Lord's Day CryAuthorHouse, 2006 - 316 pages Greetings-I'm Robert Harris.http: //www.midnightministries.com). In writing Lord's Day Cry, I've combined readiness for Christ's Bridegroom Return with sound doctrine. Suitably, this book simplifies and makes plain Christ's initial return, which is not an at-once redemption-whether it is the Rapture, or Second Coming Only Teaching. Actually, both teachings negate many portions of the Scripture. Indeed, if either of these teachings represented the whole truth, then there wouldn't be a need to watch. No need to watch? No Tribulation Night? No four watches of the night? No wedding doors? No Jewish wedding? No Wedding Feast? No Bridegroom Return? No first fruits? No Like Manner Return? No Summer Harvest? No early and latter rains? No "thief like"coming? No, we are not bought with a price? These many references to Scripture, which all intricately link to the idea of a Jewish nighttime wedding, are not just allegoric and meaningless. Now Jesus warned, "Take heed to yourselves, lest at anytime your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting (overindulgence), and drunkenness, and the cares of this life, so that day come upon you unawares. . . .Watch you therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21: 34-36). Here, in praying always, it is the Christian heart that is to be sober in doctrine, and not to be overtaken with overindulgence and the cares of this life (1 Thess. 5: 6-8). Sadly, the Day of our Redemption (Eph. 4: 30), not to mention Christ's nighttime Bridegroom Return, aren't being taught in the Body of Christ. Hopefully, we can change that! |
Common terms and phrases
Age of Accountability angels anointed Antichrist apostles at-once Rapture Balaam beginning Behold believe Bible biblical Blessed Body of Christ brethren bride Bridegroom Christians Church cometh Coming Only Theology Covenant Daniel days of Noah dead Doctrine door Earth end-time Ephesus eternal fact faith and love Father flesh foolish fornication Gentiles God’s godly Gospel Grace Greek hath Heaven Holy Commandment Holy Spirit inner love Israel Jehovah Jesus Christ Jewish Jews judgment Laodicea letter light living Lord Jesus Lord’s Lord's Day love in action Luke Matt means never Nicolaitanes parable Paul wrote Pergamos person Philadelphia pre-wrath Preterism Preterist received redemption repent Revelation righteousness saints SAITH salvation Sardis Sardis's saved Scripture seven-year Tribulation Smyrna speak teaching tells Ten Virgins Testament thee Thess thief things thou shalt Thyatira tithe traditional Second Coming Tribulation Night truth virgins walk watch Wedding Feast wise word