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The king shall answer:

Et hoc nunc et usque in sæculum.

Then shall the chaplain say this collect following, praying for the sick person or persons :

Domine exaudi orationem meam.
The king shall answer :

Et clamor meus ad te veniat.


Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, salus æterna credentium, exaudi nos pro famulis tuis, pro quibus misericordiæ tuæ imploramus auxilium, ut reddita sibi sanitate, gratiarum tibi in ecclesia tua referant actiones. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

This prayer is to be said secretly after the sick persons are departed from the king, at his pleasure.

Dominator Domine, Deus omnipotens, cujus benignitate, cœci vident, surdi audiunt, muti loquuntur, claudi ambulant, leprosi mundantur, omnes infirmorum curantur languores, et a quo solo donum sanationis humano generi etiam tribuitur, et tanta gratia pro incredibili tua erga hoc regnum bonitate, regibus ejusdem concessa est, ut sola manuum illorum impositione, morbus gravissimus foetidissimusque depellatur, concede propitius ut tibi propterea gratias agamus, et pro isto singulari beneficio in nos collato, non nobis ipsis, sed nomini tuo assidue gloriam demus, nosque sic ad pietatem semper exerceamus, ut tuam nobis donatam gratiam non solum diligenter conservare, sed in dies magis magisque adaugere laboremus, et præsta, ut quorumcunque corporibus, in nomine tuo manus imposuerimus, hac tua virtute in illis operante et nobis ministrantibus, ad pristinam sanitatem restituantur, eam conservent, et pro eadem tibi, ut summo medico

et omnium morborum depulsori, perpetuo nobiscum gratias agant: sicque deinceps vitam instituant ut non corpus solum ab infirmitate, sed anima etiam a peccato omnino sanata videatur. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Sancti Spiritus per omnia sæcula sæculorum. Amen.

The Ceremonies of blessing Cramprings, on Good-Friday, used by the Catholick Kings of England.

HE psalme "Deus misereatur nostri, etc," with the "Gloria Patri."

May God take pity upon us and blesse us: may he send forth the light of his face upon us, and take pity on us.

That we may know thy ways on earth: among all nations thy salvation.

May people acknowledge Thee, O God: may all people acknowledge Thee.

Let Nations reioice and be glad, because thou iudgest people with equity and doest guide Nations on the Earth.

May people acknowledge Thee, O God, may all people acknowledge Thee: the Earth has sent forth her fruit.

May God blesse us, that God who is ours: may that God blesse us: and may all the bounds of the Earth feare him.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, and now, and ever: and for ever, and ever. Amen.

Then the King reades this prayer:

Almighty eternal God, who by the most copious gifts of thy grace flowing from the unexhausted fountain of thy bounty, hast been graciously pleased for the comfort of Mankind, continually to grant us many,

and various means to relieve us in our miseries, and art willing to make those the instruments and channels of thy gifts, and to grace those persons with more excellent favours, whom Thou hast raised to the Royal dignity; to the end that as by Thee they reign, and govern others; so by Thee they may prove beneficial to them, and bestow thy favours on the People; graciously heare our prayers and favourably receive those vows we powre forth with humility, that Thou mayest grant to us, who beg with the same confidence the favour, which our Ancestors by their hopes in thy mercy have obteined, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Rings lying in one bason, or more, this Prayer is to be said over them:

O God, the Maker of heavenly and earthly creatures, and the most gracious Restorer of Mankind, the Dispenser of spiritual Grace, and the origin of all blessings; send downe from heaven thy holy Spirit, the Comforter, upon these Rings, artificially fram`d by the workman, and by thy greate power purify them so, that all the malice of the fowle, and venomous Serpent be driven out; and so the Metal, which by Thee was created, may remaine pure and free from all dregs of the Enemy, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The blessing of the Rings.

O God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, heare mercifully our prayers. Spare those, who feare Thee. Be propitious to thy Suppliants, and graciously be pleased to send downe from heaven thy holy Angel; that he may sanctify and blesse these rings; to the end they may prove a healthy remedy to such, as implore thy Name with humility, and ac

cuse themselves of the Sins, which ly upon their conscience; who deplore their crimes in the sight of thy divine Clemency, and beseech with earnestnes, and humility, thy most serene Piety. May they in fine by the invocation of thy holy name become profitable to all such as weare them, for the health of their soule and body, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Blessing.

O God, who hast manifested the greatest wonders of thy Power by the cure of diseases, and who were pleased that Rings should be a pledge of fidelity in the Patriark Judah, a Priestly Ornament in Aaron, the mark of a faithful Guardian in Darius, and in this Kingdom a remedy for divers diseases: graciously be pleased to blesse and sanctify these Rings, to the end that all such, who weare them may be free from all snares of the Devil, may be defended by the power of celestial armour, and that no contraction of the nerves, or any danger of the falling-sickness may infest them, but that in all sort of diseases by thy help they may find relief. In the name of the Father,

and of the Son and of the holy Ghost . Amen. Blesse, O my Soule, the Lord: and let all things which are within me praise his holy name.

Blesse, O my Soule, the Lord: and do not forget all his favours.

He forgives all thy iniquities: he heales all thy infirmities.

He redeemes thy life from ruin: he crownes thee with mercy and commiseration.

He fils thy desires with what is good: thy youth like that of the eagle shal be renewed.

The Lord is he who does mercy and does iustice to those, who suffer wrong.

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