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Estando já salvos, souAnd when we were es28 bemos então que a ilha se caped, then we knew that chamava Malta. 2 Ös indigenas the island was called 1 Melita. 2 trataram-nos com muita hu- And the barbarians showed us manidade, porque, accendendo no common kindness: for they uma fogueira, acolheram-nos a kindled a fire, and received us todos por causa da chuva que all, because of the present rain, cahia e por causa do frio. 3 and because of the cold. 3 But Tendo Paulo ajuntado e posto when Paul had gathered a bunsobre a fogueira um feixe de dle of sticks and laid them on gravetos, uma vibora, fugindo the fire, a viper came out 2 by por causa do calor, mordeu-lhe reason of the heat, and fastened a mão. 4 Quando os indigenas on his hand. 4 And when the viram o reptil pendente da mão barbarians saw the venomous de Paulo, diziam uns para os creature hanging from his hand, outros: Certamente este homem they said one to another, No é homicida, pois embora salvo doubt this man is a murderer, do mar, a Justiça não o deixou whom, though he hath escaped viver. 5 Porém elle, sacudindo from the sea, yet Justice hath o reptil no fogo, não soffreu mal not suffered to live. 5 Howbeit algum; 6 mas elles esperavam he shook off the creature into que elle viesse a inchar ou a cahir morto de repente. Porém tendo esperado muito tempo e vendo que nada de anormal lhe succedia, mudando de parecer, diziam que era elle um deus.

7 Ora na vizinhança daquelle logar havia algumas terras pertencentes ao homem principal da ilha, chamado Publio, o qual nos recebeu e hospedou com muita bondade por tres dias. 8 Estando doente de cama com febre e dysenteria o pae de Publio, Paulo foi visital-o e, tendo feito oração, impoz-lhe as mãos e o curou. 9 Feito isto, os outros doentes da ilha vinham tambem e eram curados, 10 e estes nos distinguiram com muitas honras e, ao partirmos, pozeram a bordo o que nos era necessario.

11 No fim de tres mezes fizemo-nos ao mar em um navio de Alexandria, que havia invernado na ilha, o qual tinha por insignia Castor e Pollux. 12 E tocando em Syracusa, ficámos ahi tres dias, 13 donde borde

the fire, and took no harm. 6 But they expected that he would have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but when they were long in expectation and beheld nothing amiss come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god.

7 Now in the neighborhood of that place were lands belonging to the chief man of the island, named Publius; who received us, and entertained us three days courteously. 8 And it was so, that the father of Publius lay sick of fever and dysentery: unto whom Paul entered in, and prayed, and laying his hands on him healed him. 9 And when this was done, the rest also that had diseases in the island came, and were cured: 10 who also honored us with many honors; and when we sailed, they put on board such things as we needed.

11 And after three months we set sail in a ship of Alexandria which had wintered in the island, whose sign was 3 The Twin Brothers. 12 And touching at Syracuse, we tarried there three days. 13 And from thence

1 Some ancient authorities read Melitene, 2 Or, from the heat Gr. Dioscuri.

jando, chegámos a Rhegio. No dia seguinte soprou o vento sul, e chegámos em dois dias a Puteoli; 14 onde tendo achado alguns irmãos, estes nos rogaram que ficassemos com elles sete dias; e assim fomos a Roma. 15 E tendo ahi os irmãos sabido noticias nossas, vieram ao nosso encontro até a Praça de Appio e as Tres Vendas, e Paulo, quando os viu, deu graças a Deus e cobrou animo.

16 Quando chegámos em Roma1, permittiu-se a Paulo que ficasse em um aposento particular com o soldado que o guardava.

we made a circuit, and arrived at Rhegium: and after one day a south wind sprang up, and on the second day we came to Puteoli; 14 where we found brethren, and were entreated to tarry with them seven days and so we came to Rome. 15 And from thence the brethren, when they heard of us, came to meet us as far as The Market of Appius and The Three Taverns; whom when Paul saw, he thanked God, and took courage.

