in the distance, and all thoughts of submission off. Among the numher were Sir John Boteceased. The heroic countess received her || ler and Sir Matthew Trelawney; these were noble ally, with his small but select band of carried to Faouet, and Sir Walter attempted followers, with the greatest courtesy; and in vain to rescue them. But the captive when the entertainment was over at which knights were too soon within a short distance they had been feasted, Sir Walter looking | of Sir Walter. The prince Louis, enraged at out of the window expressed his determina- || the defeat he had sustained at Quimperle, tion to destroy the great machine which had and at the death of his nephew Alphonse. so much annoyed the city. With two knights | demanded that Sir John Boteler and Sir who joined him in the enterprise, and three Matthew Trelawney should be given up to hundred archers, he sallied forth: the archers || him; the demand was granted, but with an dispersed those who guarded and worked the || unavailing request that their lives might be machine, and the men at arms followed and spared. Louis carried them to the gates of slew many men, and broke the machine in || Hennebon, wlither Sir Walter Manny had pieces. When they were retreating, the enemy || returned, and declared that they should be rode after them like madmen; and Sir Walter, || beheaded within sight of their friends. By a turning round, declared his determination tó || brilliant sortie, in which Sir Walter was well unhorse one of those gallopers. Many fell on supported by the knights of Hennebon, the each side; but Sir Walter and his party were || captives were rescued, and feasted that day victorious. A great part of the besieging || in the castle before which they were to have army, under Prince Louis of Spain, drew off died. in despair on the same evening. Other deeds of arms followed in rapid sucPrince Louis and his army landed at Quim | cession; but we prefer shewing the Christian perle, and commenced ravaging the country. || knight in another aspect. Sir Walter was Sir Walter, with many uther knights, left with the Earl of Derby when La Reole fell Hennebon with three thousand archers, and into his hands. While they lay before the never slacked sail till they had surprised the castle, Sir Walter called to mind that he had fleet of Prince Louis in the harbour. They been told in his infancy that his father, who were amazed at the riches which they found had been murdered in a pilgrimage from St. on board, and which they left in charge of James of Compostella, was buried there. Ofthree hundred archers, while they went in || fering a reward of a hundred crowns, he pursuit of the prince; dividing their small || found an old man who directed him to a chaforce into three parts, that they might the pel where his body lay. Sir Walter caused more certainly find him. Louis fell in with || the Latin inscription on the little tomb, which one division, and encountered them bravely; had been erected over the remains of the murbut was defeated, and left his nephew Al- || dered knight by his servants, to be read by a phonse, whom he had knighted before the clerk; and finding it as the old man said, engagement, dead on the field. Of six thou- | took the bones of his father, and placing them sand men, he carried with him but about three | in a coffin, sent them to Valenciennes, in his hundred to his fleet; and finding this in pos native county of Hainault, where they were session of the English, he escaped with diffi buried in the church of the friars minor, culty to Rennes. near the choir; and masses were appointed to The English had followed him to Redon; and || be said annually for the repose of his soul. on the morrow, when they would have returned While Edward was advancing to the field to Hennebon, they were forced back by con- l of Cressy, Sir Walter was engaged in the detrary winds. But they had no thought of || fence of Aiguillon, the siege of which was resting from deeds of arms. They landed ; // pressed by the Duke of Normandy with a and after ravaging the country for a while, | hundred thousand men. The event of the and taking such horses as they could find, || battle of Cressy obliged the duke to raise the some without harness, and some with, they ) siege; and Sir Walter, longing earnestly to found themselves before Roche Perion, a strong || be with his royal master, sent for a Norman castle under the charge of Girard de Maulin. knight, his prisoner, to whom he promised “ Sir knights,” exclaimed Manny," I should | his liberty if he would procure for him and like to attempt this fortress, all tired as we twenty companions from the Duke of Norare.” “We will follow you till death,” was mandy, a safe-conduct through France to Cathe general answer; and accordingly the at. lais : the knight promised to return as a pritack was made. But Sir Walter was forced to soner, if he succeeded not in his mission. The direct his attention to other quarters by an request was granted; and Sir Walter, with the unexpected accident. Réné, brother of Gi- allotted number of conipanions, took his road rard 'de Moulin, kept another fort, called through Auvergne. He was every where well Faouet, about half a league from Roche Pe- || received, until he came to Orleans, where he rion ; with forty companions he hurried to his was arrested, in spite of his safe-conduct, and brother's aid, and