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" George the fourth, and will defend him to the utmost of my power against all conspiracies and attempts whatever, which shall be made against his person, crown, or dignity. And I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to his majesty, his... "
The Catholic gentleman's magazine, by S. Palmer - Page 156
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An Historical Review of the State of Ireland from the Invasion of ..., Volume 2

Francis Plowden - 1805 - 486 pages
...Redeemer to witness, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to our most gracious sovereign lord King George the Third, and him will defend to the...whatever, that shall be made against his person, crown, and dignity ; and I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to his majesty, and his...
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An Historical Review of the State of Ireland from the Invasion of ..., Volume 2

Francis Plowden - 1805 - 482 pages
...Redeemer to witness, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to our most gracious sovereign lord King George the Third, and him will defend to the...attempts whatever, that shall be made against his person, crowrr, and dignity ; and I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to his majesty,...
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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register, Volume 11

1807 - 542 pages
...Third, and him will dei.4 end to the utmost of my power against all conspiracies and attempts whatsoever that shall be made against his person, .crown, or dignity : and I will do my utmost endeavour to disclosa and make known to his Majesty, his heirs, and successors, all treasons and traitorous conspi....
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Pieces of Irish History,: Illustrative of the Condition of the Catholics of ...

William James MacNeven - 1807 - 376 pages
...will be faithful and bear true allegiance to our most gracious sovereign lord King George the Thud, and him will defend, to the utmost of my power, against all conspiracies and attempts whatsoever that shall be made against his person, crown and dignity ; and I will do my utmost endeavour...
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The fallen angels ! A brief review of the measures of the late ...

Fallen angels - 1807 - 162 pages
...utmost to maintain and " defend him against all treasons and traitorous conspiracies, and " against all attempts whatever, that shall be made against his " person, crown, or dignity 5 and that I will, to the utmost of f< my power, resist all such treasons, conspiracies, or attempts,...
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The Whole Law Relative to the Duty and Office of a Justice of the ..., Volume 4

Thomas Walter Williams - 1808 - 1262 pages
...bear true allegiance to his majesty king George the ' third, and him will defend to t!ie utmost of iny power, against ' all conspiracies, and attempts whatever,...'against his person, crown, or dignity; and I will do my ut' most endeavour to disclose and make known to his majesty, ' bis heirs, and successors, all treasons...
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The New annual register, or General repository of history ..., Volume 28

1808 - 1142 pages
...utmost to maintain and dtfend him against all treasons and traitorous conspiracies, and against all attempts whatever that shall be made against his person, crown, or dignity ; and that I will, to ihe utmost of my power, resist all such treasons, conspiracies, or attempts, and will...
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Annual Register, Volume 49

Edmund Burke - 1809 - 1154 pages
...AB do sincerely promise and swear, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his majesty king George the Third, and him will defend to the...of my power against all conspiracies and attempts whatsoever that shall be made against his person, crown, or dignity; and I will do my utmost endeavour...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1809 - 1080 pages sincerely promise and swear, tbat 1 will be faithful and bear 'true alleg anee to his ma. j«»tv king George the Third, and him will defend to the utmost of my power against all conspiracies »nd attempts whatsoever that shall he mode against his person, crown, or dignity ; and l will du шу...
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Annual Register, Volume 49

Edmund Burke - 1809 - 1138 pages
...Redeemer, to witness that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to our most gracious sovereign lord king George the Third^ and him •will defend to the utmost of my power, against ¡ill conspiracies and attempts whatsoever that shall be made against his person, crown, and dignity...
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