Notices of Books. be worthy the patronage of the clergy and sup porters of the Church of England !" MR. BLoxam's little work on the Principles of || Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture (Tilt and Bogue) | Mr. Burns has recently made some valuable adis the only treatise which in a popular way ex ditions to his interesting volumes for children and plains the principles of this noble art. Many works, young persons, amongst which we may especially excellent of their kind, have lately appeared, in notice, A Present for Young Churchmen, a charming which principles have been assumed; but these are volume; and a new packet of Sixpenny Books, conobviously only available to such as have made some taining Pluin Lectures on Christian Doctrine and progress in the study of architecture,- in other Duty, Illustrations of the Lord's Prayer, Select Allewords, to those who understand its principles. This gories, and Counsels for Young Females, the last of information is very clearly conveyed by way of ques which is most excellent. Several new numbers of tion and answer in Mr. Bloxam's treatise, of which || Burns' Tracts are also out. That on the Lent Fast the fifth edition, illustrated by no fewer than two is well timed. hundred beautiful woodcuts, lies before us. After We hail with great pleasure the appearance of mastering “ the principles," the reader may pro- l the toolid), || the English Journal of Education (Darton and Clark), fitably consult the Glossary of Architecture, and the which is a publication specially designed as a meexcellent treatises by Poole, Markland, Barr, and dium of correspondence among parochial clergyothers. men, and all promoters of sound education, paWhile on this subject, we would call the reader's rents, sponsors, schoolmasters, and Sunday-school attention to two seasonable tracts just put forth by teachers. The two numbers which have appeared the Cambridge Camden Society: A few Words to fully answer the end which it proposes; and there is the Parish Cierks and Sextons of Country Parishes, no doubt the work will exert a very healthy influence and Church-Enlargement and Church-Arrangement. among the classes of persons for whom it is chiefly written. Indeed, all classes may read it with ad. SEVERAL pretty volumes of poetry, original and vantage. select, have recently appeared, which the reader, should he not already possess them, will thank us The design of Bertha's Journal (Murray), which for recommending. Hymns on the Catechism, by has reached a fifth edition, is admirable; and the exethe author of The Cathedral, and Hymns for Children, cution, so far as interesting information adapted for in accordance with the Catechism, by the Rev. J. M. young persons is concerned, unexceptionable. But Neale (Burns), will be found valuable auxiliaries the religious principles of the book are, to say the in following out that catechetical instruction which, least, defective, and in many instances contravene as the advertisement of the former volume truly the teaching of the Church. Thus, while the says, is so essential a part of the Church-system. Church commands us to attend daily public prayer, Bertha's uncle says (p. 30), “ Private devotion is Church-Poetry, or Christian Thoughts in old and the Christian's daily duty [quite true]; but the modern Verse (Mozley, Derby), is the best selection peculiar duty of the Sabbath (Sunday, we presume, of poetry with which we are acquainted. As the the Sabbath being a Jewish ordinance,] is public compiler justly observes, “ among the numerous worship.” Again, her aunt (p. 52) "considers it collections of religious poetry which have hitherto || as a sort of profanation" to teach children “the appeared, persons of primitive Church-feeling have Lord's prayer” before “they understand what they continually had to regret a want of that harmony lisp ;" whereas, the Bible says that we are saved of belief on essential points with some of the by believing, not by understanding. We do not writers which is so necessary to render that kind of like to hear the sophist and socinian Locke desigreading ultimately pleasant or profitable. Church- | nated “our great philosopher.” The rising gene. men and dissenters have been mingled together, ration must be taught otherwise. and the most opposite views have been placed, perhaps, side by side; as if verse might be a veil Mr. Paget's Warden of Berkingholt, or Rich and for inconsistency, and as if poetry itself were in Poor (Parker, Oxford), is the best of his productended only to excite the fancy and indulge the tions, and cannot fail to produce good effects upon imagination, without any care to convey positive the higher classes, to whose perusal it is specially and consistent truth." This serious evil is generally adapted. The satire, we must confess, is at times avoided in the volume before us; though, with a a little