761 275. Colles, Mr. recommended by lord viscount St. Alban to Conquerors grow superstitious and melancholy, when, i. Coloquintida, being stamped, purges by vapour, i. 192. Coloration of flowers, 141, different colours of flowers from the same seed, whence, ib. Colours of herbs, ib. Colours vanish not by degrees as sounds do, 110, the causes thereof, ib. mixture of many colours disagreeable to the eye, 179. Colour of the sea and other water, 186, light and colours, 214, which show best by candle light, 292. Colours in birds and beasts, i. 83, the nature of, 96. Co- Columbus, Christopher, his discovery of America, i. 780. Columbus's offer to Henry VII. relating to the Indies, i. 659. Combats of two sorts seem to have been looked upon as authorized, i. 681, by way of judicial trial of right, by whom introduced, ib. Comets rather gazed upon than wisely observed, i. 306. Comforting the spirits of men by several things, i. 167. Commendams, ii. 196, letter to the king about them, 77, 78, some proceedings therein give offence to the king, 76, king denied to have a power of granting them, 78, judges proceed therein without the king's leave, 79, the king writes to them upon it, ib. he charges them with several faults therein, 80, the judges submit, ib. and commendams are allowed to be in the king's power, 82. Commineus, Philip, his observation of Charles the Hardy, i. 199. Commissioners for plantation of Ireland how to act. See Ireland. Commissions for examinations of witnesses, i. 720, for charitable uses, 722, suits thereupon how to proceed, ib. of sewers, ib. of delegates, when to be awarded, ib. Committees for ripening of business in affairs of state, i. 278. Common law, what method to be observed in the digesting of it, i. 669, what points chiefly to be minded in the reduction of it, ib. Common people, state of them in queen Elizabeth's time, i. 386. Common Pleas, court of, erected in Henry III.'s time, i. 574, its institution and design, ib. its jurisdiction, 716. Common vouchee, who he is, and in what cases made use of, i. 583. Comparison between Philip of Macedon and the king of Spain, i. 388. Compositio et mistio, the difference naturalists make between them, i. 451. Composts to enrich ground, i. 149, the ordering of them for several grounds, ib. six kinds of them, ib. Compound fruits, how they may be made, i. 137. Compression in solid bodies, cause of all violent motion, i. 83, not hitherto inquired, ib. worketh first in round, then in progress, ib. easily discernible in liquors, in solid bodies not, ib. Compression in a brittle body, ib. in powder, in shot, ib. Compression of liquors, 185. Compton, Spencer, lord, ii. 219. Concoction, what, i. 180, not the work of heat alone, ib. its periods, ib. Concord final upon any writ of covenant, i. 592. Concretion of bodies dissolved by the contrary, i. 181. Condition, its significancy in statute of uses, i. 610. Conference between the lords and commons upon petitioning the king to treat of a composition for wards and tenures, i. 484. Confession of faith, i. 337. Confirmation, whether we are not in our church mistaken about it in the time of using it, i. 356. Confusion makes things appear greater, i. 256. Congealing of air of great consequence, i. 126. Conjuration, how to be punished, i. 674. Conquest, distinction between conquest and descent in the case of naturalization confuted, i. 659, subjects gained thereby are esteemed naturalized, ib. Conquest, the inconveniences of that claim in the person of Henry VII. i. 732. Consalvo, i. 319, his saying of honour, 306, 682. Conscience, how persons are to be treated in religious matters upon pretence thereof, i. 387. Conservation of bodies long time, i. 171, the causes and helps thereof, ib. Conservation of bodies in quicksilver, i. 174. Conservators of the peace, their origin, office, and continuance thereof, i. 573, who are such by office, ib. were succeeded by justices of the peace, ib. Conservatory of snow and ice, i. 93, great uses to be made thereof in philosophy, ib. and likewise in profit, 95. Consiliarii nati, who, i. 514. Consistencies of bodies how divers, i. 180. Consistory at Rome, whereof it consists, i. 354, performs all