coming suddenly upon the | conducted a prisoner to Paris. The king wounded among the besiegers, carried them ll would have taken advantage of the fortune which had placed so redoubted a foe in his || Such a brilliant career of arms found a high power ; but the Duke of Normandy hastened || reward. Sir Walter was installed as one to him, and declared that he would never of the Knights of the Garter, the greatest again draw his sword against the king of || distinction that Edward had to offer, about England if Sir Walter was not instantly ten years after the institution of the order. liberated. At length Philip consented; and But he has left behind him yet a higher to do honour to the knight whose prowess he memorial in a deed of charity, which seems could not but respect, he invited his prisoner remote from the habits and thoughts of one to a feast, where he presented him with va so incessantly engaged in bloody scenes of luable jewels. Sir Walter accepted them on warfare. In the autumn of 1348 a dreadful condition that he should tell the king of Eng- || plague, which originated in the far east, and land, and return the present if he desired it. || had advanced with rapid strides through the When he told his story at Calais, Edward said, || continent of Europe, approached the shores “ Send back the jewels: we have enough, thank | of England; and travelling northward from God, for you and for ourselves.” The present Dorchester, attacked the inhabitants of Lonwas returned. don, in the dense population of which city At the siege of Calais Sir Walter used his in | it committed frightful ravages. Sir Walter fluence to modify the fury of Edward against Manny, fearing that the churchyards would the unfortunate citizens. The conquered city not be sufficient to bury the dead, purchased was placed by Edward under the charge of Sir || a field of thirteen acres' and caused it to be Aymery of Pavia. Sir Geoffry de Chargny, who enclosed at his own charges, and to be consewas stationed at St. Omer, thought to bribe Sir crated : and in this field were buried, during Aymery to surrender it to him. Edward, then the following year, more than fifty thousand in England, hearing of this, sent for Sir Ay persons. Sir Walter's military career was mery, and found that it had been agreed that not closed; but we prefer leaving him with for twenty thousand crowns the town should || the record of his pious and munificent deed. be betrayed to Sir Geoffry on the last night He died in 1372, in his own house in London, of the year. Edward sent back Sir Aymery || whither he had retired to prepare for a Chriswith instructions to continue his correspon- || tian's end. He was buried with great pomp dence with the French knight, and to re- || (the king and many nobles gracing his obceive him and his followers into the town as sequies with their presence) in the cloisters of agreed; and with three hundred men at arms || a Carthusian convent which he himself had and six hundred archers, he himself came || founded. silently to Calais, where he placed his men in ambuscade about the castle, and awaited Poetry. the approach of the French. And now King Edward, himself the very flower of chivalry, A LEGEND OF THE HIVE. conferred on Sir Walter Manny the highest honour that ever knight received from his Behold those winged Images, royal master. The king said, “ Sir Walter, Bound for their evening bowers ! I will that you be chief of this enterprize; Il They are the Nation of the Bees, and I and my son will fight under your Born from the breath of flowers.? banner.” Twelve French knights with a Strange People they! a mystic Race, hundred men at arms were admitted, as was In life, and food, and dwelling-place! arranged, when suddenly the cry, “ Manny, Manny, to the rescue !" told of the plot into They first were seen on earth, 'tis said, which they had been enticed. All were made When the Rose breathes in spring; prisoners : but still Sir Geoffry remained Men thought Her blushing bosom shed without the town, with his banner displayed, These Children of the Wing: waiting to seize the reward of his treachery. But lo! their Host went down the wind Presently Sir Walter, with his royal com Fill'd with the thoughts of God's own mind ! panions in arms came upon him. Edward, fighting still incognito, singled out Sir Eus They built them Houses made with Hands, tace de Ribeaumont, the foremost knight of . And there alone they dwell ; the party, for his attack. They fought hand No man to this day understands to hand for a while, and were at length sepa The mystery of their cell: rated by the crowd, after having tested each || Your mighty Sages cannot see other's prowess to the utmost. All that fol The deep foundations of the Bee! lowed Sir Geoffry were either taken or slain; Ribeaumont was the last to yield. The king Low in the Violet's breast of blue that day setting him by his side at a banquet, | For treasured food they sink, told him with whom he had been engaged ; and presenting him with a chaplet of pearls, | i Where the Charterhouse now stands. 