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ib. to Sir Thomas Bodley, upon sending his book of "Advancement of Learning," ib. to the earl of Salisbury, upon the same, ib. to the lord treasurer Buckhurst, on the same subject, 32, to the lord chancellor Egerton, on the same subject, ib. to Mr. Matthew, on the same subject, ib. to Dr. Playfere, desiring him to translate the "Advancement" into Latin, ib. to the lord chancellor, touching the History of Britain," 33, to the king, touching the "History of his Times," 34, of expostulation to Sir Edward Coke, ib. to the earl of Salisbury, concerning the solicitor's place, 35, another to him suing for the solicitor's place, ib. to the lord chancellor, about the same, ib. to my lady Packington, in answer to a message by her sent, 36, to the king, touching the solicitor's place, ib. to the earl of Salisbury, upon a new year's tide, 37, to Mr. Matthew, imprisoned for religion, ib. to Mr. Matthew, with some of his writings, ib. to Sir George Carew, on sending him the treatise, " In Felicem Memoriam Elizabethæ," 37, 38, to the king, upon presenting the "Discourse touching the Plantation of Ireland," 38, to the bishop of Ely, upon sending his writing, entitled, " Cogitata et Visa," 39, to Sir Thomas Bodley, desiring him to return the "Cogitata et Visa," ib. Sir Thomas Bodley's letter to Sir Francis Bacon about his "Cogitata et Visa," 39-41, to Mr. Matthew, upon sending to him a part of the "Instauratio Magna," 42, to Mr. Matthew, concerning his treatise of the felicities of queen Elizabeth, and the "Instauratio Magna," ib. to the same, with a memorial of queen Elizabeth, ib. to the same, upon sending his book, "De Sapientia Veterum," 43, to the king, asking a promise to succeed to the attorney's place, ib. another on the same subject, 44, to the prince of Wales, dedicating his "Essays" to him, ib. to the earl of Salisbury, requesting a place, ib. to the lord mayor of London, complaining of his usage of Mr. Bernard, ib. to Sir Vincent Skinner, complaining of his non-payment of some monies, 45, to Sir Henry Saville, concerning a discourse upon the intellectual powers, 45-47, to Mr. Matthew, about his writings, and the death of a friend, 47, 48, two to the king, concerning Peacham, 49, 50, to the king, concerning the lord chancellor's recovery, ib. to the king, touching Peacham, 50-52, to the king, touching my lord chancellor's amendment, &c. 53, to the king, concerning Owen's cause, &c. ib. to the king, with lord Coke's answers, concerning Peacham's case, 54, to the king, about Peacham's papers, ib. another on the same subject, 55, to the king, about his majesty's revenue, 56, to the king, with an account of Mr. St. John's trial, 57, to the king, concerning the new company, 57, 58, to Sir George Villiers, about Roper's place, ib. to the king, concerning Murray, ib. to the king, against the new company, 59, to the king, touching the chancellor's sickness, 60, to the king, relating to the chancellor's place, ib. to the king, of the chancellor's amendment, and the difference begun between the chancery and king's bench, 61, to Sir George Villiers, on the same subject, 62, to Sir George Villiers, about swearing him into the privy council, ib. to the king, concerning the præmunire in the king's bench against the chancery, 62, 63, to the king, on the breach of the new company, 64, to Sir George Villiers, soliciting to be sworn of the privy council, 65, to his majesty, about the earl of Somerset, 66, to his majesty, about the chancellor's place, ib. two to Sir George Villiers, about the earl of Somerset, 67, 68, a letter to the king, relating to Somerset's trial, with his majesty's observation upon it, 68, 69, to Sir George Villiers, about the earl of Somerset, 70, to Sir George Villiers, of Somerset's arraignment, ib. to the king, about Somerset's examination, 71, an expostulation to the lord chief justice Coke, 71-73, to Sir George Villiers, putting him in mind of a former suit, 74, to the king, about the commendams, 74-77, to Sir George Villiers, upon accepting a place in council, ib. to the same, concerning the affair of the commendams, 77, 78, two to Sir George Villiers, about restoring Dr. Burgess to preach, 82, 83, to the same, of lady Somerset's pardon, ib. to the same, recommending a gentleman to be solicitor in Ireland, ib. to the same, about Irish affairs, ib. to the king, with the preface of Sir George Villiers's patent, 84, to Sir George Villiers,

