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3 E darei ás minhas duas teste- months. 3 And I will give unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two

munhas que, vestidas de sacco, prophetizem durante mil e duzentos e sessenta dias. 4 Estes são as duas oliveiras e os dois candieiros, postos deante do Se-olive trees and the two 1 candle


nhor da terra. 5 Se alguem lhes sticks, standing before the Lord quizer fazer damno, da sua boc- of the earth. 5 And if any man ca sahirá fogo e devorará os seus desireth to hurt them, fire proinimigos; e se alguem lhes quizer ceedeth out of their mouth and fazer damno, é assim que elle devoureth their enemies; and if deve ser morto. 6 Estes teem any man shall desire to hurt o poder de fechar o céo, para them, in this manner must he be que não caia chuva durante os killed. 6 These have the power dias da sua prophecia; e teem to shut the heaven, that it rain poder de converter as aguas em not during the days of their sangue, e de ferir a terra com prophecy: and they have power toda a sorte de pragas todas as over the waters to turn them vezes que o quizerem. 7 Quan- into blood, and to smite the do tiverem acabado o seu teste- earth with every plague, as often munho, a besta que sobe do as they shall desire. 7 And abysmo lhes fará guerra, os ven- when they shall have finished cerá e os matará. 8 E os seus their testimony, the beast that cadaveres jazerão nas ruas da cometh up out of the abyss shall grande cidade, a qual espiritual- make war with them, and overmente se chama Sodoma e Egy-come them, and kill them. pto, onde tambem o seu Senhor And their 2 dead bodies lie in the foi crucificado. 9 E dentre os street of the great city, which povos, e tribus, e linguas e na- spiritually is called Sodom_and ções muitos verão os cadaveres Egypt, where also their Lord durante tres dias e meio, e não was crucified. 9 And from permittirão que os seus cadave- among the peoples and tribes res sejam dados á sepultura. 10 and tongues and nations do men E os habitantes da terra se ale- look upon their 2dead bodies grarão sobre elles, e se regala- three days and a half, and suffer rão, e enviarão presentes uns not their dead bodies to be laid aos outros, porque estes dois in a tomb. 10 And they that prophetas atormentaram aos dwell on the earth rejoice over que habitavam sobre a terra. 11 them, and make merry; and Passados os tres dias e meio, o they shall send gifts one to anespirito de vida, vindo de Deus, other; because these two prophentrou nelles, e sobre os seus ets tormented them that dwell pés se levantaram; e grande te- on the earth. 11 And after the mor cahiu sobre os que os viram. three days and a half the breath 12 E do céo ouviram uma grande of life from God entered into voz, dizendo-lhes: Subi para cá. them, and they stood upon their E subiram ao céo em uma nu- feet; and great fear fell upon vem; e os viram os inimigos del- them that beheld them. 12 Ånd les. they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they went up into heaven in the cloud; and their enemies beheld them. 13 And in that hour there was a 1 Gr. lampstands. 2 Gr. carcase.

13 Naquella hora houve um grande terremoto, e cahiu a de

cima parte da cidade, e sete mil homens pereceram no terremoto; e os mais ficaram aterrorizados e deram gloria ao Deus do céo.

14 O segundo ai já passou; eis que cedo vem o terceiro.

15 O setimo anjo tocou a trombeta; e houve grandes vozes no céo, dizendo:

O reino do mundo passou a ser de nosso Senhor 'e de seu Christo, e elle reinará pelos seculos dos seculos. 16 E os vinte e quatro anciãos, que estão sentados deante de Deus sobre os seus thronos, prostraram-se sobre os seus rostos e adoraram a Deus, 17 dizendo:

Graças te damos, Senhor
Deus Todo-Poderoso, que és
e que eras; porque tens to-
mado o teu grande poder, e
entraste no teu reino. 18
As nações encheram-se de
ira, mas veiu a tua ira e o
tempo de serem julgados os
mortos; e de dar a recom-
pensa aos teus servos, os
prophetas, e aos santos e
aos que temem ao teu nome,
aos pequenos e aos grandes;
e de destruir os destruidores
da terra.

19 E abriu-se o santuario de Deus, que está no céo; e no seu santuario foi vista a arca da sua alliança; e houve relampagos, e vozes, e trovões, e terremoto e tempestade de saraiva.

great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell; and there were killed in the earthquake 1 seven thousand persons: and the rest were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

14 The second Woe is past: behold, the third Woe cometh quickly.

15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there followed great voices in heaven, and they said,

The kingdom of the world
is become the kingdom of
our Lord, and of his Christ:
and he shall reign 2 for ever
and ever.

