04-3-33JWB 9.8.30 CATALOGUE OF THE CURIOUS AND EXTENSIVE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JOHN NORTH, Esq. PART I. FIRST DAY'S SALE. Each Day's Sale will commence PRECISELY AT HALF PAST TWELVE. Octavo et Infra. 1 Archbp. Abbott's Brief description of the whole world, from Warder tispiece, gilt leaves, 36 2 Abingdon's Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester, 1723 Worcester, Maynare 46 3 Account of the Preservation of Charles II. after the Battle of Doyle y64 Another Copy, plates, 1803 Barken 3 6 5 Account of the Conduct of the Duchess of Marlborough, 1742 Cuthell Worcester, Edinburgh 18015 6 Account of the Horrid Murders, &c. committed by 5 mer, and T. Symonds, 9 Adams's Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Cuthell 12 Adanson's Voyage to Senegal, &c. 6 13 Addison's Revolutions of the Kingdoms B 3 13 6 14 Addison's Miscellanies-Spectator-Guardian and Remarks on Italy, 19 vols. uniform, 2615 Addy's Stenographia, portrait, 3 86 18 Freeholde} Thorpe 17 Adolphus's Memoirs of the French Revolution, 2 vol. 3 vol. 19 Adventurer, 4 vol. 620 Adventures of Rivella, 621 Advice to the British Army, 56 22 Æschines and Demosthenes' Orations by Portal, 12 // 2 23 Æschylus's Tragedies translated by Potter, 2 vol. 25 Aikin's Essay on Song Writing and Poems, 36 26 Albin's History of the Isle of Wight, 29 Aleyn's Historie of Henry the Seventh, a Poem, gilt leaves, 30 Alexander's History of Women, 2 vol. 31 Alfieri's Tragedies translated by Lloyd, 3 vol. 32 Memoirs of his Life and Writings, 2 vol. 33 Alison's Essays on Taste, 2 vol. Amst. 1734 Cuthell. red morocco, 34 Allot's England's Parnassus, or the choysest Flowers Modern Poets, scarce, morocco, 1638) Purry 1815 Hill 1812 Cuthill of our 16 Juvis 41 35 Amans Heureux, Trompez, et Malheureux, cuts, Paris. 1683 Barringto 36 Amelot de la Houssaie Histoire de Venise, 3 vol. plates, 3,637 Amorous Travellers or the Night-Adventures, morocco, 1671 Thorpe 39 Ana, ou Collection des Bons Mots, Contes, &c. des Hommesy Barken 40 Ana (L'Esprit des) ou de Tout un Peu, 2 vols. 26 42 Anacreon and Sappho translated by Green, translated by T. Moore, red morocco, 1644 Anacreon in Dublin, Amst. 17895 1801 D 1805 D 6645 Anbury's Travels through the Interior Parts of America, Millen 47 Anderson's Bee, or Literary Weekly Intelligencer, 5 vol. 48 Andrews's Anecdotes, antient and modern, 49 Anecdotes Africains depuis l'Origine de l'Afrique. 7650 Dictionary of Anecdotes, 2 vols. Aymer 1790 Cawthorne 1775 1809 Doyle 1783 Carpenter 51 Annual Register from the year 1758 to 1811 inclusive, and, 26, 52 Angely, Le Fou Raisonnable, Comedie 36 53 Annual Register for 1792, 2 vol. 86 54 Annual Register for 1817. 214 17805 Barringh 55 New Annual Register, 22 vol. from 1780, to 1801 inclusive, 56 Annual Review from 1812, to 1816. 5 vol. 56 57 Anquetil's Memoirs of the Court of France during the Reign Cuthull 16 of Lewis XIV. 2 vol. Edinb. 17915 58 Anson's Voyage round the World, by Thomas, 10 6 59 Anthologie Françoise ou Chansons Choisies, 3 vol. 46 60 Antidote against Melancholy, heing score Merry Songs, a 1745 1765 Barringlor Collection of Four Thorhe 61 Another Copy, 13-63 The Antiquary, 3 vol. pressions of the plates, russia, 1807-11) Aryat 14 64 Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, 2 vol. 4 4 65 Antoninus's Meditations, by Graves, 1816 Harringto 1742 Layerek 1792 Cuthell. 66 -, by Thomson, 1747 2 1780 Miller 1768 Cuthell 67 Apollonius Rhodius translated by Greene, 2 vol. in 1. 