66 BY THE GRACE OF GOD I AM WHAT I AM." "I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST; FOR IT IS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION TO EVERY ONE LONDON: HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO., PATERNOSTER-ROW; A. FOSTER, KIRKBY LONSDALE. MDCCCXXXII. PREFACE. THIS little Treatise has no pretensions to novelty, being on subjects which form the daily meditation of the devout Christian, and from which he derives his purest enjoyment: neither does the Author presume to vie with those, whose works on the Life of St. Paul, have enriched the stores of Sacred Literature. His design in publishing these thoughts on the Experience of the Apostle, is, in some feeble measure, to exhibit the beauty of Evangelical Religion: by bringing into one view, the varied excellencies of his character; and by unfolding those principles of faith and love, which, through the Spirit, made him so great a blessing to mankind. Christianity is the religion of the heart. Every doctrine of the Gospel is a sacred spring of holiness. In these pages, the Author has therefore endeavoured to treat these mysteries of grace, not controversially, but practically; not as subjects for speculation, but as sources of peace and joy. |