on sending his bill for viscount, 85, to the same, on sending his patent, ib. to the king, of Sir George Villiers's patent, 86, to Sir George Villiers, on sending his patent sealed, ib. to the same, acknowledging the king's favour, ib. to the king, of the clothing business, ib. to the lord viscount Villiers, on the same subject, 87, to the lord viscount Villiers, concerning the patent for licensing inns, 88, to the same, with Bertram's case, ib. to Sir Francis Bacon, from lord Villiers, concerning Bertram, 89, to the lord viscount Villiers, of the improving his lands and the revenues of his places, 89, 90, to the same, about duels, 90, 91, to the same, concerning the farmers' cause, 91, 92, to the earl of Buckingham, on the author's being declared lord keeper of the great seal, 92, to the same, concerning the queen's household, ib. to the university of Cambridge, in answer to their congratulation, ib. to the earl of Buckingham, of lord Brackley's patent, 92, 93, to the same, concerning the queen's business, 93, to Mr. Matthew, censuring some astronomers in Italy, ib. to the king, about the Spanish match, 93, 94, to the earl of Buckingham, of his taking his place in chancery, 94, the earl of Buckingham's answer, 96, to the earl of Buckingham, recommending Mr. Lowder to be one of the barons in Ireland, ib. to the same, dissuading the match between his brother and lord Coke's daughter, 97, 98, to the king, on the same subject, ib. to the earl of Buckingham, of his brother's match, 99, a letter of thanks to the earl of Buckingham, 100, to the same, with the certificate touching the enrolment of apprentices, ib. four to the same, of retrenching the expenses of the king's household, 101, to the king, from the lords of the council, on the same subject, 102, 103, to Mr. Matthew, desiring his judgment of his writings, 103, to the marquis of Buckingham, of different affairs, 104, the marquis's answer, ib. to the king, asking his directions concerning the charge to be given the judges, before the circuits, 105, to the lord chancellor, from Buckingham, concerning the treatment of the papists, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, concerning lord Clifton's traducing the author, ib. to the same, concerning the revenue, 106, to the same, of staying two grants at the seal, and of the commission of wards in Ireland, ib. to the same, of his mother's patent, ib. to the same, of staying a patent at the seal, 107, to the same, of the navy, ib. to the same, soliciting the farm of the profits of the alienations, ib. to the same, concerning the affair of the Dutch merchants, who had exported immense quantities of gold and silver, 108, Buckingham's answer, ib. two to the marquis of Buckingham, concerning the revenue, 108, 109, to the king, concerning the gold and silver thread business, 109, to the same, proposing to regulate his finances, 109, 110, to the marquis of Buckingham, giving him an account of several matters, 110, Buckingham's answer, ib. Buckingham to the lord chancellor, ib. to Sir Thomas Leigh, and Sir Thomas Puckeridge, in favour of a man whose house was burnt down, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, concerning the pursevants, 111, two from Buckingham to the lord chancellor, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, concerning the "ore tenus" against the Dutch, ib. Buckingham's answer, 112, to the marquis of Buckingham, concerning the earl of Suffolk's submission, ib. Buckingham's answer, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, of Suffolk's sentence, 113, to the same, of the Dutchmen's cause, ib. to the same, concerning the revenue, ib. to the same, with Sir Thomas Lake's submission, 113, 114, Buckingham's answer, 114, to the marquis of Buckingham, concerning the Dutch cause, ib. Buckingham's answer, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, of justice Croke's death, ib. to the same, of the revenue business, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, of a remembrancer in chancery, 115, to the king, of preparing for a parliament, 116, to the marquis of Buckingham, of the parliament business, ib. Buckingham's answer, 117, from the king to my lord chancellor, upon his lordship's sending to his majesty his "Novum Organum," ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, with a draught of a proclamation for a parliament, 118, Buckingham's answer, 119, to Sir Henry Wotton, with his "Novum Organum," 120, to Mr. Matthew, believing his danger less than he found it, ib. to the same, expressowning his impatient attention to do him service, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, of summoning the prince to parliament, 121, to the same, of parliament business, ib. Buckingham to the lord chancellor, approving the proclamation for a parliament, 122, Buckingham to the same, of the king's speech to his parliament, ib. three to the king, imploring favour, 122, 123, to the prince of Wales, returning thanks for his favours, 123, to the king, returning thanks for his liberty, 124, to the marquis of Buckingham, returning thanks for his good offices, ib. a memorial for his majesty's service, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, soliciting him to stay at London, 125, to the king, soliciting to be restored to favour, 125, 126, Buckingham to the lord St. Alban, with his majesty's warrant for his pardon, 126, Buckingham writes three familiar letters to the lord St. Alban, 126, 127, the lord St. Alban to Buckingham, professing great affection, and begging a kind construction of his letters, 127, to the marquis of Buckingham, concerning the staying his pardon at the seal, ib. to the king, with his "History of Henry the Seventh," ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, high admiral of England, with the "History of Henry the Seventh," ib. lord St. Alban to a Barnabite monk, about points in philosophy, 128, to the king, imploring assistance, 128, 129, to Mr. Matthew, employing him to do a good office with a great man, 130, to the lord Digby, on his going to Spain, ib. to Mr. Matthew, concerning sincere friendship, 130, 131, an expostulation to the marquis of Buckingham, 131, Buckingham to the lord St. Alban, concerning his warrant and access to the king, ib. to the marquis of Buckingham, recommending Mr. Matthew, 132, to the duke of Buckingham, soliciting his favour, ib. Buckingham's answer, ib. to the duke of Buckingham, presenting the "De Augmentis Scientiarum," ib. Buckingham's answer, 133, to the duke of Buckingham, concerning his suit to his majesty for a full pardon and a translation of his honours after his death, 133, Buckingham's answer, ib. to the lord treasurer Marlborough, expostulating about his unkindness and injustice, 134, to the king, petitioning for a total remission of his sentence, ib. answer to the foregoing, by king James, 135, the lord viscount St. Alban to Dr. Williams, bishop of Lincoln, concerning his writings, &c. ib. the bishops' answer, ib. to the queen of Bohemia, with a discourse on a war with Spain, 136, to the marquis de Fiat, relating to his "Essays," ib. to the earl of Arundel and Surrey, just before his death, being the last letter he ever wrote, ib.

