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or laity, were employed in meditation, and in read. || learning; and to no bishop does the Church of ing or learning the Scriptures. This was the daily | England owe more gratitude. He it was who employment of himself and all that were with him; established the holding of ecclesiastical councils; and if it happened, which was but seldom, that he | several new sees were founded by him; he was was invited to eat with the king, he went with one | perhaps the originator of our parochial system; or two priests, and having taken a small repast, and he was a great promoter of theological and clashastened home either to read or write. At that sical learning. More than all, to his primacy,—for time many religious men and women, animated he was the first primate of England, -was reserved by his example, adopted the custom of fasting the profession of the gospel of Christ in every on Wednesdays and Fridays till the ninth hour, | kingdom of the Saxon heptarchy. This blessed throughout the year, except during the interval consummation took place in the year 681, about between Easter and Pentecost. Whatever money eighty years after the landing of St. Augustine in he received from the rich, he either distributed to the isle of Thanet; and no wonder, when such the poor, or employed itin ransuming slaves, whom | men as Augustine, Aidan, Chad, Finan, and Theoin many instances, after having taught and in || dore were the human agents, whose every thought, structed them, he admitted to the order of the word, and work, were devoted to the well-pleasing priesthood."

of God, that he should pour upon them the contiAbout the year 653 the kingdom of Mercia, nual dew of his blessing. Nor is it a matter of including the midland counties, and containing surprise that the congregations committed to the 12,000 families, became Christians by means of charge of such holy clergy should duly appreciate Peada, who wishing to marry Albfleda, daughter of their ministry and honour it accordingly. They Oswy, king of Northumbria, the request was re- || never stirred abroad without the people kneeling fused until he should renounce idolatry. He will. || before them to receive ingly acceded to this condition, and was baptised, “A benediction from their voice or hand.” together with his attending courtiers and servants,

The doctrine, discipline, and institutions of the by Finan. He took the good bishop home with

Anglo-Saxon Church, with the civil polity and litehim to his father's kingdom, besides four priests,

rature of the Anglo-Saxons, must be reserved to all of whom, except one, were Englishmen. These

future Letters. I remain, &c. preached the gospel in Mercia with great success.

X. And on the death of Penda, the father of Peada, Oswy succeeded to the throne, when one of the

BISHOP SEABURY AND THE CONGREfour priests, Duima the Scot, was consecrated

GATIONALISTS OF MASSACHUSETTS.1 bishop of the Mercians, by Finan, Aidan's suc Great was the privilege to have been an eye-witcessor in the see of Lindisfarne. Another of these

ness of the good deeds of him who had connected priests, Cedda, was afterwards (A.D. 653) conse

the apostolic Church of God in the old and new

world together. This blessing Bishop Jarvis encrated by the same prelate, to restore the faith to

joyed for many years; and it was from the lips of Essex, to whom the king of that province gave the the latter many things were learned concerning the sees of Ythancester (Maldon) and Tilbury. He sentiments and character of the former, of great took with him several priests and deacons to assist

value to the true sons of the Church. In grave hishim in his labours.

tory all does not appear which is truly interesting

to men of taste, in perusing, at this late day, the The sonth Saxons (Sussex) containing 7000 fa

life of such a man and situated as was Bishop Seamilies, received the light of the gospel through || bury. A man that would do as he did, alone and Wilfrid, who having been deposed from his see of at the hazard of all his substance, and even of life York by Archbishop Theodore, a native of Tarsus,

itself-go in search of “that good thing" which, in Cilicia, and successor to Adeodatus in the see

however overlooked by others," he believed Christ

gave to his apostles, and they to their successors of Canterbury (A.D. 668), for not acceding to a di

the bishops, with which was the promise of divine vision of his diocese, he retired into Sussex, and || presence to the end of the world," must have a by favour of Edilwalch, king of that nation, preached mind of no common cast; a faith he must have had the gospel to his pagan subjects (A.D. 681). Wil in God's word which few possess; and knowing and frid, though not without many Christian virtues,

appreciating all this, the Church in Connecticut re

gards the name of Seabury as the Syrian Chrisand worthy of honour for the service he rendered

tians whom Dr. Buchanan found in India regarded to the church in Northumbria,' was a very ambi the name of St. Thomas, the apostle by whom their tious, haughty prelate, and did much to aid the | Church was founded, and to whom their bishops encroachments of the bishop of Rome in the Eng

counted their succession. Every thing relating to lish Church. On the other hand, his rival Theo.

