BOD SECOND EXODUS; OR REFLECTIONS ON THE PROPHECIES OF THE LAST TIMES, FULFILLED BY LATE EVENTS AND NOW FULFILLING, BY THE SCOURGE OF POPERY IN PREPARATION FOR THE ENDING OF THE INDIGNATION, AND THE CONVERSION AND RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. LETAN IN TWO VOLUMES. By the Rev. W. ETTRICK, M. A. LATE FELLOW OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, OXFORD. VOL. II. O Israel! who is like unto thee, O people, saved by the Lord!" Deut. xxxiii. 29. "The BREAKER is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and THEIR KING shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them." Micah ii. 13. SUNDERLAND; PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY J. GRAHAM, AND SOLD BY L, B. SEELEY, 169, FLEET STREET, LONDON. The APOCALYPSE an arrangement and elucidati- on of all former prophecies concerning the times of the Gospel.-State of religion in the Roman empire in the primitive times -Jea- lousy and malice of the pagan emperors, watch- ful for the destruction of christianity, at the instigation of the OLD SERPENT, there in pos- session of the temples -War between the two religions Triumph of the Gospel -The dra- gon's malice thereby increased.-He excites fresh enmity, and raises new partisans. -Re- covers his old influence, and is worshipped again, but under disguised attributes -The two beasts and the image, and their worship- The superstitious abuse of religious signs no reason against the sober use of them -The a popish darkness at the reformation, appears like a Revelation newly made -WICKLIFF the first angel that appears in the ecclesiastical heaven proclaiming it :-LUTHER and his followers, the second and third angels.-LuTHER dissolves the enchanted SPELL of a PURGATORY -The HARVEST and VINTAGE appointed to mystic Babylon. SECTION XXI. 35 The opening of the TABERNACLE of the TESTIMONY in heaven,-or the reformation of religion and the church,-preparatory to the seven divine judgments upon the kingdom of THE BEAST,-which are to effect its total overthrow -The impenitency and blindness of his worshippers (while a long respite is given them) still continuing.The judgment begins with the plague of a figurative ULCER.-By the infliction of the second plague, its corroding malignancy spreads over the whole popish system, -and works deadly effects by the influence of the third. SECTION XXII. 49 The church of the witnesses gives glory to God for the truth and justice of his dispensations, in the fulfilment of prophecy,-The apostate church perseveres in her misapprehension of them.-The fourth vial poured out,-represents the scorching heat of despotic power and cruel tyranny. The fifth vial, a darkness both political and moral. The remarkable wisdom of Providence in these judgments, which are adapted to set before the eyes of sinners the crimes that drew these miseries upon them. SECTION XXIII. 74 The sixth vial makes preparation for the RESTORATION OF THE JEWS, by the fall of the TURKISH EMPIRE, and in its consequences becomes a plague of the PAPAL APOSTACY -The state of the world at this period a general subjection to an universal tyranny The head of the apostacy (ejected from royal and independent sovereignty by the effect of the fifth plague) is stiled from henceforth THE FALSE PROPHET. -An hopeful scheme set on foot against the church of the witnesses ostensibly, but against christianity itself in design. 102 SECTION XXIV. Christian faith and patience put to the test with unexampled severity The true time of the death of the witnesses.-The restoration of the |