and scattered his remains to the winds, pronouncing by express decree, that his life was madness Miscellaneous. and his end without honour. And thus it has al. PLYMOUTH BRETHREN.--Upon the pretences of most been thought treason to the Reformation to l those who are termed " The Plymouth Brethren." say a word in his behalf, while Henry 11. has been I cannot conceal my judgment that they manifest represented as maintaining the independence of the the most deplorable ignorance, conceit, and preChurch against the popes of Rome. The fact is, as sumption. They overturn at once all order, all was recently observed, our principal English his churches, all sacraments, all means of grace, the torian, Hume, being himself an infidel, was wholly very perpetuity of the moral law itself. This wildunable to enter into the spirit of such a contest as ness is of the same character with that of Carolthis. It has been truly said, however, by the French stadt at the period of the Reformation, and of some M. Thierry, a writer by no means favourable to the of the English sects at the time of Cromwell. UnChurch, Henry II. was not a patriotic king, an der the name of the Spirit, they deify Self. Claimadvocate of religious independence, a systematic op ing the Bible as their only rule, they substitute poser of the papal dominion. He was actuated by their ignorant perversions of its meaning. Prequite other motives in his aversion to this man, tending to forsake the spirit of the world, they against whom he was the first to solicit the aid of neglect the obvious means appointed by the mercy the pope." Both certainly appealed to Rome; and of God for the salvation of mankind. Affecting an both, according to the usual tortuous policy of that equality of rank, they prepare for the enormous court, were betrayed and deceived by it. evils of social anarchy. Calling themselves breBut what if the pope from the first had declared thren, they condemn and depreciate the holiest himself, as he ought to have done, the advocate and characters, if not following with them. But such avenger of the persecuted archbishop--would that folly is evanescent. It generally exhausts itself in have made his cause one jot less the cause of God ? | the age which gave it birth. Some dreadful heresy Surely not. Never let us withbold our sympathy is generated, and our people return to the good old and admiration from such men as Dunstan, and An way.-Bishop Daniel Wilson's late Charge. selm, and Becket, because the Church whose cause Tracts FOR THE TIMES.- I am ready to concede they advocated, was at that time in stricter commu. Il to the authors of “ The Tracts for the Times,' that nion with Rome than we of this day are. Nor let us they hold all the fundamental facts of redemption; be so misled by a name as to fancy that Rome has the incarnation, the holy and ever-blessed Trinity been ever what she is now. When St. Paul addressed of the Godhead, the atonement, the personality, this Church, her “faith was spoken of throughout deity, and grace of the Holy Spirit, the fall of man, the whole world;" and for many centuries she pre the moral law, the inspiration of the holy Scripserved her purity untainted; and even down to the tures. There are no heresies, as the word has been Reformation (as is yet the case in countries where l hitherto usually applied, mingled with their teachthe Church has not, as in England, reformed herself), |ling-not the Arian-not the Socinian-not the Pethe faithful Christian had no alternative but to con- || lagian-not the Neologian.--Ibid. tinue in that communion. It was the council of | UNITY IN THE STATE DEPENDENT UPON UNITY Trent that first gave sanction and authority to the || IN THE CHURCH.-The Church take it Catholic cancharacteristic errors of modern Romanism, and first ll not stand well, if it be not compacted together into made private Christians adopt them as articles of l/ an holy unity with faith and charity. And as the faith. Nor are we bound to think even that our | whole Church is in regard to the affairs of Christenown Church is in every respect superior to the Ro dom, so is each particular Church in the nation and man. In the points that are most essential we cer kingdom in which it sojourns. If it be not at unity tainly believe that it is. But it is sufficient to l in itself, it doth but invite malice, which is ready satisfy the conscience of every one of its members, I to do hurt without any invitation; and it ever lies to know that the English Church is a true branch with an open side to the devil and all his batteries. of the Church Catholic; and that for them to leave So both Church and State, then happy and never it, under any temptation whatever, would be mani. till then, when they are at unity within themselves, festly an act of schism and sin which nothing can || and one with another. Would you keep the State justify. in unity ? In any case take heed of breaking the Once more we heartily recommend Agnes de Tracy. peace of the Church. The peace of the State de pends much upon it; for divide Church in the minds To those who have been taught to imagine that of men, or divide the minds of men about their a rigid adherence to the teaching of the Church in hopes of salvation in Christ, and tell me what our daily life and conversation fails to produce unity there will be.