a solitary, and was commanded to attend, excepting only those who drowned while engaged in works of mercy.-Church are in what is termed “close waiting." On Sunof the Fathers.

days it is required that the royal household attend CHURCH DISCIPLINE.- No one can long have divine service twice at the chapel. This is as it should had the care of souls without meeting with per be; and we heartily wish that all her majesty's loyal sons who were oppressed with the burden of past subjects would, in imitation of their beloved sovesins, and desired nothing so earnestly as some | reign, attend their parish-churches daily. rule of discipline, by which they might find guid It is also gratifying to record that the Queen and ance as to the manner and proofs of their re her Royal Consort have just subscribed six hunpentance. This is not indeed the common case : dred guineas towards the erection of a new church the generality of persons, though confessing that at WindsorMany other munificent acts from the in general they are offenders, have no such lively same quarter might be recorded. sense of sin as to be able to discover their par | NORWICH.--Lynn: Church-Extension. -- We are ticular grief. They are like the hypochondriac, able to state that the want of church-accommodawho tells us he is ill, but cannot say what is his tion so long felt by this town will not exist much especial sickness. Such conduct is the natural longer, as several gentlemen have lately taken the tendency of the age, the effect of that Antino. matter up, and by their munificence the sum of mian carelessness, with which the most thought 3,0001. has already been subscribed towards buildless men have learnt to shield themselves under ing and endowing a new church with free sittings. the general promises of Scripture. Some, however, || The site is not yet determined upon, but we think, still remain, who have a more genuine tenderness || with some of the subscribers, the most eligible one of conscience, and who would gladly be assured || is the present Union-house, which was formerly a that their repentance is sincere, and that their sins |church founded by Bishop Turbus or De Turb, at therefore are really forgiven.-Quart. Rev. No. 48. || the same time as the chapel of St. Nicholas at the

OBLIGATION OF DISSENTERS TO THE CHURCH. north end of the town, and was dedicated to St. The extremest dissenter is indebted to the custom || James, and which may, at some saving, be again of the Church for doctrines and practices which || converted to its original purpose. The situation, even he embraces supposing that he derived them too, is so good (there being a small parish almost from no such source; and that if no precedent with || immediately behind it, and the ground in front bereference to the worship of God, delivered down from ing about to be built upon,) that it would stand in generation to generation, had reached him indi- || a thickly populated neighbourhood. rectly through that Church, he would not have en LOYALTY or CHURCHMEN. - Events occurred joyed the decent and orderly service in which even in the course of last year, which not unexpecthe in some measure partakes. And as infidels edly, but most alarmingly, directed public attenwho live in a Christian country profit by the Chris tion to the religious education of the poor as the tian spirit of the country without being aware of great and only safe bulwark of social order. Disit, and “get a blessing against their will," nay, are turbances arose in the manufacturing districts to themselves enlightened, improved, controlled by it such extent as to render life and property every for good in a hundred ways, of which they are where insecure, and to cause the most serious fears themselves unconscious ; — so do dissenters from and misgivings in the public mind. From the turthe Church reap a multitude of benefits, and suc- || bulence and violence of certain classes, and the ceed to a considerable stock of ecclesiastical know- || anarchical and antisocial tenets which they proledge, from the traditions and customs of the Church, fessed, doubts arose, not merely in the timid, but though all the while professing to hold them in in persons of firmer nerves and more reflecting contempt, and to be guided and governed by in character, whether the bonds of society could long fluences altogether independent of them. - Prof. be held together. At such a crisis it was most deBlunt.

sirable to ascertain how far the influence of the ENGLISH CHURCHMEN.—The great and quiet Church and of Church-schools had been beneficially body of the English gentry walk in the ways of exerted in support of law and order, and in what their fathers, and hold fast to that Church for | | degree the check which the spirit of anarchy rewhich Laud and his king suffered on the scaffold, ceived, and its ultimate suppression, were owing to and the noble army of our earlier martyrs at the the early dissemination of religious and moral prinstake. They hold to it with a sober and sedate, ciples among the people. With a view to this inbut sincere and strong attachment. Even the quiry, a circular was addressed to such individuals, dissenters who rise into this rank seldom continue both lay and clerical, within the disturbed districts, in their unconformity: their views are altered with as from their position and opportunities were contheir station; they see and understand what they sidered likely to afford correct and full information. had before precluded themselves from seeing and The answers received amounted to about 150, all understanding; and if they do not become confor from different writers, and all tending to establish mists themselves, suffer their children to become the same conclusion. It appeared that in every so. The same hereditary and rooted feeling pre- || case, the effect of education, whether in Sunday or vails among the yeomanry of the land. --Southey. || daily-schools, was salutary in proportion to its com- pleteness. Wherever means of Church-instruction || tre, and some distance from the desk. There is a were best provided, there the efforts of the disaf gallery over the western door, to be occupied by fected were least successful. In whatever districts the choir and others. The church contains acChurch-principles predominated no outbreak took commodation for 400, of which 300 sittings are to place, however grievous the privations of the people, be free and unappropriated for ever. The sermon except in cases where the rightly-disposed inha- || was preached by the lord bishop, from Hebrews bitants were overpowered by agitators from a dis x. 25. The total cost of the building was about tance.—Last Report of National Society.

