Predictions. Completions. [otherwise Dean Swift,] nor the other Pamphlet called Sooterkin Diffected, both written in the Way of the groffeft Banter and Ridicule, which are contained in my Copy also, move me to alter my Opinion at all as to the Truth of those monstrous Productions, which I fear not to affirm, I furely believe to have been undeniably Real, and no other indeed than one direct Completion of the eminent Signal before us, that towards the End of the World Menftruous Women fhould bring forth Monsters. And I well remember, that I then fhewed Mr. Molyneux this Prophecy of Efdras, which foretold fuch Events about these Times. Nay upon his farther Inquiry and Con cern about the ter Predictions. Completions. rible Judgments that the fame Efdras denounced in the fame Prophecy, I comforted him with the joyful Prediction, in the fame Author, that good Men would be providentially preferved from them. 4 Efd. ix. 7,8. The Way of bantering Matters of Fact, that are disagreeable to Scepticks and Unbelievers, as whatsoever looks Súpernatural or Miraculous always are, seem, after the Lord Shaftsbury and Mr. Collins, to have almoft begun here amongst us with the Banter of this wonderful and fupernatural Production in Mary Toft; though it be now become a standing Argument, fince the Writings of Dr. Middleton, against all fuch Facts as imply a Providence, and the Interpofition of good Angels, or wicked De mons in the Affairs of this World; which yet has been the conftant Opinion, or rather Experience and Atteftation of all Mankind, excepting the Sadducees, and Epicureans, in all the paft Ages of the World, till the prefent Age. And truly if these merry Infi dels could as well banter off Eclipfes, and Comets, and Northern Lights, and Balls of Fire, and Earthquakes, and their Effects, with the like Facility as they now pretend to do ancient Hiftories, both Sacred and Profane, they would foon get clear of all Arguments for Divine Providence, and Divine Revelation, and would openly and univerfally throw off all the Obligations of Religion. As for myself, I have very long Predictions. Completions. long and very fuccefsfully accustomed myself to be guided wholly by another Rule; by the real Evidence of Facts and Testimonies belonging to the feveral Ages, whereto fuch Facts do belong, and not otherwife, as do all wife and upright Judges in their Courts of Juftice, without any Regard to the vain Amusement of our prefent merry or profane Scribblers. See Suppl. to the Literal Accomplishment of Prophecies, P. 5, 6. Accordingly, when I heard this Rabbet Woman, and her fuppofed Accomplices, were to be indicted of a Cheat, and were to be openly tried for the fame, I waited for the Iffue of such a Trial, in order to my compleat Satisfaction. But finding more no Predictions. (62.) 'Tis here foretold, that Salt Waters fhall be found in the Sweet or that Sweet ; Waters Shall be changed into Salt. Ezek. xlvii. 9, 10, 11. Perhaps this refers to the Salt or dead Sea, and to the Introduction of the fresh or Sweet Waters of the River of Life, after the Jews Temple is rebuilt, to render it not too Salt for the Fish which are to live therein; excepting those miry Places, and Marshes thereof which Completions. was no fuch Thing done, I eafily concluded no fuch Thing could be done. So I have all along gone by my original Evidence, and have ever fince believed the Fact to have been true, and an eminent Completion of the Prophecy before us. (62.) This Prediction, in this Senfe, has not been fulfilled hitherto; nor is the Time for its fulfilling quite come. (63.) |