--Archbishop Laud. those fruits of holiness which more popular and || Evils of CONTROVERSY. This unhappy conself-invented systems are too frequently believed to | troversy [at the beginning of Elizabeth's reign) foster, or that however the Church's teaching may || about the received ceremonies and discipline of satisfy during the hours of life and health, it will || the Church of England, ... hath, by the unnatural fail to give peace at the last in the day of sickness growth and dangerous fruits thereof, made known and of death, we earnestly recommend the perusal to the world that it never received blessing from of a little Memorial, entitled The Doctrine of the the Father of peace. For whose experience doth Cross exhibited in the Faith and Patience of a humble not find what confusion of order, and breach of Follower of Christ (Burns). It is delightful to trace the sacred bond of love, hath sprung from this the progress of a meek and gentle spirit from the dissension; how it hath rent the body of the cold rationalism of quakerism to a devoted yet | Church into divers parts, and divided her people child-like reception of the knowledge of Christ || into divers sects; how it hath taught the sheep to and his Church, despise their pastors, and alienated the pastors from the love of their flocks; how it hath strength- || these distempered times; they who neither fear ened the irreligious in their impieties, and hath | God vor honour the king, but defy both, believe, raised the hopes of the sacrilegious devourers of || with the most abject prostration of intellect, in the the remains of Christ's patrimony, and given way || blasphemous and treasonable journalist who has to the common adversary of God's truth and our corrupted them, and are moved as he chooses to prosperity to grow great in our land without re mislead them, with as much precision as the dancsistance ? Who seeth not how it has distracted | ing-bear follows the hand of the Savoyard who leads the minds of the multitude, and shaken their faith, || him by the nose.—Quarterly Review, No. 48. and scandalised their weakness, and hath generally Il Methodist HYMNS.—You will readily believe killed the very heart of true piety and religious that I do not approve of the vague and indiscrimidevotion by changing our zeal towards God's glory nate Scripture language which fanatics of old and into the fire of envy, and malice, and heart-burn modern methodists have adopted. To my Gothic ing, and zeal, to every man's private cause ? - ear, indeed, the Stabat mater, the Dies ira, and Spenser's Preface to the first Five Books of Hooker's some of the other hymns of the Catholic Church, Polity (1604). are more solemn and affecting than the fine classiStrictness is the condition of rejoicing. cal poetry of Buchanan: the one has the gloomy CAUTION TO YOUNG AND ARDENT CHURCHMEN. || dignity of a Gothic church, and reminds us in- With all the impetuosity and self-confidence of stantly of the worship to which it is dedicated ; the youth about them, reckless of consequences, and other is more like a pagan temple, recalling to our full of exaggerated notions of the right of private | memory the classical and fabulous deities.-Walter judgment, they find themselves in the midst of a || Scott. controversy, which has brought many older persons, Goop ParIshiNERS.Who are the best friends persons of the highest talents and deepest religious every minister hath in his parish? They who atfeelings, into a miserable state of doubt and dis tend the prayers and sacraments with him ; who quietude. They see on all sides a spirit at work are edified with his priesthood as well as by his which nothing human can quell; there is a desire preaching; and are active in the great work of for unity and Catholic privileges which interests their own salvation.—Jones of Nayland. them; and they observe the persecuting unchris The OpferTORY.