CLAIMED IN SUPPORT OF THE FINAL HOLINESS AND HAPPINESS OF ALL MANKIND. BY ALEXANDER HALL. "Out of thy own mouth will I condemn thee." ST. CLAIRSVILLE, O.: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR. 9947 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and forty six, by ALEXANDER HALL, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the District of Ohio. NOTE. GENTLE READER : You need not expect that I am going to weary your patience or my own, by giving you a lengthy preface, or formal apology; and, as for introduction, I will hereby introduce you to the body of the work, and let you read for yourself. But before you commence, I have one word of friendly admonition to give you, and that is this: Please to do yourself the favor, and your humble servant the justice, to read this book through carefully, -examine every subject thoroughly, scrutinize every position rigidly,-measure every sentence critically,-weigh every argument fairly, decide every point impartially, and act upon the whole matter honestly; and if you are a believer in Universalism, you will throw that doctrine away; and if you do not believe it, there is no danger that you ever will. A. HALL. |