PLEYDELL. PLEYDELL, Jos., B. D.; Archd. & Min. Can. Chichester. Sermons: Loyalty and Conformity asserted, (Rom. xiii. 4. and Eccles. vi.) Lond. 4to. 1682— On the Funeral of Mr. Glanville, (Rev. xiv. 13). Lond. 4to. 1681. PLOT, ROB., LL. D.; F. R. S.; Keeper Ashm. Mus.; Prof. Chem. Oxon. Born 1640; died 1696. Natural History of Oxfordshire, being an Essay towards a Natural History of England, with Cuts. Oxon. fol. 1677. The same with Additions, and a short Account of the Authors published by J. Burman. Oxon. fol. 1705 Natural History of Staffordshire, being an Essay towards the Natural History of England, with Cuts. Oxon. fol. 1679, 1686, 1696 De Origine Fontium Tentamen PhilosophiA curious Tract. Oxon. 8vo. 1684, 1685 An Account of his intended Journey through England and Wales. Oxon. 8vo. cum. 1711 Papers in Phil. Trans. : An Account of Elden Hole in Derbyshire. No. 2-The Formation of Salt and Sand from Brine. ii. p. 589-Discourse concerning the Effects of the great Frost on Trees and other Plants, in 1683. No. 165-A Discourse of Sepulchral Lamps of the Ancients. iii. ii. p. 100-The History of the Weather at Oxford in 1684; or the Observations of a full year, made by order of the Philosophical Society at Oxford. Id. p. 139-A large and curious Account of the Amianthos or Asbestine Linen. No. 1708-Account of the Natural History of Staffordshire. Id. p. 336-Discourse concerning the most seasonable Time of felling Timber; written at the request of Samuel Pepys, Esq. Secretary of the Admiralty. No. 192-Observations on the Substance called Black Lead. iv. p. 272-A Catalogue of Electrical Bodies. Id. p. 323-Of a kind of incombustible Cloth. Id. pp. 178, 179. Defence of the Jurisdiction of the Earl Marshall's Court in the vacancy of a Constable, and of his disowning prohibitions sent thither from other Courts. In Hearne's Collection, ii. p. 250. 1771 Account of his intended Journey through England and Wales, for the discovery of Antiquities. In Leland's Itinerary, ii. p. 131. 1745 Since his decease, two Letters of his have been published; one giving an Account of some Antiquities in the County of Kent, in 1710, 8vo. and preserved in the Bibliotheca Topographica, No. 6.; another to the Earl of Arlington, concerning Thetford, printed at the end of the History and Antiquities of Glastonbury. 1722 PLUMPTRE, CHAS., D. D.; Mast. Queen's Col. Cambridge. Sermon on 2 Cor. iv. 2. 4to. 1754. PLUMPTRE, JN., D. D.; Dn. Gloucester. Ecloga Sacra Alexandri Pope, vulg. Messia dicta, Græce reddita. Accedit etiam Græce Inscriptio Sepulchralis ex celeberrima Elegia Thomæ Gray. 4to. 1796 The Elegies of R. Pedo Albinovanus; with an English Version. 12mo. 1807 POCOCK, Edw., D.D.; Schol. & Fel. Corp. Col. Oxon.; Can. Ch. Ch. Oxon.; Prof. Arab. and Heb. Oxon. A Learned Divine, and first Oriental Scholar of his time. "Nearly lost his Rectory under the imputation of ignorance by the Puritans." Born 1604; died 1691. Versio et Notæ ad quatuor Epistolas Syriace, viz. ad Petri secundam, Johannis secundam et tertiam, et Judæ unicam. Lugd. Bat. 4to. 1630 Specimen Historiæ Arabum, sive Gregorii Abulfaragii de Origine et Moribus Arabum suc cincta narratio, in Linguam Latinam conversa, Oxon. 4to. 1648, 1650. notisque illustrata. Taken out of the General History of Gregory Abulfaragius Arab. et Lat. edit. Jos. White. Porta Mosis, Arab. et Lat. cum Notis Miscellaneis ad varia Scripturæ loca. Oxon. 4to. 1654 Annales Eutychii, Arabice, cum Latina versione. Oxon. 2 vols. 4to. 1658, 1659 Grotius de Veritate Christianæ Religionis, Arabice versus. Oxon. 8vo. 1660 Variæ Lectiones in Pentateucho Arabico, cum Præfatione de iisdem. Lond. 1660 Lamiato' l'Ajam, or Carmen Abu Ismaelis Tograi; an Arabic Poem, with a Latin Translation, and large Notes, and a Preface by the learned Samuel Clarke. Oxon. 1661. The same into English, with additional Notes to illustrate the Poem. Lond. 4to. 1759 Supplementum Historiæ Dynastiarum, in quo Historiæ Orientalis series, a Gregorii Abul-Faragii exitu ad nostra usque tempora compendiose deducitur. Oxon. 4to. 1663 Masseceth Beracoth; Titulus Talmudicus, in quo agitur de benedictionibus, precibus et gratiarum actionibus, Hebraice et Latine. 