BERLIN. 8vo. 1766. Verwandlungen verdeutscht von Jo. Sam. Saft. FRANKF. und LEIPZ. 8vo. 1779. Des vortreflichen Dichters Ovidius Heldenbriefe ins Deutsche übersetzt von P. B. Nassgott. Consult Degen's Versuch zw. Abth. s. 187; and Leipz. Mus. Aem. 1781. s. 134. HALLE, 8vo. 1780. Fünf. Bücher Trauergedichte aus dem Latein. übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet. This translation is by John James Selle and, though it may boast of being pretty accurate, is feeble and possesses but little of the fire of the original, See Führmann's Handbuch 3. Bd. s. 616-17. LEIPZ. 8vo. 1786. Schule der Liebe, das ist dessen Liebeshändel, Kunst und Arzenei der Liebe. Neueste freye Uebersetzung. The translator has succeeded pretty well upon the whole in his labours, which have doubtless been crowned with the patronage which his version merits :-for he has given in general the true sense of the original with fidelity, if not with elegance. -The Reader may consult Degen's Versuch, zw. Th. s. 202-4, where this translation is favorably reviewed. HALLE, 8vo. 1787. Verwandlungen. Funfzehn Bücher frei übersetzt von Ferdinand *** (Schulz.) zw. Auflage. Führmann speaks very favorably of this translation; and it undoubtedly deserves praise. It is executed with considerable taste and elegance: the language is vigorous and unaffected, and the versification rich and polished. LEIPZ. 8vo. 1790. Die Kunst zu lieben, ein lyrischesdidaktisches Gedicht in drei Gesängen, von P. Ovidius Naso. Metrisch verdeutscht vnd mit Anmerkungen erläutert. "Diese Uebersetzung, die vom Rector Nitsch herrührt, ist "in einem so freien jamb-anapästischen Sylbenmaasse (eigent"lich aber in Nichtjamben) abgefasst, dass sogar die Verse "über alles Ziel und Mass verkürzt sind, und man oft anak"reontische Verse zu lesen glaubt. Hiedurch ist aber das "reizende Colorit des Originals und der tonreiche Mechanisums "der Verse ganz aufgelöst. Ueberhaupt ist die Sprache nachlässig und Sonderbar, z. B. man stösst auf viele Kühn"heiten, Hiaten, Härten, Elisionen, Provinzialismen, schiefe "Ausdrüstke: der Uebersetzer entzicht dun Zeitwörtern ihre "Partikeln"-Führmann Handbuch, 3. Bd. s. 604. 66 BERL. 8vo. 1792. Verwandlungen des Ovidius übersetzt von A. Rode. 2 bde. This translation is in prose, and is said by Klügling to be a pretty good one. See Degen's Versuch zw. Th. s. 173-5; and Führmann's Handbuch, 3. bd. s. 611, and the Works referred to by him. BERL. 8vo. 1794. Werke von der Liebe nach Blumauer travestirt von F. Schaber. 3 bde. 10s. 6d. GOTTING. 8vo. 1795. Kunst zu Leben. In der Versart des originals übersetzt von Fried. Carl von Strombeck. Führmann mentions this translation in very favourable terms. See his Handbuch, vol. iii, p. 605; see also Allgem. Lit. Zeit. 1796. ii. p. 184 and 239-40; and Intelligenzbl. 1796. iii. p. 766-8. BRAUNSCH. 8vo. 1796. Heilmittel der Liebe in der Versart des Originals, mit erläuternden Anmerkungen und einer Skizze von dem Leben des Dichters, von Fr. C. von Strombeck. There is a very beautiful impression of this version in a large letter on fine paper.-Consult Führmann's Handbuch for a Review of the merits of this Version. SORAU und LEIPZ. 8vo. 1797. Heroiden. Aus dem Lateinischen in jambischen Versen übersetzt, und mit erklärenden Anmerkungen begleitet. This Version which is by G. F. W. Thyme is executed in Iambic verses of 5 feet (which do not however rhyme with one another) beneath which we find a monosyllabic verse. By this measure the harmony of the original is destroyed, and by this mediocre versification much of the beauty, roundness and flexibility is lost in the German translation; and the Poetry of the original perverted. See Führmann's Handbuch, 3. bd. s. 617-8. LEIPZ. 