ing great acknowledgment and kindness, ib. to the same, | Lie, implies a man's being brave towards God, and a "capite" or in "socage," ib. arguments for its being in ! "capite," 623-626, the cases seemingly against it answered, 626, et seq.

Letters patents, whether they might be given of the dignity of earldom, without delivery by the king's own hand, ii. 93, Brackley's case relating to this query, with the other nearest precedents to it, 96.

Leucadians, a superstitious usage among them, i. 187. Levant, concerning the trade thither, i. 477, account of our merchants' sufferings therein, ib. Lewis XI. of France, i. 199, his secrecy, 282, makes peace with Edward IV. 732, a design of his about their laws, 668, 672.

Lewis XII. stamped coins of gold with a motto, upon the kingdom's being interdicted by the pope, i. 687.

Lewis XII. notifies to Henry VII. his conquest of Milan,

i. 783.

Lewis, Mr. licence granted to him, ii. 212. "Lex regia," what it was, i. 564.

Ley, Sir James, lord Ley, lord treasurer, well affected to lord viscount St. Alban's interest, ii. 262.

Libel, observation on one published anno Domini 1592, i. 376, the design of the author of it, 378, would infuse groundless fears of Spain into us, 384, endeavours to stir up discontent in the nation, on account of the uncertainty of succession to the crown at that time, 385, many instances of the untruths and abuses contained therein, 393, the great impudence manifested therein, 396.

Libellers, are condemned by the law of nations, i. 376. Libels, the females of sedition, and gusts of restrained

liberty of speech, i. 767.

Liberties, what sort proper to allow to the undertakers for the plantation of Ireland, i. 472.

Licences for losses, are to be granted cautiously, i. 722.

coward towards men, i. 262, why the last appeal to judgment, ib. "Tell a lie and find a truth," says the Spaniard 265, in transacting embassies, 303.

Lie, our law condemned as not having provided a sufficient punishment for those who use this word, i. 681. Francis I. of France, made this word so disgraceful as it now is, 682. Solon's answer to one who asked him why he made no punishment for this word, ib. the civilians dispute whether an action of injury will lie for it, ib.

Lieger ambassadors, what, i. 515, their care and duty, ib. Life, the taking it away how to be punished in several cases, i. 676, perpetual continuance of it no way desirable, 335.

Life, by what courses prolonged, i. 117.
Light by refraction shows greater, i. 170.
Light comforteth the spirits, i. 197, especially light va-
ried, ib.

Lights over-great, offend the eyes, i. 186.
Lignum aloes, i. 188.

Lincoln, John, earl of, son of John de la Pole, duke of Suffolk, and Elizabeth, eldest sister of Edward IV. i. 739, intended for the crown by Richard III. ib. carefully watched by Henry VII. ib. sails into Flanders, ib. lands

in Lancashire, 740, slain in the battle near Newark, 741. Lincostis, an herb growing in the water, i. 154. Liquefaction, its cause, i. 180. Liquefiable, and not liquefiable, i. 180, bodies that liquefy by fire, 181, others by water, ib. some liquefy by both, ib. Liquors, infusions in them, i. 84, appetite of continuation in them, 85, 117.

