us against our Fears, and revive our Hope, when the Devil continues urging his Temptations strongly upon us, and we are afraid of being overcome by them. In Rom. viii. 37. After the Apostle had mentioned some of the Trials of true Believers, as in Tribulation, Distress, Perfecution, Famine, Nakedness, Perils and Sword, he says, In all these Things we are (and shall be) more than Conquerors, through him that loved us. The Words imply a Prediction, that God will not fuffer fincere Christians to be overcome by the Enemies of their Souls, but that through Christ, who loved them, they shall be made victorious over all their Adverfaries: And it teaches us to look to Chrift the Captain of our Salvation, and to depend on him for Success in our Warfare. St. Peter fays, 2 Pet. ii. 9. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the Godly out of Temptations. Which Words plainly imply a Prediction that the Lord will deliver the Godly out of Temptations; because otherwise the Declaration is no ground of Comfort to the Saints. In Rom. xvi. 20. The Apostle says to the Saints at Rome, and to the Saints in all Places, and Ages; And the God of Peace shall bruise (or tread) Satan under your Feet shortly. Here is a Prediction fignifying, that although the Saints for a while are tempted and affaulted by the Devil, yet that God in due Time, will fubdue the Devil under them, and make them victorious over him. These Promises may well encourage us to continue a vigorous Opposition to all his Attacks, remembring that it is said, Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. James iv. 7. The Christian in the Day of Temptation, should do as the Apostle did, when, There was given to him a Thorn in the Flesh, the Messenger of Satan to buffet him, left he should be exalted above Measure. 2 Cor. xii. 7, 8, 9. He fought by Prayer to his Lord and Master, the glorious Captain of his Salvation, for Help and Deliverance. For this Thing I befought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. ver. 8. And he did not pray in vain, for the Lord returned this gracious Answer to his Petition, faying, My Grace is fufficient for thee; for my Strength is made perfect in weakness. The Grace of the Lord Jesus was sufficient to support the Apostle all the Time of his Trial, and to release him from it, when it should be fit to do it; and the Strength of Christ is manifest in sustaining his weak Disciples, and in making them Conquerors over their most powerful Enemies: And what was the Apostle's Resolution upon receiving so gracious an Answer to his Prayers? He tells us, saying, Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my Infirmities, that the Power of Christ may rest upon me. The Confideration that the Power of Chrift resteth upon Believers, may well reconcile them to endure Hardships in their spiritual Warfare, as becometh good Soldiers of the blessed Jesus, and may keep them from being discouraged, by the Thoughts of their own Weakness and Infirmities. The ferious Christian in the Hour of Temptation, should go to the Throne of Grace, and present his Petitions for Support, for Help, and Deliverance. We should look to our great Redeemer, and may say to him, Lord didst thou not come into the World to destroy the Works of the Devil ? And didst thou not thyself fuffer being tempted ? O pity me now, being forely distressed by the Affaults Assaults and Buffetings of Satan! For thou art a compaffionate Saviour, and art able to fuccour them that are tempted: O merciful Jesus help me, and rebuke the Devil, and command him to cease his Suggestions: Thy Grace is sufficient for me, and thy Strength is made perfect in Weakness; and thou knowest my Weakness, O communicate Strength to me, and make the Enemy of my Soul to fly from me. My God, the Prince of Darkness tries He spreads a Mift before my Eyes, Be thou my Sun, and thou my Shield, Thou wilt display that fovereign Grace, Where all my Hopes have hung; I shall employ my Lips in praise, And Victory shall be fung. WATTS's Pfal. p. 34. LETTER VII. On the Predictions relative to fincere Christians, from the Time of their Death. Particularly : 1. It is predicted that at Death, their Souls shall be made perfect in Holiness. What is communion with God, explained. 2. That their Bodies shall remain under the Care of Chrift after Death. 3. That their Bodies will be raised to life again; and also the Bodies of the Wicked. 4. That the Soul of every Believer at Death, will be put into another Building for its Habitation. 5. That the Souls of Believers immediately after Death, will be with Chrift. 6. That the Time of the general Resurrection will be very folemn, magnificent, and awful. Of the CHANGE, that will be made in the Bodies of those, who sball be living at the Time of the general Refurrection. And that it will make their Bodies incorruptible and immortal. Lastly. It is predicted that the Saints shall have an Inheritance, but not be put into the Poffeffion of it, till the Day of Judgment.-- A Kingdom Seems to be the Inheritance promised to them; and as fuitable to fuch an Inheritance, it is foretold, that they shall have a Crown of Righteousness, and a Crown Crown of Life; and it is predicted, that they shall reign, reign to Life by Jesus Christ. T PROCEED now to confider the facred Predictions, relative to fincere Christians from the Time of their Death: And the wonderful Love of God towards then, appears gloriously in those which shall be mentioned, as well as in those which have been confidered. Great are the Felicities purchased by the blessed Jesus, and intended for his Disciples: We can have no adequate Notions of them, while we remain in this Vale of Tears, in a State mixed with Sin and Sorrow. As it is written, Eye hath not feen, nor Ear heard, neither have entered into the Heart of Man, the Things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Cor. ii. 9. They are so many, fo great, so glorious that we cannot comprehend them. The Apostle adds, But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit. ver. 10. God, has though not fully, yet in a comfortable Measure made them known in his Word, by his Spirit. And what he has revealed, we should endeavour to understand, especially as to the following Particulars. I. That at Death, the Souls of Believers are made perfect in Holiness. The Apoftie calls the Souls of true Believers after Death, The Spirits of just Men made perfect. Heb. xii. 23. We 4 |