LOND. 4to. 1684. Miscellany Poems, containing a new Translation of Virgil's Eclogues, Ovid's Love Elegies, Odes of Horace, and other Authors, by the most eminent hands. These translators were, I believe, Lord Rochester, the Earl of Roscommon, Cowley, Otway, Congreve, Prior, Maynwaring, and others. LOND. 8vo. 1684. The Odes and Epodes translated into English verse, by Hawkins. LOND. 8vo. 1685. Portions of Horace and Seneca paraphrased, by Fr. Willis; in the Miscellany Poems and Translations by Oxford Hands: in which Work there is a paraphrase upon the 13th Ode of Horace, Book iv., by Tho. Brown, and in his Works. LOND. 8vo. 1692. Miscellany Poems, on several occasions, and Translations from Horace, Persius, Petronius Arbiter, &c. by Ch. Gildon. Also an Essay upon Satire, by M. Dacier. LOND. 8vo. 1693. The 23rd Ode of Book ii. paraphrased by W. Pope; in a book entitled Examen Poeticum: in the 3rd Part of Miscellany Poems, &c. LOND. 8vo. 1694. Translations from Horace, viz. B. i. Ode 13, Ode 23, and B. ii. Ode 12. By John Glanvill; in the Annual Miscellany for 1694. LOND. 8vo. 1694. A Translation of Epode xv. by Tho. Goulding; in the Annual Miscell. for 1694. LOND. 8vo. 1697. Select Translations from Horace, by Mr. Dennis; in his Miscell. Poems. LOND. 8vo. 1708. A short Dissertation upon Horace, with the fifth Ode. LOND. 8vo. 1708. LOND. 8vo. 1708. LOND. 8vo. 1709. A Scrutiny of Horace, with the first Ode of the first Book. The Scrutiny of Horace, with the second Book. (The Satires and Epistles, in English Prose, with the Latin text, by S. Dunster. With Notes.) 1712, (with the Art of Poetry ;) 1719, 1729, and 1739, (with additional Notes and considerable Improvements.) See Acta Eruditor. for 1713, p. 369. LOND. 8vo. 1712. The sixteenth Ode of Book ii. translated into English verse, by Tho. Otway; in his Works. LOND. 8vo. 1712. The Odes, Epodes, and Secular Poem, translated into English. LOND. 8vo. 1713. The Odes, Epodes, and Secular Poem, in Latin and English; with a translation of Dr. Bentley's Notes, by several Hands; in 2 vols. LOND. 12mo. 1714. The Odes, Epodes, and Secular Poem, in Latin and English; 2 vols. LOND. 4to. 1714. The first Ode of Book ii. paraphrased. LOND. 8vo. 1715. The Odes and Satires, translated into English, by the Earl of Rochester. LOND. 8vo. 1715; 12mo. 1721, 1730, 1733; and DUBL. 8vo. 1730. The Odes and Satires, done into English verse, by the most eminent Hands, with his Art of Poetry, by the Earl of Roscommon. LOND. 8vo. 1717. The twenty-second Ode of the first Book and the sixth Ode of the third Book, and the Art of Poetry, translated into English verse, by the Earl of Roscommon; in his Poems, and in his Works. 66 66 "The translation of the Art of Poetry, by the Earl of Ros"common, has received, in my opinion, not less praise than it "deserves. Blank verse, left merely to its numbers, has "little operation either on the ear or mind: it can hardly sup"port itself without bold figures and striking images. A poem frigidly didactick, without rhyme, is so near to prose, that "the reader only scorns it for pretending to be verse. Having disentangled himself from the difficulties of rhyme, he may "justly be expected to give the sense of Horace with great "exactness, and to suppress no subtilty of sentiment for the "difficulty of expressing it. This demand, however, his trans"lation will not satisfy; what he found obscure, I do not know "that he has ever cleared. His versions of the two Odes of "Horace are made with great liberty, which is not recom"pensed by much elegance or vigour." Johnson's Lives of the Poets; Article, Roscommon, v. i. p. 217, Edinb. edit. 1818. LOND. 8vo. 1717. The fourth and the eighth Ode of Book ii. translated into English verse, by R. Duke, M.A.; in his Poems, annexed to the Poems of the Earl of Roscommon. LOND. 4to. 1718. The Odes of Horace, translated into English verse, by Henry Coxwell. LOND. 8vo. 1719. Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Sæculare, translated into English verse, with the Latin text, and the life of Horace, written by Suetonius, from Dr. Bentley's Latin Edition, by William Oldisworth. "What classic friend his alter'd Flaccus knows, "Disguised in Oldisworth's verse, and Watson's prose." 66 "William Oldisworth little is now remembered but the titles "of some of his literary productions. He was editor of the "Muses' Mercury, 1707; and published, 1. A Dialogue be"tween Timothy and Philatheus, in which the Principles and "Projects of a late whimsical Book, intitled, The Rights of "the Christian Church, &c. are fairly stated, and answered in "their kind, &c. By a Layman. 1709, 1710, 3 vols. 8vo. "(see p. 22.)' 2. A Vindication of the Bishop of Exeter "(Dr. Blackall) against Mr. Hoadly.'" Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, v. i. p. 151. Reprinted in 1734 and 1737, at London, in 8vo. LOND. fol. 1720. Translations from Horace into English prose, by Sir W. Temple; in his Works. LOND. 4to. 1721. A Translation of Ode iii. Book iii, into English verse, by Jos. Addison; in his Works. Swift has translated various Odes of Horace, which will be found in his Works. LOND. 8vo. 1726. The Works of Horace translated into English prose, with Dacier's notes, by L. Welsted; 6 vols. LOND. 8vo. 1728. The Art of Poetry, in English numbers, by H. Ames. LOND. 8vo. 1728. A paraphrastic version of Ode iii. B. ii. addressed to a Lady, by W. Pattison; in his Poetical Works. See the Present State of the Republick of Letters for May, 1728, and September, 1729, for translations of two Odes of Horace. LOND. 8vo. 1730. Translations of several Odes, Satires, and Epistles, by Major Hanway. LOND. 8vo. 1731. The fifth Ode of Book i. rendered almost word for word, without rhyme, according to the Latin measure, as near as the language will permit, by J. Milton; in his Works. DUBL 4to. 1731. The second Book of Horace's Epistles, with notes, by C. Cartby. LOND. fol. 1733. The first Satire of the 2nd Book, in Latin and English. LOND. 4to. 1734. The first and second Satires of the 2nd Book, translated by A. Pope. The 2nd Epistle of the 2nd Book, by the same. Lond. fol. 1787, and in his Works. LOND. 8vo. 1734. The first Satire of the second Book vindicated, in a Dialogue between A. Pope and his learned Council: to which is added the second Satire of the same Book, by the same hand. LOND. 8vo. 1735. The Art of Poetry in English numbers, by Ames. LOND. 8vo. 1735. The Epistles of Horace, with Gems and Medals, by G. Ogle. LOND. 8vo. 1737. The eighth Satire of the 2nd Book translated, by G. Ogle. The eighth and ninth Epistles, Book i. by the same. Lond. 1739. The twelfth Epistle of Horace, by the same. Lond. 8vo. 1739. LOND. 8vo. 1737. The Odes and Epodes translated into English verse, by T. Hare, A.B. LOND. 8vo. 1737. Translations from Horace by Jabez Hughes; in his Miscellanies in prose and verse. LOND. fol. 1739. Men and Measures characterized from the 16th Ode of Book ii. LOND. 12mo. 1739. The third Ode of B. iii.; the twenty-second of B. i.; and the sixteenth Ode of B. ii.; translated into English verse, by Jno. Hughes; in his Works, published by W. Duncomb. LOND. fol. 1741. The first Ode of Book i. translated by John Earl of Orrery. LOND. 8vo. 1741. (3 vols.) 46, 48, and 1760. (2 vols.) The Works of Horace, in Latin and English, with the notes of Dacier, Sanadon, and others, and the Interpretatio.' Printed for Jos. Davidson. 15s. to £1. "A respectable work, but far inferior to that of Dr. Watson." Bibliogr. Miscell. v. i. p. 120. LOND. 8vo. 1741, 1747, 1750, 1760, and 1792. The Works of Horace translated into English prose, as near as the propriety of the two languages will admit, together with the original Latin. This is by far the most accurate as well as literal version which has yet appeared: the notes which accompany it are useful, and in general well adapted to answer the purpose for which they were intended, viz. to illustrate the History, Mythology, Geography, &c. of this Poet. It contains Dr. Bentley's readings and Dr. Douglas's Catalogue of about 500 editions of Horace, a life of the Poet, and a critical Dissertation upon his Writings. This translation is by no means of common occurrence, but is not in our University so popular as from its merits it deserves to be. See Brüggemann's View, p. 597; and Bibliogr. Miscellany, v. i. p. 119. LOND. 12mo. 1743., Translations from Horace, by J. Dryden; in his Original Poems and Translations. LOND. 12mo. 1743-6, 1747, 50, 55, 56, 65, 1778, &c. A poetical Translation of the Works of Horace, with the original Text, and critical notes collected from his best Latin and French Commentators, by the Rev. P. Francis. 4 vols. "The second edition (Lond. 1747,) is the most correct and "valuable edition of Francis's Horace. A very splendid and "magnificent edition, very elegantly printed, with the Latin text, "was published at London, 1749, in 4to. in 2 vols. with cuts." Harwood. "This gentleman's version, particularly of the Odes, is highly Horatian: it is moral without dulness, gay "and spirited with propriety, and tender without whining. "Hence few translations have gone through more editions, "or met with greater applause from the public." Mo. Rev. for Jan. 1758, p. 45. Cette traduction," says Brunet, alluding to the edition of 1747, " en vers, est fort estimée, et elle "a été fréquemment réimprimée. Harwood regardait l'édition "que nous indiquons, comme la meilleure; il y en a des exem"plaires en gr. pap. devenus rares.-L'édition de Londres, « 1807, 4 vol. in-12, renferme des notes supplémentaires par "Dubois." Brunet, t. ii. p. 143. LOND. 12mo. 1744. The Odes of Horace, by P. Sanadon, with an English translation in poetic prose, by M. Towers, LL.D. 2 vols. LOND. 8vo. 1745. The first Ode of the third Book. Inscribed to the Earl of Chesterfield. LOND. 12mo. 1751-S. The Works of Horace, with the original text, and reduced to the natural order of construction, with Accents to regulate the right Pronunciation and a close and truly literal English translation, rendering that Author exceedingly easy and familiar to every reader, (by John Stirling.) 2 vols. This translation is now very scarce: the version is, as the title professes it to be, as literal as possible, and it is in my opinion the most accurate, as well as useful translation which has ever been laid before the public. The author of the Bibliographical Miscellany (v. i. p. 120.) is satisfied with calling it " a useful work." Brüggemann refers to the Monthly Review for Nov. 1752, p. 369-71, and for Dec. 1758, p. 472. |