2 The common people in Cornwall believe to this day gave him his liberty without ransom. ll that the bees obtain their young from the dust of flowers. Long let the lingering legend bless The Nation of the Bee! Or Sacrament or Shrine Of mysteries divine ; R. S. HAWKER. MORWENSTOW, Festival of St. Matthias, 1843. They know the flowers that hold the dew For their small race to drink : Yet filled with secret lore- Fast-by old Cornwall's shore, Beside her garden-wall; And sunbeams fain would fall : When Summer built her bowers, Around the cottage flowers : Their pastime, or their toil- Who should divide the spoil ? She sought the Chancel-floor, Knelt down amid the poor : She laid it by the hive, That so the store might thrive! For wondering eyes to trace !. Rear'd by the harmless race ! Float from those golden cells Or soft and silvery bells ? · Set not the vision free: Notices of Books. The Definitions of Faith, and the Canons of Discipline of the Six Ecumenical Councils, with the remain. ing Canons of the Code of the Universal Church, translated, with notes. To which are added the Apostolical Canons. By the Rev. W. A. Hammond, M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford. (Oxford, Parker; London, Rivingtons, 1843.) 8vo. pp. 198. The nature and authority of the Church have been of late so | completely misunderstood, that so far from looking to the Church as furnishing a code of rules for men's lives, supplementary to, and interpretative of, the Bible, the very word “ Church-discipline" has been used to mean no more than the adjustment of that obedience which the two lower orders in the Christian ministry owe to the higher. And Mr. Hammond could scarcely have done better service than by publishing this collection, which contains the laws not of the English Church in particular, but of the whole of the catholic body, before that body was divided, as we now see it to be. And we strongly advise those who are desirous of learning what Church principles really are to procure and study this volume. By way of specimen we will extract a few of the canons which relate to the treatment of schismatics. " It is not right to pray with an heretic or a schismatic.” “ The members of the Church must not connect their children in marriage indiscriminately with heretics.” [These are taken from the “ Apostolical Canons," which are supposed to have been drawn up about A.D. 150.] *“ As regards those hereticę who come over to the orthodox faith, and the host of those who are saved, we receive them according to the following order and custom. Some (naming the sects, whose names are now scarcely remembered] we receive upon their giving in a written renunciation of their errors, and anathematising every heresy, which does not agree with the holy catholic and apostolic Church of God." .... “Others (again naming them], if they wish to be joined to the orthodox faith, we receive as heretics." "And we include under the name of heretics those who haye been formerly cast off by the Church, and those who have since been anathematised by us, and, in addition to these, those also who " This legend of the west, that a woman secreted the sacramental bread to induce her bees to swarm, and the waxen shrine which they raised over it in the night, is poticed in a recent number of The Quarterly Review. do indeed pretend to confess the sound faith, but have mons preached on this subject by Mr. Charles separated themselves and formed congregations in op Wordsworth, in the collegiate chapel, Winchester, position to our canonical bishops.” [These are from are much too good to be monopolised by the schothe Council of Constantinople, A.D. 381.] lars of Winchester; and we cordially recommend “Those who have offended in divers particulars | them to all who have young persons under their and who continue instant in prayer with confession control. They are beautifully written ; and there and repentance, and are perfectly recovered from is an affectionate earnestness about them which their wickedness, shall have a certain time of || must win upon the most thoughtless. Copious notes penance assigned to them according to the quality || arc appended, which shew considerable classical of the offence, and then by the mercy and good and patristic research. The style of getting up the ness of God be brought to communion.” [Council | little work is not less attractive than appropriate. of Laodicea, A.D. 365.] There is nothing which our Church stands more When an author has won a prize poem at Oxford, in need of at this time than the revival of the dis- || and written a ballad which Sir Walter Scott mistook cipline of primitive times, the decay of which we || for an original, he may justly feel independent of have recently (Commination Service) heard her criticism. We are aware, therefore, that it is lament. Mr. Hammond has some very sensible something like an act of supererogation to make remarks upon this subject in his preface, from | any remark upon Mr. Hawker's elegant little vowhich we will borrow, in concluding, one quota lume of poems, just published under the title of tion : Reeds shaken with the Wind (Burns). Nor should " And besides all the other advantages to reli. we do so at all, were it not for the sake of informgion and morality which would result from the ing our readers that many of the poems which restoration of discipline, it would especially tend to have appeared from time to time in our Magazine correct that most dangerous error which the perver will be found in this volume. There are few nobler sion of the doctrine of justification by faith has ren stanzas in our language than those by Mr. Hawker dered so prevalent, of supposing that repentance is on “The