tion, in my Lit. Accompt. of Propb. Pag. 8386. The Beams of the Moon fhall fhine, and fhall pleasantly come to the Earth with bloody Drops. I will tell you very clearly the Signs whereby you may know when the End of all these Things shall happen on the Earth: When Swords fhall be feen in the Night, towards Sun-fetting or Sun-rifing, in the starry Heavens; and a Duft defcends from Heaven fuddenly upon all the Earth. Sibyll. III. v. 741, 742, v. 736 -739. Orac. The Sight of the Sun fhall fail in the Midft of his Course in the Heavens, v. 739, 740. The Sight of the Moon fhall fail [perhaps.] The Rocks fhall give a Sign. And in a Cloud ye shall see the Fight of Horfemen and Footmen, like the Croud made in the Hunting of wild Beafts. This End God, who lives in Heaven, fhall give to War, v. 740. See 2 Maccabees v. 2, 3, 4. 2. And then it happened, that through all the City [Jerusalem,] for the Space of almost forty Days, there were feen Horfmen running in the Air, in Cloth of Gold, and armed with Lances, like a Band of Soldiers. 3- And Troops of Horfemen in Array, encountring and running one against another, with fhaking of Shields, and Multitude of Pikes, and drawing of Swords, and cafting of Darts, and glittering of golden Ornaments, and Harness of all Sorts. 4. Where 4. Wherefore every Man prayed that that Ap parition might turn to Good. See alfo Jofephus's War of the Jews, as follows: A Star, in the Likeness of a Sword, stood over the City [Jerufalem,] as a Comet, that continued for a Year together. Chariots of armed Troops were, before Sun-fetting, feen in the Air, running all over the Country in the Clouds, and encompaffing the Cities. Jof. War, v. 13. All the Paths of the Sea, and rough Shores, and high Mountains, and the raging Waves of the Sea, fhall be easily paffed over, and failed over in those Days: [Or after God has given an End to War.] Orac. Sibyll. III. 745, 746. The particular Signals here are these, to go on with the former Numbers. 93. That the Beams of the Moon shall shine, and come pleasantly to the Earth with bloody Drops. 94. Swords fhall be feen in the Night, towards Sun-fetting, or Sun rifing; as if they were among the Stars; and a Duft shall defcend upon the Earth, which seem to denote fome Species of Northern Lights. 95, 96. That there fhall be great Eclipfes in the Sun and Moon. 97. That the Rocks fhall give a Sign, parallel perhaps to that in Efdras, Number 52 before, where the Stone, or Rock gave its Voice. 98. That the Conclusion of Wars fhould be fignified by fuch eminent Northern Lights, as looked like aerial Battles, or Hunting of wild Beasts. 99. That WHISTON. 99. That Navigation, with the Direction by the Mariners Compass, &c. fhould be greatly improved; and Men now better guided in their Voyages, and Journeys over vaft Seas and Deserts, and Mountainous Countries than formerly. These are the feveral remarkable Tokens, Signs, or Signals, which the old Prophecies afford us, as belonging to the very laft Times, and to the Reftoration of the Jews; not fewer in Number than ninety-nine, vaftly the greateft Part of which have been already fulfilled, and are fure Pledges that the reft will be fulfilled in due Time hereafter. Nor can fo great a Number, and generally fuch plain Signals, be other than abundantly fufficient Signs of thefe Times; and what ought to be attended to, in the most serious Manner, by all that believe the Scriptures, and divine Revelation; and a Difregard to which cannot but render Men open Scorners, and profane Contemners of God and Religion, to their deferved Condemnation, certainly at the last Day; and not improbably at a much nearer Day of Vengeance in this World. LE C LECTURE II. March 8, the Day of the fecond Earthquake at London. An Account of the fulfilling of thofe Signals whofe Times are already paft. Predictions. 1. That a general Curfe fhould, in these very last Days, be on the Earth, and a Diffolution of its former State. 2. That the horrid Wickedness of Men fhould precede thefe fore Judgments. 3. That vaft Numbers of Mankind will be destroyed in this Interval. Completions. 1. This feems now to be fulfilling, by all proper Symptoms of fuch a Curfe and Diffolution. 2. This horrid Wickedness of the prefent Age, is almost too evident to need any particular Proofs. However, fuch Proofs will be produc'd abundantly in my my IIId Lecture. 3. This is eafily to be believed, if we confider what very great Numbers have been already destroyed by this last War, both at Sea and Land; by the late terrible loffes of Seamen in the Completions. Predictions. the late violent Storms 4. That Mens Mirth and Jollity fhall be turned into Mourning. 5. That the few good Men will be remarkably preferved by Providence, from the ap. proaching Calamities. at Home and Abroad, in the East and West-Indies, by the very great Numbers that kill themfelves every Year by Gin, and Spirituous Liquors, efteemed 1000000, and very probably will be moft remarkable in the perishing of the Body of the Jewish Nation, who are wicked, juft before the Restoration of the reft. Dan. xii. 1. 4. This begins to be fulfilled already, in the fad Damp that is put to fuch Mirth, by the last Earthquakes at London: And will, without Ques tion, be more throughly fulfilled by the other Earthquakes and Judgments now proceeding. 5. This cannot be fulfilled till the Principal of thofe Judgments come. Only the Prefervation of Noah |