8vo. 1798. Ver Tristia metrischen übersetzt vnd mit Anmerkungen von J. G. C. Schluter. BERLIN, 8vo. 1798. Verwandlungen nach Pub. Ovidius Naso, von J. H. Voss. 2 bde. A very elegant Version, which is held in very considerable estimation and may be justly styled the best we have of this Selection of the Metamorphoses. It is very favourably reviewed by Führmann, in his Handbuch; which see. Consult also Neue Allgem. Deutsche Biblioth. 49 B. zw. St. s. 469, 475, and 68 B. zw. St. s. 372 and 375; and Erg. Blätter zur Allg. Litt. Zeit. iv. zw. B. s. 68-72. FRANKF. 8vo. 1799. Sämmtliche Werke, übersetzt von Heynemann, N. G. Eichhoff und J. P. Krebs. 4 bde. The Metamorphoses are translated by Heynemann; the "Heroides" by Eichhoff, and the "Fasti" by Krebs. Consult Führmann's Handbuch. 3 bd. s. 602. FRANKF. 8vo. 1803. Der Tristia übersetzt von N. G. Eichhoff. FRANKF. u. LEIPZ. Verwandlungen travestirt von B. von Wagenmann. 1 Bd. 1-3. Buch. "Lepidi ac jocosi libri adhuc mentionem iniicere lubet." Klüglingii Suppl. p. 219. FRANKF. 8vo. 1815. Erotische Gedichte des Ovid, metrisch uebersetzt von Gerning. "Ex XLIX. Elegiis Amatoriis duodecim maxime venustas ac decoras selegit, ac fide eleganterque transtulit interpres. Ex medicaminibus quoque facicei ea recidit, quæ verecundos lædere possint lectores." Klügling. Suppl. p. 214. PAUSANIÆ (GRÆCIA DESCRIPTIO) A. C. 170. VENET. fol. 1516. Græce. Apud Aldum. 37. 3s. EDITIO PRINCEPS.-This edition is very rare, and beautifully printed it was edited by Marcus Musurus, who has addressed a Greek epistle to Lascaris, which is placed at the beginning of the volume. Kühnius in his edition of this author followed this Aldine edition, a copy of which he had the good fortune to find with the MS. notes of Isaac Casaubon. Renouard informs us that he has a copy on LARGE and very beautiful paper. Brunet, also, speaks of LARGE PAPER copies. See Fabricius, Bibl. Gr. v. iii, p. 470; De Bure, No. 4731; Dibdin's Introd. v. ii, p. 112, and Bibl. Spencer. v. ii, p. 218-19; Renouard Annales, t. v. i, p. 129; and Brunet, t. ii, p. 480. FRANCOF. fol. 1583. Gr. et Lat. Xylandri. 11. 5s. A very good and correct edition printed Apud haeredes Andreae Wecheli;' the Latin Version is by Amasæus, which Xylander has frequently corrected, and which, according to Harles, is taken from purer MSS. than any of the preceding editions of this Version. Prefixed to the Greek text is M. Musurus's Epistle to Lascaris. It contains the notes of Frederick Sylburgius, and a very copious Index rerum et verborum,' another In Appendicem,' and a description of Greece, from Ptolemy, Strabo, and Pliny. At the end of this Latin version are some notes by Sylburgius. Fine copies of this edition are not easily procured. It was reprinted at Hanover in 1613, verbatim, with the Latin joined to the Greek. Consult Harles Fabr. Bibl. Gr. v. v, p. 311, and Introd. Ling. Gr. v. ii, p. 280; Dibdin's Introd. v. ii, p. 114; and Brunet, t. ii, p. 480. LIPS. fol. 1696. Gr. et Lat. Kühnii. 31. 3s. A very excellent and well printed edition, and the best of this author which has yet been published: in it, for the first time, the text is divided into Chapters, and the arguments prefixed to each. Kühn has inserted the entire notes of Xylander and Sylburgius, and such of Casaubon's as he found written in the Aldine edition, which I have mentioned in my account of that book; from which he took the text of this edition, he has also some of his own notes. "Il y avoit long-tems, que l'on n'avoit vû un livre aussi bien imprimé en Allemagne, que l'est ce Pausanias, pour le papier, pour les caractères, & le soin de la correction.