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depnesse of thy grete mercy whiche thou haddest upon us, lost et desperate synners, and namely for the grete mercy whiche thou shewed to the thefe that hanged on thy ryght syde, sayenge unto hym thus: Thys daye thou shalte be with me in paradyse: I praye the, benygne Jesu, to shewe thy mercy to me in the houre of my dethe. Amen. Pater noster. Ave Maria gratia.

vj. O Blessyd Jesu, louable kynge, and frende in all thynge, Haue mynde of the sorowes that thou hadde whan thou hanged naked pyteously upont the crosse and all thy frendes and knowlege stode ayenst the: of whome thou founde no comforte, but onely of thy blessyd moder standynge with the, faythfully and truly all the tyme of thy bytter passyon, whan thou commaunded to thy discyple saynt John sayenge to her: Lo, woman, thy sone. For mynde of thys passyon, and namely for that sorowfull swerde, the whiche the tyme perced the sole of thy moder: I beseche the, blessyd Jesu, to have compassyon of my trybulacyons, and afflycyons bodyly and ghostly, and gyue me comforte in all my dyseases. Amen.

vij. O Blessyd Jesu, well of endlesse pyte, that sayde upon the tree of the holy crosse at thy bytter passyon, by inwarde affeccyon of loue, (I thurst) that is to saye, the helthe of mannes soule: For mynde of thys blessyd desyre, I beseche the, benygne Jesu, take hede to my desyre, that it may be perfyte in all good werkes. And quenche in me the thurste of all flesshely love and luste. Amen. Pater.

viij. O Blessyd Jesu, swetnes of hertes and goostly hony of soules, I beseche the for the bitternes of the aysell and gall that thou tasted and suffred for me in thy passyon, graunt me for to recyue worthely, hol

somly, et devoutly in the houre of my dethe, thy blessyd body in the sacrament of the awter for remedy of my synnes, and comforte of my soule. Amen. Pater noster. Ave Maria.

ix. O Blessyd Jesu, royall strength and goostly Joye: Haue minde of the grete anguysshes, perturbacyons and sorowes that thou suffred for me, and for all mankynde, whan thou cryed unto thy fader with a myghty voyce, what for the bytternesse of thy deth, and also for the scornynge of the Jewes, saynge thus : O my God, why hast thou forsaken me: by thys paynfull anguysshe, forsake not us in the anguysshes of our dethe, our blessyd God. Amen. Pater noster.

x. O Blessyd Jesu, begynnynge and endynge lyfe, and strength in every place: Haue mynde that fro the toppe of thy heed to the sole of thy fote, thou suffred for us to be drowned in the water of thy paynfull passyon, for mynde of this grete payne and namely for the depnes and wydenes of thy woundes: I beseche the, blessyd Jesu, whyche am drowned all in foule synne, teche me thy large precepte and commaundement of loue. Amen. Pater noster. Ave Maria gratia plena.

xi. O Blessyd Jesu, depnes of endles mercy: I beseche the for the depenesse of thy woundes, that wente through thy tender flesshe, thy bowlles, and the mary of thy bones, that it shall please the to drawe me out synne, and hyde me ever after in the holes of thy woundes, frome the face of thy wrath: unto tyme, Lorde, that thy dredefull dome be passed. Amen. Pater noster. Ave Maria.


xij. O Blessyd myrroure of trouth, taken of unite, and louesome bonde of charyte: Haue mynde of thyn innumerable paynes and woundes, with the wiche fro

the toppe of thy heed to the sole of thy fote thou was wounded, and of the wycked Jewes thou was all to torne and rente, and all thy body thou suffred to be reed with thy moost clene blessyd blode. The wiche grete sorowe, Jesu, in thy clene virginall body thou suffred, what myght thou doo more for us than thou dyde. Therfore, benygne Jesu, for the mynde of thys passyon wryte all thy woundes in my herte, with thy precious blode, that I may bothe red in them thy drede, and thy loue, and that I may contynue in praysynge and in thankynge the to my lyues ende. Amen. Pater


