types; the title which is printed partly with red and pr beneath is the Emblem or after which we have an imitation of the Venundantur invico diui Jaco' sancti Martini. LUCAN. 241 1554. Apud Rob. Stephanum. Groti piled by Grotius, who was so much on the reverse of address of Cæcus to Rogerius Balir tract; Petrus de ponte Cæcus br domino Rogerio Balino i cansidico in Jesu qui uis Plusculos ab hinc dies ubi cordubee scaturigi sus: uix tande nec n sem ac tutum ecb salebras errabūdas cuine potissimum huius palmigeri Admecenatis accedes, ue! comendatio' mini nostr nostra pe gentesi Then foll "singul Sulpiti' recto catc' end a ' ormisit, vett. constiarum praebure et Cortio factus. Nec eris sit præferenda: cui , nempe propter notas variosiderare poterit. Inprimis vero , quæ post explicatam instituti sui, assime exponit de Lucani ingenio et a et meritis, quam legere debent omnes, Lucani, ejus virtutibus et vitiis, immo omnino Epicorum natura et lege, et iis, quæ a veterientioribus scripta sunt poemata talia, recte ex arte Fabr. Bibl. Lat. v. ii. p. 147-8. See Führmann's bd. iii. p. 748-9; Harles Brev. Not. Lit. Rom. and Brunet, t. ii. p. 273. 17. 16s. buch, 458; STRAWBERRY HILL. 4to. 1760. Cum Notis Hug. Grotii et Rich. Bentleii. A very elegant edition, executed on clear strong paper and large character, at the seat of the late Lord Orford; the on a first part of which was superintended by Bentley, who has added a few critical notes, the latter by Cumberland, by whom it was dedicated to Lord Halifax. It is called " Editio optima et elegantissime impressa" by the Bipont editors (Not. Lit. p. xxxviii.) Harles observes "Critices amantibus diu desiderata opportunaque est editio." Brev. Not. Lit. Rom. p. 458. 46 No. 2789; Dibdin's Introd. v. ii. p. 53-4; and Führmann's Handbuch, bd. iii. p. 749. Apud Didot. ition, the editor of which was Renouthe Annales de l'Imprimerie des it is beautiful: copies are rarely LUCAN. 1554. Apud Rob. Stephanum. ontains the commentaries of Hortensius and sii explanationes, pro illa qua scripsit ndæ sunt." Edit. Bipont. p. xxix. tii. Grotius, who was so much es Patinus informs us," ut intermisso." "Libel le codd. Pulmauni quas Rob. Ste otis rationes artim suo et. Lit ! 241 is edition is executed in the ress of Didot, on the same es as his Virgil, and may immaculate: for not a in it. The edition rge paper, and five Introduction, p. struck off on taken from Erv. ii. p. 54; and ocietat. Bipont. tion, printed in a very superior works published by this society; it and useful Notitia Literaria, which is Ernesti, Sulpitius's Arguments to all the oem ad Pisonem ascribed to Lucan. 5s. .o. 1811. Illycini. beautiful edition, published by Count d'Elci; it is ed on a fine vellum paper, and adorned with 10 engravings ter the designs of Waechter. Brunet states that the price at Vienna of the different copies is as follows: the common 12 golden ducats; with the engravings avant la lettre' 15 ducats; and with the double plates and the aqua-fortis engravings, 20 ducats. There is also a common edition in 8vo. GLASG. 8vo. 1816. A correct and very popular edition. 10s. 6d. A very beautiful little edition, edited by J. Amar. 2 vols. 78. 6d. Commentaries, &c. Omniboni Vicentini in Lucanum Commentarii. Venet. fol. 1475. EDITIO PRINCEPS. A very elegant and rare production; the characters of which bear a very close resemblance to the neat types of Vindelin, of Spires. The whole of the text runs on without any interruption: it has signatures, (but neithe LUG. BAT. 4to. 1728. Oudendorpii. A very good and justly esteemed edition; containing the ancient Scholia, and a selection of the notes of Omnibones, Selpitius, Micyllus, Bersmannus, Grotius, and others, and some of the editor's own, in which this poet is explained in a very concise manner. It also contains some various readings, taken as well from MSS. as the more ancient editions. See Ernesti Fabr. Bibl. Lat. v. ii. p. 146-7; Journal des Sçavans, Septembre 1729, p. 99-110; Harles, Brev. Not. Lit. Rom. p. 458; De Bure, No. 2787; Dibdin's Introd. v. ii. p. 52; Brunet, t. ii. p. 273; Osmont, Dict. t. i. p. 421; and Führmann's Handbuch, bd. iii. p. 748. LUG. BAT. 4to. 1740. Cum Comment. Petr. Burmanni. A very excellent and critical edition, and by far the best which has yet been published, on which Ernesti bestows the following panegyric: “Sed hæc Oudendorpii et Corti MISUZETE * etsi Burmannum ab opere instituto non abstraxEFE, ILIDED TE“tardavere, et, ut modum et formam operis sui paulihan we“taret, fecere, remque omnino sic moderaretur, ut sua efirdə “ ne Oudendorpianae obesset. Nam aborum notas praetermist, “et suas unius addidit textui a sex MSS. et eod. vett. conste "tuto. Ceterum ei largiorem materiam notarum practure et Heinsianæ notæ ineditæ, etiam textus a Cortio factus. Net vero dubium est, quin hæc editio ceteris sit præferenda: cui ** si Oudendorpiana quis addiderit, nempe progñer notES VEErum imprimis nihil amplius desiderare potern. Ligemis 147 “ et præfatio laudanda `est, quæ post expucetam instra Su “ eruditissime et accuratissime exponit of Lacuar nga e “ porsi, doctrina etiam et meritis, quam berere debent, amines, de carmine Lucani, ejus virtutibus et vris, mint amZITION de Poematum Epocorum natura et lege, et is, que a meters» das et recentioribus scripta sunt poemata talin er 11 12 “indi" Fabe, B.3. Lắt v. 1. p. 147-8. See Finemann's Hanzduch, bì, m. p. 7489; Haries Brev. Nic La Em p. 46; and Brunet, 1. 