on don in gie gehaldas habbað in iuh salt J sibb habas bi-tuih iuh quo illud condietis habete in uobis sál et pacem habete inter uos. lu. clxxxu. mt. xxxi. nun hine gif is gelefed were worhte hia god fecit eos deus. wife his uxorem suam. lichom caro. temtantes so he onduearde 3 at ille respondens eum. onduearde se hælend cuoæ to heardnisse heartes iueres 5 quibus respondens iesus ait ad duritiam cordis uestri fore ðis from fruma uutedlice scæftes woepen monthee hiuut wifmon 6 ab initio autem creaturæ masculum et feminam forletes monn fæder his , moder J geneoleces to 7 propter hoc relinquet homo patrem suum et matrem et adhærebit ad bidon tuoege in lichoma ana +[an]um forxon uutedlice ne sint tuoege ah an 8 et erunt duo in carne una itaque iam non sunt duo sed uno his of dæm ilca ge-frugnon hine eius de eodem interrogauerunt eum. 48. der wyrmas hiora ne bis deade 1 fyr hiora ne bi adrysnad 49. eghwelc fordon mix fyre sie giscostad Jeghwelc cwicu almes gicostad bið 50. god is æt salt tæt siæ salt gif un-ful bið on don dæt ge gi-haldas habba bitwih iow salt J sibbe habbas bitwih iow Cap. X. 1. Xona aras com in gimæru iudea bigeonda iordanen Bætte giwuna wæs efter sona lærde hiæ wif for-leta cunnadun costadun hine gisomnadun efter sona... to him swa 2. to gineo-licadun xa larwas gifrugnun hine gif is alefed were 3. so he wyrde cwæd him hwæt iow biboden was from moyse 4. a de cwedun moyses for-gæf boc pte were awriten for-leten 5. *æm onwyrde de hælend cwæ to heard-nisse heorta iowre awrat iow bibeod is 6. from fruma wutudlice giscæfte wepned-menn wif-menn worhte hiæ god 7. fore disse for-letas mon fæder his moder gineolicas to wife his 8. bio on twoege in lichoma ana fordon wutud[lice] ne sindun twoege ah ana lichoma 9. Sætte fordon god efne-gigedrað donne monno ne to-sceades he 10. in hus efter sona egnas his gifrugnun hine of dæm ilca 11 Da cwæð he. swa hwilc man swa his wif for-læt 1 oder nym unriht-hameð he wyrcd purh hyo. 12 Ænd gyfp wif hire were forlæt 1 oderne nymð. hyo unriht-hæmeð. 13 End hyo brohten him heore litlenges he his at-rine. þa cyddan his leorningcnihtes pam pe hyo brohten. 14 Da se hælend hyo ge-seah un-wurðlice he hit for-beod 1 saigde heom. Lateð þa litlinges to me cumen ne for-beode ge heom. so lice swilcere is heofone rice. 15 So lice ic segge eow swa hwile swa godes rice ne on-feh swa swa litling ne maig he on p. 16 Da be-clepte he hyo 7 his hande ofer hyo settende bletsede hyo. 17 And pa he on weige eode sum hym to arn 7 ge-begden cneowen to-foren hym cwæð bæð hine. La gode lareow hwat do ic þæt ic ece lyf age. 18 pa cwæð se hælend hwi saigst þu me godne; nis nan man god buton god ane. 19 Canst þu þa be-bode. ne unriht-hæm þu. ne slyh pu. ne stel pu. ne sege þu lease ge-witnysse. fæcen ne do pu. wurde pine fæder pine moder. 20 Da andswerede he gode. lareow eall pis ic heold of minre geogede. 21 Se hælend hine pa behealdende hyfode (sic) 1 saide hym. An þing þe is wane. syle eal þæt þu age. I syle hit þearfen þanne hafst þup goldhord on heofene. 1 cum 1 folge me. Chi hwi]- Various Readings. 11. A. man. A. hig. 12. A. wer. 13. A. hig (thrice); B. hig (once). 14. A. hig geseh. unwcor lice. A. heofena, 15. A. ne gas he on pæt; B. ne mæg he on pæt; (MS. Corp. om. on). 16. A. hig (thrice); B. hig (twice). 18. A. hwig. 19. A sleh. A. gewytnysse. A. weorða. A. moder. 20. A. Jswarede he cw. A. geogebe. 21. B. heofenum. Various Readings. 13. 11. ober; unriht-hamed; hi. 12. un-riht-hæmð. brohton; litlyngas; æt-hrine; leorning-cnihtas ;brohton. 14. halend; sæde; Læteð; litlingas; heone (sic). 15. mæg. 16. beclypte. 17. End; wege; gebegdum Cænst; slygh; wurða; fader. cneowum to-foran; bæd; hage. 18. secgst; mann. 19. 20. goda larew. halend; beheldende lufode; sægde; wana; eall; þearfum ponne hæfst; om. ; heofonum. 