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your Names to these Sermons: Both as a Testimony of that particular Respect I owe to you; and to let the World fee, what Persons they are by whom I have the Happiness to be Countenanced and Encouraged in my Ministry: Such whose Integrity and Abilities, have rendred them at Once both the Support and Ornament of our Courts of Justice: Whose firmness to the true Interest of our Church and Government, the Worst of Times, have fet




them above the power of

Malice to Calumniate: Who


by fuffering heretofore, rather than they would betray either the Liberties of their Country, or their Own Confciences, have effectually convinced all Impartial men, That as it cannot be Ignorance of our Laws and Constitution, so neither is it Intereft, or any other unworthy Design, but the clear Evidence of Right, that engages them to that Submiffion they now pay to the Present Government: And who that they may long possess those Places they so worthily fill, and be the Honour of the Bench, as the Rest

of the Society are of the Profef

fion, is the Hearty Prayer of Him who with all poffible Respect will always remain,

Your most Obliged

Humble Servant,



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