-Le Savant homme (M. Kühnius), pressé de travailler sur cet Auteur, par le Libraire, avoit cru de pouvoir tirer de grandes lumières de quatre MSS. Grecs de Pausanias, qui sont dans la Bibliothèque du Roi de France à Paris; mais les ayant fait consulter sur divers endroits fautifs, ou obscurs, il trouva qu'ils n'étoient point différens de l'Edition d'Alde. Ainsi le plus grand secours, qu'il ait eu, a été un exemplaire de cette Edition, ou Isaac Casaubon avoit écrit quantité de choses de sa main. Quoique Sylburge en eut dit une bonne partie, il en restoit néanmoins plusieurs qui méritoient de voir le jours. A cela M. Kühnius, qui étoit un très-savant homme dans la Langue Greque, a joint ses propres remarques; qui, quoique courtes, ne laissent pas d'être très-bonnes. Comme il avoit lu avec beaucoup de soin & d'attention les plus anciens Auteurs Grecs, sur lesquels les autres se sont formez & dans lesquels ils ont puisé; il a été en état de corriger, & d'expliquer Pausanias, en une infinité d'endroits. Ce qu'il a produit sur Elien, sur Diogène Laërce, & sur Pollux, fait voir que c'étoit un homme très-propre à réussir dans cette sorte de choses." Bibl. Choisie, t. xi, p. 133-61, which the reader may consult.There are copies on LARGE PAPER, but they are very few in number, and of excessive rarity. Consult Harles. Fabr. Bibl. Gr. t. v, p. 311; De Bure, No. 4732; Dibdin's Introd. vol. ii, p. 114-15; and Brunet, t. ii, p. 480. LIPS. 8vo. 1794-7. Gr. et Lat. Facii. 4 vols. 17. 6s. A very good and critical edition, the text of which is corrected by a collation of a Vienna and a Moscow MS. In his selection of notes and various readings, the editor has manifested considerable sagacity and judgment. The work is accompanied by four Indices, which contribute greatly to the elucidation of the text: it is very neatly printed, and is, in point of critical utility and real excellence, by far the best which has yet been published. See Harles. Introd. in Ling. Gr. t. ii, p. 181; Dibdin's Introd. v. ii, p. 115; Schoell, t. i, p. 107-8; Brunet, t. ii, p. 480-81; and Führmann's Handbuch, Zw. Bd. Zw. Abth. s. 548-9, and the various Reviews cited by him. LIPS. 18mo. 1818 et 1819. Græce. Schäferi. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. Commentaries, &c. Palmerii Exercitationes in optimos fere Auctores Græcos, &c. Lug. Bat. 4to, 1568. Consult (Manual) vol. 1, p. 462-3. Saxii Onomasticon Literarius, &c. Traject. 8vo. 1775, &c. 8 vols. 41. Sevin Observations sur le texte de Pausanias; en Hist. de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, tom. xiv, p. 195, sqq. These observations display considerable learning; both the annotator and the notes are extolled by Villoison in his Animadversions on the 4th Book of Longus, in the 2d volume of his edition of that novellist, p. 237, of which I have spoken elsewhere. Fabricii Bibliotheca Græca Libr. iv, cap. 15, vol. iii, p. 467, sqq. G. E. Lessingii Observationes Critice in Var. Script. Graecos & Latinos. Berl. 12mo. 1794. 4s. Emendatur Pausanias in Lectt. Lysiacis edit. Lysiæ præfix, quam Jo. Taylorus curauit. Lond. 4to. 1739. Heyne Vorlesung veber den Kasten des Cypselus, ein altes Kunstwerk zu Olympia mit erhabenen Figuren, nach dem Pausanias. Gött. 8vo. 1770. Toupii Emendationes in Suidam, et Hesychium et alios Lexicographos Græcos. Oxon. 8vo. 1790. |