ecclesiastical jurisdiction, ib. Conspiracies against princes, the peculiar heinousness of them, i. 694. Constable, his office, i. 571, was settled by William the Conqueror, ib. two high constables appointed for every hundred by the sheriff, ib. a petty one appointed for every village, ib. the original of their authority very dark, 648, original of their office still more obscure, ib. whether the high constable was ab origine, ib. by whom elected, and where, 649, of what condition they ought to be in estate, ib. their office, ib. their authority, ib. et seq. their original power reducible to three heads, ib. by whom they are punishable, ib. their oath, 650, their office summed up, ib. Constable, Sir John, ii. 219. Contiguous things, or such once, their operation, i. 191. Continuity, solution of it, causes putrefaction, i. 122. Contract, the difference of dissolving a contract and making a lease of the thing contracted for, i. 565. Contraction of bodies in bulk, by mixing solids and fluids, i. 88, of the eye, 185. Controversies are no ill sign in a church, i. 343, college for controversies proposed, 496, are to be expected, 343, those of the Church of England not about great matters, ib. by what means they are easily prevented, 344, are carried on amongst us with great indecency, 345, five points wherein both the controverting parties are to blame in these matters, ib. the occasions of them, ib. their progress, 347, they grow about the form of church government, 353, unbrotherly proceedings on both sides in these controversies, 347, should not be discussed before the people, 350, few are qualified enough to judge of them impartially, 351. Conversation, some observations relating thereto, i. 334. Converts to the reformed religion, a proposal for making a receptacle to encourage them, i. 496. Conveyance, property of land gained thereby in estates in fee, in tail, for life, for years, i. 581, of lands is made six ways; by feoffment, by fine, by recovery, by use, by covenant, by will, 583, 584, these ways are all explained, ib. by way of use ought to be construed favourably, 630. Conway, secretary, letter to him from lord viscount St. Alban, ii. 251, to lord viscount St. Alban, 252, wishes that lord well, 260. Copies in chancery, how to be regulated, i. 720. Copper-mines, case relating to them determined by records and precedents, i. 715. Coppice-woods hastened in their growth, i. 133. Copyholders, their original, with several other things relating to them, i. 579. Coral participates of the nature of plants and metals, i. 150. Coral much found on the south-west of Sicily, 172, its description, ib. Coral said to wax pale when the party wearing it is ill, 197. Coranus, answered by Sir Henry Savil, i. 320. Cordes, lord, would lie in hell seven years to win Calais from the English, i. 752, appointed to manage the treaty, 760. Cordials, i. 250. Core in fruits, want of it how obtained, i. 142. Corn changed by sowing often in the same ground, i. 142, changed into a baser kind by the sterility of the year, ib. the diseases thereof, 156, 157, their remedy, 157, choice of the best corn, ib. Cornish insurrection, i. 773. Corns, why most painful towards rain or frost, i. 178. Coronation of our kings, where to be held after the union of England and Scotland, i. 455. Coroners, their office, i. 651, how they came to be called so, ib. by whom they are chosen, ib. Corporations, excluded from trust by statute of uses, i. 608. Corruption and generation, Nature's two boundaries, i. 122. Corruption to be avoided in suitors as well as ministers, i. 269. Cosmetics, i. 41. Cosmography, i. 38. Cosmus, duke of Florence, says, we no where read that we are to forgive our friends, i. 264, temperate in youth, 295. Cottington, Sir Francis, letters to him from lord viscount St. Alban, ii. 250, 253. Cotton, Sir John, ii. 201 note **, 202. Cotton, Sir Robert, backward in furnishing lord Bacon with materials for his life of king Henry VIII. ii. 254. Cotton, Sir Rowland, ii. 204 note **. Cotton, Mr. imprisoned on suspicion of being author of a libel against king James I. ii. 164 note ↑. Covenant, a manner of conveyance, i. 584, how it is effected, ib. Coventry, Sir Thomas, his