such characters was precious as the diamond rings

from the fingers of deceased parents. Not only dore was a man of great humility and profound

the intrinsic value, but the shape and the tradi1 He repaired York Cathedral and built Ripon Minster, From “Reminiscences of Bishop Chase,” Part I. besides having founded several monasteries,

Il p. 109, Haselden.

tionary manner of wearing it, was treasured in the ministry. I will make him give me the right hand memory. Something like this feeling of veneration of fellowship, which will be all we want !! for the memory of the first bishop of Connecticut " The day was fine, and Bishop Seabury, the chepervaded the breast of the writer, when he begged rished guest of Dr. Parker, was dining at his hosof Bishop Jarvis to relate to him the sayings and || pitable board with several of the worthy members doings of Bishop Seabury. How did he hear him of the episcopal Church, when there came a man self as he stepped on the shore of his dear native with a note from the Rev. Mr. Biles, and desired land, clad in the vestments of the first American to see Bishop Seabury. The note he would deliver bishop? How did his own brethren and those of into no one's hands but the bishop's. Accordingly, other denominations receive him ? What did he || pressing forward, he entered the dining-room, and say, and what did they say and do to him?

held up his paper, a large respectful letter, on * As to that matter,” said the good Bishop Jarvis, which was written, .To the Rt. Rev. Father in God, “ besides what is already in print (and precious Samuel, Bishop of all New England.' "The handlittle, for some reason or another, has been brought writing,' said Dr. Parker, “is that of the Rev. Mr. before the public, much less than the subject de Biles, a congregational minister of this city. I mands), I happen to know some things (not ex have ever treated this minister well, and am suractly from tlie mouth of my venerable diocesan, for prised he should take this opportunity to play he would be the last to speak in commendation of off his wit upon my venerated friend and guest.' himself) which seem to afford an answer to your • What's the matter?' said the bishop. The matquestion quite satisfactory. One anecdote will il ter is,' said Dr. Parker, that Mr. Biles, hearing lustrate the whole subject. The dramatis persone you have arrived in Boston, wishes to bring the are few, but of great importance. Their names are episcopal office which you fill into ridicule, by Matthew Biles, the head of the congregational holding up to contempt the title which is given clergy in Massachusetts and New England; Dr. to the bishops of an established Church, by applyParker, rector of Trinity Church, Boston; and our ing it in a country where there is no such estathen newly come over Bishop Seabury.

blishment and no such pretensions; in short, Mr. “Bishop s. had been consecrated (as it was sup Biles means the whole as a quiz, and I am exposed by those who knew not the particulars) for all tremely sorry for it.' 'Quiz!' said the bishop; New England. It was well known by some intelli ‘is there a man in Boston who would quiz Samuel gent ministers of the congregationalists, that the Seabury? Let us break the seal, and see what are bishop claimed jure divino [by divine right] the apos the contents of this letter!' So saying, the note tolic commission to ordain the ministers of Christ. was opened, and found to contain nothing more nor The conclusion was, that if he were right, they were less than a most respectful invitation of Bishop Seawrong; and as men are generally unwilling to own bury and Dr. Parker to tea that afternoon, at a themselves in an error, no small opposition was stated hour, and concluded by observing, that there raised against good Bishop Seabury. Among the was a particular wish for a favourable answer, as rest who felt the pains which this mode of ques Mr. Biles had something of great importance to tioning the validity of congregational orders had communicate to the bishop. Is there any quizinflicted was the Rev. Matthew Biles of Boston, a ll zing in this ?' said Bishop Seabury. You'll see,' man of extraordinary wit and learning. He said said Dr. Parker. "Tell Mr. Biles,' said the bishop within himself (as he afterwards owned), •If this to the messenger, 'tell Mr. Biles that Bishop Sea. Bishop Seabury prevails, the congregational clergy | bury will wait on him according to the tenour of are virtually denied to be regularly ordained minis his note.' 'l'll go too,' said the Doctor ; 'tell him ters. What, then, shall be done? Bishop Seabury that Dr. Parker will also come.' will not ordain us unless we all be qualified as he “This affair somewhat interrupted the train of shall think fit, and unless we all agree to use the conversation at the table, but in so doing, it put the liturgy of the Church, or something like it. Now, | bishop in possession of some traits in Mr. Biles's however this might suit some, yet all will not be history which he never could forget. But no one satisfied. Can I not get this bishop at once to ac- l) at the board could conjecture what that particular knowledge the validity of congregational orders ? | reason was which Mr. Biles expressed in his note, Though our power as ministers, according to our for which he begged so earnestly that the bishop platform, did come from the people, yet if a bishop would come and see him.—The time soon came, sanction it, who shall say it may not do?'