21. cuoes to him sua hwæle for-letas forleta welle wif 11 *Et dicit illis quicumque efnesende + geendade ofer hiał bi hir committit hiu syngeð moechatur. Sæm brengendum super eam. dimiserit uxorem his , oder laede suam et aliam duxerit derneleger adulterium 105. ii. stioredon lu. cxcu. mt. cxc. J brohton to him lytlo cild te he gehrine tæm da egnas uutedlice 13 *Et offerebant illi paruulos ut tangeret illos discipuli autem comminabantur 106. ii. offerentibus. gecuma to me uenire ad me et ne prohibueritis eos talium est enim regnum dei. onfoas to him letas Sa lytlo soblice ic sægo 15 amen dico iuh suæ hua ne gefrigade hia J on-sette hond ofert on a ilco gebledsade hia complexans eos et inponens manus super illos benedicebat eos. was on woeg fore arn sum oder cneuo beged fore hine bædd hine la larua godgoda huæd mt. cxciii. esset in uiam procurrens quidam genu flexo ante eum rogabat eum magister bone quid 20 et ille respondens ait magister haec omnia obseruaui á iuuentúte mea. án se hælend uutedlice mixɣy behaldend hine lufade hine cuoes him de is forgeten geong sua huæt 21 *Iesus autem intuitus eum dilexit eum et dixit illi unum tibi deest uade cumque 108. ii. 11. cwas to him swa hwele for-letes wif his oder læde to derne-giligrum eft-sende ofer hiæ gif wif for-lete wer hire to oðrum foes hio syngað 13. brohtun to him lytle te gihrine Sæm ða Begnas wutudlice stiordun Sæm brengendum 14. *a missy gi-sæh xe hælend un-wyröne brohte 3 cws to him letas sa lytlu cuma to me ne for-letas hiæ us-licra is fordon rice godes 15. so ic cwedo iow swa hwelc ne foe rice godes swelce lytelne ne gæ in dæt 16. gifragade him on gisette honda ofer hia gibletsade hiæ 17. mix by færende was on woeg fore arn sum oder cneo gibe[ge]d bifora hine gibad hine la larow god hwæt sceal ic doa te lif ece ic onfoe 18. de hælend solice cwax to him 'hwæt mec du cwedes goodne ne ængu good buta ana god 19. Ja bibodu wastu æte derne-lice Sætte su ne ofslæ æta su ne stele ætæ Ju leose witnesse cyonisse cwede sæt su facun ne doe ar-wyrða fæder sinne moder dine 20. he wyrde cwæ him la larwa alle as ic giheald from gigoð-hade minum 21. de hælend wutudlice mixxy biheold hine lufade hine cwas to him an de forgeten is gong swa hwæt swa du hæbbe bibyge sel darfum hæfes gistrion goldes in heofnum cym soec+fylig me 22 And for pam worde he was ge-unret 1 ferde gnornigende for þam he hæfde mycele æhta; 23 pa cwa se hælend to his leorningcnihton hine beseonde. swype earfoðlice on godes rice gað þa þe feoh habbað; 24 Da forhtodon his leorning-cnihtas be his wordum; Eft se hælend him Iswariende cwæð. eala cild swyde earfodlice pa de on heora feo getruwigeað gað on godes rice; 25 Eapere ys olfende to farenne purh nædle þyrel þonne se rica 1 se welega on godes rice gá; 26 Hi þæs de ma betwux him wundredon 1 cwæden 1 hwa mæg beon hal 27 þa beheold se hælend hi 1 cwæð; Mid mannum hit is uneapelic ac na mid gode; Ealle ping mid gode synt ea delice; 28 pa ongan petrus cwepan; Witodlice we ealle ping for-leton 1 folgodon pe; 29 Da Iswarode him se hælend. nis nan pe his hus for-læt. odde gebropru. oppe geodde fæder. oppe modor. odde bearn. oppe æceras for me 1 for þam godspelle swustra. 30 þe hund-feald ne onfo. nu on pisse tide. hus broðru swustru. fæder modor. bearn. æceras. mid ehtnessum Jon towcardre worulde éce lif; 31 Manega fyrmeste beod ytemeste ytemeste fyrmyste; 22 for pan worde he was unge-rot. 1 ferde gneorgende for pan he hæfde mycele ehte. 23 Da cwæ se hælend to hys leorningcnihten hine be-seonde. swide earfedlice on godes rice gað þa þe feoh hæbbed. 24 Da forteden his leorning-cnihtes be his worden. Eft se hælend heom andswerede J cw. Eala chyld. swide earfodlice pa þe on hire feo ge-truwiad gad on godes rice. 25 eaðere is olfende to farene purh nædle pyrl. panne se rice 1 se welege on godes rice ga. 26 Hyo pas pe ma be-twexe heom wundreden cwæden. 