Liquors, their clarification, i. 119, 120, three causes thereof, 119, preservation of liquors in wells or vaults, 128. Liquors compressed, 185, their incorporation with powders, 118.

Liturgy, to be used with reverence, i. 355, how to be composed, ib. the exceptions against ours are trifling, ib. Liver, how to cure a scirrhus of it, i. 139, how opened, 250. Lives, a branch of civil history, i. 30. Livía, i. 321, 323, sorted well with the policy of her husband, and the dissimulation of her son, 264, poisoned her husband, 276, 705, secured her son's succession by false fames of Augustus's recovery, 309.

Living creatures that generate at certain seasons only, i. 169, others at all seasons, ib. the cause of each, ib. their several times of bearing in the womb, ib. the causes thereof, ib. the several numbers which they bring forth at a burden, ib. the causes, ib. Living creatures that will be transmuted into another species, 142. Living creatures foreshow weather, 177, 178.

Livy, his description of Cato Major, i. 293, his remark on
Antiochus and the Ætolians, 303.
Loadstone, its operation by consent, i. 191.
Logic, i. 46.

London, contributed more than 9000l. to the Benevolence of Henry VII. i. 757.

Lopez, his design of poisoning queen Elizabeth, i. 399, holds a correspondence with several in Spain on that account, ib. the method of his proceeding in that affair, 399, 400, agrees to poison the queen for 50,000 crowns, 401, his contrivances to keep concealed, ib. a letter intercepted relating to his plot, ib. is discovered and convicted, ib.

Lopping trees, makes them spread and bushy, i. 133.
Lot's offer, i. 211.

Love, the Platonists' opinion of it, i. 194, procured by sudden glances and dartings of the eye, ib. without ends lasting, 315, ii. 131.

Love, who least liable to extravagant love, i. 268, its tides, ib. nuptial, friendly, and wanton love, ib. Lovel, viscount, attainted, i. 735, heads the forces against Henry VII. 736, flies into Lancashire, and sails to Flanders to the lady Margaret, ib. invades England with Irish and Dutch, 740, various accounts of his death, 741. Lovelace, Leonard, ii. 220.

Low Countries, said to have the same succession of weather every thirty-five years, i. 307.

Low Countries, their afflicted condition, i. 381, their defection from the king of Spain, 389, 391.

Low's case of tenures, i. 623, whether his tenancy was in Lydia, near Pergamus, i. 94.

Lowder, Mr. solicitor to the queen, made one of the barons
of the exchequer in Ireland, ii. 191, 193.
Lucciole, a fly in Italy shining like glow-worms, i. 163.
Lucky and unlucky, i. 194.

Lucretius's exclamation against religion, upon the sacrifice
of Agamemnon's daughter, i. 263.
Lucullus entertains Pompey, i. 323, why he calls Pompey
a carrion crow, 325, his answer to Pompey, 297.

Lunacy in children, how occasioned, i. 198.
Lupins help both roots and grain, i. 156.

Lust, the impressions thereof, i. 165.

Lutes, why old ones sound better than new, i. 112.

Lycurgus advised to reduce the state of Sparta to a democracy, i. 322.

Lycurgus, his laws were of long continuance, i. 671, an answer of his to one who advised him to set aside kingly government, 653.

Lying, in what kind of posture healthful, i. 166.

[blocks in formation]

Male birds, why the best singers, i. 183.

Male and female, the difference of them in several living creatures, i. 183, the causes thereof, ib. Male and female in plants, 151. Male piony good for the falling sickness, and incubus, 198.

Maleficiating, practised in Gascony, i. 188.
Malt, i. 154, its swelling and increase, ib. its sweetness, ib.
Man, knowledge of, how divided, i. 41.

Man was created in the image of God, i. 338, judged falsely of the rules of good and evil, ib. his fall, and the ill effects thereof, ib. is compared to an Indian fig-tree, 335, is improvable in the mind, as well as body, ii. 47, how his body is improvable, in many instances, 46.

Man, a plant turned upwards, i. 150.

Man's flesh eaten, i. 85, breedeth the French disease, ib. causeth high imaginations, ib. 184, not in itself edible, ib. the cause, ib. how eaten by cannibals, ib. wherefore eaten by witches, ib.

Mandeville, lord, a letter to him and lord chancellor Bacon from the marquis of Buckingham, ii. 227. Mandrakes, the ill use made of them, i. 151.

Manna, i. 139, of Calabria best and most plentiful, i. 172. Manners, how far a union of them in kingdoms is to be desired, i. 452.

