THE SAINT'S EVERLASTING REST; OR A TREATISE ON THE BLESSED STATE OF THE SAINTS BY RICHARD BAXTER. ABRIDGED FOR THE PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION PHILADELPHIA: PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION. BY 4831 B4 P7 1847 Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1847, by Printed by WM. S. MARTIEN. Stereotyped by S. DOUGLAS WYETH, CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER I. Of the Nature of the Heavenly Rest, II. The Preparatives to the Heavenly Rest, III. The Excellencies of the Heavenly Rest, Part 1. Impediments to Self-Examination, III. Causes of Doubting among Christians, SECTION III. Motives to Self-Examination, - IV. Directions for Self-Examination, - 324 |