8vo. 1667 Epistola Abi-Jaafar Ebn. Tuphail de Hai Ebn. Yokdhan, Arab. et Lat. Oxon. 4to. 1672 Litturgiæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ partes præcipuæ, Arabice. Oxon. 1674 POCOCKE, REV. RICH., D. D.; LL. D. ; Precen. Lismore and Waterford; Archd. Dub. ; Bp. Meath. Born 1704; died 1765. A Description of the East, and some other Countries; Vol. i. containing Observations on Egypt; Vol. ii. Part I. containing Observations on Palestine, or the Holy Land, Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, and Candia; Vol. ii. Part II. containing Observations on the Islands of the Archipelago, Asia Minor, Thrace, Greece, and some other parts of Europe. 2 vols. fol. 1743-45 Inscriptionum Antiquarum, Gr. Lat. liber. fol. Papers in Phil. Trans. Abr.: Of the Giant's Causeway in Ireland. ix. p. 457-Further account of the same. x. pp. 382, 383-Description of a Rock on the west side of Dunbar Harbour in Scotland, resembling the Giant's Causeway. lii. Art. 17. Account of some Antiquities found in Ireland. See Archæologia, ii. p. 32. 1770 PORTEUS, BEILBY, D. D.; Fel. Ch. Col. Camb.; Preb. Peterb.; Bp. Chester. Eminent Bishop. Born 1736; died 1808. A Review of the Life and Character of the Right Rev. Thomas Secker, Archbishop of Canterbury. Lond. 8vo. 1797 Lectures on the Gospel of St. Matthew. Several editions. Lond. 2 vols. 8vo. 1802, 1805 Summary of the principal Evidences for the truth of the Christian Revelation, designed chiefly for the use of young persons; more particularly those who have been confirmed in the Diocese of London. 12mo. Sermons Lond. 8vo. 1747. Also in 2 vols. 8vo. The Character of David impartially stated, in a Discourse, (1 Sam. xiii. 14). Lond. 8vo. 1761-Eight Charges, &c.-Occasioned by the Earthquake. Chester. 12mo. 1767-On Matt. vi. 33. 4to. 1767-On Tit. ii. 6. 1767-On John iii. 19. 4to. 1772-Love of Pleasure, (2 Tim. iii. 4). 4to. 1772-Two. Lond. 4to. 1772 On Luke vi. 30. 4to. 1773-On 2 Kings iv. 1. 4to. 1776-An earnest Exhortation to the Religious Observance of Good Friday. Lond. 8vo. 1776-Fast. 4to. 1777-On Ps. xxii. 28. 4to. 1778-Fast, (Jer. xviii. 11). 4to. 1779On several subjects. Lond. 8vo. 1783-Lond. 4to. 1788-Lond. 4to. 1789-On several subjects. Lond. 2 vols. 8vo. 1789, 1794, 1806-A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of London. Lond. 8vo. 1790-A Charge. Lond. 8vo. 1794. PORY, JN., Fel. Gonv. and Caius Col. Camb. A learned Traveller and Geographer. Born 1570; died 1635. A Geographical Historie of Africa, written in Arabic and Italian, by John Leo, a Moor, borne in Granada, and brought up in Barbarie; before which, out of the best ancient and moderne Writers, is prefixed a general Description of Africa, and also a particular Treatise of all the Main Lands and Íslands vndescribed by John Leo. And after the same is annexed, a Relation of the great Princes, and the manifold Regions in that part of the world. Translated and collected, &c. Lond. fol. 1600 POTT. POTT, Jos. HOLDEN, M. A.; Preb. Linc. and St. Paul's; Archd. St. Alban's; now Archd. London. Poems. 8vo. 1779 Elegies, with Selmane; a Tragedy. 8vo. 1782 Considerations on the general Condition of the Christian Covenant, with a view to some late important Controversies. Lond. 8vo. 1803, 1807 Strictures on a Visitation Sermon, preached at Danbury, in Essex. 8vo. 1806 Remarks on two Particulars in a Refutation of Calvinism. Anon. 8vo. 1811 The Case of the Heathen considered with that of the Persons who enjoy the Gospel. 