-Let us calculate what the tian spirit in whiol many act and write who oppose amount of money would be, were it an established themselves to the present movement. With the custom, that every person who went to church on generosity which is natural to their time of life the Lord's day should give a single penny--if, on they are disposed to take part with those whom the average, we might reckon 240 pence from each they think hardly treated ; and then, perhaps, in church, such a contribution would produce 10,0001. place of giving themselves up to the Church sys per week, and more than half a million per year. tem, and so becoming practically better than they ... Consider, I beseech you, what vast good might were before — humble, diffident, self-disciplined, be effected were half a million of money per year thankful for the blessings they possess, they become to be thus collected, placed at the disposal of the mere talkers, perhaps even irreverent declaimers, || bishops, and laid out for the welfare of the whole on subjects which are too hard for them, or which Church. What provision might be made for suto any rate, they are too ignorant, if not too shallow, perannuated clergymen, their widows and children; at view in all their bearings. Meanwhile Rome how many churches might be built ; how many has her eye upon them; and adapting herself to || almshouses for the poor, how many schools! Contheir tone of mind, represents her creed, not as it sider how easy it would be to send forth bishops to is, but as they wish it to be ; she keeps what is our colonies, and to found new sees in every quaressentially popish as much as possible in the back ter of the world, &c.--Archdeacon Hale. ground, and brings what is Catholic prominently I MODERN PARLIAMENTS.-Parliament as at preforward; and so in the end wins them over to her | sent constituted is not only no Church-legislature side, because they are too impatient to learn that || in itself, but is destitute of that very characteristic "middle way" of truth, the way of the English | which rendered it in times past an inherent part of Church, as far removed from popery on the une || such a legislature. Its present acts, therefore, for hand as puritanism on the other.- Bishop of Oxford's | the Church can only be acts of arbitrary power. Charge. They may be salutary, judicious, and temperateA TRUE CATHOLIC.He is a true and genuine | they have, no doubt, the compulsory force of penal Catholic that loveth the truth of God, the Church, | enactments; but they are without that condition so the body of Christ ; that preferreth nothing before | essential to all confidence, of being enacted by the the religion of God, nothing before the Catholic Church for her own control. However prompt faith ; not man's authority, not love, not wit, not the obedience which they may receive while not eloquence, not philosophy; but contemning all these contrary to the law of God, they will not cease to things, and in faith abiding fixed and stable, what be considered unconstitutional and oppressive ; so soever he knoweth the Catholic Church universally that parliamentary interference will have to be in old times to have holden, that only he purposeth grounded not on its abstract right, but on its acwith himself to hold and believe.-Vincent of Lerins. tual advantages. But is there any thing in the THOSE THAT EXCLAIM AGAINST THE AUTHORITY manner in which Church-questions are commonly OF TRUTII ARE SOMETIMES SLAVES TO THAT OP discussed in the legislature, which can compensate FALSEHOOD.--Most men have a disposition, how for a departure from the maxim of ancient law and ever they may be indisposed to think so or to ac- || the principles of British justice? Is it not notoknowledge it, to rest in a state of implicit faith and rious that the reception often given to such inatimplicit obedience. The fact is exemplified even | ters has convinced those who judge only by the by the most mutinous and unbelieving spirits of rule of apparent effect, that the less a Churchlegislature is dependent upon the House of Com favourably of the progress of religion in those setmons the better?-Archdeacon Wilberforce, Church tlements. 2. The Bishop of Gibraltar, having reCourts, fic. sided some weeks at the metropolis of his see, and for a considerably longer period at Malta, and hav ing nominated an archdeacon for the general super#ntelligence. intendence of ecclesiastical affairs in each of those At a public meeting of inhabitants of the cha- | I places, is now engaged in visiting the several cities pelry of Longcot, held on Tuesday evening, June in which English congregations have been gathered 27th, 1843, the following address was unanimously together in the islands, and on the coasts, of the agreed upon :-“ Address from the inhabitants of || Mediterranean. Already he has exercised the funcLongcot, in the parish of Shrivenham, Berks, to tions of his office at Athens, Smyrna, and Constanthe vicar of the parish (the Venerable Archdeacon tinople, where, though there are considerable conBerens).