50001., which was most liberally defrayed by the Fruits of INDUSTRY.-The senior wrangler of patron, the Rev. Dr. Dowdeswell. the present year at Cambridge is the son of a Romish TESTIMONY TO THE INCREASING Effi. farmer. He received his education at a village CIENCY OF THE ENGLISH CHURCH.—The Anglican school, and was afterwards placed under the tuition Church is growing every day, with the growth of the Rev. Mr. Martin, at Exeter. Eventually he of a giant. Look at this heretical [!] communion entered St. John's College as a sizar; and by strict || now, and look at it ten years ago. Then it was attention to the duties imposed on him passed a broken, discomfited, trampled on, despised, and college career of unusual brilliancy.

its approaching end foretold; now, we verily beChurch Discipline. — The Rev. Mr. Head, lieve it is stronger than it has ever been since Vicar of Feniton, has been suspended three years, King William's revolution. In all quarters it is for writing a letter in derogation and depravity of becoming more efficient, more respected, more the Prayer-book, which he had sworn to observe powerful.- The Tablet. and maintain.

PUBLICATION OF BANNS OP MATRIMONY.-It is ANCIENT FONT RESTORED.-A correspondent enacted by 4th Geo. IV., c. 76, s. 7, “ That no of the Times gives the following account of the parson, vicar, minister, or curate, shall be obliged restoration of a beautiful relic of ecclesiastical to publish the banns of matrimony between any antiquity in Harrow Church :-“ Much to the cre- || persons whatsoever, unless the persons to be mardit of the present vicar and churchwardens of ried shall, seven days at the least before the time Harrow-on-the-Hill, an ancient font, supposed to required for the first publication of such banns, be coeval with the foundation of the church, viz. | respectively deliver or cause to be delivered to the Norman conquest, has lately been restored to || such parson, vicar, minister, or curate, a notice in its proper situation, from which it was removed in writing, dated on the day on which the same shall 1800, and replaced by a smaller one with a white be so delivered, of their true Christian names and marble basin. Had it not been for the interposi surnames, and of the house or houses of their re. tion of a lady, who at that time occupied the vicar spective abodes, within such parish or chapelry as age-house, and who obtained permission to have aforesaid, and of the time during which they have it placed in her garden, this sacred relic of our dwelt, inhabited, or lodged in such house or houses forefathers would most probably ere now have respectively." been utterly destroyed. It is composed of a dark AMERICÁ: Prous MUNIFICENCE.--Mrs. Emily marble, and as it has now been polished, perfectly | Phillips has among other benefactions bequeathed restored, and mounted on stone steps, it presents the sum of 1000 dollars to the General Missionary a splendid specimen of ancient art, such as few Society of the Church, 500 to domestic, and 500 to churches can boast."

| foreign missions. Mrs. Phillips has also bequeathed ROMsEY.-It is gratifying to observe that the || 100 dollars to Christ Church, Hartford, for the purliberality displayed by the vicar, the Hon. and chase of communion-plate, and directed a residuRev. Gerard Thomas Noel, in the alterations re ary legacy, the exact amount of which cannot yet be cently made for general convenience and improved ascertained, but which will exceed 1000 dollars, to effect in the abbey church, is appreciated by his be paid to Washington College.- New York Churchparishioners; and that, desirous to acknowledge

man. their vicar's interest in the noble pile which gives POPULATION. – A Parliamentary paper, lately celebrity to the town, it is purposed to present to l published, shews that according to the census of the church, as a thank-offering to the minister, 1841 the population of England, Wales, and Scottwo very handsome altar-chairs and copies of the ll land, was 18,531,853 - of whom 9,012,972 were service. A nearly sufficient amount has already | males, 9,513,985 females, and 4,896 travelling by been obtained for the purpose.--Hampshire Adver railways and canals. The population for Ireland tiser.