Manors, how at first created, i. 579, whence they had their name, ib.

Mansell, Sir Robert, committed to the Marshalsea, and brought before the council-table, ii. 161 note †, 162, his account brought in slowly in the king's opinion, 208,


Manslaughter, what it is, and its punishment, i. 571, our law makes a difference very justly between it and murder in malice prepense, 681.

Manuel Andrada practised the death of Antonio king of

Portugal, comes into England, and is thereupon apprehended, i. 400.

Manufactures, workers thereof how punishable, unless they have served seven years' apprenticeship, i. 677.

Manwaring, Sir Arthur, ii. 211.

Manufactures foreign, should be prohibited where the materials are superfluities, i. 787, our own should be encouraged, 517. Manufactures of old generally wrought by slaves, 286.

March, towards the end, the best discoverer of summer sickness, i. 176.

Marchers, lordships, abolished by statute of 27 Henry VIII. i. 632, court of marches maintained its jurisdiction, ib. what meant by the word marches, ib. is as old as Edward IVth's time, ib. the extent of it, ib. &c. the intention of the king in the election of it, ib. the sense of the word marches settled by several arguments, and its authority justified, 632, 633, arguments to prove that it signifies lordships marchers, ib. a confutation of those arguments, 634, different significations of marches with the arguments in defence of them, 633, the whole debate upon this matter summed up, 636, et seq. statute of 34 of Henry VIII. relating to the marches explained, 636, Marches distinguished from lordships marchers, 638, several arguments collected together on this head, which were unanswered, ib.

Marchio, a marquis, whence derived, i. 631. Margaret, lady, i. 736, second sister of Edward IV. and dowager of Charles the Hardy, duke of Burgundy, 739, had the spirit of a man, and the malice of a woman, ib. raises the ghost of the second son of Edward IV. 760, reflected on by Dr. Warham, 764, not mentioned in the account of Perkin's examination, 780.

Margaret, eldest daughter of Henry VII. married to James IV. of Scotland, i. 785, her line succeeds to the crown,


Maritime countries need not fear a surcharge of people, i. 463.

Markham, Gervase, Esq. his quarrel with lord Darcy, ii. 183, note ||.

Marlborough, lord, made treasurer, ii. 134.

Marle, why esteemed the best compost, i. 149. Marriage recommended, i. 210, the laws and conditions of marriage, 211.

Marriage and single life, i. 211. Marriage despised by the Turks, 266.

Marriage by the book, and not by the sword, i. 755, between the crowns of England and Scotland, how caused, 776.

Marriage of wards, a political reservation of William the Conqueror, i. 578.

Marrow more nourishing than fat, i. 89, of two kinds, 168. Marshal's office, what it is, i. 650.

Marshalsea first erected, i. 671, its design, jurisdiction, and extent thereof, ib.

Mart, letters thereof, how vain and dangerous a remedy of the Spanish grievances, i. 477.

Martin, Richard, Esq. his letter to Sir Francis Bacon, ii. 179, account of him, ib. note †.

Martin, lady, widow of Sir Richard Martin, her cause recommended to the lord chancellor by the marquis of Buckingham, ii. 228.

Martyrdom, miraculous because it exceeds the power of human nature, i. 307.

Mary, second daughter of Henry VII. i. 789, married to Charles, prince of Castile, afterwards Charles V. 792. Mary, queen, a conspiracy against her to kill her by a burning-glass, i. 101.

Masques, i. 292.

Massacre in Paris, i. 263, 312.

Mathematics, i. 38.

Matrimony, what tempers best disposed for it, i. 266.
Matthew, Mr. some account of him, ii. 29.

Matthew, Dr. Tobie, archbishop of York, ii. 187, 268.
Matthew, Tobie, acts the part of the squire in the earl of

Essex's device, ii. 148, note, letter to Sir Francis Bacon, 170, account of him, ib. note *, letters to Sir Francis Bacon, 147, 148, 205, 206, 211, 218, 220, he advertises his lordship of a design of the Roman catholics, 246, a good friend of lord viscount St. Alban, 253, letter to him from that lord, 253-255, arrives at Madrid, 253, a petition of lord viscount St. Alban put into his hands, 261, letters to him from lord viscount St. Alban, 267, his letter to that lord, 268.

Maturation, i. 120, of drinks, ib. 180, of fruits, 120, 121, 184. Maturation or digestion, how best promoted by heat, 120, 121.

Maule, Patrick, ii. 201, 225.