1780° by Fawkes, 5668 1761 Longman 72 Apuleius's Golden improved and altered to Modern 414 673 Arabian Nights by Forster, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, plates, Times and Manners, by Monte Socio, 2 vol. russia, 1708) Cuthell 3 110 1802) 023 Harringt 74Scott, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, plates, 1811 Noble 75 Arcandam, or Alcandrin's most Excellent, Profitable and Pleasant Booke on the Destiny of Man, wood cuts, black letter, 4676 Aretæus on Diseases, translated, by Moffat, red morocco. 57677 Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, 4 vol. plates, by Bartolozzi, red morocco, fine copy, 21216 78 Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, translated by Hoole, 5 vol. LARGE) 82 Art de rendre les Femmes Fideles, 1683 Art de plumer la Poule sans Crier, 84 Art of Assassinating Kings, 36 85 Art of Cuckoldom, or the Intrigues of the City-Wives, 1710 1697 Prett 87 Ar't asleepe Husband, a Boulster Lecture, russia, 88 Arviragus and Philicia, 97 Atcheson's American Encroachments on British Rights, 1808 5 10 2693 - Memoirs of his Life, 3 Strabane. 1785 95 Association Papers, 1793 10 96 Asylum for Fugitive Pieces, 4 vol. 1785 Maynard Collection of Reports on Indian Built Ships, 1809 1737 Longman 3100 Another Copy, 1737 Outram 3 101 Atwood's History of Dominica, 1791 // 13 6 103 4 399 Atkins's Voyage to Guinea, Brasil, &c 102 Aubrey's Antiquities of Surrey, 5 vol. plates, large paper, Ponton russia, very rare, -- Letters from Eminent Persons, 3 vol. 104 Aufrere's Travels in Naples, 1719) 1813 1795 Maynard, Quarto. ///// 105 Abel's Account of Lord Amherst's Embassy to China, Co-) chamien 22 10 5 LOURED PLATES, boards, 1818 106 Acerbi's Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, Robinson plates, in russia, 18023 107 Ackermann's Microscope of London, 3 vol. COLOUREDY Doyle PLATES, russia, extra joints. History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster, 2 vol. coloured plates, red morocco, 1812) Carpinter History of the University of Oxford, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, coloured plates, splendidly bound in red morocco, joints, 1814) History of the University of Cambridge, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, COLOURED PLATES, splendidly bound, in red morocco, joints, 56111 Adair's History of the American Indians, 112 Adams's Narrative of his Residence in Africa, 1815 1775 Maynard 18162 5 y 6 113 Addison's Works, 4 vol. (free from stains), Baskerville. 1761 Longman" 113 15 114 Adolphus's British Cabinet, or Portraits of Illustrious Per- Allen sonages, red morocco, 17993 115 Edes Walpolianæ, a Description of the Pictures at Hough1752 16 - 116 Aikin's Description of the Country round Manchester, half athell 119 Albin's Natural History of Spiders, 1736. Natural His) tory of Birds, and Supplement, 3 vols. 1738-40. tural History of English Insects, 1749, 5 vol. coloured) 18165 vol. Stokes 121 Allwood's Literary Antiquities of Greece, ings against the English at, 2 vol. - 16323 123 Ames's Typographical Antiquities, or History of Printing 254124 126 Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum, with Engrav- ings by William Alexander, LARGE PAPER, with a duplicate set of the Engravings on India Paper, and Etchings of many of the plates in This copy has also the Biographical Memoir of C. Towneley (of which there were only 12 printed sepa. 127 Ancient Marbles in the British Museum, with Engravings, Geraniums, with coloured engravings, 38 Nos. - Roses, 31 Numbers, COLOURED PLATES, sewed, 1806) 1816 de Stanley 3 |