LOND. 12mo. 1753. A paraphrase upon Ode xix. Book i. by W. Congreve; in his Works. LOND. 8vo. 1753. Ode iv. Book iv. translated into English verse, by a Gentleman; in West's Odes of Pindar. LoND. 4to. 1753. The Art of Poetry, (with the Latin text;) translated by W. Popple. The Reviewer in the Mo. Rev. observes respecting this translation, that "if it should be tried by Horace's test, it is to "be feared, it will not entitle the translator to immortality.” Oct. 1753, p. 307-10, which see. LOND. 8vo. 1756. A new Translation of Horace's 'Maecenas atavis edite regibus,' by John Theobald. LOND. 12mo. 1756, 1762, 1780; and EDINB. 1783. The Works of Horace translated literally into English prose, by C. Smart, A.M. (with the Latin text.) 2 vols. “ Mr. Smart thought that the prose translation of 1756 “ would be injurious to his memory, and therefore he deter"mined to write one in verse," (which was first published at London, with the Latin text, in 8vo. in 1767; reprinted in 1770, also in 8vo. ;)" but on considering that his work might become "a school-book, and consequently the sale be encreased, he "formed the resolution to revise the prose translation, and to "print it at the foot of the page. This resolution he performed "in the edition of 1770. The prose translation was done for "Mr. Newbury, of St. Paul's Church-yard, for which he re"ceived £100." Bibliogr. Miscell. v. i. p. 120-1. LOND. 8vo. 1757-9. The Works of Horace, in English verse. By several Hands. Collected and published by Mr. Duncombe. With Notes historical and critical. 2 vols. The "Mr. J. Duncombe is the principal translator. His assist"ants are, William Duncombe, Esq.; J. P. Shard, Esq.; "William Cowper, Esq.; Mr. Fawkes, and W. C. Esq. The Epodes appear to be entirely Mr. Duncombe's own. "Satires are differently executed, according to the different "talents of the several gentlemen concerned. Though a comIparison with the translation of Mr. Francis may not turn out "greatly to the advantage of Mr. Duncombe, yet it must be acknowledged, that many of the imitations are both spirited “ and elegant. The notes will assist those who have not leisure to consult other commentators; Dacier is the chief con"tributor to them. The editors have added to the Epistles a “ great number of imitations, by different hands; of which "those by the late Mr. Christopher Pitt are not the least va 66 "luable." Monthly Review, vol. XVIII. p. 45-52. vol. XXI. p. 197-201. vol. XXXVII. p. 1. This translation was reprinted in 1767, in 12mo. in 4 vols.; with many enlargements and corrections. LOND. 8vo. 1758. Imitations of Horace, (with the Latin text,) by T. Neville, A.M. 66 Agreeable and elegant imitations." Mo. Rev. for June, 1758, p. 538-41, which see. LOND. 8vo. 1760. The Works of Horace, translated into English Prose, as near the Original as the different Idioms of the Latin and English languages will allow; with the Latin and order of construction on the opposite page, and critical, historical, geographical, and classical notes, in English, from the best Commentators, both Ancient and Modern, &c. 2 vols. "As to this translation of the Odes of Horace (comprised "in the first vol. which was published separately,) which has "not met with so great encouragement from the public, all "care has been taken to keep free of a paraphrase, and to "give the full and true sense of the author, as near the original "as the different idioms of the Latin and English languages "will allow, without falling into a flat verbal translation." Brüggemann, Suppl. to View, p. 106. "On fait beaucoup "de cas des notes qui accompagnent cette traduction." Brunet, t. ii. p. 142. LOND. 8vo. 1761. Translations from Horace, by J. Beattie, A.M.; in his Original Poems and Translations. LOND. 12mo. 1762. Tales from Fontaine; the first Satire and first Epistle of Horace; and a Letter to a Friend repining