1. p. 273. 12. 166. STAAM****Y Hill 4a 1763. Cum Noas Eng Gerai et Rock. Bentiel. A ver elegant Gåtion. Execmed in cieur string paper ani on a iscge ohschelet, at the sent of the line lame (cum de test pics at which was supermenost by Bartier, who has nodot & km crition, mides, the jazzer 74 Cumberland, je WHEE it was dodheniet u Long Haima 1: scultet Zvirtur avatma → el elegschissimi ineessa' be the Sovat stitas Xa La A111 facies zoserves. “Cruces amuntinus diu desiresta ** Anna Tuhayur est einan” Be. No in 3m 2 v See De Bure, No. 2789; Dibdin's Introd. v. ii. p. 53-4; Brunet, t. ii. p. 273; and Führmann's Handbuch, bd. iîì. p. 749. PARIS. fol. 1795. Apud Didot. A most magnificent edition, the editor of which was Renouard (the learned author of the Annales de l'Imprimerie des Aldes'), which is as correct as it is beautiful: copies are rarely met with in this country. "This edition is executed in the "most sumptuous manner, at the press of Didot, on the same "kind of paper, and with the same types as his Virgil, and may "fairly claim the character of being immaculate for not a single error has hitherto been discovered in it. The edition "is in medium folio; fifteen copies are on large paper, and five “ON VELLUM." Horne's Appendix to his Introduction, p. Brunet states that there were three copies struck off on It contains a Notitia Literaria, taken from Ernesti's Fabricius. See Dibdin's Introd. v. ii. p. 54; and Brunet, t. ii. p. 273. 66 cviii. blue paper. ARGENT. 8vo. 1807. Studio Societat. Bipont. A very neat and correct edition, printed in a very superior style to the majority of the works published by this society; it contains a very copious and useful Notitia Literaria, which is chiefly taken from Ernesti, Sulpitius's Arguments to all the books, and the Poem ad Pisonem ascribed to Lucan. 5s. VINDOB. 4to. 1811. Illycini. A very beautiful edition, published by Count d'Elci; it is printed on a fine vellum paper, and adorned with 10 engravings after the designs of Waechter. Brunet states that the price at Vienna of the different copies is as follows: the common 12 golden ducats; with the engravings avant la lettre' 15 ducats; and with the double plates and the aqua-fortis engravings, 20 ducats. There is also a common edition in 8vo. GLASG. 8vo. 1816. 6 A correct and very popular edition. 10s. 6d. PARIS. 18mo. 1822, Didot. A very beautiful little edition, edited by J. Amar. 2 vols. 78. 6d. Commentaries, &c. Omniboni Vicentini in Lucanum Commentarii. Venet. fol. 1475. EDITIO PRINCEPS. A very elegant and rare production ; the characters of which bear a very close resemblance to the neat types of Vindelin, of Spires. The whole of the text runs on without any interruption: it has signatures, (but neithe paging-figures, nor catch-words,) which are very irregularly disposed, some letters having ten and twelve leaves, and others only six or eight. On the recto of KK xii. are the following verses; 66 Egreditur phoebi subiturus templa sacerdos Inuide ne noceas: quid nocuisse inuat? which are immediately followed by this subscription; Venetiis. M.CCC.LXXV.XII. Kalendas Augusti. Existente Venetiarum Duce Petro Mocenico. "Fuit autem laboris nobis principium in commentariis Omnibo"nianis: antiquiores enim editi, Romana v. c. vel. Lovaniensis "editio, tum illic non comparebant: non, quod multum bonæ "frugis ad intelligendum vatem exinde sperandum esset; om"nis enim illa farrago disertissimorum nihil fere habet aliud "boni, nisi quod recentioribus quibusdam largam refutandi copiam fecerit; sed ut certo nobis constaret, utrum ex illis quædam adconstituendum Lucani sermonem peti præsidia "possent, et quomodo his esset utendum." M. Lagunæ Epist. ad C. G. Heyne, p. xiv-v. "Erant et alia, quæ de his com❝mentariis de ipsoque Omnibono moneri potuissent, sed noluimus in hac una re essc nimii; duo tantum stringere liceat. Alterum, particulas scholiorum antiquorum, et sunt in libris manu exaratis vetustissimis, veluti Bongarsiano, quem vir praestantissimus, Ithus, manu sua excussit, in hos commen"tarios derivatas esse; quod quam vim habeat, docti viri intelligunt: nos certis indiciis rem cognovimus cum ad v. “741, tum alibi et suo tempore explanabimus. Alterum, quod non nullis videantur leve et tamen scitu necessarium est, hoc "est: Commentarios illos anno 1475 exiisse nudos, Lucani "carmine non addito:" Ibid. p. lxxviii-ix. See Maittaire, P. 350; Mittar. p. 115; Panzer, t. iii. p. 112; Schwarz, t. ii. p. 221; Weisling, p. 55; Bibl. Roloff. t. i. p. 68; Cat. de Gaignat, t. i. p. 421; Brunet, t. ii. p. 235-6; Dibdin's Bibl. Spencer, t. ii. p. 141-2. 66 66 66 66 |