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Bi that preciouse blode and water that rayne oute of thi most holy hert, washe and clense us in the same most holy water and blode from all oure synnys: and haue mercy on vs.

For that grete mercy that thou shewedist to longius the knyght, and to centurion, and all thi mercies that thou hast shewed euer to man: haue mercy on vs.

Bi the descendyng of thi holy soule to hell: haue mercy on vs.

Bi that myght and strength of thi blessid soule, wher by thou brekist the gates of hell and delyuerist the soules of thi frendis: haue mercy on vs.

For the takyng downe of thi most holy body from the crosse and the solempne beryeng therof, and grete lamentacion of thi blessed mother, mari mawdlen, and othir thi frendis: haue mercy on vs.

For all thi peynfull labours, werenes, sorowe and heuynes, which thou suffrest from the day of thi natiuyte vnto the houre that thi soule deperdid fro thi body: haue mercy on vs.

For thi gloriouse resurrexioun in body and soule : haue mercy on vs.

For that ineffable Joy and gladnes of thi blyssid modir, and odir thi frendis of thi gloriose resurreccyon: haue mercy on vs.

For that speciall grace wen thou didst apere in a gloriouse body after thi resurreccioun to mary mawdlen, and to odir women and to thi disciples: haue mercy on vs.

For thi wondirfull and gloriouse ascension, comfort vs good lord in all necessites: and haue mercy on vs. For thi godly and comfortable sendyng of the holy goost in to thi disciples, comfort vs, halowe vs, strengthen vs in feyth, hope and charite: and haue mercy on vs.

For thi glori, and the diuine maieste and virtues of thi holy name, saue vs, and gouerne vs nowe and euer: and haue mercy on vs.

For the loue that restid both in thi godhed and manhede haue mercy on vs.

For that joy wherby thou haste fruicion in selfe: haue mercy on vs.

For thi selfe and all goodnes and merites that thou beholdist both in thee, and in thi blyssid modir: haue mercy on vs.

For the ministrynge of seynt myghele, and my good angell deputid to my kepynge, and all other spirits of heuen haue mercy on vs.

Bi the intercession and meritis of sent Peter, and Paule, and sent John euangeliste, and all thy apostles: haue mercy on vs.

Bi the meritis, and intercession of thi holy marteris, Laurence, Stephyn, and all other: haue mercy on vs.

Bi the meritis, and prayers of holy fadirs and confessors, Austyn, Anthoni, and all oder: have mercy

on vs.

Bi the meritis, and prayers of sent Anne, Katerine, barbara, and all other holy vergyns, widews, and continent lyuers have mercy on vs.

Bi the merites and prayers of all thi chosen sanctes, which be, haue be, and whiche be to come in heuen and in erthe haue mercy on vs.

Succur vs, most swete Jesu, in that ferfull day of the streyte Jugement, and graunt vs in this transitory lyfe all thyngis necessary to the helthe of body and soule, and after this lyfe to lyue and Joy with thee euerlasting. Amen.

Domine, exaudi orationem meam.

Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

The .xv. oos in englysshe.'


JESU, endles swetnes of lovynge soules: O Jesu, ghostly Joy passynge and excedynge all gladnes and desyres: O Jesu,

helthe, and tender louer of repentaunt synners, that lykest for to duuelle as thou sayd thiselfe wyth the chyldren of men. For that was the cause why thou was incarnate, and made man in the ende of the worlde. Haue mynde, blessyd Jesu, of all the sorowes that thou souffred in thy manhode, drawynge nyghe too thy blessyd passyon. In the whiche moost holsome passyon, was ordeyned to the in thy dyuyne herte by counseyle of all the holy trynyte, for the raunson of all mankynde. Haue mynde blessyd Jesu of all the grete dredes, anguysshes, and sorowes, that thou suffred in thy tender flesshe afore thy passyon upon the crosse, whan thou was betrayed of thy dis

1 These xv Oos, are taken from an Edition of the "Horæ ad usum Sarum" by Regnault, Paris, 1527: 4to. in my possession. The name may have been derived from each Prayer, both in English and in Latin, beginning with the interjection, O: or from Orationes, the "Quindecim Orationes" of the Latin Books.