-Reverend Sir, In the grateful sense of gregations in communion with our Church, no Anthe benefits which we have enjoyed under your glican bishop had ever before been seen. 3. The faithful ministry during nearly forty years, and the Bishop of Tasmania, who sailed for his diocese at many marks of personal kindness which we have the end of February last, undertook to remain for received, we desire to assure you of our sincere res- | a few days at the Cape of Good Hope, in order to pect and affection, and pray to Almighty God, that administer the rite of confirmation, so long interyou may long be spared among us in the exercise mitted, in a colony which urgently requires the of your sacred office. We are grieved at the pro care of a resident bishop. Thus, within comparaspect of division which may hereafter be caused tively a short period, and, it may be added, by the among us by the meeting-house which the Wesley. efforts and offerings of comparatively few, three ans are now engaged in erecting. We feel that the new bishoprics have been erected, and the ordistrangers by whom it is chiefly promoted, though nances of the Church in their full integrity comactuated by the intention of doing good, are yet municated to many thousands of her widely-scatforgetful of the oneness of the Church, and unac tered children. quainted with the feelings and obligations of the ATHENS, April 18, 1843.—[ have the pleasure people in this place: and we lament that they to inform you, that the new English church of St. should have thought fit to endeavour to gain pro Paul, in Athens, to the erection of which the society selytes among us. We beg to express our own de || very liberally contributed, is now completed and sire with God's assistance to continue our respect consecrated. The consecration took place on Palm and attachment to our own Church, and shall ever Sunday. It was an occasion of great rejoicing to pray that it may long be preserved in unitedness, our little community here, who had long been lookpurity, and peace. We believe that we shall thus ing forward to it with anxious anticipation. In shew our reverence and love towards our Lord and England you can hardly understand what are the Saviour, who has founded his Church upon earth, feelings of your countrymen who have lived long in and comply with the precepts of the apostle, who foreign lands, without a church of their own in says, 'I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our which they may worship the God of their fathers; Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and on this occasion many circumstances contriand that there be no divisions among you.' And buted to increase the interest which was felt. The again, "We beseech you, brethren, to know them church stands within a short distance of the spot which labour among you, and are over you in the where the great apostle of the Gentiles first preached Lord, and admonish you; and esteem them very the Gospel to the Athenians: and it was with no highly in love for their work's sake.'” ordinary emotion that I looked towards Mars' Hill, ROTHWELL, YORKSHIRE.-- Testimonials to cler whilst I preached the same Gospel from his own gymen are not always tests of merit, either in the words : « Other foundation can no man lay than recipients or donors of them. From the parade that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” The congre. and publicity of such affairs, we not unfrequently gation was in part also composed of “men of suspect they have their origin either in the spirit of Athens ;" the lower part of the church and the outparty or personal vanity. The vicar of Rothwell, side being crowded with Greeks, who took great however, has just received a valuable testimonial, interest in the ceremony. Several of the most disthe circumstances of which are as novel as they tinguished of their clergy were present, and some must be gratifying to the vicar, and are creditable of them have since informed me that they were to all the parties concerned. Some unknown in much impressed with the beauty of our little church, dividual, or individuals, has just presented a large and the order and decorum of the services, in which Bible and Prayer-book, together with books for the they candidly admitted that their own church stands altar-table, splendidly bound, to the vicar, to be in need of improvement. The Te Deum and other used at divine service in Rothwell church. And || parts of the service were chanted exceedingly well, no long time since, Mr. Bell received from an un without an organ or any instrumental accompaniknown source, a magnificent altar-covering of pur ment, and the responses were made, as they ought ple velvet, together with carpet and chairs for the to be, by the whole congregation.--Letter from Bp. use of his church, besides a handsomely stained of Gibraltar. east window. COLONIAL BISHOPS.-Two of the bishops conse LONDON: crated for sees newly founded have now been for Published by JAMES BURNS, 17 PORTMAN Street, some time in their respective spheres of labour. || eres of labour. | PORTMAN SQUARE; and to be had, by order, of all Book sellers in Town and Country. 1. The Bishop of New Zealand has, in a journey of six months by sea and land, completed the first PRINTED BY ROBSON, LEVEY, AND FRANKLYN, visitation of his extensive diocese; and reports || GREAT NEW STREET, FETTER LANE. LETTERS FROM THE LAKES. importance, though it must necessarily be a good while before any considerable amount of trade is 1.