by the same census was 8,175,238. The following TEwKESBURY.— The new church at Bushley, l) is an abstract of the number of persons in Ireland near Tewkesbury, was consecrated on Friday, June || ascertained by the Commissioners of Public In2d, by the Lord Bishop of Worcester. The edi. struction to belong to each religious denomination fice, which stands on a delightful rising ground, is in the year 1834 :- Members of the Established a Gothic structure of cruciform shape, and in the Church, 852,064; Roman Catholics, 6,427,712; pointed style, having a very handsome spire; the Presbyterians, 642,356; other Protestant Dissenwalls are built of blue stone procured in the pa ters, 21,808—Total of abstract, 7,943,940. rish, the spire and ornamental work with free stone from Postlip, near Winchcombe; the bells

LONDON: were taken from the old building. The interior of the church has a very neat appearance : the scroll


PORTMAN SQUARE; and to be had, by order, of all Book. of each arch is supported by corbels with sculp

sellers in Town and Country. tured heads; the seats are made with half-doors, which style seems now to be gradually superseding the closed pews; the clerk's seat is near the cen






PAGE Life of Bishop Andreweg . .

169 The Feudal System . The Poet Crabbe and the Methodists

178 Poetry; the Poor Man and his Parish Church History of Seged ...

. 179 Notices of Books Fables from the Latin : Guido, the perfect Servant 181 Miscellaneous The Bishop of Exeter on the Services of the Church 183 || Intelligence


PAGE 185 186 187

190 . 192


to St. John's College, Oxford, soon brought LANCELOT ANDREWES, D.D.

it into celebrity. This gentleman was a very

good scholar, and highly distinguished for BISHOP OF WINCHESTER.

his philological attainments, as his several Reader, be serious, let thy thoughts reflect

works are said to shew, especially that on On this grave father with a large respect; Peruse his well-spent life, and thou shalt finde

the true writing of the English tongue. He He had a rare and heav'n-enamel'd minde;

was afterwards appointed master of St. Paul's He was our kingdomes star, and shin'd most b In sad afflictions darke and cloudyst night.

school, for the use of which he compiled a Let his example teach us how to live In love and charity ; that we may give

catechism in long and short verse.' Under To those whose wants inforce them to implore

this instructor, Andrewes then-so deterOur ayde; and charity makes no man poore. Andrewes was fill'd with goodnesse, all his daves mined a student, that he preferred his books Were crown'd and guilded with resounding praise.

to the sports of boyhood, or the recreaThe world shall be his herald to proclaime The simple glories of his spreading fame.

tions of youth, reading late by candle-light, Henry ISAACSON, 1650.

and rising at four in the morning-made In the same year (A.D. 1555) that Latimer rapid progress in Greek and Latin, and and Ridley nobly won the crown of martyr otherwise give indications of such supedom, was born“ Lancelot Andrewes, the rior talent, that he attracted the notice of most worthy bishop of Winchester, the great Dr. Watts, a prebendary of St. Paul's and light of the Christian world,” as the martyr archdeacon of Middlesex, “ a notable gramLaud well characterises him; and few men | marian,” and well skilled in the learned lan. have, under God, been more instrumental in | guages, who, in testimony of his admiration cherishing the flame of divine truth which of the young scholar, nominated him to one those holy sufferers foretold they should en of the scholarships which he had lately foundkindle. May the candle then lighted never | ed in Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. To these be put out; and may there never be want- | benefactors of his youth Andrewes ever felt ing a Bishop Andrewes to keep it still || the deepest gratitude, which, in after-life, he burning!

evinced by the many solid favours he conBoth his parents being “ pious and godly," || ferred upon them. He bestowed a valuable he was from infancy virtuously brought up. | living upon Dr. Ward, son of his first schoolHis father, who held the honourable office | master; and neither Mulcaster nor his son of master of the Trinity House, was probably were forgotten by him. Whenever the fora foreign merchant, and young Andrewes | mer was his guest, he always assigned him was also intended for the same calling. Mr. || the highest seat at his table; and after his Ward, however, the master of the Coopers' || death he had a portrait of him placed over Free Grammar - school in Radcliffe, where the door of his study. And although he he received the first elements of his learn. || often lamented that he was unable, except ing, observing the extraordinary powers of in a single instance, to make any return either his pupil, persuaded his parents to devote to Dr. Watts or his posterity, he testified his their son to pursuits more congenial to his gratitude to this early patron of his studies, taste and abilities. Accordingly the young | by ordering that to the two fellowships which scholar was removed to Merchant Taylors' he founded by his will in Pembroke Hall, school, then just established, and under the the scholars of Dr. Watts' should have the superintendence of Mr. Mulcaster, who, by preference. “ the hopeful plants” which he sent from it ll

Wood, Athen, Ox, ii. 92. ed. Bliss. No. XXXII.

AUGUST 1843.

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