He Shall Glorify MeXulon Press, 2004 - 268 pages |
Introduction | vii |
The Era of The Holy Spirit | 65 |
Chapter 3 | 97 |
The Ministry of The Holy Spirit | 119 |
Chapter 4 | 147 |
The Empowerment of The Holy Spirit | 165 |
Conclusion | 203 |
Bibliography | 229 |
Common terms and phrases
according Acts apostle attributes baptism believe Berkhof Bible teaches blasphemed Catechism Q chapter Christian Faith church Clark Colossians Commentary common grace Confession of Faith Corinthians covenant of grace creation death decree deity diatheke Eerdmans effectual calling elect sinner Ephesians Eschatology everlasting Father Galatians Genesis gifts glorify glory God's Godhead Gordon H gospel Grand Rapids Greek Hebrews Holy Spirit indwelling inspired Isaiah Jesus Christ John Calvin John Owen judgment justification kingdom Larger Catechism logical Louis Berkhof Luke Matthew means millennium ministry Old Testament Parakletos passages Paul Pentecost Peter Philippians Pneumatology Postmillennialism prayer Premillennialism Psalm R. C. Sproul redemption referred Reformed regeneration repentance resurrection Reymond righteousness Romans sacraments saints salvation sanctification Satan says second advent Shorter Catechism sins speaks Sproul Systematic Theology taught theologians Thessalonians things Timothy tion Trinity Foundation triune true truth unto verse Warfield Westminster Confession Westminster divines Word worship writes