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for their offence, and because of their wickedness.

Their foul abhorred all manner of meat, and they

were even hard at death's door.

So, when they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, he delivered them out of their distress.

He fent his word, and healed them, and they were faved from their deftructi

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O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness, and declare the wonders that he doth for the children of men !

That they would offer unto him the facrifice of thankfgiving, and tell out his works with gladness!

. They that go down to the fea in fhips, and occupy their bufinefs in great waters. >< These men fee the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.

For at his word the ftormy wind arifeth, which lifteth up the waves thereof. They are carried up to the heaven, and down again to the deep: their foul melteth away because of the trouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits end.

So when they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, he delivereth them out of their dißtrefs.

For he maketh the storm to cease, so that the waves thereof are still.

Then are they glad, because they are at rest: and fo he bringeth them unto the haven where they would be. O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness, and declare the wonders that he doth for the children of men !

That they would exalt him alfo in the congregation of the people, and praife him in the feat of the elders!

Who turneth the floods into a Wilderness, and drieth up the water springs.

A fruitful land maketh he barren, for the Wickedness of them that dwell therein.

Again, he maketh the wildernefs a ftanding Water, and Water-springs of a dry ground.

And there he fetteth the

hungry, that they may build them a city to dwell in.

That they may fow their land, and plant vineyards, to yield them fruits of increase.

He bleffeth them, fo that they multiply exceedingly ; and suffereth not their cattle to decrease.

And again, when they are minifhed and brought low, thro' oppreffion, thro' any plague, or trouble.

Though he fuffer them to be evil-intreated through tyrants, and let them wander


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out of the way in the wil derness.

Yet helpeth he the poor out of mifery, and maketh him housholds like a flock of fheep.

The righteous will confider this, and rejoice; and the mouth of all wickednefs shall be stopped.

Whofo is wife, will ponder these things; and they fhall understand the loving kindness of the Lord. Glory be to the Father, &c.

As it was in the beginning, &c. Collects of Thanksgiving. O Moft bleffed and glorious Lord God, who art of infinite goodness and mercy; We thy poor creatures, whom thou haft made and preferved, holding our fouls in life, and now refcuing us out of the jaws of death, humbly present our felves again before thy divine Majefty, to offer a facrifice of praise and thanksgiving, for that thou heardft us, when we called in our trouble, and didft not caft out our prayer, which we made before thee in our great diftrefs. E ven, when we almoft gave all for loft, our fhip, our goods, our lives, then didft thou mercifully look upon us, and graciously command a deliverance; for which we now being in fafety, do give all

praife and glory to thy holy Name, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

Or this.

Moft mighty and gracious God, thy mercy is over all thy works, but in fpecial manner hath been extended towards us, whom thou hast so powerfully and wonderfully defended. Thou haft fhew'd us terrible things, and wonders in the deep, that we might fee how powerful and gracious a God thou art; how able and rea dy to help them that trust in thee. Thou haft fhewed us how both winds and feas obey thy command; that we may learn even from them hereafter to obey thy voice, and to do thy will. We therefore blefs and glorify thy Name for this thy mercy in faving us, when we ready to perish. And we befeech thee, make us as truly fenfible now of thy mercy as we were then of the danger: And give us hearts always ready to exprefs our thankfulness, not only by words, but alfo by our lives, in being more obedient to thy holy commandments. Continue, we beseech thee, this thy goodness to us, that we, whom thou haft faved, may ferve thee in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life, thro' Jefus Chrift our Lord and Saviour. Amen.




An Hymn of Praise and of thy fervants, but didft Thanksgiving after a dan- hear our cry, and hast saved gerous Tempeft. Come, let us give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious, and his mercy endureth for ever.

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; let the redeemed of the Lord fay fo, whom he hath delivered from the merciless rage of the Sea.

The Lord is gracious and full of compaffion, flow to anger, and of great mercy.

He hath not dealt with us according to our fins, neither rewarded us according to our iniquities.

But as the heaven is high above the earth, so great hath been his mercy towards us.