keen and almost sarcastic, but there is nolittle of inconsistency, a few exquisite passages thing ill-natured; and, like the fabled spear of old, from the writings of one or two Romish dissenters it heals the wound it makes. Besides, few can are included. help being satirical when approaching many of the practices deservedly censured in this volume. As The Life and Times of Girolamo Savonarola (Whit it was in Juvenal's time, so is it now: difficile est taker and Co.) is the biography, miserably written, satyram non scribere. of a distinguished Italian schismatic, and very eminent fanatical democrat of the fifteenth century, The Norwood Schools, a sketch of their state and The biographer appears to be something of the | progress in reference to religion, by the Rev. Joseph Brown, chaplain to the schools (Roake and Varty), same stamp. At any rate, he has produced a book which savours strongly both of schism and sedition. is a very pleasing account of the regulations and As this is apparently the first of a series of works plan of instruction observed and pursued in those “ of a like nature,” we think it our duty to enter, institutions, which have excited so much of public thus early and strongly, our protest against "the interest. It would be well if all poor-law schools project,” however the publisher may hope " it will || will ll were similarly conducted. Dr. Grant's work on the Nestorians, or the lost ourselves with the love of him, and the hopes we Tribes ; containing Evidence of their Identity, their have from him against the snares of business and Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies (Murray, 2d ed.), pleasure in the ensuing day." After alluding to is full of accurate and valuable information, and the various classes of persons who frequented the cannot fail to interest all classes of readers. The || public service,--for it appears that there were those only drawback to the pleasure of reading it, is the who (as at the Sunday services in our own day) uncatholic way in which the well-intentioned writer went with little desire to profit, and speaking proceeds in the object he has in view. The Ame of “ the few in whose looks there appeared a hearican Board of Missions seems to be a very ques venly joy and gladness upon the entrance of a new tionable kind of incorporation. day, as if they had gone to sleep in expectation of it, and for whom it was worth while that the Church should keep up early matins,”--the writer Miscellaneous. concludes :-“ Were this morning solemnity geneTHE PATTERN OF A WIFE.-In a secluded situa rally observed, it would necessarily have so good tion in the southern part of Buckinghamshire, lies an effect upon us, as to make us more disengaged the village of Hambledon. The church is externally and cheerful in conversation, and less artful and a semi-modernised structure, but within contains insincere in business. The world would be quite some considerable and interesting remains of former || another place than it is now, the rest of the day, times. Amongst other antiquities are to be seen se and every face would have an alacrity in it, which veral ancient monumental brasses in good preserva can be borrowed from no other reflections but those tion, the number of which, however, has been greatly which give us the assured protection of the Omni. diminished through the negligence or connivance of potent."-Guardian, May 26, 1713. the incumbents and churchwardens during the last century. Happily, at this present time, the parish is Intelligence. blessed with a truly catholic pastor; and the owner Dr. Wol!F.-- This distinguished man read a of the principal mansion-house and property is paper on the life of Muhammed, before the Leeds like-minded with him, so that here, at least, we Literary and Philosophical Society, on the 17th may hope that the house of God will be protected instant. The personal acquaintance of the lecturer in future from modern innovations and irrever with the scene of Muhammed's impostures, and his ence. In a small transept, on the northern side of profound knowledge of the Oriental languages, gave the church, are some old monuments, and, amongst à peculiar interest to the historical narrative; while others, one erected by the poet Quarles to the me his sound catholic views induced reflections upon mory of his wife, with an inscription, of which the the opinions of " the Arabian Cromwell," as Dr. following is a copy : Wolff designated Muhammed, which were deeply “ Would'st thou, reader, draw to life instructive. The learned lecturer clearly shewed, The perfect pattern of a wife, Read on; and then redeem from shame, that it was not until Christianity had become corThat lost, that honourable name! rupted by Arianism, and other heresies, that the This dust was once in spirit a Jael, licentious creed of the Antichrist of Mecca-only a Rebecca in grace, in heart