on Old Age. See Mo. Rev. for May, 1762, p. 384. LOND. 8vo. 1766. Translations from Horace, into Eng. verse, by N. Rowe; in his Works. LOND. 12mo. 1768. Lyric Versions from Horace, with Observations on his Life and Writings, by E. B. Greene; annexed to his Translation of Anacreon and Sappho, with Pieces from Ancient Authors, &c. See vol. i. p. 53, under the head of Anacreon. LOND. 4to. 1775. The fourth Ode of the fourth Book translated into English Verse, by Lord Lyttelton; in his Works. This Nobleman has also paraphrased the Dialogue of Horace and Lydia, by one between Damon and Delia, published, in his Works, by Foulis, at Glasgow, in fol. 1787.. LOND. 8vo. 1776. Translations from Horace; in the Town and Country Magazine for 1776, and July, 1787. LIVERPOOL, 8vo. 1777. A new Poetical Version of all the Odes of Horace, by W. Green, M.D. "This adventurous bard sets out on his poetical tour with all "the pomp and parade of Hudibras, or Don Quixote. For, "according to his own representation, he mounts his flying "steed, soars into the upper regions, and leaves his brethren at "humble distance." Crit. Rev. for Aug. 1777, p. 150. This gentleman republished the Odes in 1783, with the addition of the Carmen Sæculare. DUNDEE, 8vo. 1778. Translations from Horace. The Answer of Proteus to Aristaeus; Pharaoh's Overthrow, or a Poetical Paraphrase on the 14th and 15th Chapters of Exodus: and two Original Poems, by J. Gray. "As the author has had the politeness to entreat our re"marks, in a manuscript address, we shall indulge him with "the favour of saying nothing more, than that his poems are "indeed very remarkable." Mo. Rev. for Oct. 1778, p. 311. LOND. 8vo. 1778. Two additional Odes to the first Book of Horace, discovered in the Palatine Library, communicated by Gaspar Pallavicini, Sub-Librarian, with a Commentary, translated anonymously also Ode $5 of Book i. paraphrased; in the Gentleman's Magazine. LOND. 4to. 1779. The Carmen Sæculare of Horace translated into English Verse, by the Rev. W. Tasker, A. B. "As to the present version, it is not, in our opinion, calcu"lated to afford instruction or entertainment, either to the "learned or unlearned reader." Mo. Rev. for April, 1779, p. 315. See also the Crit. Rev. for April, 1779, p. 314. LOND. 4to. 1779. Select Satires of Horace, translated into English Verse, and for the most part adapted to the present Times and Manners, by A. Geddes. "Some of the principal characteristics of the Satires of Ho"race, are conciseness and perspicuity, a natural simplicity, "gaiety, and good humour. In all these qualities, the inge"nious translator has copied the original with great attention. "His style is concise, clear, and unaffected; and the Hudi"brastic measure has given an air of ease and pleasantry to his "numbers. Still, however, it may be said, there is something "wanting. The original is more agreeable than the paraphrase. "But what is it that gives it this superiority? It is, we believe, the curiosa felicitas,' the inexpressible charm of the "classic phrase, which must inevitably be lost in every trans"lation and all attempts will be defective, unless the author, "like Mr. Pope, has that poetic spirit, which enables him to "adorn his copy with equivalent beauties." Crit. Rev. for June, 1779, p. 474. LOND. 8vo. 1780. Select Odes of Pindar and Horace translated, together with some original Poems; accompanied with Notes, critical, historical, and explanatory, by the Rev. W. Tasker, A.B. LOND. 4to. 1783. Q. Horatii Flacci Epistola ad Pisones de Arte Poetica. The Art of Poetry, translated by G. Colman. "Colman vero illam, quæ elegans esse dicitur, versionem, "iambis similiter desinentibus expressam, iterum recepit emen"datiorem, cum textu latino aliisque opusculis in tertio tomo "operis: Prose on several occasions, accompanied with some "Pieces in verse. Lond. 1787, 8. III. vols. In