We found trouble and heaviness, we were even at death's door.

The waters of the fea had well nigh covered us, the proud Waters had well nigh gone over our foul.

The fea roared, and the ftormy wind lifted up the Waves thereof.

We were carried up as it were to heaven, and then down again into the deep, our foul melted within us, because of trouble.

Then cried we unto thee, O Lord, and thou didst deliver us out of our diftrefs.

Bleffed be thy name, who didft not defpife the prayer

Thou didft fend forth thy commandment, and the windy ftorm ceased, and was turned into a calm.

O let us therefore praise the Lord for his goodness, and declare the wonders that he hath done, and still doth for the children of men.

Praised be the Lord daily, even the Lord that helpeth us, and poureth his benefits

upon us.

He is our God, even the God of whom cometh falvation : God is the Lord,by whom we have escaped death.

Thou, Lord, haft made us glad thro' the operation of thy hands, and we will triumph in thy praise.

Bleffed be the Lord God, even the Lord God who only doth wondrous things.

And bleffed be the Name of his Majefty for ever, and let every one of us say, Amen, Amen.

Glory be to the Father, thro' the Son, in the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

2 Cor. 13, 14. THE grace of our Lord

Jefus Chrift, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all. Amen.


After Victory or Deliver- thy Name be given the glo

ance from an Enemy. A Pfalm or Hymn of Praife and Thanksgiving after Victory.

IF the Lord had not been

on our fide, now may we fay, if the Lord himself had not been on our fide, when men rose up against us,

They had fwallowed us up quick, when they were fo wrathfully displeased at


Yea, the Waters had drowned us, and the stream had gone over our foul; the deep Waters of the proud had gone over our foul.

But praised be the Lord, who hath not given us over as a prey unto them.

The Lord hath wrought a mighty falvation for us.

We gat not this by our own fword, neither was it our own arm that faved us; but thy right-hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, becaufe thou hadft a favour unto us. The Lord hath appeared for us, the Lord hath covered our heads, and made us to ftand in the day of battle.

The Lord hath appeared for us, the Lord hath overthrown our enemies, and dafhed in pieces thofe that rose up against us.

Therefore not unto us, Lord, not unto us, but unto


The Lord hath done great things for us, the Lord hath done great things for us, for which we rejoice.

Our help ftandeth in the Name of the Lord, who hath made heaven and earth.

Bleffed be the Name of the Lord, from this time forth for evermore.

Glory be to the Father, thro' the Son, in the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. After this Hymn may be fung the Te Deum.

Then this Collect.

Almighty God, the So

vereign Commander of all the world, in whose hand is power and might, which none is able to withstand; we blefs and magnify thy great and glorious Name for this happy victory, the whole glory whereof we do afcribe to thee, who art the only giver of victory. And, we befeech thee, give us grace to improve this great mercy to thy glory, the advancement of thy Gofpel, the honour of our Sovereign, and as much as in us lieth to the good of all mankind. And we beseech thee, give us fuch a fense of this great mercy, as may engage us to a true thankfulness, fuch as may


appear in our lives, by an humble, holy, and obedient walking before thee all our days, thro' Jefus Chrift our Lord to whom, with thee, in the Holy Spirit, as for all thy mercies, fo in particular for this victory and deliverance, be all glory and honour, world without end. Amen.

2 Cor. 13, 14. THE grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and the love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Ghoft, be with us all evermore. Amen.

At the Burial of their Dead

at SEA.

The Office in the Common

Prayer Book may be used;

only instead of these words, [We therefore commit his Body to the ground, Earth to Earth, &c.]

Jay, W

E therefore commit bis Body to the Deep, to be turned into Corruption, looking for the Refurrection of the Body, (when the Sea fhall give up her dead) and the life of the world to come, through our Lord Jefus Chrift; who at his coming fhall change our vile Body, that it may be like his glorious Body, according to the mighty working, whereby he is able to fubdue all things to himself.

A TABLE of the Pfalms for every Day of the


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