The Epiftle. Leta man fo account. I Cor. 4. ver. 1. to v. 6. The Gospel. thy children by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by thy Holy Spirit, through the fame our Lord Jefus Now when John had. S. Chrift, who liveth and reign Mat. II. ver. 2. to v. II. The Collect. eth with thee, world without end. Amen. The Epiftle. God, who at fundry.Heb.I. thebeginning was. S. Jo. GRant, O Lord, that in Lord raife up (we pray thee) thy power, and come among us, and with great might fuccour us; In that whereas through our fins and wickedness we are fore let and hindered in running the race that is fet before us, thy bountiful grace and mercy may speedily help and deliver us, through the propitiation of thy Son our Lord; to whom with thee, in the Holy Ghoft, be honour and glory, world without end. Amen. The Epifile. all our fufferings here upon earth, for the teftimony of thy truth, we may ftedfaftly look up to heaven, and by faith behold the glory that fhall be revealed; and being filled with the Holy Ghoft, may learn to love and blefs our Perfecutors, by Rejoice in the Lord. Phil. 4. the example of thy firft ver. 4. to v. 8. The Gospel. Martyr Saint Stephen, who prayed for his murderers to This is the record. St. John thee, O bleffed Jefus, who I. ver. 19. to v. 29. The Nativity of our Lord, or the Birth-day of CHRIST. The Collect. ftandeth at the right-hand of God, to fuccour all those that fuffer for thee, our only Mediator and Advocate. A men. ALmighty God, who haft Then shall follow the Collect of given us thy only begotten Son to take our nature upon him, and for our fakes to be born of a pure Virgin; Grant that we being regenerate, and made the Nativity, which shall be Said continually unto the feast of the Circumcifion. The Epifle. Stephen being full of. Ats 7. ver. 55. to the end. The The Gospel. The Angel of the. S.Matt.2. ver. 13. to v. 19. The Gospel. 23. ver. 34. to the end. John the Evangelift's day. The Sunday after Chriftmas The Collect. Erciful Lord, we befeech thee to caft thy bright beams of light upon thy Church, that it being enlightned by the doctrine of thy bleffed Apoftle and Evangelift John, may fo walk in the light of thy truth, that it may at length attain to everlafting life, thro' Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. The Epifle. That which was. I S.Jo.1. ver I. to the end. Jefus faid unto Peter. S. Joh. Almighty God, who out of the mouths of babes and fucklings haft ordained ftrength, and madeft Infants to glorify thee by their deaths; Mortify and kill all vices inus; and so strengthen us by thy grace, that by the innocency of our lives, and conftancy of our faith even unto death, we may glorify thy holy Name, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. A men. The Epiftle. day. The Collect. ALmighty God, who haft given us thy only begotten Son to take our nature upon him, and for our fakes to be born of a pure Virgin; Grant that we being regenerate, and made thy Children by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by thy Holy Spirit, through the fame our Lord Jefus Chrift. who liveth andreigneth with thee, world without end, Amen. ALmighty God, who ma deft thy bleffed Son to be circumcised and obedient to the Law for man ; Grant us the true circumcifion of the Spirit; that our hearts, and all our members being mortified from all worldly and carnal lufts, we may in all things obey thy bleffed I looked, and lo, Rev. 14. will, through the fame thy ver I. to v. 6. Son The Epiphany, or the Mani- Almighty and everlafting God, who doft govern feftation of Chrift to the all things in heaven and Gentiles. The Collect. God, who by the leading of a ftar didft manifect thy only begotten Son to the Gentiles; Mercifully grant, that we which know thee now by faith, may after this life have the fruition of thy glorious Majefty, thro' earth; Mercifully hear the The Epifle. Jefus Chrift our Lord. A- And the third day.S. John2. men. The Epiftle. For this caufe, I Paul.Ephef. 3. ver. I. to v. 13. The Gofpel. When Jefus was. S. Matt. 2. ver. I. to v. 13. The first Sunday after the E. ver. I. to V. 12. The third. ALmighty and everlast- mercifully to receive the Be not wife in your. Rom. 12. prayers of thy people which call upon thee, and grant that they may both perceive and know what things they ought to do, and also may have grace and power faith ver. 16. to the end. When he was come. S. Matt. The The Epistle. the devil, and make us the fons of God, and heirs of eternal life; Grant us, we befeech thee, that having this hope, we may purify our felves, even as he is pure; that when he shall appear again with power and great glory, we may be made like unto him in his eternal and glorious kingdom, through the fame Jefus Chrift our Lord, Amen. The Epistle. Beloved, what manner. 1 St. Joh. 3. ver. 1. to v. 9. The Gospel. Then if any man. S. Matt. 24. ver. 23. to v. 32. The Seventh. The Collect. Lord, we beseech thee favourably to hear the prayers of thy people; that we who are justly punished for our offences, may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness, for the gloryof thy Name, through Jefus Chrift our Saviour, who liveth and reigneth with thee, world without end. Amen. The Epiftle. Put on therefore, as, Col. 3. Know ye not that. 1 Cor. 9. truft in any thing that we do, Mercifully grant that by thy power we may be defended against all adverfity, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. The Epiftle. Ye fuffer fools gladly. 2 Cor. 11. ver. 19. to v. 32. The Gospel. When much People. S.Luke 8. ver. 4. to v. 16. The Ninth. The Collect. Lord, who haft taught us, that all our doings without Charity are nothing worth; Send thy Holy Ghoft and pour into our hearts that moft excellent gift of Charity, the very bond of peace, and of all virtues, without which whosoever liveth is counted dead before thee. Grant this for thine only Son Jefus Chrift's fake. Amen. The Epifle. The Epifile. Chrift being come an. Heb. 9. ver. II. to v. 16. The Gospel. Jefus faid, Which of S. Joh. 8. ver. 46. to the end. The Eleventh. The Collect. Lord, who for our fake didft fubmit to hunger, thirst and fasting; Give us grace to use fuch abftinence, that our flesh being fubdued to the Spirit, we may ever obey thy godly motions in righteousness and true holinefs, to thy honour and glory who livest and reignest with the Father, world without end. Amen. The Epiftle. We then as workers. 2 Cor. 6. ver. I. to ver. II. The Gospel. Then was Jefus led. S. Mat. 4. ver I. to v. 12. The Twelfth. The Collect. Though I fpeak with. I Cor. ALmighty God, who feeft 13. ver. 1. to the end. Then Jefus tookuntoS. Luk. 18. ver. 31. to the end. The Tenth. WE that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves; Keep us both outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in our fouls; that we may be defended from all adverfities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may affault and hurt the Soul, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. The Epifile. We beseech you. I Thef. 4 ver. I. to v. 9. The |