character by Sir Francis Bacon, ii. 183, did his part well in the prosecution of the earl of Suffolk, 214, ordered to come well prepared for the king, 223, ordered to prepare a book for the king's signature, 227, made attorney-general, 228, his letter to the lord viscount St. Alban just before he was made lord-keeper of the great seal, 263. Covin, how made and discharged, i. 601. Councils of state, how to be ordered after the union of England and Scotland, i. 457, one to be erected at Carlisle or Berwick upon the union, with the extent of its jurisdiction, 454, in Ireland, whether they should be reduced or not, ii. 84. Counsel, to give it, is the greatest trust between man and man, i. 277. Counsel to be asked of both times, ancient and present, i. 269. Counsel, i. 277, for the persons and the matter, ib. inconveniences attending it, ib. Counsel of manners and business, 283, scattered counsels distract and mislead, ib. Vide 284. Countenance greatly to be guarded in secrecy, i. 265. Counties, the division of England into them, i. 571, lords set over each, and their authority, 572, this authority given afterwards to the sheriff, ib. County court held by the sheriff monthly, ib. this dealt only in crown matters, 573, its jurisdiction, 574. Court-barons, their original and use, i. 579. Court-rolls, their examination to be referred to two masters in chancery, i. 719. Court of Vulcan, near Puteoli, i. 173. Courts obnoxious, 305. Courtney, Edward, made earl of Devon at the coronation of Henry VII. i. 734. Courtney, William, earl of Devon, married to Catharine, daughter of Edward IV. i. 787, attached by the king his brother-in law, ib. Courts of justice how to be ordered after the union of England and Scotland, i. 458. Courts of justice, an account of them, i. 748. Cox, Sir Richard, ii. 165 note ‡. Crafty cowards like the arrow flying in the dark, i. 264. Cramp, its cause and cure, i. 197. Cranfield, Sir Lionel, some account of him, ii. 101 note +. Crassus wept for the death of a fish, i. 323, defeated by the Parthians, 326. Creatures said to be bred of putrefaction, i. 122, 142, 160. Creatures moving after the severing of the head, the causes thereof, 130. Creatures that sleep much eat little, 161. Creatures that generate at certain seasons, 169, that renew their youth or cast their spoils, 198. Crew, Sir Randolph, ii. 172, 212. Croesus's gold liable to be rifled by any man who had better iron, i. 285, 324. Crollius, his dispensatory, i. 201. Cromwell, lord, his examination relating to lord Essex's treason, i. 430, 431. Crook, Sir John, some account of him, ii. 49 note §. Crown, the title to it descanted upon, i. 732. Crown of England, goes by descent, i. 662, ceremonial of it, how to be framed after the union of England and Scotland, 455. Crudity explained, i. 180. Crystal in caves, i. 126, designation of a trial for making of it out of congealed water, ib. how made use of in Pariswork, 197, formed out of water, 247. Cucumbers made to grow sooner, i. 135, to bear two years, ib. by steeping their seeds in milk prove more dainty, 136, made more delicate by throwing in chaff when they are set, ib. they exceedingly affect moisture, ib. will grow towards a pot of water, ib. may be as long as a cane, or moulded into any figure, 140. Cuffe, Henry, his remark on lord Bacon's "Novum Organum," ii. 222 note §. Cuffe, is employed by lord Essex in his treasons, and in what manner, i. 414, his character, ib. the effect of what passed at his arraignment, 424. Culture, plants for want of it degenerate, i. 142. Cunning, i. 278, difference between a cunning and wise man in honesty and ability, ib. Cure by custom, i. 92, caution to be used in diseases count. ed incurable, ib. Cure by excess, ib. its cause, ib. Cure by motion of consent, ib. physicians how to make use of this motion, ib. Curiality, the king master of this as master of his family, i. 519. Curiosities touching plants, i. 140, et seq. Curzon, Sir Robert, governor of the castle of Hammes, i. 787, flies from his charge in order to betray or get into the secrets of the malcontents, ib. occasions the spilling of much blood, and the confinement of many, ib. but is cursed by the pope's bull