Maximilian, king of the Romans, i. 742, 743, unstable and necessitous, 745, encouraged by Henry VII. to proceed to a match with Ann, heir of Britany, 752, and married to her by proxy, ib. but when defeated, his behaviour, 756, disappoints king Henry VII. 759, his league with Henry VII. 768.

Maxims in law, several advantages of a collection of them, i. 548, the method followed by our author in this collection, which is set down, and explained by instances; doubtful cases in them cleared up, where they take place, and in what cases they fail, 548-570.

Maxwell, James, wishes lord viscount St. Alban well, ii.


Maxwell, Robert, ii. 203.

May, Sir Humphry, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster,

ii. 223, letters to him from the lord Bacon, 230, 261. Mayor and companies of London receive Henry VII. at Shoreditch, i. 733, meet pope Alexander's nuncio at London Bridge, 777.

Meats inducing satiety, i. 119.

Meautys, Thomas, brought to kiss the king's hand, ii. 233, letters to the lord St. Alban, 237, 238, 242, 244, 246, 248. Mecænas, his advice to Augustus touching Agrippa, i. 282. Mechanics, i. 29.

Mediator, the necessity thereof, i. 337, the mystery of this dispensation, ib.

Medicinable herbs, i. 139, soporiferous medicines, 198.

Medicine, i. 41.

Medicines changed, helpful, i. 93.

cerned in it also, ib. from the king to the commons are to be received by their speaker, ib.

Metals, the colours they give in dissolution, i. 117, the causes thereof, ib.

Metals and plants, wherein they differ, i. 150, growing of metals, 175, drowning of metals, ib. refining of metals not sufficiently attended to, 182. Metalline vapours hurtful to the brain, 192.

Metals, an inquisition touching the compounding of them, i. 240, for magnificence and delicacy, 241, drowning of metals, ib. separation of them, 244, variation of them, 245, all metals may be dissolved, 246, often fired and quenched grow churlish, and will sooner break than bow, 778. Bell-metal, how compounded, 244, sprouting of metals, 245, tinging of metal, ib. volatility of metals, its degrees, ib. fixation of metals, ib.

Metaphysics, i. 37.

Metellus opposes Cæsar, i. 324.
Methusalem water, i. 250, 251.

Meverel, his answer touching-minerals, i. 243.
Mildew on corn from closeness of air, i. 139, 156, but seldom

comes on hills and champaign grounds, ib. Military men, when dangerous to a state, i. 273, 277, love danger better than labour, 286, had greater encouragement from the ancients than the moderns, 287, how improved here, 751.

Military men, how to be punished if they go abroad without proper leave, i. 675.

Military puissance consists of men, money, and confederates, i. 542.

Milk, warm from the cow, a great nourisher, i. 90, a remedy in consumptions, ib. how to be used, ib. cow's milk better than ass's or woman's milk, ib. Milk in beasts how to be increased, 172. Milk used for clarification of liquors, 120, 121, good to steep divers seeds in, 136, preserving of milk, 129. Milk in plants, 153.

Minced meat a great nourisher, i. 90, how to be used, ib.

Medicines which affect the bladder, i. 96, 97. Medicines Mind, cultivation of, i. 56, 66.

condensing which relieve the spirits, 167.

Megrims, whence, i. 166.

Melancholy, preservative against it, i. 250.

Melancholy persons dispose the company to the like, i. 194.

Minerals, i. 162, 242, should be industriously followed, 517.

Minerals, questions and solutions about incorporating them,

i. 242.

Mines, a law case relating to them between lessor and
lessee, i. 619, are part of an inheritance, 616.

Melioration of fruits, trees, and plants, i. 133, et seq.
Melo-cotones, i. 134, grow best without grafting, 135, the Ministers, are the eyes, ears, and hands of kings, i. 509.

cause thereof, ib.

Melting of metals, observations thereon, i. 244.

Memory, the art of, i. 46, 196, persons better places than

words, ib. Memory, how strengthened, 198.

Men, are all by nature naturalized towards one another, i. 661.

Mendoza, i. 326. Menstruums, i. 245.

Merchandises, an argument proving the king's right of impositions on them, i. 489.

Merchandising, how to be ordered after the union of England and Scotland, i. 459.

Merchants, their importance, i. 276, how they convey blessings to any country, 294, promoted by Henry VII. 747, 772, &c. negociations about them directed by queen Elizabeth, 515.

Merchants, several errors in their complaints about trade, i. 475, &c. the hardships of those who trade to Spain and the Levant, ib. they ought not to urge to a direct war upon account of their particular sufferings by the enemy, 476, their injuries further shown to be not so great as represented, ib. a report of the earl of Salisbury and earl of Northampton's speeches concerning their petition upon the Spanish grievances, 474-480, are divided into two sorts, 475, several considerations relating to them, ib. &c.

