OR THE BELIEVER'S COMPANION IN SOLITUDE. "My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord."-Psa. civ. 84. "Jesus departed into a solitary place, and there prayed."-Mark i. 35. "When thou pray est, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy BY THE AUTHOR OF CHRISTIAN RETIREMENT" AND CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE." T.L.B. Reade. LONDON: HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO.; LEEDS: J. Y. KNIGHT. M DCCC XLI. PREFACE. THIS Volume is designed to be THE BELIEVER'S COMPANION IN SOLITUDE. The Meditations, interspersed with Hymns, chiefly original, are intended to promote serious reflections, silent aspirations to God, and self-examination; and thus, through the divine blessing, to lead the heart to God in Christ, as the only Foundation for a sinner's hope; and the only Fountain of a sinner's happiness. Should this important end, in any humble measure be attained, the glory will be His from whom all good proceeds. Frequent retirement, and reading the Scriptures with meditation and prayer, are essential, through the power of the Spirit, to our growth in grace. The more we meditate on the things of God, as revealed in his holy word, the more will our minds be brought under their sanctifying influence. The religion of Christ, is the religion of the heart. It not only enlightens the understanding, but it purifies the affections. The world will lose its fascinating power, and formality its deadening effect upon us, when once we come to a saving knowledge of CHRIST CRUCIFIED. We shall then use the world as not abusing it, and engage in outward forms of religion, as needful for order, but not as substitutes for personal piety. We shall then live in the |