at Paul's cross, in order to deceive the more effectually, ib. Custom familiarizes poisons, infections, tortures, and excesses, i. 92. Custom no small matter, 324. Custom subdues nature, 293. Custom and education, ib. Custom in its exaltation, ib. Custom of towns, are by our laws to be construed strictly, with the reasons of this, i. 661, they are the laws in Touraine, Anjou, &c. 468. Cutting trees often causeth their long lasting, i. 147. Cuttings of vines burnt make lands fruitful, 156. Cuttle's blood, the colour from its high concoction, i. 167, as we see by boiling of blood, which turns it black, ib. Cyprus, a kind of iron said to grow there, i. 175. Cyrus the Younger, defeat of, i. 326. Dangers not light, if they seem so, i. 278, whether they | justify war, 532. D'Aquila the Spaniard, his indignation against the Irish, i. 541. Darcy, lord, of the North; his cause in the star-chamber against Gervase Markham, Esq. ii. 183. Darcy's case, ii. 269, 270. Daubeney, or D'Aubigney, Sir Giles, created lord, i. 735, deputy of Calais, raises the siege of Dixmude, 752, appointed to treat with lord Cordes about peace, 760, made lord chamberlain in the room of Sir William Stanley, 766, commands the king's forces against the Cornish men, 774. 775, taken, but rescued, 775. Daubigny, Bernard, i. 744. Daubigny, William, beheaded in Perkin's affair, i. 765. Davers, the effect of what passed at his arraignment, i. 423, his confession relating to lord Essex's treason, 427. David, how he propounded to make choice of his courtiers, i. 520. Davies, chief justice of the king's bench, ii. 28 note †, 214. Deans and chapters, what authority they once had, and how it came to be lost, i. 354. Death without pain, i. 154, the pomp of it more terrible than the thing itself, 262, opens the gate to fame, ib. in causes of life and death, judges ought to remember mercy, 305. Death, an essay thereon, i. 334, ought to be esteemed the least of all evils, ib. most people dread it, ib. is desirable, ib. is most disagreeable to aldermen and citizens, 335, dreadful to usurers, ib. to whom it is welcome, ib. we generally dally with ourselves too much about it, ib. is made easy by the thoughts of leaving a good name behind us, 336, desirable before old age comes upon us, ib. Debts, what sort of them must be first discharged by executors, i. 587. Decemvirs, an account of their laws, i. 671. Declarations, the opinion of the law about them, i. 561, of the lord keeper and earl of Worcester, &c. relating to lord Essex's treason, 428. Decoction takes away the virtue and flatulency of medicines, i. 84, 88. Decoction maketh liquors clearer, infusion thicker, why, 119. Decrees, noue are to be reversed or explained but upon a bill of review, except in case of miscasting, i. 716, none are to be made against an express act of parliament, 717, a person is to suffer close imprisonment for the breach of one, or for contempt of it, ib. cases wherein they are binding, or not so, ib. after judgment in chancery, their effect, 718. Deer, in them the young horn putteth off the old, i. 166. Deer, their generating at certain seasons, 169. Defendant, not to be examined upon interrogatories, unless in some cases, i. 720. Deformed persons generally even with nature, i. 296, mostly bold and industrious, ib. Degenerating of plants, its causes, i. 142. Delays of the Spaniards, what owing to, i. 476. Demades, the orator, like a sacrifice, i. 323. Democritus, his "motus plagæ," i. 85, 97, the relation how he kept himself alive by smelling at new bread, 193, his school, 273. Demosthenes, his reply when reproached for flying from the battle, i. 315, his reply to schines, 323. Vide 327. Demosthenes, his advice to the Athenians in giving their votes, i. 461. Demosthenes, his chief part of an orator, i. 269, how he reprehends the Athenians, 258, reprehends the people for listening to the unequal conditions of Philip, 259, exposes to scorn wars which are not preventive, 534. Demosthenes, his violent death, i. 521. Demurrers, what is their proper matter, i. 720. | Denham, Sir John, commended, i. 715, is made baron of the exchequer, ib. advice to him thereupon, ib. one of the lords justices in Ireland, ii. 