16 And the four and twenty eld-
ers, who sit before God on their
thrones, fell upon their faces
and worshipped God, 17 saying,
We give thee thanks, O
Lord God, the Almighty,
who art and who wast; be-
cause thou hast taken thy
great power, and didst reign.
18 And the nations were
wroth, and thy wrath came,
and the time of the dead to be
judged, and the time to give
their reward to thy 3 serv-
ants the prophets, and to
the saints, and to them that
fear thy name, the small and
the great; and to destroy
them that destroy the earth.
19 And there was opened the
temple of God that is in heav-
en; and there was seen in his
4 temple the ark of his covenant;
and there followed lightnings,
and voices, and thunders, and
an earthquake, and great hail.

E foi visto um grande 12

12 And a great sign was signal no céo: uma museen in heaven: a woman lher vestida do sol, tendo a lua arrayed with the sun, and the debaixo dos seus pés, e uma co-moon under her feet, and upon roa de doze estrellas sobre a sua her head a crown of twelve cabeça, 2 e estando gravida, gri- stars; 2 and she was with child; tava com as dores do parto e and she crieth out, travailing in soffria tormentos para dar á luz. birth, and in pain to be delivered.

1 Gr. names of men, seven thousand. Comp. ch.3. 4. 2 Gr. unto the ages of the ages. 3 Gr. bondservants. Or, sanctuary

3 Foi visto tambem outro signal | 3 And there was seen another no céo; eis um grande dragão sign in heaven: and behold, a vermelho com sete cabeças e dez great red dragon, having seven chifres e nas suas cabeças sete heads and ten horns, and upon diademas, 4 e a sua cauda arras- his heads seven diadems. 4 Ånd tava a terça parte das estrellas his tail draweth the third part do céo, e lançou-as sobre a ter- of the stars of heaven, and did ra. E o dragão parou em frente cast them to the earth: and the da mulher que estava para dar dragon standeth before the á luz, afim de devorar ao filho woman that is about to be delivdella, logo que ella o tivesse da- ered, that when she is delivered do á luz. 5 Ella deu á luz um he may devour her child. 5 And filho varão, que ha de reger to- she was delivered of a son, a das as nações com uma vara de man child, who is to rule all the ferro; e o seu filho foi arrebata-1nations with a rod of iron: and do para Deus e para o seu thro6 E a mulher fugiu para o deserto, onde Deus lhe havia preparado um logar, para ser alli alimentada durante mil e duzentos e sessenta dias.


7 E houve no céo uma guerra, pelejando Miguel e seus anjos contra o dragão. E o dragão e seus anjos pelejaram, 8 e não prevaleceram; nem o seu logar se achou mais no céo. 9 E foi precipitado o grande dragão, a antiga serpente, que se chama Diabo e Satanaz, aquelle que engana todo o mundo; sim, foi precipitado na terra, e precipitados com elle os seus anjos. 10 E ouvi uma grande voz no céo dizendo:

Agora é vinda a salvação e o poder e o reino do nosso Deus e a auctoridade do seu Christo, porque foi precipitado o accusador de nossos irmãos, que os accusava de dia e de noite deante do nosso Deus. 11 E elles o venceram pelo sangue do Cordeiro e pela palavra do seu testemunho; e não amaram as suas vidas até a morte. 12 Por isso exultae, ó céos, e vós que nelles habitaes; ai

her child was caught up unto God, and unto his throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels going forth to war with the dragon; and the dragon warred and his angels; 8 and they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world; he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him. 10 And I heard a great voice in heaven, saying,

3 Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accuseth them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life even unto death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and ye

1 Or. Gentiles 2 Gr. inhabited earth. Or, Now is the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom, become our God's, and the authority is become his Christ's.

da terra e do mar, porque desceu a vós o Diabo cheio de grande ira, sabendo que pouco tempo lhe resta.

that dwell in them.

Woe for the earth and for the sea because the devil is gone down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time. 13 Quando o dragão se viu 13 And when the dragon saw precipitado na terra, elle perse- that he was cast down to the guiu a mulher que dera á luz o earth, he persecuted the woman filho varão. 14 E foram dadas that brought forth the man á mulher as duas azas da grande child. 14 And there were given aguia, afim de voar para o de- to the woman the two wings of serto, ao seu logar, onde é ali- the great eagle, that she might mentada um tempo, dois tempos fly into the wilderness unto her e a metade de um tempo, fóra place, where she is nourished da presença da serpente. 15 E for a time, and times, and half a serpente lançou da sua bocca, a time, from the face of the atraz da mulher, agua como um serpent. 15 And the serpent rio, para fazer que ella fosse ar- cast out of his mouth after the rebatada pela corrente. 16 Mas woman water as a river, that a terra ajudou á mulher, e abriu he might cause her to be cara terra a sua bocca e enguliu o ried away by the stream. 16 rio que o dragão tinha vomitado And the earth helped the womda sua bocca. 17 E o dragão an, and the earth opened her irou-se contra a mulher e foi fa- mouth and swallowed up the zer guerra ao restante dos filhos river which the dragon cast out della, que guardam os manda- of his mouth. 17 And the dragmentos de Deus e manteem o on waxed wroth with the womtestemunho de Jesus; 1 e an, and went away to make war 13 ficou em pé sobre a areia with the rest of her seed, that keep the commandments of God, and hold the testimony of Jesus: 1 and 2 he stood upon the

do mar.