Mercurial and sulphureous bodies, i. 125.
Mercy and justice the two supports of the crown, i. 511, 513.
Merick, Sir Gilly, the effect of what passed at his arraign-
ment, i. 423.

Meroë, the metropolis of Ethiopia, i. 130.

Messages of the king, whether to be received from the body of the council, or from the king's person only, i. 487, how far the authority of the king is concerned in this question, 488, how far the house of commons is con

Ministry, equality therein in the church is condemned, i. 348, an able one to be chosen, 357, a very good method in training them up, ib.

Minorities, states often best governed under minorities, whence, i. 4.

Minos, in what his laws were famous, i. 672.

Mint, a certificate relating to the scarcity of silver there,

i. 492.

Miracles to be distinguished from impostures and illusions, i. 205, the end of them, ib. were never wrought but with a view to man's redemption, 338.

Mitchel, Sir Francis, ii. 201 note ||, 203 note ||. Misadventure, what it is, i. 681, in case thereof cities of refuge prepared, ib.

Misprision of treason, how a man becomes guilty thereof, i. 643, the method of trial, punishment, and other proceedings relating thereto, ib.

Misseltoe, a particular account of it, i. 145.
Mithridates, i. 325.

Mixture of solids and fluids diminishes their bulk, i. 88,
what bodies mix best together, 117, 118.
Mixture of earth and water in plants, i. 125. Mixture of
kinds in plants not found out, 137. Mixture imperfectly
made, 180, of liquors by simple composition, 248.
Mixtures, concerning perfect and imperfect ones, i. 451,
452, two conditions of perfect mixture, 452.
Moist air, how discovered, i. 177.

Moisture adventitious cause of putrefaction, i. 122. Moisture qualifying heat, the effect, 163. Moisture, the symptoms of its abounding in human bodies, 160. Moisture increased by the moon, 188, trial of it in seeds, ib. in men's bodies, ib. force of it in vegetables, 138. Mompesson, Sir Giles, censured for his severe oppressions, ii. 88, 201, 203.

Monarchy without nobility absolute, i. 271. Nebuchad

nezzar's tree of monarchy, 285, abridgement of monarchy | Mountains, great, foreshow tempests early, i. 177. to be master of the sea, 286, elective and hereditary,


Monarchical government, difference between it and commonwealths, i. 653, commended, 500, 653, is founded in nature, ib. two arguments in proof thereof taken from the patterns of it, found in nature and original submissions, with motives thereto, ib.

Monarchies, the poor beginnings of several taken notice of, i. 467.

Money, like muck, not good except it be spread, i. 272. Monies, upon the union of England and Scotland, to have

the same image, superscription, &c. i. 456, to counterfeit, clip, &c. the king's money, is high treason, 675, the fineness of it an advantage of queen Elizabeth's reign,

[blocks in formation]

Montagu, Dr. James, bishop of Winchester, ii. 202. Montagu, bishop of Bath and Wells, some account of him, ii. 83 note †.

Montaigne, his reason why the lie given is so odious a charge, namely, because it implies a man's being brave towards God, and a coward towards men, i. 262.

Montgomery, Philip earl of, ii. 238, commended for his honesty, 257.

Moon attractive of heat out of bodies, i. 94, means of the trial of it, ib.

Moon's influences, i. 188, it increaseth moisture, ib. Moors, eat no hares' flesh, i. 327, of Valentia, their extirpation, 523.

More, Sir Thomas, i. 318, his pleasant way of repressing bribery, ib. See 326, 328.

Morley, lord, sent with 1000 men to aid Maximilian, i. 752, raises the siege of Dixmude, and is slain, ib.

Morley, acts the part of the secretary of state, in the earl of Essex's Device, ii. 148, note.

Morris dance of heretics, a feigned title, i. 262. "Morsus diaboli," an herb, why so called, i. 155. Mortification proceeding from opiates, or intense colds,

i. 122.

Mortified parts by cold must not approach the fire, i. 173, cured by applying snow, ib. or warm water, ib.

Morton, John, bishop of Ely, made counsellor to Henry VII. i. 735, and archbishop of Canterbury, ib. his speech to the parliament as chancellor about the affair of Britany, 745, thought to advise a law for his own preservation, 748, grows odious to court and country, ib. his answer to the French king's ambassadors, 755, his crotch or fork to raise the Benevolence, 757, created cardinal, 758, reckoned a grievance by the people, 783, his death, ib. an inveterate enemy of the house of York, ib.