187 note . Denizen, what this word properly signifies, i. 655, is often confounded with natural-born subject, ib. who is so, and how he is considered by our laws, ib. is made by the king's charter, ib. Denmark, its state considered, i. 381. Density of the body, one cause of cold, i. 93. Depositions taken in any other court, are not to be read in chancery but by special order, i. 720. Deputies, in what sort of cases never allowed, i. 354. Descent, property of lands gained thereby, i. 576, three rules to be observed therein, ib. is restrained by certain customs, 577, this concerns fee-simple estates only, ib. Desiccation, i. 123. Desmond, countess of, who lived till she was sevenscore, said to have new teeth, i. 169. Despatch, i. 280, affected despatch like hasty digestion, ib. order and distribution the life of it, 281. Despatch in business, i. 510. Dew upon hills better than upon valleys, i. 173. Dew of the rainbow, 178. Digby, Sir John, lieutenant of the Tower, i. 781. Digby, Sir John, ii. 169, 179, additional instructions to him, 185, appointed to speak with the countess of Exeter, 216, letter to him from lord viscount St. Alban, 236. Digby, Thomas, ii. 213. Digest of the laws of England, proposed to king James I. i. 670. Digestions three, i. 179, extended to liquors and fruits, as well as living creatures, 180, four digestions enumerated, ib. Digging of the earth healthful, i. 193. Dilatation and extension of bodies, i. 181. Dilatation in boiling, i. 184. Dilatation and contraction in excess hurts the eye, 186. Dioclesian, in his later years superstitious, i. 275. Diogenes begging, i. 321, why he would be buried with his face downwards, 322, Plato's reason why he came into the market-place naked on a cold morning, ib. his pride chastised by Plato, 323. Vide 327. Dionysius, his rebuke to his son, i. 314, being deposed, he kept a school at Corinth, 322. Discipline of our church, i. 510. Discipline, the opinion that there should be but one form thereof in the church censured, i. 353, this hinders reformation in religion, ib. Discontents, their cause and cure, i. 272, 273. Discords in music, i. 99. Discord of the bass most disturbeth the music, ib. Discovery of persons, how made, i. 300. Discourse, whether wit or judgment the greater ornament of it, i. 288, of a man's self should be seldom and well chosen, ib. Diseases contrary to predisposition, whether more difficult to be cured than concurrent, i. 92, what the physician is to do in such cases, ib. Diseases infectious, 48. Diseases epidemical, their causes, 128. Dismissions from chancery how to be regularly obtained, i. 717. Displacing courtiers should always proceed from manifest cause, i. 520. cases our author is resolved to prosecute offences herein, 682, decree of the star-chamber relating to them, 683, are contrary to the oath of every subject to the king, 685, a letter against them, ii. 90. Dulcoration of metals, i. 125, of several things, as malt, &c. 154, of fruits several ways, 136, 184, the causes thereof, ib. Dulcoration of salt water, 187. Dunging of grounds, the properest time for it, i. 149. Dungs of beasts to enrich grounds, i. 149, which of them the best, ib. Dissolution of bodies from desiccation and putrefaction, Duration of plants, i. 147. i. 122. Dissolution of metals, i. 246. Distilled waters last longer than raw, i. 123. Distilled waters from salt, wormwood, lose their saltness and bitter, &c. i. 187. Distribution and order the life of business and despatch, i. 281. "Distringas," a writ so called, in what cases to be executed, i. 575. Divination natural, i. 176. Dixmude, i. 752. Dodderidge, Sir John, some account of him, ii. 49 note, 202. Dogs, how made little, i. 125, biting in anger a stone thrown at him communicates a choleric quality to the powder of it, 198. Dogs know the dog-killer, though they never saw him before, 199. Dolabella, i. 321. Dominion how founded, i. 528. Domitian the younger son of Vespasian, i. 321, tyrannical, 323, what he excelled in, 275. Domitian, a dream of his just before his death, i. 671. Dorset, marquis, hostage for Henry VII. i. 735, committed to the Tower, 740, released, 741. Double flowers, how to produce them, i. 141. Doubts