16 And when we entered into Rome, 2 Paul was suffered to abide by himself with the soldier that guarded him.

17 Decorridos tres dias, con- 17 And it came to pass, that vocou elle os judeus principaes; after three days he called toe havendo-se reunido elles, disse- gether 3 those that were the lhes: Eu, irmãos, apesar de nada chief of the Jews: and when ter feito contra o nosso povo ou they were come together, he contra o rito de nossos paes, said unto them, I, brethren, desde Jerusalem fui entregue though I had done nothing preso nas mãos dos romanos 18 against the people, or the cusque, tendo-me interrogado, que-toms of our fathers, yet was deriam soltar-me, por não haver livered prisoner from Jerusalem em mim crime algum que mere- into the hands of the Romans: cesse morte; 19 mas oppondo-se 18 who, when they had examined a isso os judeus, fui obrigado a me, desired to set me at liberty, appellar para Cesar, não tendo, because there was no cause of comtudo, cousa alguma de que death in me. 19 But when the accusar a minha nação. 20 Por Jews spake against it, I was este motivo mandei chamar-vos, constrained to appeal unto Cæpara vos ver e falar; pois pela sar; not that I had aught esperança de Israel estou preso whereof to accuse my nation. com esta corrente. 21 Porém 20 For this cause therefore did I elles lhe disseram : Não recebe- 4 entreat you to see and to speak mos carta da Judéa a teu res- with me: for because of the hope peito nem veiu de lá irmão of Israel I am bound with this algum que contasse ou dissesse chain. 21 And they said unto mal de ti. 22 Mas desejariamos him, We neither received letters ouvir de ti o que pensas; pois re- from Judæa concerning thee, nor lativamente a esta seita sabemos did any of the brethren come que por toda a parte é ella im- hither and report or speak any pugnada. harm of thee. 22 But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this sect, it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against.

1 Alguns manuscriptos inserem : O centurião entregou os presos ao general do exercito, porém.

1 Some ancient authorities read cast loose. 2 Some ancient authorities insert the centurion delivered the prisoners to the Chief of the camp: but &c. 3 Or, those that were of the Jews first 4 Or, call for you, to see and to speak with you

23 Tendo-lhe marcado um dia, 23 And when they had apforam em grande numero ter pointed him a day, they came to com elle á sua morada; aos him into his lodging in great quaes desde a manhã até a no- number; to whom he expounded ite, dando testemunho, expunha o the matter, testifying the kingreino de Deus, persuadindo-os dom of God, and persuading acerca de Jesus pela Lei de them concerning Jesus, both Moysés e pelos Prophetas. 24 from the law of Moses and from Uns se deixavam persuadir por the prophets, from morning till suas palavras, e outros perma- evening. 24 And some believed neciam incredulos; 25 e não es- the things which were spoken, tando entre si concordes, retira- and some disbelieved. 25 And vam-se quando Paulo lhes disse when they agreed not among estas palavras: Bem falou o themselves, they departed after Espirito Santo a vossos paes that Paul had spoken one word, pelo propheta Isaias: Well spake the Holy Spirit 26 Vae a este povo e dize: through Isaiah the prophet unto your fathers, 26 saying,

Certamente ouvireis, e de nenhum modo entendereis; Certamente vereis, e de nenhum modo percebereis. 27 Porque o coração deste povo se fez pesado,

E os seus ouvidos se fizeram tardos

E elles fecharam os olhos; Para não succeder que vendo com os olhos

E ouvindo com os ouvidos, Entendam no coração, e se convertam,

E eu os sare.

28 Ficae sabendo, portanto, que esta salvação de Deus é enviada aos Gentios; elles tambem a ouvirão.1

30 E durante dois annos inteiros permaneceu no seu aposento alugado, e recebia todos os que vinham ter com elle, 31 prégando o reino de Deus e ensinando as cousas concernentes ao Senhor Jesus Christo com toda a liberdade e sem impedimento.

1 Alguns manuscriptos inserem v. 29: E navendo elle dito isto, partiram os judeus, tendo entre si grande contenda.



1 Go thou unto this people, and say,

By hearing ye shall hear, and shall in no wise understand; And seeing ye shall see, and shall in no wise perceive: For this people's heart is waxed gross,

And their ears are dull of hearing,

And their eyes they have

Lest haply they should per-
ceive with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their

And should turn again,

And I should heal them. 28 Be it known therefore unto you, that this salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles: they will also hear.2

30 And he abode two whole years in his own hired dwelling, and received all that went in unto him, 31 preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness, none forbidding him.

insert ver. 29 And when he had said these
1 Is. vi. 9, 10.
words, the Jews departed, having much dis-
puting among themselves,

2 Some ancient authorities






Paulo, servo de Christo Jesus, chamado para ser apostolo, separado para o Evangelho de Deus, 2 que elle antes prometteu pelos seus prophetas nas Santas Escripturas, 3 acerca de seu Filho (que veiu da descendencia de David quanto á carne, 4 e que foi com poder declarado Filho de Deus quanto ao espirito de santidade, pela resurreição dos mortos), Jesus Christo nosso Senhor, 5 pelo qual recebemos a graça e o apostolado por amor do seu nome, para obediencia da fé em todas as naçoes, 6 entre as quaes sois tambem vós chamados para pertencerdes a Jesus Christo; 7 a todos os que estão em Roma, queridos de Deus, chamados para serem santos: Graça a vós e paz da parte de Deus nosso Pae e da do Senhor Jesus Christo.


Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 2 which he promised afore through his prophets in the holy scriptures, 3 concerning his Son, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, 4 who was 3 declared to be the Son of God 4 with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection 5 from the dead; even Jesus Christ our Lord, 5 through whom we received grace and apostleship, unto obedience of faith among all the nations, for his name's sake; 6 among whom are ye also, called to be Jesus Christ's: 7 to all that are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, 8 that your faith is proclaimed throughout the whole world. 9 For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit in the 2 gospel of his Son, how unceasingly I make mention of you, always in my prayers 10 making request, if by any means now at length I may be prospered " by the will of God to come unto you. 11 For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; 12 that is, that I with you may be comforted 10 in

8 Primeiramente dou graças ao meu Deus mediante Jesus Christo por todos vós, porque em todo o mundo é divulgada a vossa fé. 9 Pois Deus, a quem sirvo em meu espirito no Evangelho de seu Filho, é minha testemunha de como incessantemente faço menção de vós em todas as minhas orações, 10 supplicando que se me abra afinal de qualquer modo um caminho favoravel, sendo esta a vontade de Deus, para ir ter comvosco. 11 Porque tenho grande desejo de ver-vos, para vos communicar algum dom espiritual, afim de que sejaes firmados; 12 isto é, para que em vós seja eu consolado juntamente comvosco pela 3 Gr. determined. 4 Or, in 5 Or, of the dead

1 Gr. bondservant. 2 Gr. good tidings: and so elsewhere. See marginal note on Mt. 4.23.

6 Or, to the faith 7Or. Gentiles 8 Or, because 9 Gr. in. 10 Or, among


fé, vossa e minha, que ha em you, each of us by the other's nós. 13 E não quero que ig- faith, both yours and mine. noreis, irmãos, que muitas vezes And I would not have you ignortenho proposto ir ver-vos (mas ant, brethren, that oftentimes I tenho sido impedido até agora), purposed to come unto you (and para conseguir algum fructo was hindered hitherto), that I entre vós tambem, como entre might have some fruit in you os demais Gentios. 14 Eu sou also, even as 1in the rest of the devedor a gregos e a barbaros, Gentiles. 14 I am debtor both a sabios e a ignorantes; 15 as- to Greeks and to Barbarians, sim, quanto é em mim, estou both to the wise and to the foolprompto para annunciar o Evan-ish. 15 So, as much as in me is, gelho tambem a vós que estaes I am ready to 2 preach the gosem Roma. pel to you also that are in Rome.

16 Porque não me envergonho 16 For I am not ashamed of do Evangelho; pois elle é poder the gospel: for it is the power de Deus para a salvação de todo of God unto salvation to every aquelle que crê: primeiro do Ju- one that believeth; to the Jew deu, e depois do Grego. 17 Por- first, and also to the Greek. 17 que no Evangelho é revelada de For therein is revealed a rightfé em fé a justiça de Deus, co-eousness of God from faith unto mo está escripto: Mas o justo viverá da fé.

18 Porque a ira de Deus é revelada do céo contra toda a impiedade e injustiça daquelles que reteem a verdade em injustiça; 19 porquanto o que se pode conhecer de Deus, nelles está manifesto; pois Deus lh'o manifestou. 20 Porque as perfeições invisiveis delle, o seu poder eterno e a sua divindade, claramente se vêem desde a creação do mundo, sendo percebidas pelas suas obras, para que elles sejam inexcusaveis; 21 porquanto, conhecendo a Deus, não o glorificaram como a Deus, nem deram graças; antes se enfatuaram nas suas especulações, e ficou em trevas o seu coração insensato. 22 Dizendo-se sabios, tornaram-se estultos, 23 e deixaram a gloria do Deus incorruptivel por uma semelhança de figura de homem corruptivel, de aves, de quadrupedes e de reptis.

24 Pelo que os entregou Deus,

faith: as it is written, But the righteous shall live 5 by faith.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hinder the truth in unrighteousness; 19 because that which is known of God is manifest in them; for God manifested it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; & that they may be without excuse: 21 because that, knowing God, they glorified him not as God, neither gave thanks; but became vain in their reasonings, and their senseless heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God gave them 1 Or, among 2 Gr. bring good tidings. Comp. ch. 10. 15 f. 3 Gr. good tidings: and so elsewhere. See marginal note on Mt. 4. 23. 4 Hab. ii. 4. 5 Gr. from. 6 Or, a wrath 7 Or. hold the truth Comp. 1 Cor. 7. 30 (Gr.). Or, so that they are

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