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" Him or Them : And I do faithfully promise to maintain, support, and defend, to the utmost of my Power, the Succession of the Crown, which Succession, by an Act, intituled An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown, and better securing the Rights and... "
The Catholic gentleman's magazine, by S. Palmer - Page 156
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Contemplations on the God of Israel, in a Series of Letters to a Friend

William Huntington - 1802 - 686 pages
...againft the defcendants of the faid James, and againft all other perfons whatfoever ; which fuccefTion, by an act, entitled, « An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown, and better fccuring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject;' is, and flands, limited to the Princefs Sophia,...
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An Historical Review of the State of Ireland from the Invasion of ..., Volume 2

Francis Plowden - 1805 - 482 pages
...dignity ; and I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to his majesty, and his heirs, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies, which may...the utmost of my power, the succession of the crown in his majesty's family, against any person or persons whatsoever, hereby utterly renouncing and abjuring...
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Impartial Detail of the Proceedings and Debates Both Houses of the Imperial ...

Great Britain. Parliament - 1805 - 446 pages
...or Dignity ; to do their utmost endeavours to disclose and make known to his Majesty and his Heirs, all treasons, and traitorous conspiracies which may be formed against him or them, and faithfully to maintain, support, and defend, to the utmost of their power, the succession to the Crown...
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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register, Volume 11

1807 - 542 pages
...endeavour to disclose and make ' known to his Majesty, and his hairs, all' '. treasons and traitetous conspiracies, which ' may be formed against him or...them > and '..I do faithfully promise to maintain, su,p' port, and defend, to the utmost of my ' power, the succession of the crown in ' his Majesty's...
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History of the Westminster and Middlesex Elections in the Month of November ...

1807 - 520 pages
...3.) which gave the throne of these kingdoms to his present Majefty, and his family, intitled — " An Act for the further limitation of the .*' Crown, and better securing the Rights and Liber. *' ties of the Subject,'' — it was wisely and honcftly thus enacted — " That no person,...
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Pieces of Irish History,: Illustrative of the Condition of the Catholics of ...

William James MacNeven - 1807 - 376 pages
...conspiracies which may be be formed agninst him or them ; and I do faithfully promise to maintain, snpport and defend, to the utmost of my power, the succession of the crown in his majesty's family against any person or persons whatsoever, hereby utterly renouncing and abjuring...
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Annual Register, Volume 49

Edmund Burke - 1809 - 1138 pages
...dignity ; and I \vill do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to his majesty and his heirs, ail treasons and traitorous conspiracies, which may be...maintain, support, and defend, to the utmost of my p'»wer, the succession of the crown in his majesty's family, against any person or persons whatsoever...
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Annual Register, Volume 49

Edmund Burke - 1809 - 1154 pages
...utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to his majesty, his heirs and successors, all treasons %nd traitorous conspiracies which may be formed, and defend, to the utmost of my power, the sue. cession of the crown ; which sue. cession, by an act, intitled, ' An act for the further (imitation...
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The Breath of the Lord, and the Sieve of Vanity: A Sermon Delivered at ...

William Huntington - 1809 - 568 pages
...againft the defendants of the faid James, and againft all other perfons whatfoever; which fucceffion, by an act, entitled, ' An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown, and better fecuring the' Rights and Liberties of the Subject;* is, 'and ftands, limited to the Princefs Sophia,...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1809 - 1080 pages
...dignity ; and I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to his majesty and his heirs, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies, which may be formed against him or them ; and I d« faithfully promise to maintain, sup. port, and ilrfcnd, to the utmost of my power, the succession...
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