1 hwa mæig beon hal. 27 pa be-heold se hælend hyo 1 cwæð. Mid mannen hit is un-eaðelic. ac na mid gode. Ealle þing mid gode synde eaðelice. 28 pa on-gan petrus cweden. Witodlice we ealle ping for-leten. J folgeden þe. 29 Da andswerede hym se hælend. Nis nan þe his hus for-læt. odde ge-brodre. ode swuster. odde fæder oððe moder. ode bearn. odde aceres for me. J for pam godspelle. 30 þe hundfeald ne on-fo. nu on pisse tide. hus 1 brodre I swustre. 1 fæder 1 moder J bearn. J æceres. mid ehtnyssen 1 on towearde wurlde ece lyf. 31 Manege fyrineste by ytemeste. J ytemeste fermeste. Ereta C.us [hus]. C.ecce. Various Readings. 22. A cross (†) is prefixed to this verse in A. A. om. And. B. gnorngende. B. mycle. 23. A. leorning-cnyhtum. 24. A. forhtedon. A. wurdon. A. Jswarigende. A. getruwiað. 25. A. Eatre. B. þuruh. A. þyrl. 26. A, hig. A. betweox. 27. A. B. ig. A. þyng synd eaðelice myd gode. 28. Space left for Rubric in A. B. angan. A. folgedon. 29. A. moder. 30. A. broðra. A. swustra. A. inserts before fæder. A. moder. A. ehtnyssum. 31. A. ytemyste (twice); B. ytemyste (2nd time). A. B. fyrmeste (2nd time). Various Readings. 22. þam; gnorngende; þam; mycel. 23. halend; leorning-cnihtan; beo-seonde; earfoolice; habbað. 24. forhtedon; wordum; halend; cyld; earfošlice; heore; gað. 25. farenne þuruh; þyrel. þonne; welega. 26. þæs; betwux; wundrodon; cwaben; mæg. 27. halend; mannum; synd eaðalice. 28. cwedan; for-leton; folgodon. 29. halend; ge-swustra; modor; aceras. 30. broðra; swustra; fader; æceras; ehtnyssum; toworde worulde. 31. Manega; fyrmyste [for fermeste]. sexe mixxy geunrodsad was on word eade seofende wæs forton hæfde + hæbbend 22 *Qui habens ait discipulis suis quam difficile qui pecunias da degnas uutedlice forstyldton on wordum his so 24 discipuli autem obstupescebant in uerbis eius at is ah ne is mið J hefig is dade gelefed in strionum difficile est confidentes in pecuniis mt. cxu. derh Xyrilłego nedles ofer-fara donne +se micla dear. per foramen acus transire quam dare suitor gewundradon cuoerende to him 26 qui magis admirabantur dicentes ad semet sceaude hia se hælend cuoeð mið monnum un-mæhtig 27 et intuens illos iesus ait apud homines inpossibile god alle fordon mæhto tebelico sint mið god est sed non apud deum omnia enim possibilia sunt apud deum. ge-cuoeða heono we forleorton alle J dicere ecce nos dimisimus omnia et sere so lice ic cuoero iuh nænig monn is godspell patrem aut filios aut agros propter me et propter euangelium hunteantig-sido hunt a huileane nu in sere ne onfoað 30 qui non accipiat tide life disum huso J bro ro J suoestro J modero J tempore hoc domos et fratres et sorores et matres et suno J londo mið oehtendum J in world bæm to uearde lif mt. cxcuiii. éce filios et agros cum persecutoribus et in sæculo futuro uitam aeternam. 23. ymb-loccade 24. ða 22. sede miðły giwundrad was in worde eode seofende was foron hæfte micle æhte de hælend cwæd to degnum his swise uneate thefige dade gistrione habbas in rice godes in-gað Begnas wutudlice forstyltun on wordum his cwæ de hælend efter sona Jsworade cwæ sunu leofa la swie hefig is dade gilefað on gistrion in rice godes hiæ ingæ 25. eðor is camele derh dyrelegu nedles ðerh-fara Bonne de welgede wlonca in-gonge in rice godes 26. ðaðe swiður giwundradun cwedende to him solfum hwa mæge hal wosa 27. sceowende in hiæ de hælend cwæ mix monnum unmæhtig is ah ne is mið god alle fordon mæhte sindun mið god 28. ongan petrus him cweoða heono we for-leortun alle fylgdun + sohtun dec 29. ondworde de hælend cwa sox ic cweɣo iow nænig is sede forletes hus brokerswester moder fore god-spelle 30. sexe ne on-foe hunteantigum siða da hwile nu in issum huse broker swester moder sunu lond mix oehtendum in weorlde bær toworde lif 31. monige wutudlice bioðun ærist a foers-mestu ða lætemestu foerðmest fæder sunu lond fore mec tide in life ece L |