4to. 1812 Observations on some Controversies respecting Baptism. Lond. 8vo. 1816 Sermons : A Charge, delivered to the Archdeaconry of St. Alban's. 4to. 1789-For the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England. Lond. 4to. 1790-For the Benefit of the Humane Society. Lond. 8vo. 1790-Two Charges at the Visitations in 1791, 1792. Lond. 4to. 1792 Elementary Discourses for Young Persons after Confirmation. 12mo. 1792-Preached before the Archdeaconry of London. 4to. 1793-At the Yearly Meeting of the Charity Children. 4to. 1794-On the Festivals and Fasts of the Church. 12mo. 1794-The Pattern of Christian Prudence and Discretion, urged against hurtful and fantastic Schemes of Life. 12mo. 1800-A Charge at Visitation. 4to. 1800-The Duties of Men in Public Professions, considered in a Charge at a Visitation. 4to. 1801-Concio ad Clerum Prov. Cant. in æde Paulina. 4to. 1803-Remarks on the Duties of the Clerical Profession, with respect to the Cultivation of Learning; a Charge. Lond. 4to. 1805-Religious Education, as it constitutes one branch of the discipline of the Church of England; a Charge. 4to. 1808-A Charge delivered to the Archdeaconry of St. Alban's, connected with a former on Religious Education. 4to. 1809-On the Love of our Country, preached on the Thanksgiving for Peace. 4to. 1814Lond. 8vo. 1816. POTTER, BARNABY, Fel. & Prov. Queen's Col. Oxon.; Bp. Carlisle. Born 1758; died 1642. Sermons : The Baronet's Burial; Funeral. Oxon. 4to. 1613-On the Death of Sir Edmund Seymour. POTTER, CHAS., M. A.; Stu. Ch. Ch. Born 1633. His Theological Works, containing his Sermons, Charges, Discourse of Church Government, and Divinity Lectures, were published 3 vols. 8vo. 1753 Sermons, &c. : Charges to the Clergy of his Diocese; at his primary Visitation in July, MDCCXVI. Lond. fol. 1716-To the Clergy of his Diocese, at his triennial Visitation in July, MDCCXIX. Lond. fol. 1720--Defence of the late charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Oxford, July, MDCCXIX. in a Letter to the said Clergy. Lond. fol. and 8vo.-On 2 Chron. ix. 8. Lond. 1727. An Inquiry into some passages of Dr. Johnson's Lives of the Poets. 4to. 1783 A Translation of the Oracle concerning Baby Theses Quadrigessimales in Scholis Oxoniæ lon, and the Song of Exultation; from Isaiah, xiii. and xiv. 4to. 1785 publicis pro forma discussæ. Sermon: On the Thanksgiving for the Peace. 1650 POTTER, CHRIST., D. D.; Chap., Fel., & Prov. Queen's Col. Oxon. : Dn. Worces.; Dn. Durham. A learned Divine. Born 1591; died 1646. Father Paul's History of the Quarrels of Pope Paul V. with the State of Venice; translated from the Italian. Lond. 4to. 1726 Want of Charity justly charged on all such Romanists as affirme that Protestancie destroyeth Salvation; being an Answer to a late Popish POULTER, REV. EDW., A. M.; Preb. Winchester. Supplement to the Pharsalia of Lucan; translated from the Latin of Thomas May. 4to. 1786 Proposals for New Arrangements of the Revenues and Residence of the Clergy. 8vo. 1802 Sermons: On the Present Crisis. Lond. 4to. 1792-A Plain Defence of the Present War. 8vo. 1794-Thanksgiving. 4to. 1797—Lond. Translated Stoa Triumphans: in praise of Banishment and contempt of Honour. Also, from the French, Revival of the Last Letters of Mons. de Balsac, and the unfortunate Politic; or the Life of Herod. Fragmenta de Rebus Brittanicis. A short Account of the Lives, Manners, and Religion of the British Druids and Bards. Also, other Translations from the Latin and Italian. The Insubrian History; containing an exact Account of the various Fates, Civil Commotions, Battles, and Sieges, acted upon the Theatre of Lombardy, and the adjacent parts of Italy. The Christian Politic Favourite: or a Vindication of the Politic Transactions of the Count PRESTON. Doctor of the Civile Lawes, (as of himself he saieth,) against the Godly Marriage of Priests. Wherin dyuers other matters which the Papists defend be so confutid, that in Martyn's ouerthrow they may see ther own Imprudency and Confusion. 