1 Predictions. Completions. fhall be found written in the Book. 2. And many of them that fleep in the Duft of the Earth fhall awake; fome to everlasting Life, and fome to Shame and everlasting Contempt, See alfo Apoc. xx. 4, 5, 6. 4. And I faw Thrones, and they fat upon them, and Judgment was given unto them. And I faw the Souls of them that were beheaded for the Witness of Jefus, and for the Word of God, and which had not worshipped the Beast, neither his Image, neither had received his Mark upon their Foreheads, or in their Hands; and they lived and reigned with Chrift a thoufand Years. 5. But the reft of the Dead lived not again until the thousand Years were Completions. were finished: This is the first Resurrection. 6. Bleffed and holy is he that hath Part in the first Refurrection: On fuch the second Death hath no Power. But they shall be Priests of God and of Chrift; and fhall reign with him a thousand Years. (11.) If these Predictions do mean no more than Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon, fuch as are mentioned in my Aftronomical Year, and other Calculations, fuch Eclipfes may be esteem'd as partial Completions of thefe Predictions; but if they imply fomewhat more wonderful, as I fufpect, their Completion cannot be yet exhibited. (12.) This Prediction cannot be yet expected to be fulfilled; fince the Time of the Jews Restoration Completions. ftoration is not yet fully come. Nor do I depend on the intire Stoppage of our prefent over-bearing Infidelity till that Reftoration. (13.) I understand this Prediction chiefly of the British Isles, or perhaps as joining with the Dutch, Dutch, or as including the two Maritime Powers, in the Tranfporting the Jews all along the Mediterranean into Judea. I name these two Maritime Powers only at present, because as to others, the Spaniards, and Portuguese, who lie conveniently enough for affifting in fuch a Tranfportation, they, instead of protecting the poor Jews, put them into the Inquifition, and burn them; nay, even our great Ally, the Queen of Hungary, as fome of the latest Predictions. Completions. latest News informs us, has permitted a Jewish Rabbi to be burnt in the City of Prague, under her Dominion. The Poles alfo, that might be affifting one Way or other, have bitterly declared their Barbarity against them, by banishing them all at a Day's Warning from Caminiek, as our News affures us alfo. I do not here note the French, who have Ports in the Mediterranean, among these Enemies of the Jews, tho' I cannot yer reckon them among their Friends; not only because they do not admir of the Inquifition, which would burn them, but because the Prophecies give me fame Hopes that they, as well as the King of Sardinia, the Sovereign of the Vaudois, will ere long leave off |