when both the bishop and Dr. Parker commenced "Not many months elapsed before the projector their walk to Mr. Biles's. The yard, through of this scheme had, as he thought, a fair opportu which they were to pass to his house, was enclosed nity of trying its efficacy. Bishop Seabury, it was | by a tight board fence, and the gate was of the at length announced, had arrived in town, and been || same nature; so that when the strangers drew nigh received with respect by Dr. Parker and all his || the house, they saw nothing of the host till the numerous and respectable congregation, and that ll gate was thrown open, which happened just as of Christ Church, founded by the once president of they came to it. On entering the yard they disYale College, then converted to Episcopacy, the covered Mr. Biles, dressed after his best manner, Rev. Dr. Cutler : under such circumstances had with his bands on, at some distance from them, in the Bishop of all New England come to Boston. || the attitudes of great formality, making his obei• And he shall not be in this great city without sance at every step. His bows were so formal as knowing that there is such a person living in it as to require more time than to allow him to meet his the Rev. Matthew Biles,' said the same gentleman; guests halfway from the house to the gate ; so that ‘and I will so contrive as to make this prelate, clad | they had well nigh reached his door-step before he with all authority as he is, acknowledge, in scrip- | began to speak; and when his mouth was open, tural language, the validity of all the New England | from it proceeded the most pompous words. Rais- . ing his head, and looking the bishop full in the || resembling the laurel and the olive growing at face, he said, • Rt. Rev. Father in God, Samuel, || the bottom and along the eastern coast of the Red Bishop of all New England, I, Matthew Biles, as

Sea, which at ebb-tide were left uncovered, though the representative of all the clergy of the congregational churches in Massachusetts Bay, and other

at other times they were wholly under water; a places, bid thee a hearty welcome to Boston, and circumstance deemed the more surprising, when give thee, and hope to receive from thee, the right contrasted with the nakedness of the adjacent hand of fellowship! As he said this, he held out his || shores. Burckhardt remarks, that the coral in hand in trembling expectancy of a hearty shake

if the inlet of Akaba is red, and that in the gulf of from the bishop. But in this he was disappointed; for the bishop coolly said, “No, Mr. Biles, not so

Suez the white is chiefly to be seen, - facts which fast; I can't do this; but as you are a left-handed may reconcile the discordant statements of Bruce, brother, I give you my left hand.''

Valentia, Henniker, and other modern travellers. This anecdote, told by Bishop Jarvis to the wri-|| All who have frequented the Red Sea have obter, has been cherished in his mind for many years,

served the luminous appearance or phosphoresand never referred to but with fresh admiration of the illustrious man whose presence of mind, by

cence of its waters. " It was beautiful,” says a God's blessing, extricated himself and the then graphic writer, who sailed from Mocha to Cosseir, infant episcopal Church in New England, from a “ to look down into this brightly transparent sea, designed trap. It shewed the charity of the bishop, ll and mark the coral here in large masses of honeywhile it maintained his principles--that simplicity

comb-rock, there in light branches of a pale red and godly sincerity are better than all art and contrivance, and that he who always speaks the truth

hue, and the bed of green sea-weed, and the golden shall seldom be overcome by surprise.

sand, and the shells, and the fish sporting round

the vessel, and making colours of a beauty to the THE RED SEA.

eye which is not their own. Twice or thrice we The Red Sea occupies a deep rocky cavity, ex ran on after dark for an hour or two; and though tending 1160 miles in length, and its mean we were all familiar with the sparkling of the sea breadth may be taken at about 120. Strabo round the boat at night, never have I seen it in has compared its shape to that of a broad river ; other waters so superlatively splendid. A rope and it does not receive the waters of a single tri dipped in it and drawn forth, came up as a string butary stream. The name greatly puzzled the of gems; but with a life, and light, and motion, ancients, and has occasioned in later times a dis- || the diamond does not know." Those sealights play of much superfluous learning, to deterinine | have been explained by a diversity of causes; but whether it was derived from the colour of the the singular brilliancy of the Red Sea seems owing water, the reflection of the sand-banks and the to fish-spawn and animalculæ; a conjecture which neighbouring mountains, or the solar rays strug receives some corroboration from the circumstance, gling through a dense atmosphere. These various I that travellers who mention it visited the gulf durconjectures are set at rest: both the air and water ing the spawning period—that is, between the latare unusually clear; the theory of King Erythrus || ter end of December and the end of February. is exploded; and the name is now admitted to be The coral banks are less numerous in the southern merely a Greek translation of the " sea of Edom” | parts. It deserves notice, that Dr. Shaw and Mr. (a Hebrew word denoting red), so frequently men | Bruce have stated (what could be true, only so far tioned by the sacred writers. Its surface is diver as their own experience went), that they observed sified with a number of islands; some of which, no species of weed or flag; and the latter proposes such as Kotemble, and Gebel Tor, near Loheia, to translate Yam Zuph, “the sea of coral ;" a exhibit volcanic appearances. The western coast name as appropriate as that of Edom. is bold, and has more depth of water than the