13 sand of the sea.

And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and


E vi sahir do mar uma besta com dez chifres e sete cabeças, e sobre os seus chifres dez diademas, e sobre as suas cabeças nomes de blasphemia. 2 E a besta qui vi era semelhante a um leopardo, os seus pés eram como os de urso e a sua bocca como a bocca de leão. E o dra- his mouth as the mouth of a gão deu-lhe o seu poder, e o seu throno, e grande auctoridade. 3 E vi uma das suas cabeças como ferida de morte; mas foi curada a ferida mortal. E toda a terra se maravilhou após a besta, 4 e adoraram ao dragão, porque deu

lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as though it had been 3 smitten unto death; and his deathstroke was healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast; 4 and they worshipped the dragon, because he gave his

1 Gr. tabernacle. 2 Some ancient authorities read I stood &c., connecting the clause with what follows. 2 Gr. slain. 4 See marginal note on ch. 3. 9.

a sua auctoridade á besta; e authority unto the beast; and
adoraram á besta, dizendo: they worshipped the beast, say-
Quem ha semelhante á besta, e ing, Who is like unto the beast?
quem póde pelejar contra ella? and who is able to war with him?
5 e foi-lhe dada uma bocca que 5 and there was given to him a
falava grandes cousas e blasphe-mouth speaking great things
mias; e deu-se-lhe auctoridade and blasphemies; and there was
para assim fazer durante qua- given to him authority 2 to con-
renta e dois mezes. 6 E abriu a tinue forty and two months. 6
sua bocca em blasphemias con-
tra Deus, para blasphemar o
seu nome, e o seu tabernaculo e
os que habitam no céo. 7 Foi-
lhe dado que fizesse guerra aos
santos, e que os vencesse; e foi-
lhe concedida auctoridade sobre
toda a tribu, povo, lingua e na-
ção. 8 Todos os habitantes da
terra a adorarão, aquelles cujos
nomes desde o principio do mun-
do não estão escriptos no livro
da vida do Cordeiro que foi mor-
to. 9 Se alguem tem ouvidos,
ouça. 10 Se alguem é para o
captiveiro, para o captiveiro vae;
se alguem matar á espada, é
necessario que seja morto á es-
pada. Aqui está a perseverança
e a fé dos santos.

11 E vi sahir da terra outra
besta com dois chifres semelhan-
tes aos de um cordeiro, e ella fa-
lava como dragão. 12 Ella ex-
ercitava toda a auctoridade da
primeira besta na sua presença.
E fez que a terra e seus habi-
tantes adorassem a primeira
besta, cuja ferida mortal tinha
sido curada. 13 E obrou grandes
milagres, de sorte que fazia até
descer fogo do céo sobre a terra,
á vista dos homens. 14 E en-
ganava os habitantes da terra
com os milagres que lhe foi dado

And he opened his mouth for
blasphemies against God, to
blaspheme his name, and his tab-
ernacle, even them that 3 dwell
in the heaven. 7 And it was
given unto him to make war
with the saints, and to overcome
them and there was given to
him authority over every tribe
and people and tongue and na-
tion. 8 And all that dwell on
the earth shall worship him,
every one whose name hath not
been 5 written from the founda-
tion of the world in the book of
life of the Lamb that hath been
slain. 9 If any man hath an ear,
let him hear. 10 6 If any man


is for captivity, into captivity
he goeth: if any man shall kill
with the sword, with the sword
must he be killed. Here is the
8 patience and the faith of the

11 And I saw another beast
coming up out of the earth; and
he had two horns like unto a
lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the au-
thority of the first beast in his
sight. And he maketh the earth
and them that dwell therein to
1 worship the first beast, whose
death-stroke was healed. 13 And
he doeth great signs, that he
should even make fire to come
down out of heaven upon the
earth in the sight of men. 14
And he deceiveth them that
dwell on the earth by reason of

1 See marginal note on ch. 3. 9. 2 Or, to do
his works during See Dan. 11. 28. 3 Gr. tab-
ernacle. 4 Some ancient authorities omit
And it was given... overcome them. 5 Or,
written in the book ..slain from the foun-
dation of the world 6 The Greek text in this
verse is somewhat uncertain. 7 Or, leadeth
into captivity Or, stedfastness

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