xiij. O Blessyd Jhesu, moost mekest lyon, myghtyest kyng immortall, and moost vyctoryous: Haue mynde of the sorowe whyche thou suffred, whan all the myghtes of thy herte and body fayled unto the uterly: and than thou sayde, inclynyng thy heed thus: Now it is all done. For mynde of that anguysse and sorowe, blessyd Jhesu, haue mercy on me in my last ende, whan my soule shall be anguysshed and my spyryte troubled. Amen. Pater noster.

xiv. O Blessyd Jhesu, the onely begoten sone of almyght God thy fader, and shynynge lykenes of his fygurall substaunce: Haue mynde of thy meke commendynge whan thou commende thy spyryte into the handes of thy fader: and so thou lost thy bodyly lyfe with a grete crye, and with a torne body, et broken herte, shewynge to us for oure raunsome the bowelle of thy mercy. For mynde of that precyous deth, I beseche the, kynge of the blessyd soules, conforte me to withstande the fende, the worlde, and the flesshe, that I may be deed to the worlde, and lyuynge ghoostly towarde the and in the last houre of my departynge from thys worlde, receyue my soule cominge to the:

whiche in thys lyfe is an outlawe or a pylgrym. Amen. Pater noster. Ave Maria.

xv. O Blessyd Jesu, very and true plenteous vyne, haue mynde of thy passyon and habundaunte shedynge of blode, that thou shest moost plenteously, as yf it had ben threst out of a rype clustre of grapes. Whan they pressed thy blessyd body as a rype clustre upon the pressoure of the crosse, and gaue us drynke bothe blode and water out of thy body, perced with a knyghtes spere, so that in thy blessyd body was not left one droppe of blode, ne of water, than at the last as a bundell of myrre thou hanged on the crosse on hyghe, where as thy tendre flesshe chaunged his coloure: bycause the lycoure of thy bowelles and the mary of thy bones was dryed up. For mynde of thys bytter passyon, swete Jesu, wounde my herte: and that my soule may be fedde swetely with water of penaunce, and teres of love, bothe nyght and day. And, good Jesu, tourne me holy to the, that my herte may be euer to the a dwellynge place, and that my lyuynge may be euer pleasaunt and acceptable: et that the ende of my lyfe may be so commendable, that I maye perpetually deserve for to prayse the with all sayntes in blys. Amen. Pater noster.

Two deuoute prayers in englisshe to Iesu.1

GLORIOUS Iesu, o mekest Iesu, o most swetest Iesu, I praye thee that I may haue trew confessyon, contricion, and satisfaction, or I dye and that I may see and receyue thy holy body, god and man, Sauyour of alle mankynde, crist Iesu, wythoute synne: and that thou wylt, my lord god, forgeue me all my synnes for thy glorious woundes: and that I may ende my lif in the trew faith of holy chirch, and in perfight loue and charite wyth my euen cristen as thy creature: and I commend my soule in to thy holy handes, thurgh the glorious helpe of thy blessyd moder of mercy our lady saint mary, and alle the holy companye of heuen. Amen.

The holy body of Crist Iesu be my saluation of body and soule. Amen.

The glorious blod of Christe Iesu bring my soule and body in to the euerlasting blisse. Amen.

I crye god mercy. I crye god mercy. I crye god mercy. Welcom, my maker. maker. Welcom, my Welcom, my redemer. Welcom, my sauyour. I crie the mercy, with hert contrit of my gret unkindenesse that I haue had to the.

O the most swetest spouse of my sowle, Christ Iesu, desiring hertely euermore for to be wyth thee in mynde and wylle, and to lete no erthely thyng be soo nygh myn herte as thou, crist Iesu, and that I may

1 From the Horæ ad usum Sarum. Paris. Simon Vostre. 1508. 8vo. in my possession.

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