an Abigail In works a Dorcas, to the Church a Hannah; deeper shade of prevailing heresies - could obtain And to her spouse a chaste Susannah; entrance into the East. În reference to a popular Prudently simple, providently wary, misconception, he observed that the professed To the world a Martha, and to heaven a Mary!" unitarianism of Muhammed increased rather than English Churchman, palliated his wickedness, and the more nearly asEGAL STATE.He is deceived that believes the sociated him with the spirit of those demons who, usual state and carriage of a king to be matters of though acknowledging the existence of the one indifferency, and of no relation to his greatness. God, are demons still. Dr. Wolff concluded by They are the outworks, which preserve majesty | impressing upon his audience the fact of the Church itself from approaches and surprisal. We find of Christ being the only barrier against the dogmas that the queen of Sheba was amazed at the meat of Muhammed, or those of any other heretical imof Solomon's table, and the sitting of his servants, poster. [The introduction of this lecture will be and the attendance of his ministers, and their ap found in another page of this magazine. The Life parel, and his cup-bearers, &c., as so great instances of Muhammed is reserved for our next number.] of Solomon's wisdom, that there was no more spirit The Dean or PETERBOROUGH. - On Monday, in her. And, no doubt, what prince soever incon- || the 16th Jan., a young woman, residing in the siderately departs from the forms, and trappings, || parish of Milton, with a view to self-destruction, and ornaments of his dignity and pre-eminence, ihrew herself into the Northampton arm of the will hardly, at some time, be able to preserve the || Grand Junction Canal, a little above Milton-bridge. body itself of majesty from intrusion, invasion, and Most providentially (as nobody else was at hand) violation.-Clarendon. the Dean of Peterborough (Dr. Butler), who was ADDISON ON DAILY PUBLIC PRAYER.-" The Il riding from Gayton to Northampton, arrived at other morning I happened to rise earlier than ordi the spot just in time to witness her last struggles, nary, and thought I could not pass my time better and see her sink beneath the surface. He immethan to go upon the admonition of the morning Il diately sprang into the water, and was fortunate bell to the church- prayers at six of the clock. enough to rescue her, though in an insensible state, I was there the first of any in the congregation, before life was extinct. After some time, having and had the opportunity, however I made use of | obtained assistance, he had her conveyed to the it, to look back on all my life, and contemplate the Navigation Inn, at no great distance from the spot, blessing and advantage of such stated early hours | where, under the usual treatment, she was restored for offering ourselves to our Creator, and prepossess ll to animation and is now doing well. We under rch. stand that the cause of her rash conduct was dis communicated at St. Andrews on Christmas-day, tress of mind, aggravated by some sharp words and are become regular attendants on Mr. Storer's which had passed between her and an acquaintance ministry. of her own sex. We are happy to learn that the IGNORANCE AND CRIME.-Out of 476 prisonerg Dean, notwithstanding the severity of the cold and that have been lately placed on the calendar for the length of time that he was in the water, has trial at Worcester assizes, there are only two of suffered no inconvenience.-- Northampton Herald. superior education, while no fewer than 204 can Chester CATHEDRAL. Some important and || neither read nor write. And we learn from A interesting alterations are making in this cathe deacon S. Wilberforce's last instructive charge, dral. The abolition of the screen, which formed that amongst the various prisoners brought rethe background of the altar, and the reduction of cently for trial before the special commission which the level upon which the altar stood, have already followed the late riots in Cheshire, Lancashire, produced a great improvement in the appearance and Staffordshire, the number of those who either of the choir. The arch which separates ii from the could not read and write at all, or could do so Lady Chapel comes out in its original proportions, most imperfectly, was 491; of those who could and the beautiful groining of the chapel is now read and write well, only 73; and as having reopen to view. A subscription for a painted win ceived a superior education, 1. dow and new organ is spoken of.- Liverpool Mail. Tue INSIGNIFICANCE of Dissent. — Out of ST. ASAPH AND BANGOR.