8vo. 1556 A notable Sermon concerning the right use of the Lord's Supper, and other things very profitable for all men to know, preached before the King, at Westminster. 8vo. 1550 King Edward's Catechism in English. 1553. In Latin. 1553. In Defence of the Reformation. A short Treatise of Politique Pouuer, and of the true Obedience which Subjects owe to Kynges and other Ciuile Governours; with an Exhortation to all true naturall Englishe men. 8vo. 1556. Dialecticon Viri Boni et literati de Veritate, Natura, atque Substantia Corporis et Sanguinis Christi in Eucharistia. 8vo. 1576 POYNTZ, SIR ROB., M. A.; Fel. New Col.; Knt. of the Bath. A Vindication of the Monarchy and Government long established in the Church and Kingdome of England, against the pernicious assertions, &c. of the Innovators during the last Parliament in the Reign of Charles I. 4to. 1661 PRESTON, JN., D. D.; Fel. Queen's Col. Camb.; Mast. Eman. Col. Camb. Born 1587; Duke de S. Lucar, Minister of State to Philip died 1628. the IVth of Spain. POWELL, WM. SAM., D. D.; Fel. & Mast. St. John's Col. Camb.; Archd. Colchester. Born 1717; died 1775. Observations on Miscellanea Analytica. A Defence of the Subscriptions required in the Church of England. Lond. 4to. 1757 Sermons: On 1 Cor. i. 23, 24. 4to. 1767Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Colchester in June, 1772. Lond. 8vo. 1773-On various Subjects. 8vo. 1776 POYNET, JN., D. D.; successively Bp. Roches. and Winches. Born 1516; died 1556. A Tragedie, or Dialogue, of the unjust usurped Primacy of the Bishop of Rome, translated from Bernard Ochinus. 8vo. 1549 A Defence for Marriage for Priestes, by Scripture and Aunciente Wryters. 8vo. 1549. Again, intitled, An Apologie fvlly avnsvveringe by Scriptures and aunceant Doctors, a blasphemose Book gatherid by D. Steph. Gardiner, of late Lord Chauncelar, D. Smyth of Oxford, Pighius and other Papists, as by ther Booke appeareth, and of late set furthe vnder the name of Tho. Martin, Four Treatises, viz. against Covetousness, Description of Spirituall Death and Life, Doctrine of Self-Denial, upon the Sacrament. 1635 Sinne's Overthrow: or a Treatise of Mortification. Lond. 4to. 1635 Three Treatises, viz. Judas his Repentance, the Saint's Spiritual Strength, and Paul's Conversion; together with Sermons on Special Occasions, and a Treatise of Spiritual Death in Sinne. Lond. 4to. 1637 The House of Mourning furnished, &c. The Golden Scepter, with the Church's Dig1638 nity and Duty, in three Treatises. 4to. Two Treatises, viz. The Christian Freedome or Charter of the Gospel, and the deformed Forme of a formall Profession. Posth. 1641 Thesis de Gratiæ convertendis Irresistibilitate. Lond. 8vo. 1652. The same in English. 1654 An Abridgment of his Works, by William Tennant. Lond. 12mo. 1648 : Sermons On Ps. xxxix. 5. Lond. 4to. 1615 -On Ps. ciii. 15, 16. Lond. 1619-On Job vii. 1. Lond. 8vo. 1619-The New Covenant, or the Saint's Portion; a Treatise, unfolding the All-sufficiency of God, Man's Uprightness, and the Covenant of Grace; in Fourteen Sermons, (Gen. xvii. 1, 2). Lond. 4to. 1629, 1655-On Eccles. iv. 1, 2, 11, 12. Lond.-On 1 John v. 12. Lond. 4to. 1630-Life Eternal: or a Treatise of the Knowledge of the Divine Essence and Attributes; in Eighteen Sermons. Lond. PRESTON. 