INTELLECTUAL REPOSITORY AND NEW JERUSALEM MAGAZINE VOL. XXIII. ENLARGED SERIES. VOL. LI.-ENTIRE WORK. 1876 LONDON: Published by the General Conference of the New Church, SIGNIFIED BY THE NEW JERUSALEM IN THE REVELATION: AND SOLD BY JAMES SPEIRS, 36 BLOOMSBURY STREET. CONTENTS. Essays, All Religion has relation to Life, and Arcana," A New Edition of the, 588 Bias of Natural Delight, The, 523 Bible and Modern Criticism, The, 73 Botany (see Scripture Botany) Church and Science, The, 121, 168, 200, Christian Legend, A, and its Teaching, 113 Maternity in the New Church, 426 New Age, The, its Wants and their New Church College, 587 New Church, The, and the Old: their New Year, The, 1 Pleasure: Its Use and Abuse, 20 Rendell, Death of the Rev. E. D., 271 Science and the Church, 121, 168, 200, Science of Correspondences, Is the, a Conflict between Religion and Science, Scientific Knowledge of God, The, 511 Correspondences, Is the Science of a Degrees of Good and Truth, 160, 256 Doctrine of Eternal Punishments (see Eternal Punishments, The Doctrine of, Good and Truth, On Degrees of, 160, 256 Human Authority, in the State, in Society, and in the Church, 58, 103, 163, 209, 305 Human Memory, 252, 301 519 Interlinear Translation, The Tafel, 176 Isolated Receivers, Conference and, 74 Liturgy, The President on the New, and the New Version of the Book of Shibboleth and Sibboleth, 296 - The Spirit of Infirmity, 225 Swedenborg's Visions, On, of Other Symbols, Divine and Human, 381, Tour in France and Italy, Observations Visit, Notes of a, to the New Church in |