–At a meeting of the nearly one million and a quarter of children rearchdeacon and clergy of the archdeaconry ofCraven, ceiving daily instruction, less than fifty thousand are in the diocese of Ripon, held at Leeds on the 22d supplied with schools by dissenters, not a twentyof February, petitions to both Houses of Parliament fifth part of the whole. against the union of these ancient British dioceses Ripon DIOCESAN CHURCH-BUILDING Society, were unanimously adopted. -From the third annual report just published, we The Bishop of Worcester AND Pews. - It I find that the sum expended during the brief period was only lately that the important letter of the of its existence amounts to nearly 21,0001., which Bishop of Norwich on the subject of pews was pub. has been applied in promoting the erection of 25 lished; it is, therefore, with no ordinary pride and new churches; in increasing accommodation in seven exultation that we inform our readers that another others; in the purchase of two buildings since conof the episcopal bench, viz. the Bishop of Wor verted into chapels ; in increasing the endowment cester, has expressed opinions similar to those of of 35 small incumbencies; and in building 14 parthe Bishop of Norwich, his lordship, as well as the sonage-houses. The number of sittings thereby Archdeacon of Worcester, having declared the seats afforded amounts to 16,754, no fewer than 9,067 of in the parish-church of Coventry to be equally the I them being free. property of the parishioners. HANDSWORTH.—The new school-house for the · PernicroUS T'ENDENCY OF THE REGISTRATION | education of the children of the poor in the district Acts. In the parish of Bethnal Green alone, there around St. James's Chapel, Handsworth, near Birhas been a decrease in the number of baptisms to mingham, is now completed. It is at present used the extent of 771 in three years, or 257 a year, I only for a Sunday-school; but will in a few months although the parish has increased in population become a branch of the daily national schools at the 10,000 since 1835. The same is the result of the Re parish-church. It has been erected at the cost of gistration Acts in other parts; and unless these acts upwards of 4901.; of which sum the lords of the are repealed, it is to be feared the country will in council on education have granted 651., and the time become unchristianised. The apostolic rite National Society 601. The remainder has been of confirmation is also sadly neglected. on is also sadly neglected. It is said i It is said raised in the parish, and chiefly in the district that there are 2852 inmates in 31 prisons and peni where the school is built. Both rich and poor tentiaries, of whom 2036 have not been confirmed. have subscribed very liberally towards the erection YORKSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL Society. — This ll of the building. Among the larger subscribers are society is rapidly gaining ground. A highly inte 11 -the Earl of Dartmouth, 301.; M. P. W. Boulresting and influential meeting was held on the ton, esq., Thomas Davies, esq., Samuel Dawes, 8th of Feb., at Wakefield, at which many new esq., Walter Williams, esq., Mr. John Crockett, subscribers were announced, and several vice-pre | 251. each; the Rev. John Peel, 201.; the Rev. sidents. A handsome grant was also made towards H. R. Woolley, rector of the parish, the Rev. J. F. the restoration of Howden church; and the plans Smith, curate of St. James's Chapel, J. L. Moilfor the restoration of the ancient bridge-chantry of | liet, esq., James Watt, esq., Boulton, Watt, and Wakefield, founded in the time of Edward III., Co., 107. each; Messrs. C. Wren, W. H. Dawes, were examined with a view of selecting the most Samuel Hunt, John Murdoch, John Skidmore, W. appropriate. The Rev. G. A. Poole, one of the Haughton, John Jervis, J. and R. Wilson, 51, each; honorary secretaries, read an interesting paper on with smaller sums from upwards of 200 additional Birkin church, previous to its publication in the subscribers. series of the Churches of Yorkshire. Erratum in last Number. NORTHAMPTON.-DECREASE of Dissent.-It is P. 33, for “rebellious Israelites” read “ Egyptians." gratifying to hear, from time to time, of additions to our Church from the ranks of dissenters. A LONDON: dissenting meeting - house, in the district of St. Published by JAMES BURNS, 17 PORTMAN STREET, Andrews, Northampton, of which Mr. Thomas PORTMAN SQUAre; and to be had, by order, of all Book. Storer is the minister, has, since he entered upon sellers in Town and Country. his official duties, been entirely closed. Many who formerly were attendants at that conventicle | GREAT XEW STREET, PETTER LANE. PRINTED BY ROBSON, LEVEY, AND FRANKLYN, THE ENGLISHMAN’S MAGAZINE. РАав . 89 Contents. PAGB Poetry :-A Legend of the Hive Notices of Books . Clergyman . . . . . . . . . 