Lost President;" and we seldom have read to be an easy and painless work, that the sins of any thing more touching than the verses commebaptised Christians are to be remitted as readily morating the “Ringers of Launcell's Tower," who and immediately as those of persons who have rang at the accession of George III., and all lived never been enlightened and regenerated by the to ring again on the fiftieth anniversary of his Holy Spirit. At any rate we might hope to see reign. These last, by the way, appear in Mr. Hawand hear no more of those awful profanations of ker's former volume, “Ecclesia," which, together the Gospel, by which penitents still reeking from with that under review, is full of exquisite poetry. a course of sin, instead of passing through the several degrees of penance,' are exalted at once into the place and privileges of the faithful' and 'per Miscellaneous. fect;' and even venture to speak with contempt of THE FAITH AND PRACTICE OF GENEVA.—Geneva, others who still feel the memory of their former | the seat and centre of Calvinism, the fountain-head sins a sore burden, and who go mourning all their from which the pure and living waters of our Scotlife, not in despair or doubt of God's mercy, but tish Zion flow, the earthly source, the pattern, the from a recollection of their own vile ingratitude, Rome of our Presbyterian doctrine and practice, and abuse of the grace which was given them.” has fallen lower from her own original doctrine We are very glad to see an edition of Mr. Jesse's and practice than ever Rome fell. Rome has still well-known Gleanings on Natural History (Murray) superstition ; Geneva has not even that semblance of religion. arranged and adapted for schools. The more the In the head church of the original young are taught to take pleasure in the works of seat of Calvinism, in a city of five-and-twenty God, the more will they possess a source of in thousand souls, at the only service on the Sabbath nocent gratification, which will often soothe the day—there being no evening service-I sat down cares, as well as preserve them from the tempta in a congregation of about 200 females, and threetions, of after life. And if any thing can engender and-twenty males, mostly elderly men of a former a taste for these pursuits, at once healthful and generation, with scarcely a youth, or boy, or workelevating, it is the Gleanings before us, abounding, ing man among them. A meagre liturgy, or printed as they do, in incidents peculiarly attractive to the form of prayer, a sermon, which, as far as reliyouthful mind. Mr. Jesse has also another and gion was concerned, might have figured the evening most humane motive in publishing his Gleanings. before at a meeting of some geological society as “One of the chiefobjects I had in view," he observes, an ingenious essay' on the Mosaic chronology, a "in writing the following pages, was to portray the couple of psalm-tunes on the organ, and a waltz to character of animals, and to endeavour to excite I go out with, were the church-service. In the af. more kindly feelings towards them.” And, again, ternoon, the only service in towns or in the counhe truly remarks,“the numerous well-authenti try is reading a chapter of the Bible to the children, cated facts which have been brought forward of and hearing them gabble over the Catechism in a fidelity, sense, discrimination, courage, and perse way which shews they have not got a glimpse of the meaning. A pleasure-tour in the steam-boats, verance, under peculiar and unusual circumstances, should induce every one to treat the animal creation which are regularly advertised for a Sunday prowith tenderness, and to mitigate those miseries and menade round the lake, a pic-nic dinner in the sufferings to which they are too much exposed." country, and overflowing congregations in the even ing at the theatre, the equestrian circus, the conCommunion in Prayer ; or the Duty of a Congre- || cert-saloons, ball-rooms, and coffee-houses, are all gation in Public Worship (Burns). The three ser- || that distinguish Sunday from Monday in that city in which, three centuries before, Calvin moved the 1 cation, we shall have 3,181,365. Deducting onesenate and the people to commit to the flames his third from those as persons presumed to be eduown early friend Servetus, the discoverer of the cated at private expense, there will still remain circulation of the blood, and one of the first phi | 2,120,910. Making a further deduction for chillosophers of that age, for presuming to differ in dren supposed to be in union-houses of 50,000, and opinion and strength of argument from his own re also deducting 10 per cent for absence and casuligious dogma.-Laing's Notes of a Traveller. alties, which will be 212,091, there will still re Cost of SCHOOLS AND GAOLs.