Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. RIVERSIDE, CAMBRIDGE: ELECTROTYPED AND PRINTED BY H. 0. HOUGHTON AND COMPANY. G52 : ADVERTISEMENT. THE first edition of this work, prepared by Mr. Parke Godwin, was published in 1851. In his prefatory remarks, Mr. Godwin claimed for the compilation the compactness of Maunder's "Biographical Treasury," with improved comprehensiveness, and more fidelity to the sympathies and principles which govern the American people. Presenting within small compass a great variety of information, little scope was afforded for the expression of critical opinions. The volume commended itself to popular favor by the combination of accuracy and brevity, with a fuller record of names and dates than could be found in any similar publication. In the present edition an attempt has been made to supply the few notable names that had been omitted. A copious supplement is appended, embracing notices of persons who have died since the issue of the original edition. These supplementary pages embrace more than an average proportion of distinguished men, American and European. The great conflict now ended has been prolific in materials for biography; and though some names which deserve to be remembered have doubtless been passed over, it is believed that the volume, as now published, embodies nearly all that will be looked for in a manual which is intended to bring its information down to the present time. To economize space, the arrangement of the same generic names under one head has been adhered to; and the letters b. and d. are used respectively for "born" and "died." NEW YORK, August 5, 1865. |