85 || Intelligence . . . . . W olff . LIFE AND CREED OF MUHAMMED. Muhammed, the prince and chief of his tribe. Abd Almutaleb had rendered the most essenBY REV. DR. WOLFF. tial services to his native country. To preAt the period connected with our present in || vent general famine, the father of Abd Almuquiry, the Eastern Roman einpire was on the taleh had in aforetime made provision by decline; Persia was totally enervated; the permanent regulations for regular importaChurches in the East torn to pieces by heresies tions of corn, by means of two numerous and disputes; the Christians in the larger caravans, which departed and returned regutowns given up to vice and luxury; the By larly; and Abd Almutaleb himself had lizantine government entirely demoralised; and || berated his country by his valour and pruArabia divided by internal dissensions, politi dence from the yoke of the Abyssinians. His cal as well as religious - no wonder, then, || liberality was not only extended to men, but under such circumstances, that the whole the birds of the air and the beasts of the field East was menaced with, and stood on the brink felt the effect of his benevolence. On a cerof, a fatal revolution. tain day of every month he fed all the poor A bold, resolute, enthusiastic adventurer of the city upon the roof of his house; and was alone wanted to achieve the overthrow, also directed his servants to carry appropriate not only of Asia, but also part of Africa. A | food to the beasts on the hills. In short, man endowed with all the requirements of Abd Almutaleb was the pattern of the Arabody and mind, with enthusiasi combined bian sages; and his fame spread through the with cunning, was not long looked for in vain. whole land, from the Euphrates to the Red He suddenly appeared in the person of Mu Sea. This well-merited fame was crowned hammed, of the family of Hasham, of the also by the plenitude of domestic blessings; tribe of Coreish. and in the circle of thirteen hopeful sons and The office of superintendent, or, as it is six flourishing daughters, Abd Almutaleb was called in Arabic, the shereef, of the Caaba at the happiest father of Mecca. . Mecca, had been at first hereditary in the Abd Ullah was one of his younger sons, and family of Ishmael; afterwards,' for some cen his favourite child. This youth was endowed turies, it was vested in the tribe of Khoza; with an uncommonly handsome person and and in the year 464 A.C., the tribe of Coreish great modesty. He was the jewel of Arabian deprived the Khozaites of this office by stra youths. But not less beautiful and modest tagem, and afterwards by open force. The was Wahel's daughter, the lovely Amina, a office of superintendent, or shereef, of the jewess, of the noble family of the Zarhites. Caaba, was connected with advantages; he Abd Almutaleb married his favourite son to that occupied so high a situation, enjoyed not this beautiful girl ; and if you are inclined only great influence over the city of Mecca, to give credit to the Arabian historians, 200 but also as the holy house was an object of || maidens expired the day of their espousals of veneration amongst all the tribes over the jealousy. But in the fourth year of her marwhole of Arabia. This high dignity, com riage, when she was about to have a child, bined with the government of Mecca, de her husband, on a journey which he had unscended through four generations to Abd | dertaken for commercial purposes, died at YaAlmutaleb, son of Hasham, grandfather to treb, i.e. Medinah. Abd Ullah had had no time to acquire riches; the whole property 1 Aboo Gabsham the Khozaite loved wine; and one day. he left to his disconsolate widow consisted in a state of intoxication, he sold the key of the Caaba to Cosai, of the family of Coreish, for a barrel of wine. After of five camels and one Abyssinian slave-girl, his return to sobriety, he repented of the bargain, and the Barek by name. Two months after the death whole tribe opposed it; a battle, to the disadvantage of of her husband, on the 12th day of the month the Khozaites, took place, and the victory of Coreish, to. gether with a judicial sentence, left the Caaba in posses of Rabu, in the sixth hour of the day (10th sion of the tribe of Coreish. There still is a proverb April, 569), in the afternoon, Amina gave among the Arabs, “A worse bargain than that of Aboo Gabsham." Il birth to a boy, who received from his grandNO, XXVIII. APRIL 1843, E father the name Muhammed, the blessed or self when sitting with dervishes in the dedesired one. sert), he saw a cloud overshadowing the head To celebrate the happy delivery of his | of a youth; and as the same youth came near daughter, Abd Almutaleb prepared a splendid || a tree, the tree extended its branches over his feast, to which he invited the most distin- || head, to protect him from the heat of the sun. guished of his family; and in their presence Baheera exclained, “Praised be God, I have he gave to his grandson the name of Mu seen the seal of the prophet!" He invited the hammed. The family of Coreish, astonished || travellers to his cloister-gave them a splenat this, said to