By the same Author. 1. THE BETTER COVENANT PRACTICALLY CONSIDERED, from Hebrews viii. 6, 10-12; with a Supplement on Philippians ii. 12, 13. To which are added Notes on the Sinai Covenant, General Redemption, the Sympathy of Christ, &c. &c. Third Edition, 10s. 6d. boards. 2. THE NOTHINGNESS OF THE BELIEVER SEPARATE FROM CHRIST. A Sermon on John xv. 5. 3. SINS OF THE TONGUE, considered in Two SERMONS, on Proverbs xii. 22, and James i. 26. Price 1s. 6d. These are Sermons XV. and XVI. of this volume, and reprinted for separate publication. SERMONS ON VARIOUS TOPICS OF DOCTRINE, PRACTICE, AND EXPERIENCE. BY THE REV. FRANCIS GOODE, M. A. LECTURER OF CLAPHAM, MORNING PREACHER AT THE FEMALE ORPHAN ASYLUM, AND LONDON: J. HATCHARD AND SON, 187, PICCADILLY. 1838. 02. TO MY CONGREGATIONS AT CLAPHAM AND LAMBETH. BELOVED CHRISTIAN BRETHREN, I HAVE peculiar pleasure in presenting to you. the accompanying Volume, which (under God) owes its appearance to the pressing solicitations of many of you, for its production. It may serve, with the blessing of God, to remind you of the great and unspeakably precious truths which it is my privilege to minister among you, and in the sanctifying faith of which, I know, it is your earnest desire, and prayer, to walk, and be established. These truths are all comprehended in one name, all are rays emanating from one centre,CHRIST --the Sun of righteousness. Christ, the revealer of the Father, the quickener and sanctifier of an elect people, through the power of |