Poetry. eastern, where the coral rocks are gradually encroaching on their native element. These reefs

EDBURGHA. are found dispersed over the whole gulf, rising, in

FROM Ind, and the far Orient strand, some places, ten fathoms above the water. The

And many a fragrant shore, bottom is covered with an abundant harvest of this

The merchants came to Engla-land, substance, as well as of certain plants; and if ex

And in their hand they bore amined in calm weather, it has the appearance of The plunder'd spoils of kingdoms fair, verdant meadows and submarine forests; pheno Unnumber'd treasures, strange and rare; mena which procured this gulf the appellation of Pure sparkling pearls, and coral stems, Yam Zuph from the Jews, and Bahr Souf from

Sweet gums from Mecca's bow'rs, the Arabs, signifying (in both languages) the " sea And suns of gold, and priceless gems, of green weeds.” These beautiful productions | Rich fruits, and starry flow'rs; attracted the admiration of antiquity. Strabo And caskets wrought with wondrous art, seeins to allude to them when he speaks of trees | And mantles from the Tyrian mart,

Most honour'd then the merchant's name

Their toils and perils known,
The princely wanderers welcome came

Before the Saxon throne,
And of their best, as duty taught,
A right rich, loyal offering brought.
And while they bow'd the head, and high

The proffer'd treasures pil'd, With all his Father's gracious eye

The royal Edward? smil'd A monarch's thanks, and bade them wait A banquet in the hall of state.


(For the Englishman's Magazine.)
VIOLET, Violet,

Why art thou staying yet ? Bright Spring and Summer have both passed away:

This is no time for thee,

When the wind's blowing free; Care not if chance thou mayst perish, their prey?

Thine is the lovely time,

Ere Nature's in her prime,
Giving sweet promise of what she shall be ;

Then, child of hopes and fears,

As thy deep bloom appears,
Old and young glad stoop to smell and to see.

Think'st thou that winter's o'er,

And young spring come once more, Whisp'ring the words of life into thine ear;

That, as the winds went past,

They bade thee forth at last, To render thy sweets, the first-fruits of the year ?

They kneel'd and pass'd-and as the fame

Swift through the palace ran, Elfeda and Elgina came,

Edburgha, Athelstan, And Editha, and Edmund bold, And Elswall with the locks of gold. Round the rich pile before them spread,

They form an eager ring, And each fair child, as fancy led,

Chose out some gorgeous thing, Some robe, as fit a prince to wearSome gem, to light a princess' hair.

Or, again, may we trace

Warnings and signs of grace
God deigns to send by thee, small violet -

Hopes that, 'mid darkened days,

Brighter lights he will raise, Such as shone oftener while the Church was young


“What is my meek Edburgha's choice?

Take what thou wilt, my child,”
The Monarch said, as ’mid the voice

Of pride, and pleasure wild,
His fav’rite daughter fix'd her look

Intently on a Missal-book. “ It will suffice-I am content,

My king and sire,” she said ;
And o'er the book again she bent-

Again devoutly read;
And dwelt on the illumin'd page
With all the zeal of holy age.
In vain her wondering mother press'd

Some precious gift beside ;
She held the treasure to her breast,

And with a smile replied,
“ I have a great, unvalued store,
My Mother-queen, I need no more !"
Blest child! who, when the world had power

To win thy gentle heart,
In that thy young and tender hour

Didst choose the better part !
We are as thou wert then--be thou
Our bright and blest example now.

J. J. D. Bath, Nov. 22, 1842.

[blocks in formation]

1 Edward the elder.


When wasted to the skies above,

The Jewess, a Tale (we presume, a true one), from What specks will then appear

the shores of the Baltic, by the author of " Letters Those objects which engross our thoughts,

from the Baltic" (London, Murray) will be read

| with interest by all who can appreciate a simple Our vision darken here !

picture of maternal love. The story is altogether “ Fret not thyself” because of sin,

without plot; a feature, we may observe, which

forms its strongest recommendation as a book for On earth it must abound;

the young. Look to the Cross-God's word is sureTake comfort in the sound.