I have an edition of these prayers, which I should suppose is rare, printed "at Antwerp for

T. D. 1686." of which the title is, "The most Devout Prayers of St. Brigitte, Touching the most holy Passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Composed by the aforesaid Saint, by instinct of the Holy Ghost." Single sheet: 12mo. There is no preface, but a Douay "Approbation" at the end, dated 1653. I need scarcely add, the translation is not that of the text, but modern.

cyple Judas to the Jewes, whiche of famylyer affectyon that thou hadde to theym, sholde haue been thy speciall people after tyme that thou hadd made thyn orysons and prayers, upon the mounte of Olyuete, and swette bothe water and blode. And also haue mynde of the grete anguysshe that thou was in, whan thou was taken of the false Jewes, and by false wytnesse. And at Jherusalem, in the tyme of Ester, in the flourynge youthe of thy body, without ony trespas thou receyued thy Jugement of dethe upon the crosse, where also thou was dispoyled of thyn owne clothes, scorned, blynded, buffeted, bounde to a pyller and scourged, and with thornes crowned, and with a rodde smyten upon the heed, and with other inumerable paynes thy body was all to crusshed and torne. For mynde of thys blessyd passyon, I beseche the, benygne Jesu, graunte me afore my dethe very contrycyon, true confession, and satysfaccyon, and of all my synnes clene remyssyon. Amen. Pater noster. Ave.

ij. O Blessyd Jesu, maker of all the worlde, the of a man maye not be mesured, whiche closys in thy hande all the erthe, haue mynde of the bytter sorowe. Fyrst, whan the Jewes fastned thy blessyd handes to the crosse with blunte nayles. Also, to the more encreasing of thy payne, they added sorowe upon sorowe to thy bytter woundes, whan they perced thy blessyd, tender, and swete fete, bycause that thou woldest not accorde to theyr wyll, and soo cruelly they drewe thy blessyd body in length and brede to the mesure of the crosse, that all the Joyntes of thy lymmes were bothe losed and forbroken. For the mynde of thy blessyd passyon, I beseche the, benygne Jesu, gyue me grace to kepe me with bothe thy love et thy drede. Amen. Pater noster. Ave maria, gratia plena, dominus


iij. O Jesu, heuenly leche, haue mynde of thy languor and blewnes of thy woundes, and sorowe that thou suffredde in the hyght of the crosse, whan thou were lyfte up fro the erth, that thou were all to torne in all thi lymmes: so that was no lymme abydinge in his ryght Joynte, so thou noo sorowe was lyke to thyn, fro the sole of thy fote to the toppe of thy heed there was noo hole place. And yet forgetynge in maner all those greuous paynes, thou prayed deuoutely and charytably to thy fader, for thyn enemyes, saynge thus: fader forgyue yt them, for they knowe not what they doo. For this blessyd charytable mercy that thou shewed to thyn enemyes, and for mynde of these bytter paynes, graunte me that the mynde of this bytter passyon be to me plenary remyssyon, and forgyuenesse of my synnes. Amen. Pater noster. Ave. iv. O Jesu, very fredome of aungelles, paradyse of all ghoostly delytes, Haue mynde of the drede and hydeus ferefulnes that thou souffred, whan all thyne enemyes stode aboute the, and clypped the as wood lyons, smytynge the and spyttynge on the, sacratchynge the, and many other grete paynes puttynge to the. For mynde of all these despytefull wordes, cruel betynge and sharpe tormentes: I beseche the, blessyd Jesu, delyuer me from all myn enemyes bodely and ghostly, and gyue me grace to have defence and protectyon of helth everlastynge, ayenst theyr wylles under the wynges of thy blessyd passyon. Amen. Pater noster. Ave maria.

v. O Jesu, blessyd myrrour of endles clerenes, Have minde of thy blessyd memoryall recorde: whan thou behelde in the myrroure of thy clere mageste, in predestynacyon of all thy chosen soules, that sholde be saved by the meryte of thy passyon, for mynde of the

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