Sin Then and NowTate Publishing, 2007 - 48 pages How many times have you looked around your world and wondered why crime is part of life? Why man's life style is always in confusion? Dr. Johnny Jenkins the author of Sin Then and Now writes to you, the reader in hoping that some of these questions will be answered. The author gives an in-depth view to the cause of a world in such turmoil. Sin Then and Now is a book for all to read who seek an understanding from a biblical perspective. |
Common terms and phrases
accept Jesus action Adam and Eve America atonement back and watch beginning believe Bible points blessing bondage of guilt cancer caused Church devil disobedience divine laws Doctrine of Original downward spiral drunkenness effect on mankind evil failed form of teach four illustrations Garden of Eden gives God’s healthy cells Holy Spirit human race important to satisfy Jesus Christ Jonathan Edwards judgment Lake of Fire Lehman Strauss live Lord and Savior low self-esteem man’s Matto mind miss the mark move ness obey Original Sin Pelagius theory perfection physical death political correctness present punishment put a claim read these accounts reap regardless relationship religious lead Satan Scofield Bible Correspondence scriptures sin-doers sinful acts sinful nature sinful parents sinfulness of mankind sinner sit back spiritual death take some blame thing tion tionship trouble unconverted understand viewpoint Word wrath wrath of God wrong