SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. SIR, IAM happy in having your permiffion to infcribe to you this complete edition of the truly poetical works of your late ingenious friend OLIVER GOLD-. SMITH. They will prove a lafting monument of HIS GENIUS. Every lover offcience muft deeply lament that this excellent writer, after lang fruggling with adverfity, finished his mortal caicer juít as his reputation was firmly established, and he had acquired the friendship of SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, DR. JOHNSON, MR. EDMUND BURKE, the DEAN OF DERRY, MR. BEAUCLERC, and MR. CUMBERLAND, names which ARORN our age and nation. It is, Sir, being merely an echo of the PUBLIC VOICE to celebrate your admirable productions, "In which to latest times the artist lives." Had vi DEDICATION. Had Dr. Goldsmith understood the art of painting, of which he modeftly declares himself ignorant, his pen would have done juftice to the merits of your pencil-he chofe a nobler theme, by declaring his ardent affection for the virtues of your heart. That you may long continue, Sir, the ornament of your country, and the delight of your friends, is the fincere wish of, |