Abd Almutaleb, “ Why dost || did repast; and, after it, suddenly rose and thou call the boy thus, as no other of thy || kissed young Muhammed with great revertribe bears that name ?" Abd Almutaleb re- || ence between his shoulders, and exclaimed, plied, “ God shall glorify in heaven him “ Muhammed, son of Abdullah, in the name whom he hath created on earth.” And thus | of the gods of Lat and Uthal, make bare thy the son of Abd Ullah and Amina remained || shoulders !" Muhammed replied sternly, “I Muhammed. The miraculous events which know no such gods as Lat and Uthal. I know are said to have taken place at his birth, ac- || God the highest !” Baheera replied, “In the cording to Abulfeda, Elmakin, and Masoode, name of God the highest, bare thy shoulare evidently imitations of the gospel narra- || ders !” He obeyed, and the astonished comtives of the birth of Christ; for instance, that pany saw upon the shoulders of their youthful rays of light appeared in heaven, which illu- || companion the seal of the prophet impressed. minated all the towns, villages, and markets || Baheera then dismissed them, having first throughout Arabia and Syria. Amina nursed | blessed them, and warned Muhammed to be the child herself for some days, and then con- || on his guard against the men of the books, signed him to the care of a nurse, and sent that is, the Jews. him into the country on account of the un- | Abu Taleb and Muhammed were well healthiness of Mecca. Muhammed remained || pleased with the prediction of Baheera the there with his nurse Halima; and when he || monk. In the future greatness of his nephew, was old enough he kept the little flock of his || Abu Taleb foresaw his own grandeur; and as foster brothers and sisters. The boy grew up | the human heart is easily disposed to believe thriving, lively in spirits and strong in body, what it wishes, they did not doubt the future but being attacked by epileptic fits; which | fulfilment of the prophecy. They loved and rapidly increased to such a degree, that Ha- || honoured Baheera as a seer inspired from lima, in fear, returned the boy to the care of || above; and the youthful Muhammed believed his mother. But his mother died in his sixth himself the more to be a chosen vessel in the year, on a journey to see her uncle, and was hand of Providence, as he had frequently buried at Al Aba, between Yatreb, that is, | heard wise men, in the house of his uncle, Medinah, and Mecca. Abd Almutaleb under- || express the necessity of combining together took the guardianship of Muhammed; but in the conflicting religions of the Arabs into one the boy's eighth year he also died, at the age || pure religion, and reducing all the tribes of of 110 years; and in his dying hour recom the nation under the obedience of one commended the orphan to the care of Abu Taleb, mon creed. Besides this, the ancient Arabs who became his successor in the sacerdotal never possessed, like the Indians, Egyptians, and princely office. and Greeks, a highly wrought poetical and Abu Taleb was a wise man, highly respected scientifically arranged system of polytheism. at Mecca and the whole land, as an honest The historical traditions of their different merchant, a mighty warrior, and a bold and | races had much analogy to those of the successfu) hunter: he undertook the educa Hebrews, and coincided with them in a great tion of Muhammed, exercised him in military number of points; for as they were of the hardihood, and tried to inspire him with cou Semitic race, they deduced their origin from rage and fearlessness, by taking him with him || Abraham, and the other holy patriarchs of the in his expeditions for hunting the lion. Be- || primitive world. Hence the traditions of a sides, he made the boy acquainted with mer purer faith, and the simple, patriarchal wor.cantile business ; for which purpose he took | ship of the Deity appear never to have been him on a journey to Syria. Among his travelling | totally extinguished among the Arabs. In companions were Abu Bekr and Belal, who be- || this manner a spark was thrown into the came afterwards his most zealous partisans in | glowing imagination of Muhammed, which the promulgation of his new religion. On that produced that mighty Arabian conflagration, journey they came to Bosra in Syria, near to | whose flames were scattered over the terrified Damascus, where Abu Taleb was acquainted || globe by the sons of the desert, guided by with the monks of the Mandaye, who resided || their prophet, the founder of a new relithere. Baheera was the superior of the con gion, and animated themselves with all the vent, and was looking out of the window | enthusiasm of destruction. Abu Taleb returned when the caravan approached; and, to his great with his family to Mecca, well pleased with his surprise (I relate the story as I heard it my- ll journey to Bosra. Both of them resumed |