- Fleetwood. Ulverston. drawn into a new channel, especially in the vicinity SIR-As some of your readers may be contemplat- || of Liverpool and other old-established places. Howing an autumnal tour, in order to obtain relaxation || ever, there is no reason why the place should not in from the labours of their business or profession, I || time be one of much resort; the railroad, which comwill set down from my note-book a few observa municates with all the southern districts, and the fations which I have made during a recent visit to cilities for navigation, are circumstances in its favour. the English Lakes- a district more easily acces Should the trade increase, there are convenient sible than heretofore, and yielding to no part of spots for docks and warehouses; and the harbour England in beautiful scenery and objects of varied is already furnished with light-houses and every interest. convenience for safe access. There were three There are two points from which the Lakes are steamers alongside the quay, on board one of which, conveniently approached from the south, namely, || after sleeping at the North Euston Hotel, we emby Lancaster or Fleetwood. Perhaps the best plan barked, in order to cross over to the opposite side is to come by one way and depart by the other. || of Morecombe Bay, a distance of about fifteen We arrived at Fleetwood by the railroad, and found miles. much to interest us before crossing the arm of the Aug. 15. In travelling by railroad, steamer, or any sea which intervenes between that place and the other public conveyance, I always make it a rule to lake-country. Fleetwood is entirely a new town- || place myself as soon as possible on terms of civility or rather the commencement of a new town-pro- || with my fellow-travellers. Any little attention at first jected by Sir Hesketh Fleetwood, to whom the soil || meeting—a mere observation about the weather, or belongs. It is at the mouth of the river Wyre, || the punctuality or unpunctuality of the people emwhich forms a bay or estuary accessible to ships of || ployed-serves at once to establish a community of the largest size. A convenient quay has been made | feeling, which, as you have so many objects in comfor landing goods or passengers, a great part of || mon as fellow-travellers, soon ripens into good-felwhich is faced with plates of iron. Several streets | lowship. By this plan you frequently gain valuand rows of houses, as well as two large hotels, || able information, or perhaps may yourself commuhave already been built; and a good solid stone | nicate what is profitable. If your new acquaintchurch, which, if not a model of architecture, yet || ance proves to be uncourteous or proud, you may indicates a right feeling, which it is gratifying to easily drop the intimacy, by having recourse to a observe. O, if every new manufacturing and mer | book or moving your position. There is one class cantile settlement had been supplied with a place of persons, however, to whom I feel unwilling to of worship as soon as a sufficient number of living || make advances, though even these sometimes prove souls to form a congregation were collected toge- || better than might have been expected, I mean, ther, how different might have been our position as young men with mustachios and beards, who strut a community! It is not so much for the enterprise up and down the deck with cigars in their mouths, evinced in the formation of this new settlement, nor || and their hands in their coat-pockets. These genfor the convenience and benefit which may arise to tlemen are commonly exceedingly shallow, and so the surrounding district, as for this one fact of the | taken up with their own importance that they care infant establishment being supplied with the ordi- | for no one else. The habit of smoking in the comnances of religion, that I hope and verily believe || pany of persons, many of whom are exceedingly the scheme will eventually succeed, and that Fleet- || disgusted by it, is a proof of selfishness, and is in wood will at no distant period be a town of great | itself a mere sensual indulgence. We had one or No. XXXIII. SEPTEMBER 1843, two of this sort on board the steamer, besides some are schismatical places of worship of various denomicivil and intelligent people. nations; there are also several manufactories, which When we set out the morning was dark and || I was sorry to observe; for, though very necessary lowering, and heavy clouds hung over the distant and unavoidable in their proper localities, it is mountains; but as we gradually neared the oppo- | grievous to see them intruding themselves, with site coast, the clouds dispersed and the haze seemed their tall smoky chimneys and begrimed populato melt away, leaving only that blue tinge which | tion, into an old quiet English market-town, esserves to