Moss, a kind of mouldiness of earth and trees, i. 123, 150; vide 144; where it groweth most, ib. the cause of it, ib. what it is, ib. Moss, sweet, ib. in apple trees sweet, ib. 179, in some other trees, 153, of a dead man's skull stanched blood potently, 199.

Moth, i. 160.

Mother, suppressed by burning feathers, and things of ill odour, i. 193.

Mother's diet affecteth the infant in the womb, i. 198.
Motion hindereth putrefaction, i. 123.

Motion of bodies caused by pressure, i. 83. Motion of liberty, ib. Motion of gravity, 170. Motion of consent, 92. Motion in men by imitation, &c. 118. Motion after death, 130. Motion of attraction would prevail, if motion of gravity hindered not, 162. A body in motion moved more easily than one at rest, why, 170. Motion of nexe, 188. Projectile motion, its cause, 170.

Motto of king James, i. 515.

Mouldiness, an inception of putrefaction, i. 123, 150. Moulds to make fruits of any figure, i. 140. Mountain, Dr. George, bishop of London, ii. 244.

Mountebanks in state as well as private life, i. 270. Mountfort, Sir Simon, i. 763, apprehended, convicted, and

beheaded, for adhering to Perkin, 765. Mountjoy, lord deputy of Ireland, i. 541. Mouth out of taste, i. 477, what taste it will not receive, ib. Mucianus, his advice to Vespasian, i. 264.

Mucianus, how he destroyed Vitellius by a false fame, i. 309. Mulberry more fair and fruitful by perforating the trunk, &c. i. 135, the black mulberry preferable to the white,


Mulberry leaf, i. 172. Mullin's case taken notice of, concerning the inheritance of timber-trees, i. 617.

Mummy said to be three thousand years old, i. 171. Mummy stancheth blood, 199.

Munster, a design of planting it, with the reason why it did not go on, i. 471.

Murder, cases relating thereto explained, i. 555, how to be prosecuted, and what to suffer for it upon conviction, 571. Self-murder, how to be punished, 580, what degrees of murder are highest, &c. 676, a difference between an insidious one and a braving, is ridiculous, 681. Murdered body bleeding at the approach of the murderer, i. 197, applied to love, 319.

Murdering of princes, the great sin of maintaining the lawfulness of this doctrine, i. 694, the doctrine upon which it is founded, accused, ib. the calumny it brings to our religion, ib. the defence of it is impious, 695, is the destruction of government, ib.

Murray, John, letters to him from Sir Francis Bacon, ii. 165, et seq. created a viscount and earl, ib. note *. Murray, Thomas, provost of Eton, dies, ii. 250 note §. Muscovy hath a late spring and early harvest, whence, i. 147.

Mushrooms, i. 144, their properties, ib. several productions of them, ib. where they grow most, 150, 153.

Music, i. 38.

Music in church, how far commendable, and how far not so, i. 356.

Music in the theory ill treated, i. 98. Musical and immusical sounds, ib. bodies producing musical sounds, ib. diapason the sweetest of sounds, 99, fall of half notes necessary in music, ib. consorts in music, the instruments that increase the sweetness not sufficiently observed, 116, the music in masques, 292, consent of notes to be ascribed to the ante-notes, not entire ones, 99, concords, perfect and semi-perfect, which they are, ib. the most odious discord of all other, ib. discord of the bass most disturbeth the music, ib. no quarter-notes in music, ib. pleasing of single tones answereth to the pleasing of colours, and of harmony to the pleasing of order, ib. figures or tropes in music have an agreement with the figures in rhetoric, 99, 100. Music hath great operation upon the manners and spirits of men, 100, why it sounds best in frosty weather, 112, concords and discords in music are sympathies and antipathies of sounds, 116, instruments that agree best in consort, ib. instruments with a double lay of strings, wire, and lute-strings, ib. Musk, its virtue, i. 193. Musk-melons, how improved, i. 138. Muster-masters of the lieutenancy, i. 513. Mute, any one that is so in trial forfeiteth no lands, except for treason, i. 580, how such a one is to be punished, 574. Myrobolanes, i. 154.

NAILS, i. 168.


Nakedness uncomely in mind as well as body, i. 265. Vide 528.

Name, union in name, of great advantage in kingdoms, i. 452, what it is to be of England and Scotland after their union, 455, 456, alterations herein considered as a point of honour, and as inducing new laws, 456. Nantz, the strongest city in Britany, now closely besieged,

i. 745.

Napellus, the strongest of all vegetable poisons, i. 139, and yet a maid lived of it, ib. and poisoned those who had carnal knowledge of her, ib.

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