about our laws, a good rule in any such cases, i. 668. Douglas, Sir Robert, ii. 221. Dower, tenant in dower, how much favoured by our laws, i. 606. D'Oyley, Robert, ii. 220. Draining salt water by descent doth not make it fresh, i. 83, of lands under water would make excellent pasture, 517. Drake, Sir Francis, his prosperous expeditions into the West Indies, i. 538, burns, sinks, and carries off ten thousand ton of their great shipping, 538, his death, 541. Dramatical poetry, i. 33. Dreams pleasant and prophetical, procured by some smells, i. 193, several remarkable dreams, 290, 291. Drinks, the maturation of them how wrought, i. 120, wherein it differs from clarification, ib. degrees of maturation by enforcing the motion of the spirits, ib. quickening of drink that is dead or palled, 119, ripened by being immerged in the sea, 158. Drowning of metals, the baser in the more precious, i. 175, the methods to perform the operation, 241. Drums, cause of sound in them, i. 103. Drunken men, their sperm unfruitful, i. 165, they are unapt for voluntary motion, ib. imagine false things as to the eye, ib. men sooner drunk with small draughts than with great, ib. Drunkenness, i. 165. Drying the adventitious moisture prohibiteth putrefaction, i. 123, mixture of dry things prohibits putrefaction, 124. Dryness turneth hair and feathers gray and white, i. 183. Ductile bodies, i. 181. Dudley, i. 786, made speaker of the house of commons, i. 787. See Empsom. Duels, a charge concerning them, i. 679, how they affront our laws, 680, the danger and mischief of them, 679, causes of this evil, and how it is nourished, 680, some remedies proposed for this mischief, ib. edict of Charles IX. of France concerning them, with the strict proceedings in France against them, ib. our laws thought erroneous, in two points relating to them, ib. are condemned in all civilized states, 681, never practised by the Romans, ib. are condemned by the Turks, ib. in what Dust maketh trees fruitful, as vines, &c. i. 156. Dutch, proposal of hindering their going out of the kingdom, i. 330, account of the proceedings against them, ii 111. Dutch, not to be abandoned for our safety, nor kept for our profit, i. 330. Dutch merchants prosecuted for exporting gold and silver coin, ii. 209, 214, 217, 218. Dutchman, his project for making gold, i. 121. Duty of a privy counsellor, i. 514. Dwarfing of trees, i. 143, dwarf trees proceed from slips, . Dyers, some proposals relating to the new company of them, ii. 57, letter to king James against this company, 59, advice to the king about them, 65. E Ear dangerous to EAR erected to hear attentively, i. 114. be picked in yawning, 158. Early flowers and plants, i. 146. Ears wax red in blushing, i. 186. Earth and sand differ, i. 82. Earth "primum frigidum," 93, infusions in earth, the effects thereof, 128, cautions to be used therein, ib. several instances thereof, ib. Earth taken out of the vaults will put forth herbs, 146, the nature of those herbs, ib. what earth taken out of shady and watery woods will put forth, ib. Earth upon earth a good compost, 149. Earths good and bad. 156, large clods, and putting forth moss, bad, ib. Earths medicinal, 162. Earth taken near the river Nilus, said to increase in weight till the river comes to its height, 167, new turned up, hath a sweet scent, 178, pure, the healthfullest smell of all, 193, fruitful, 212. Ebbing and flowing of the sea, the cause of it, according to Galilæus, i. 174, by Apollonius called the respiration of the world, 190. Echoes, a repercussion only, i. 102. Echo of an echo, 113, artificial echoes not known, ib. natural echoes, where found, ib. the differences between the concurrent echo and iterant, ib. no echo from a trunk stopped at one end, why, ib. Echo from within a well, ib. whether echoes move in the same angle with the original sounds, ib. plurality of echoes in one place, ib. back echoes, Echoes returning many words, ib. Echo upon echo, i. Echo will not return the letter S, when it begins a word, why, 114, difference of echoes, ib. mixture of echoes, B. resemble the ear, ib. and have a resemblance of hearing. 