Mrs. J. Toogood's Simple Sketches from Church E. W. D.

History (Burns) is well adapted for the purpose intended-a class-book for the upper classes in

charity and other schools. It is divided into thirtyNotices of Books.

three short chapters; and contains a history of the

Church of God from the fall of Adam to our own We have already put our readers on their guard times. We have never seen a little work of the against Peter Parley's works, which, though pub | kind with which we have been more pleased. lished in America, have since been re-published in England. As the same evil has been perpetrated

The Old Man's Rambles (Green, Leeds) are very with respect to several other works still more dan

good, both in idea and execution. It is well to gerous than the former, inasmuch as they tend to

have made the lips of age utter sentiments, which, rationalism, socinianism and infidelity, by most

though worthy of regard on their own account, irreverently attempting to explain to children, by

cannot fail to arrest attention as they flow graceillustration's either ridiculous or profane, or both,

fully from “the old man eloquent." Perhaps the those secret things which belong to the Lord our

third ramble, on the training of children, is the best, God, we think it our duty to repeat our warning. though all are excellent. We hope to enjoy many Let every one, therefore, who values not only the

more rambles with the venerable old gentleman. intellectual but the moral culture of his child, conscientiously shun the two following works, which, Mr. Paget's Churchman's Calendar, and the we grieve to say, are now being circulated in Eng Churchman's Almanack, published by the Christian land: The Child's Book on the Soul, with Questions Knowledge Society, should be in every English adapted to the use of Schools and Infant Schools, by Churchman's family. We hail their appearance the the Rev. (?) T. H. Gallaudet, London 1842; The

more gladly, as we observe that persons with very Youth's Book on Natural Theology, illustrated in Fami

different design are at work to supply this kind liar Dialogues, published by the American Tract So of literature to the poor. We especially put ciety, 1840; and every child's book which bears the

our readers on their guard against The Poor Man's name of Abbot, especially The Little Philosopher,

Companion, a political almanack for 1843 ; published Rollo at Work and Rollo at Play. We advise those

by Cleave, Fleet Street, and which ought to be inwho have the opportunity to read an article in the

dicted by her majesty's attorney-general as a sedilast Quarterly Review, headed “Children's Books,"

tious publication. in which the danger and folly of these works are well exposed.

Robert Marshall, the Stanley Ghost, and the Old Our readers will be glad to hear that new edi.

Bridge, by the author of the “ Fairy Bower,” are

|| very suitable stories for boys and girls, and will tions have just appeared of Dr. Hook's Church

no doubt become great favourites among them. Dictionary (Harrison, Leeds), and of the Seven Sermons preached at the consecralion of the Parish

Poems: chiefly relating to the present state and Church of Leeds (Green). Both these works appear

prospects of the Church (Rivingtons), by the Rev. to be much improved in the recent impressions.

H. Clarke, M.A., fully merit the commendation

which we remember to have seen bestowed by the We very heartily recommend a small work, en- | British Critic on a previous volume by the same titled The Art of reading Church Music, by Dr. || author. The thoughts are beautiful, and the verse Marshall. (Oxford, Vincent.) It is founded upon || easy and flowing. some suggestions which appeared in the Educational Magazine for 1841, by Mr. Arthur Acland ; and seems well calculated to communicate a cor

Miscellaneous. rect acquaintance with Church music. It may be CONSCIENCE.- How common it is to hear people hoped that most of our schools will now teach the | talk about conscience, and yet how few there are science as well as the practice of choral music; who consider what it is; for conscience is an agreeand though this little work does not profess, like

ment or coincidence of the judgment of man with some other manuals, to make the acquirement easy

the judgment of God. W ben conscience condemns at the expense of accuracy, yet it will be found all

what God approves, or approves what God conthe more useful for its purpose in the long run.

demns, it is no longer conscience, but deceit and

delusion. The conscience of the Quaker assures MR. TURNER, of Hackney, has just published a | him that it is needless to be baptised; and the conlittle work, which we recommend to our readers science of the Socinian scruples the worship of the Fragments on the Lord's Supper, from the works of Church of England as idolatry; but there is no Bishop Jeremy Taylor, with a companion to the more reason in the one or the other than in that altar, and sacramental prayers and hymns.

conscience of the Mussulmans, which sends them

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