improve extensive scenery, by marking | pecially one so beautifully situated as Ulverston. more plainly the distances of different objects. This town has, however, for ages been the seat of a Nothing could be more delightful than the scene considerable iron-trade-the ore being dug from which presented itself as we approached the upper the adjoining hills, and exported. The present deend of the bay; the foreground enlivened by a few pressed state of the trade is spreading poverty and boats at anchor, the projecting headlands, the Priory discontent even here. Thus it is that our monstrous of Conishead half hid amongst the green woods commercial system pervades every part of the emand hills, and the blue mountains in the distance, pire-and any disorder at the heart is felt in the rising one above another, while the light clouds remotest extremities. occasionally passing gave to the whole landscape a pleasing variety of light and shade. On a small II.- Furness Abbey. island to the left we could discern the Pile of || It was a delightfully calm summer-evening-just Foudry, a ruined castle anciently belonging to the l such as one would have chosen-when we set out abbots of Furness, the remains of which appeared on a visit to the ruined abbey of Furness. This veconsiderable. We landed at a small place called nerable relic of former days, and of a system of Bardsea, and drove from thence by a rnodern | things which, with us at least, has passed away, is Gothic residence called Conishead Priory, built on less generally known than the similar ruins of the site of an ancient religious establishment of the Fountains, Rivaux, Tintern, or Netley, being sisame name, to the small town of Ulverston, where tuated on a peninsula, which, until the establishwe found a small but comfortable inn (the Sun). || ment of the steam-communication from Fleetwood, Here we fixed our quarters, in order that we might I was rather out of the usual track of tourists. It is have e the opportunity of visiting Furness Abbey || situated in a deep and secluded valley, embosomed before proceeding on our tour. Ulverston is a || in trees, called Bekangs Gill, or the Vale of Nightthriving market - town, containing two churches. Il shade, a bunch of which plant is engraven on the The parish church is apparently a recent structure ancient seal of the fraternity. It was originally built on the foundation of an old one, which ac founded by Stephen, earl of Mortaigne and Bologne, counts for the fact that the proportions are good, || afterwards king of England ; and was subsequentwhile the architecture is very much the contrary. I ly enriched by the benefactions of Michael le One very objectionable feature in the interior is, || Fleming, and others, whose bones rest within its that, in one whole aisle, the seats are raised into a l walls. sort of gallery; and this without the pretext of ob- | The remains of the conventual church and the taining more room, as there are no seats under- || buildings of the abbey are very considerable, and neath it. It seldom happens that the new church consist entirely of the severe architecture of the in a town is better than the old one; but at Ulver- | early English style, with the exception of some of ston such is the case : the new church, erected about the lower portions, which are of the more solid ten or twelve years ago, is the best of that date that Norman. The building itself, when entire, must I have seen. It is built on a small eminence above have been of the grandest and most severe charac. the houses, and is of a remarkably graceful outline, ter. Imagine for a moment, in the midst of a seconsisting of a nave and two aisles, with a tower cluded valley, little known or visited, a noble church, and spire at the west end of the southern aisle. I equal in grandeur to some of our cathedrals, standThe pitch of the roof and the proportion of the || ing alone in tranquil solitude, surrounded only with east-window are remarkably good. But there is a || a few dwellings for the residence of the monks, grand and inexcusable deficiency, which counter- | kept entirely subordinate, the church and its holy balances all its excellences, namely, that there is no services being the grand object of all this care and chancelat least, as it appears from the outside : || labour. Seven times each day this religious comhow it may be arranged within, I cannot say. Ex munity assembled in the magnificent pile, to sing cepting this deficiency, which, it is to be hoped, will || the praises of God, and offer up prayers for themone day be remedied, it is one of the most respect selves and for the Church. Nor must it be thought able, church-like, well-placed edifices of modern || that, independently of their religious duties, the construction. ancient monks were useless members of society. As in every other town, alas ! in England, there. On the contrary, they preserved the knowledge of |