IES LLING, ΓΙΟΝ, ΔΙΟΝ .I.A. E, OXFORD. 7 people, saved by the Deut. xxxiii. 29. :they have broken up, gone out by it: and : the Lord on the head Micah ii. 13. ARAM, BET, LONDON. SECOND EXODUS; OR REFLECTIONS ON THE PROPHECIES OF THE LAST TIMES, FULFILLED BY LATE EVENTS AND NOW FULFILLING, BY THE SCOURGE OF POPERY IN PREPARATION FOR THE ENDING OF THE INDIGNATION, AND THE CONVERSION AND RESTORATION OF ISRAEL. IN TWO VOLUMES. By the Rev. W. ETTRICK, M. A. VOL. II. "O Israel! who is like unto thee, O people, saved by the "The BREAKER is come up before them: they have broken up, SUNDERLAND; PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY J. GRAHAM, AND SOLD BY L, B. SEELEY, 169, FLEET STREET, LONDON. 101. ei 199. CONTENTS OF VOL. II. The APOCALYPSE an arrangement and elucidati- on of all former prophecies concerning the times of the Gospel.-State of religion in the Roman empire in the primitive times -Jea- lousy and malice of the pagan emperors, watch- ful for the destruction of christianity, at the instigation of the OLD SERPENT, there in pos- session of the temples -War between the two religions -Triumph of the Gospel-lhe dra- gon's malice thereby increased.-He excites fresh enmity, and raises new partisans. —Re- covers his old influence, and is worshipped again, but under disguised attributes -The The superstitious abuse of religious signs no reason against the sober use of them -The a |