116, super-reflection of echoes, 174. Edgar made a collection of the laws of England, i. 672 Edgecomb, Sir Richard, comptroller of the king's house, sent into Scotland, i. 742. Edible flesh, and not edible, i. 184, the causes of each, ib. Edmondes, Sir Thomas, recommended by the lord keeper Bacon to his niece for a husband, i. 188. Edmund, earl of Richmond, father of Henry VII. i. 795. Edward I. commended for his excellent laws, i. 544, bis design of conquering Scotland, 464, is wounded by a votary of a Saracen prince treacherously, 694, his ar swer to the commons petitioning him for a redress frem the subjects of Flanders, 478, his reign accounted presperous, 379. Edward II. is murdered in Berkeley castle by rebels. 1. 422, his deposition and murder owing to his queen, 275 Edward III. his answers to the commons relating to malters of peace and war, i. 478, he rejects the petition of the commons to make the Black Prince prince of Wales, and afterwards makes him so of his own mere motion, 480, the troubles of his reign, 379. Edward IV. i. 296, the trains and mines laid for him by the duke of Gloucester, 782, his interview and treaty of peace with Lewis XI. ib. touched with remorse for the death of his brother, the duke of Clarence, 737, first devised the tax called Benevolence, 757. Effiat, Monsieur d', letter to him from the lord viscount St. Alban, ii. 264. Egerton, master of the rolls and lord keeper, i. 318. Egerton, Sir Thomas, lord keeper of the great seal, letter to him from Mr. Francis Bacon, ii. 154, twice lord high steward, 174, employed in the inquiry into the death of Sir Thomas Overbury, 176. Egerton, Sir Rowland and Mr. Edward, their cause in chancery, ii. 197. Eggs, the yolks of them great nourishers, i. 90, how to be used, ib. yolk conduceth more to the nourishment, white to the generation, of the bird, 96, hatched in an oven, 184. Egg petrified, 247, white of an egg long lying in the sun said to turn to stone, ib. Egremond, made leader of the Yorkshire riot against the subsidy, i. 749, flies to lady Margaret into Flanders, ib. Eight, the sweetest concord in music, i. 99, though it is a received rather than a true computation, ib. Elder-flowers good for the stone, i. 159. Elder-stick put to consume taketh away warts, i. 200. Elections for parliaments, advice to the subjects thereupon, ii. 119. Electric bodies, i. 191. Electrum of gold and silver, i. 243. Electrum, ancient, its proportion of silver and gold, i. 175. Elements and their conjugations ruinous to knowledge, i. 179. Elision of the air a term of ignorance, i. 101. Elizabeth, eldest sister to Edward IV. i. 784, married for her second husband John de la Pool, duke of Suffolk, 784. Elizabeth, queen dowager of Edward IV. i. 733, cloistered in the nunnery of Bermondsey, 737, forfeits all her lands and goods, 738, her great variety of fortune, ib. dies in the cloister, ib. has burial with her husband at Windsor, ib. founds Queen's college in Cambridge, ib. Elizabeth, lady, i. 732, not mentioned in the claim of Henry VII. ib. repairs to London, by direction, to the queen dowager her mother, 733, married to Henry VII. 738, crowned at Westminster to give contentment to the people, 741, in the third year of the ing's reign, ib. dies in childbed at the Tower, 786. Elizabeth, queen, her life attempted by several votaries of the Romish church, i. 687, her conduct commended, 441, her fair treatment of the king of Spain, 376, is conspired against and libelled by the Spanish direction, 371, the prosperous condition of England under her reign, 378, her reign compared with other princes, 379, the remarkable length of her reign, ib. the nation had great health and plenty in her time, 379, 380, reformation of religion was settled by her, 381, she is excommunicated by the pope, 387, an account of the justness of her proceedings with Spain, upon the defection of the Low Countries, 391, refuses the inheritance of the United Provinces, 392, a treaty of marriage between her and the duke of Anjou, very forward, 393, is charged with setting up her image at Ludgate to be worshipped, 397, is accused of a design of making illegitimate offspring of her own king, 497, a design of poisoning her by Lopez, 398, the reasons given for the poisoning of