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" I do further declare that it is not an article of my faith, and that I do renounce, reject, and abjure the opinion that princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any other authority of the see of Rome may be deposed or murdered by their subjects,... "
The Catholic gentleman's magazine, by S. Palmer - Page 157
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The Scots Magazine, Volume 54

1792 - 684 pages
...before God, make this our deliberate and folemn declaration :— ift. We abjure, difavow, and condemn the opinion, that Princes excommunicated by the Pope and Council, or by any ecclefiafticil authority whatfoever, may therefore be depofed or murdered by their fubjefls. or any...
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The Hibernian Magazine, Or, Compendium of Entertaining Knowledge, Volume 5

1775 - 868 pages
...hereticks, and alfo that unchrillian and impious principle that no faith is to be kept with hereticks. I further declare, that it is no article of my faith, and that 1 do renounce, rejeit and abjure the moval of the affizes from Cnrrickfergus to Antrim, was difcharged,...
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Statutes at Large ...: (43 v.) ... From Magna charta to 1800

Great Britain - 1778 - 518 pages
...; arid alfo that unchrijlian and impious principle, that no faith is to be kept with hereticks : I further declare ', that it is no article of my faith, and that 1 do renounce^ rejeft, and abjure^ .the opinion^ that princes excommunicated by the pope and council,...
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Free thoughts on the toleration of popery, by Calvinus Minor

Archibald Bruce - 1780 - 492 pages
...heretics. I do further declare, that it is no article of tny faith, and that I ' do renounce, rejeft and abjure the opinion, that princes excommunicated...authority of the See of Rome, or by any authority whatfoever, may be depofed or murdered by their fubjeos, or any perfon whatever. And I do declare,...
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A plain and succinct narrative of the late riots ... in the cities of London ...

Thomas Holcroft - 1780 - 82 pages
...of v my faith, and that I do renounce, rejtdt, and abjure the opinion, That princes excommuni* cated by the Pope and Council, or by any authority of the See of Rome, or by any authority whatfoever, may be dcpofed or murdered by their fubjefts, or any perfon whatfoever : And I do declare,...
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A Narrative of the Proceedings of Lord Geo. Gordon, and the Persons ...

1780 - 92 pages
...Hereticks ; and alfo that nnchriftian and impious Principle, That no Faith is to be kept with Hereticks : I further declare, that it is no Article of my Faith, and that I do renounce, rejeft, and abjure, the Opinion, That Princes excommunicated by the Pope and Coun• cil, or by any...
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A plain and succinct narrative of the late riots ... in the cities of London ...

Thomas Holcroft - 1780 - 82 pages
...impious principle, That no faun is to be kept with heretics : I further declare, that it is no artide of » my faith, and that I do renounce, reject, and abjure the opinion, That princes exccanaiuni* cated by f he Pope and Council, or by any authority of the See of Rome, or by any authority...
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Miscellaneous Tracts ...

Arthur O'Leary - 1781 - 672 pages
...let us divert ourtelves of paffion : Religion will never arm our hand with the poniard. ART V. " I further declare, that it is no article of my " faith,...renounce, reject, and " abjure the opinion, that princes excommu'* nicated by the pope and council, or by '* any authority of the fee of Rome, or by " any authority...
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Annual Register of World Events, Volume 23

1781 - 732 pages
...hcritics ; and alfo that unchriftian and impious principle, That no faith is to be kept with heretics : I further declare, that it is no article of my faith, and that I do renounce, rejeft, and abjure the opinion, That princes excommunicated by the Pope and council, or by any authority...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and ..., Volume 23

1788 - 734 pages
...; and alfo that unchriftian -and impious principle, That no faith is to be kept \vitli heretics : 1 further declare, that it is no article of my faith, and that I do renounce, rcjed, and aljure the opinion, That prirces excommunicated by the Pope and council, or by any authority...
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