- In the year 1841 main 1,858,819 to be provided for at the public the expense of gaols was 137,4491., the expense of expense. Now, it appears from tables made out houses of correction was 129,1631. ; making a total | by the Rev. Mr. Burgess of Chelsea, that the total of 266,6121. The expense of prosecutions in 1841 number of daily scholars in connexion with the was 170,5211.; of the conveyance of prisoners, Established Church is 749,626; and from the 23,2421. ; of the removal of transports, 8,1957. ; of same table it appeared that the total number of vagrants, 7,1671. The cost of the rural police, daily scholars in connexion with the dissenting only in a few counties, was 139,2281. : thus giving bodies is 95,000. The total number then of daily a total expenditure for the punishment of crime scholars in England and Wales is 844,626, leav. of 604,9651. It was stated that, in 1832, in the ing without any daily instruction 1,014,193 persons county of Lancaster, there were 126 cases prose capable of some education. Now, if we look forcuted at the assizes, at an average charge of 401. | ward to the next ten years, the probability is that each; at the sessions there were prosecuted 2587 || the population in England and Wales will be incases, at an average charge of 71. 198. each ; thus creased by 2,500,000, and thus an inconceivable making for that county alone an aggregate cost for multitude will be added to the number of those prosecutions for one year of 25,6561. ; while the persons capable of instruction, but receiving none. annual vote for education for all England was INTEMPERANCE AND INSANITY.-By habits of 30,0001. . If Mr. Burgess's calculation of lls, per intoxication hundreds upon thousands had been head annually were a correct estimate of the ex deprived of reason, and were immured for life in pense, then would the cost of one convict, that is consequence of their habits of intemperance. Dr. to say 651., suffice to educate for one year no less Corsellis, the superintendent of the Wakefield than 117 children. Asylum, said, “ I am led to believe that intempeThe BLASPHEMY OF TEE-TOTALISM.-The fol rance is the exciting cause of insanity in about lowing advertisement appeared in a recent number one-third of the cases of this institution." He of the Nonconformist, the recognised organ of the added, that in the Glasgow Asylum they stood in independents and of universal suffrage : the ratio of 26 per cent, and in Aberdeen of 18 “ In 12mo, cloth, price 2s. 6d. per cent. Dr. Brown of the Crichton Asylum, “ The Eucharist not an Ordinance of the Christian near Dumfries, stated, “ The applications for the Church : being an attempt to prove that eating bread introduction of individuals who have lost their and drinking wine in commemoration of Jesus Christ is reason from excessive drinking continue to be very not obligatory upon Christians. By J. Goodman.-- numerous.” The superintendent at Northampton The Christian religion is intended for all mankind. stated, “ Amongst the causes of insanity, intemIf all the inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland | perance predominates.” At Montrose, Dr. Poole who are of an age to be admissible to this cere writes, “There is 24 per cent of insane cases from mony, were to give it the weekly observance intemperance." Dr. Pritchard, a gentleman who usually contended for, it would require an expen was well known not only to the medical but to the diture of 35,0001. weekly, or 1,820,0001. annually, literary world, had written to him (Lord Ashley) in wine only, which is much more than is expended on the subject, and in the course of his observaby all our missionary societies in sending the Gos tions had stated, “ The medical writers of all pel to the heathen. It should also be borne in countries reckon intemperance among the most mind that the article must be conveyed from fo. influential exciting causes of insanity. Esquirol, reign countries, and can only be obtained by trad who has been most celebrated on the continent for ing with those countries. And, further, supposing his researches into the statistics of madness, and the doctrine of tee-totalism to be correct, the who is well known to have extended his inquiries advantage derived from the ceremony will con- || into all countries, was of opinion that this stantly be attended with physical evil to the indi. gave rise to one-half of the cases of insanity that vidual partaker, seeing his health must be injured occur in Great Britain.” Dr. Pritchard added, by the act, which is presumed to be appointed for that “ this fact, though startling, is confirmed by the promotion of his spiritual well being. Is it | many instances. In an asylum at Liverpool, out probable that a ceremonial rite, requiring so great of 495 patients admitted, 257 had become insane an expenditure of money, and such an extent of from intemperance.” And what had been the foreign trade, and involving so much physical evil, | experience of the American physicians ? Dr. Rensshould be one of the positive arrangements of the selaer, of the United States, said that, “in his spiritual kingdom of the Messiah ? London : Sher opinion, one-half of the cases of insanity which wood, Gilbert, and Piper, Paternoster Row." came under the care of medical men in that coun EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS.-In 1801 the popu try arose more or less from the use of strong drink." lation of England and Wales was 8,872,980, whilst -Lord Ashley's Speech. in 1841 the returns gave 15,906,829, shewing an THE CHURCH AND DISSENT.—It is scarce posincrease of more than 7,000,000 in less than half | sible to record the judgment of Cyprian without a a century. Taking one-fifth of the present po mental reference to parallel cases in our own times. pulation, which by the way is understating, as || Our Church is subject, as that of Carthage was in the number supposed to be capable of some edu. | Cyprian's days, to the insolence of voluntary se se |