her, 399, allots stipends for preachers in Lancashire, 359, the design of poisoning her discovered, 401, she seems inclined to receive lord Essex again into favour, 439. Elizabeth, queen, a discourse in her praise, i. 370, petitioned to release the four evangelists, being prisoners, 310, her speech about the archduke's raising the siege of Grave, 311, said, she had rather be dead than put in custody, ib. her remarks upon sales, and instructions to great officers, ib. retorted upon, that a man thinks of nothing when he thinks of a woman's promise, 329, 330, has great regard to personage, 330, a princess of extreme caution, 796, yet loved admiration above safety, ib. car ried a hand restrained in gifts, but strained in prerogative, 797, had not a numerous but wise council, 514. Elizabeth, princess, eldest daughter of king James, some account of her, ii. 136 note *. Ellesmere, lord chancellor, i. 330. Ellesmere, lord chancellor, his relation to the king about Coke's reports, ii. 95 note †, joint letter of him and Sir Francis Bacon concerning the lord chief justice Coke, 180, his exceptions to Sir Edward Coke's Reports, and Sir Edward's answers, 268, his letter to king James about that matter, ib. dies, 184 note . Elm grafted, i. 135. Ely, isle of, questions to the chief justice of the king's bench about it, ii. 269, answers to these questions, ib. Embalming of dead bodies, i. 123. Embassies, how managed by queen Elizabeth, i. 514, 515. Emmanuel Comnenus poisoned the water when the christians were to pass through his country to the Holy Land, i. 191. Empedocles the Sicilian, his love of solitude, i. 281. Empire, its true temper, i. 275, 276, states liberal of naturalization fit for empire, 285, what most importeth empire, 286. Empsom, the son of a sieve-maker, i. 786, his method of extortion in conjunction with Dudley, ib. his book of accounts signed by the king, ib. Empty coffers in a prince make the people forget their duty, i. 520. Enclosures, when frequent, and how guarded against, i. England, arguments to prove that it is not well enough peopled, i. 463, it was never severed after it was united, 466, its safety and greatness if united with Scotland, 467, the external points wherein it stands separated and united with Scotland, 455, the internal points, &c. 456, what its name is to be, after the union with Scotland, ib. in great danger from Spain, 442, an inquiry into its condition under queen Elizabeth, 378 et seq. the state of it compared with others abroad, 381, concerning its foreign enemies, 383, its proceedings towards the neighbouring states censured, with an account of those proceedings, 389, accused as the author of troubles in Scotland and France, 390, account of its proceedings with Spain, 391, solicits a renewal of treaties with Spain upon queen Mary's death, with their answer, ib. is ill used by the Spaniards, 392, idly accused of confederating with the Turk, 395, reasons to fear it might become subject to France, 657. England compared to France, though less in territory, i. 285, compared to Spain, 541, compared to other states abroad, 381. Englefeld, Sir Francis, his letter to the lord keeper Bacon, ii. 197, fined for charging the lord keeper Williams with bribery, ib. note §, his cause in chancery recommended by the marquis of Buckingham, 206, 209. English valour remarkable, 540, 541. Englishmen hurt in the leg hard to cure, i. 173. Entails of lands, how created, i. 581, were so strengthened by a statute of Edward I. as not to be forfeited by attainder, ib. the great inconvenience of this statute to the crown, 582, these mischiefs prevented by later acts of parliament, ib. some privileges still remaining to estates in tail, ib. Entry, a particular case how property in lands may be gained by it, i. 577. Envious and froward men not like dogs licking the sores, but like flies and vermin, i. 270. Envy, how most forcible in an oblique cast, i. 194. Envy most predominant in a man that hath no virtue, 266, who are most exposed to this infirmity, 267, public not so pernicious as private envy, ib. contracted by great men's followers, 300, the canker of honour, 304. Epaminondas grants that to a whore which he refused to |