notis, ver"sioni illi adiectis, modo hypothesin suam firmare adnisus est, modo explicuit spectacula, musicam theatralem, chorum et "satiricum drama veterum, aliasque adiunxit obseruationes, "ad intelligentiam totius poematis utiles." Harlesii Suppl. ad Brev. Not. Litt. Rom. t. i. p. 439-40. "It is not only for the happy explication of this exquisite poem, which will now no "longer be considered, as it hitherto has been, an opprobrium "criticum,' that the classical reader is indebted to Mr. Col66 man. He will receive equal gratification from his admirable "translation of it, which is indeed a masterpiece in its kind." Mo. Rev. for Aug. 1783, p. 144-8. See the Mo. Rev. for Sept. 1783, p. 204; the same Review for Oct. 1787, p. 278; and the Bibliogr. Miscellany, v. i. p. 122-3. 66 EDINB. 8vo. 1784. The Art of Poetry, translated into English Verse, with Observations and Notes, critical and explanatory. "This translation is by no means deficient in merit, though we do not think it equal to the versions of Francis or Colman. "The versification is easy, and in general sufficiently accurate. "The notes are judiciously selected, and those which are ori ginal, shew the writer both a scholar and a man of sense and "taste." Mo. Rev. for June, 1786, p. 471, which see. "Subiectus est contextus latinus, et, si recte notaui in meis "collectaneis, auctor versionis etiam in præfat. censet, Hora"tium Pisonibus voluisse ostendere difficultates poeticorum "laborum, eosque a puritu et festinatione carminum suorum euulgandorum reuocare." Harlesii Suppl. ad Brev. Not. Litt. Rom. t. i. p. 440. LOND. 12mo. 1785. Select Phrases of Horace, translated into familiar English, methodically arranged for the use of Schools and persons who have not acquired a competent knowledge of this celebrated Classic. See the Appendix to the 74th vol. of the Monthly Review, p. 565. PHILADELPH. 8vo. 1786. The Lyric Works of Horace translated into English Verse; to which are added a number of Original Poems, by a native of America. "To praise the publication before us, would be gross viola"tion of conscience." Mo. Rev. for Aug. 1788, p. 169. LOND. 8vo. 1792. Ode vii. of Book iv. Translated by Dr. S. Johnson; in his Works. LOND. 8vo. 1793. The Odes, Epodes and Carmen Seculare, translated into English Verse, by W. Boscawen. "This translation," says the author of the Pursuits of Literature, (pt. iv. p. 13.) "has had the usual fate of Medio"crity." "With respect to the numerous annotations, which "accompany the work, the least that can be said in their "praise, is, that taken in the gross, they form an agreeable " and instructive miscellany; which, to the generality of rea"ders, may prove very acceptable and useful." Mo. Rev. enlarged, for Aug. 1794, p. 427-54, which see. The Critical Review, referring to the reimpression in 1797, observes; "The "notes to this work are copious; and those which are bor"rowed, are selected with judgment: we wish they had been "placed at the bottom of the page. The translation, upon the "whole, is executed with fidelity; and, if Mr. Boscawen has "failed in attempting to transfuse the spirit and manner of Ho"race into our language, it must be allowed that a failure in so " arduous a task is by no means disgraceful." Crit. Rev. for Feb. 1798, p. 150-156. LOND. 8vo. 1793. A translation of two Odes which have been ascribed to Horace, by I. Hampson, A.M.; in his Poetics of M. H. Vida; with translations from the Latin of Dr. Lowth, Mr. Gay, and others. ETON, 8vo. 1795. Ode 32 of the First Book, translated by Whish; in Musa Etonenses. LOND. 4to. 1795. Six Satires of Horace, in a style between free imitation and literal version, by W. Člubbe, LL.B. "The design of Mr. Clubbe, in this translation of the most "popular of the Latin Classics, deserves the attention of the English reader; and the scholar will not entirely disapprove 66 |