4to. 1631-The Breastplate of Faith and Love. Lond. 4to. 1632-The Saint's Qualification; on Humiliation, on Sanctification, and upon the Sacrament. Lond. 4to. 1634-On Gen. xxii. 14. Lond. 4to. 1635. PRESTON, THOS., LL. D.; Mast. Trin. Hall, Camb. A Dramatic Writer, who flourished in the earlier part of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. Died 1598. A lamentable Tragedy, mixed full of pleasant Mirth, conteyning the Life of Cambises, King of Persia, from the beginning of his Kingdome unto his Death; his one good Deed of Execution, after the many wicked Deeds and tyrannous Murders committed by and through him; and, last of all, his odious death, by God's Justice, appointed doon on such order as followeth. Lond. 4to. (without date.) Reprinted in Hawkin's Origin of the English Drama. Vol. i. PRETTYMAN, GEO., D. D.; F. R.S.; Bp. Lincoln. Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln. Lond. 4to. 1796-A Charge, &c. Lond. 4to. 1804. Elements of Christian Theology, containing Proofs of the Authenticity and Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures; a Summary of the History of the Jews; a brief Statement of the Contents of the several Books of the Old and New Testament; a short Account of the English Translations of the Bible, and of the Liturgy of the Church of England; and a Scriptural Exposition of the xxxix Articles of Religion. Lond. 2 vols. 8vo. 1799, 1807 PRIDEAUX. it may be remedied; in a Letter to a person of Honour. Lond. 4to. 1691 Life of Mahomet; with a Discourse for the vindicating of Christianity from the Charge of Imposture; in a Letter to the Deists of the present age. Lond. 8vo. 1697, 1698, 1708, 1716 The Justice of the present etablished Law, which gives the Succession in any Ecclesiastical Benefice or Promotion all the Profits from the day of Avoidance, justified, &c. Lond. 4to. 1703 Directions to Churchwardens for the Faithful Discharge of their Office; for the use of the Archdeaconry of Suffolk. Norwich. 4to. 1704. 7th edition. 1730. To which is added, a Compendium of the Law of Tithes. 8vo. 1805 An Award of King Charles I. under his Broad Seal, settling Two Shillings of the Pound out of the Rents of the Houses in Norwich, for the maintenance of the Parochial Clergy in that city, in lieu of Personal Tithes: with a Treatise, shewing the Legality and Justice of that Award. The Original and Right of Tithes; to which is annexed, the Draught of a Bill prepared to have been offered to Parliament, anno MDCXCI, for the restraining of Pluralities of Benefices, with Cure of Souls, with Reasons for said Bill. 8vo. 1710 Ecclesiastical Tracts formerly published. 1716 Connection of the Old and New Testament, in the History of the Jews, and neighbouring Nations, from the declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ. Lond. 2 vols. fol. 1716, 1718. 3 vols. 8vo. with Cuts, 1716. 2 vols. fol. 1724. This Work passed through eight editions; in 4 vols. 8vo. in London, and two or three in Dublin, before 1721, and has often been reprinted since. Lond. 4 vols. 8vo. 1749, 1808 His Judgment in condemning the Murder of Julius Cæsar maintained. Lond. 8vo. 1721 His Life; and several Tracts and Letters of 1748 his upon various Subjects. Lond. 8vo. Sermon. Norwich. 4to. 1703. PRIDEAUX, JN., Fel. Ex. Col. Oxon.; Can. Ch. Ch.; Reg. Prof. Div. Oxon.; Rect. Ex. Col. Oxon.; Bp. Worcester. Born 1578; died 1650. Hypomnemata, Logica, Rhetorica, Physica, Metaphysica, Pneumatica, Ethica, Politica, Economica. Oxon. 8vo. Castigatio Andr. Eudoemon-Johannis Cydonii opposita ipsius Calumniis in Epistolam Is. Casauboni ad Frontonem Ducæum. 8vo. 1614 Concio habita ad Artt. Bacc. in die Cinerum anno MDCXVI. (in Act. vii. 22). 4to. 1616 Concio habita Oxoniæ ad Artt. Bacc. in die cinerum Feb. 22. MDCXXVI. (in 1 Sam. xiv. 26). Lectiones x. de totidem Religionis capitibus, præcipue hoc tempore controversis, prout publice habebantur Oxoniæ in Vesperiis. 4to. 1626 Orationes ix. Inaugurales in totidem Doctorum promotione, accedit concio de Mosis institutione. Tabulæ ad Grammatica Græca Introductoriæ; accessit ad eandem linguam Tapaivɛσis in gratiam Tyronum. Oxon. 8vo. 1629. 4to. 1639 Tyrocinium ad Syllogismum legitimum contexendum et captiosum dissuendum expeditissimum. Oxon. 1629 |