Jews or Heathens, than it has been in this Chri• ftian Country.- Is not Sunday become a Day of Diversion to G great ones, and a Day ⚫ of Idleness to the little ones? And has not this been followed by a great Increase of 6 great Wickedness and < Violence among the ⚫lower Sort of People? Theft and Robbery, • which used to be fecret • Crimes, now appear < armed in our Streets, and are fupported by Numbers ftrong enough to defy the Power of the Magistrate.' Now 6 thers, which may be, (it is much to be fear ed) too near them already. Add to this, the Lewdness and Debauchery that prevail among the lowest People; which keeps them idle, poor, and miferable, and renders them incapable of getting an ⚫ honeft Livelihood for themselves and Families. The Number of lewd Houfes which • trade in their Vices,and which must, at any Rate, be paid for mak ing Sin convenient to them, Predictions. Completions. them, and it will account for Villainies of • other Kind, which are growing fo faft, as to be infupportable, and • almost incurable. For where is the Wonder, • that Perfons fo aban⚫doned should be ready C to commit all Sorts of Outrage and Violence. A City without Reli< gion can never be a fafe Place to dwell in. The unnatural Lewdnefs, of which we have • heard fo much of late, ⚫ is fomething more than < brutish, and can hardly ⚫ be mentioned without offending chafte Ears; yet cannot be paffed · over entirely in Silence, • because of the particular Mark of divine Predictions. (47.) It is here foretold, that Kings and Princes fhall, at this Time, be the Authors of great Disturbances among Mankind. (47.) This is always the fad Case of Mankind under vicious,proud, and tyrannical Kings and Princes; which is but too commonly theirCharacter, and to which the Temptations in fuch high Stations naturally incline them: In Prospect of which Temptations I fuppose it was, in good Part, that God was so very averfe to the Introduction of that Regal or Defpotick Power among the Jews. While the People of God, the Ifraelites, were under the Judges, or under a Theocracy and Ariftocracy, theKind of Government that God himself chofe for them, they were a great deal happier than when they were under abfolute Kings, a Sort of Govern H ment |