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There was a moly vach persons anciently mig pul nemeres surrcousiy to obtain order he big been decked: this arose from t Inter i persons who were ordained. I ha ANNAMANA” I reference to one of the Cott HARSIS 1 e 3s Museum, in which I sa

or temporary Ists of ordinations, wit Tailles d ter prickars in the fourteenth ce 3 ts salt men which easily ample in I CHA MCH Je verained. I doubt not, from existin eris n ze miscopal risters of the various di un I still extract the icing only from th U nooga – the miserpate of bishop Brantyng tam, rüman reierized in Tiverton churc » VHum Carenr. Vister of Hereford, on the 8t James 15hk ten van riized three hundred an same star persoast of whom one hundred an Nerd de ist tonsure; one hundre and ovume were trisited acclyths; thirty, subdea orst den ere, beacres: and thirty, priests.""

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HE office, which I have placed next to the service of the consecration of a bishop, is that of his inthronization. This will not require of me many observations. Several forms relating to the inthronization of a bishop of Bath and Wells, in the 13th century, have been printed by Wilkins: to which I must refer the student and another, a letter of summons to certain abbots by archbishop Winchelsey, to attend the solemnity in his own instance.1

The dispute which I have already noticed between the bishops of London and Rochester, had regard to the right of inthroning the archbishop: I quote the account given by archbishop Parker, which shews that the controversy once opened, there was no lack ! of claimants of the privilege, and that it ended in a compromise. "Inthronizandi enim jus Londinensis ut decanus, Roffensis ut capellanus, archiepiscopi sibi vendicavit. His autem litigantibus interponunt se monachi, suumque jus asserunt esse. Tum totus episcoporum cœtus instabat, et ad se tam inthronizationem, quam consecrationem, spectare affirmabant. Hac dissentione turbata aliquantulum pallii suscipiendi ceremonia fuit. Tandem sic composita lis est; ut, in throno sedentis episcopus Londinensis, pallium autem suscipientis episcopus Roffensis, archiepiscopi dextras Occuparet.'


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Conc. tom. 2. p. 196. 214. De antiq. Brit. Ecc. p. 226.

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Por in passim dicebatur, quam omines pontifices Angliæ. E treter eos quos habuit in diversis maneris sus repositos separatim EKTURON Cum sua familia reside has the jacebant in camera ous durmir, quod ingredientes va suce pierant vel incedere, ns ficum aem pedibus coneucacon” Ibid. p. 765. He was the author of the Philobibus. Gatwm, de præsul. p. 748.

• Was and Inventories, p. 26. In this instance the broken seals were made into a silver-gilt cha

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Burst. One of the constitutions of Ciba, Quoniam tabellionum, is Erected to the subject of au

present custom is to send the seals of a deceased bishop to Lambeth, where they are broken up.

The pontifical ring was also anciently sent to the archbishop of Canterbury: in the year 1310, upon the decease of one of the bishops of Ely, the ring was not delivered as it ought to have been; and archbishop Winchelsey issued a writ directed to one Richard de Oteringham, who was administering the spiritualties of the see during its vacancy, in order to obtain possession of it. It begins, "Robertus, etc. Salutem. Cum nuper ad nostram audientiam pervenisset, quod fratres Amisius et Robertus, monachi Elienses, annulum, qui pontificalis vulgariter appellatur, quondam domini Roberti Elien. episcopi defuncti, qui de jure et consuetudine nostræ ecclesiæ Cant. ad nos dignoscitur pertinere, post mortem ejusdem episcopi auctoritate propria occupassent, et detinerent occupatum; vobis dedimus, etc." The monks of Ely, it appears, argued, that the


thentic seals: it orders that all archbishops, bishops, abbots, &c., should procure them, with the proper legend and distinctions: and that great care should be taken of them, lest they should fall into unfaithful hands, or be used for false purposes. The student should consult John de Athon upon this constitution, but I am not aware that either he, or Lyndwood, anywhere explains what the practice was with regard to the seals, after a bishop's or other dignitary's decease. Lyndwood in one place, speaking of an authentic seal, says; "Sed quid si episcopus de novo consecratus, vel

electus, confirmatus, nondum habeat sigillum hujusmodi paratum ad manus, habet tamen sigillum armorum vel signetum, an sufficiat alterum eorum talibus literis apponere? videtur quod sic, dum tamen tale sigillum sit notum." Lib. 5. tit. 5. Reverendissimæ. verb. sigillo. Compare as to the use of seals, attached to letters of orders, the fifth canon of a council at Westminster, A. D. 1175. Wilkins. tom. 1. p. 477.

5 Wilkins. Conc. tom. 2. p. 403. It is possible that the rings of the deceased bishops of Ely alone, were due to the archbishop: and it seems certain that in the

1829, Mom Is wear, had given the ring to the

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Carter Is The origin of this or andanshoes, is involved in hopeles vise the vels of Van Espen, "Quand is smperit, sat obscu *4# 8, 8 4 Joeciu sz Linzi ecclesiam specte They ay may my boenments, which if they and & She remains that neither Kad ta v zrak some upon this ques lay me : One the crimes Dration of Constan * rec de ake me the Barbals in the life of S Lix que la 387 As this last, it is the ear200 FOR QUILT A NA gene, which has been yor sendioni fe de angig of the pall: and the Cost: Gamer, 1 semation upon the Liber Warns yet only qances a as of authority, but conawi Das Toris. De successer of S. Peter, originally *imai --* He is sufciently modest indeed, to ex& some miramate authers of the 12th

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