Sermons: On 1 Cor. i. 10. Dub. 4to. 1716On Tim. ii. 1, 2. 8vo. 1716. FOSTER, JN., Fel. and Prov. King's Col.; Can. Wind. "An Eminent classic Scholar." Born 1731; died 1773. An Essay on the different Natures of Accent and Quantity; with their use and application in the pronunciation of the English, Latin, and Greek Languages. Containing an account and explanation of the ancient Tones, and a defence of the present system of Greek accentual marks, against the objections of Isaac Vossius, Henninus, Sarpedonius, Dr. G., and others. Eton. 8vo. 1762 FOTHERGILL, GEO., D.D.; Fel. and Tutor Queen's Col. Oxon.; Prin. St. Edm. Hall. Born 1705; died 1760. Sermons: On the proper Improvement of Divine Judgments. Lond. 8vo. 1756-The Condition of Man's Life, a constant Call to Industry. Lond. 8vo. 1757-The Violence of Man subservient to the Government of God. Lond. 8vo. 1758-On various Subjects and Occasions; published by Thomas Fothergill, B. D. 8vo. 1762 The Duty, Objects, and Offices of the Love of our Country. Lond. 8vo. 1758 FOWLER. The Principles and Practice of certain Modern Divines of the Church of England, abusively called Latitudinarians, truly represented and Defended, by way of Dialogue. Lond. 8vo. 1670 The Design of Christianity; or, a Plain Demonstration and Improvement of this proposition; viz. that the enduing men with inward real Righteousness and true Holiness, was the ultimate end of our Saviour's coming into the world, and is the great intendment of the blessed Gospel. Lond. 8vo. 1671. John Bunyan, the Author of the Pilgrim's Progress, having attacked this Book, the Author vindicated it in a Pamphlet bearing the following coarse title: Dirt wiped out; or, a manifest Discovery of the gross ignorance, erroneousness, and most unchristian and wicked Spirit of one John Bunyan, Lay preacher in Bedford, &c. Lond. 4to. 1672 Libertas Evangelica: or, Discourse of Christian Liberty; being a farther pursuance of the Design of Christianity. Lond. 8vo. 1680 Sermons: On 1 Pet. i. 8. 4to. 1674-On 1 Tim. i. 19. Lond. 4to. 1681-Discourse of Offences; in two Sermons on Matt. xviii. 7. Lond. 4to. 1683-The Great Wickedness and Mischievous Effects of Slandering. Lond. 4to. 1685-On 1 Pet. ii. 17. Lond. 1685-On Ps. ci. 5. 4to. 1685-Eighteen Occasional Sermons. Lond. 4to. 1685-On Luke xvi. 9. Lond. 1688--On Hosea xi. 8. Lond. 4to. 1690-On John ii. 10. Lond. 4to. 1691-On John xiii. 34. Lond. 4to. 1692 -On Cor. vi. 14. Lond. 4to. 1692-On Ps. lxxxvi. 12, 13. For the Discovery of a Design to Assassinate the King. 4to. 1696-On Ephes. vi. 7, 8. 4to. 1699-On Ps. xcviii. 1. 4to. 1704 -Discourse on the Descent of the Man Christ Jesus from Heaven. Lond. 8vo. 1706-On Job xxii. 25. 8vo. 1707-On Ps. cvii. 8 or 10. 8vo. 1707-On Job. ii. 10. 8vo. 1707-Charge delivered to his Clergy. Lond. 4to. 1710 Vindication of the Friendly Conference between a Minister and his Parishioners, inclining to Quakerism. Lond. 8vo. 1678 The Resolution of this Case of Conscience, whether the Church of England, symbolizing so far as it doth with the Church of Rome makes it unlawful to hold communion with the Church of Rome? Lond. fol. 1683 A Defence of the Resolution, &c. fol. 1684 Examinations of Cardinal Bellarmine's Fourth Note of the Church; viz. Ampletude, or multitude and variety of Believers. Lond. 4to. 1687 Examination of the Texts of Scripture addressed by Papists, concerning the Obscurity of 1688 the Scriptures. Lond. 4to. An Answer to the Paper delivered by Mr. Ashton at his Execution. 4to. 1690 A Vindication of an Undertaking of Certain Gentlemen, in order to the Suppression of Debauchery and Profaneness. Lond. 4to. 1692 Certain Propositions, by which the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity is so explained, according to the Ancient Fathers, as to speak it not contradictory to natural reason. Together with a Defence of them, &c. 4to. 1694. A Second Defence of the Propositions, &c. 4to. 1695 A Discourse on the Great Disingenuity and Unreasonableness of Repining at Afflicting Providences, and of the Influence which they ought FOWLER. to have upon us; published upon occasion of the death of Queen Mary. With a Preface, containing some Observations touching her excellent 1695 Endowments and Exemplary Life. 8vo. Reflections upon the late Examination of the Discourse of the Descent of the Man Christ Jesus from Heaven. Lond. 8vo. 1706 FOX, EDW., Fel. and Prov. King's Col. Camb.; Bp. Hereford. Died 1585. De Vera Differentia Regiæ Potestatis et Ecclesiasticæ, et quæ sit ipsa veritas et virtus utriusque. 1534, 1538 Annotations upon the Mantuan Poet. There is likewise an Oration of his extant, in the Story of Thomas Lord Cromwell, in the 2nd volume of Fox's History of the Acts and Monuments of the Church. FOX, FRAS., M. A.; Preb. Sar. Died 1738. Sermons: On Ps. cvii. 1. 4to. 1705-Two on Numb. xxiii. 23. 8vo. 1715-On Moral Obligations, (Matt. xxiii. 23). 1727 The Lawfulness of Oaths, and the Sin of Perjury and Profane Swearing. Lond. 8vo. 1710 The Duty of Public Worship proved; with Directions for a Devout Behaviour therein: drawn chiefly from the Holy Scriptures, and the Liturgy of the Church of England; and an Account of the Method of the Common Prayer, by way of Question and Answer. Lond. 1713, 1727 The New Testament explained; with References, Marginal Readings, and Notes. 1722 FOX, RICH., Preb. Sar.; Bp. Bath and Wells, Dur., and Winch.; Chanc. Camb. An Eminent Prelate, and the munificent Founder of Corpus Ch. Col. Oxon. Born about the latter end of the reign of Henry VI.; died 1528. The Contemplacyon of Synners. These are seven different Topics or Meditations, divided according to the Seven Days of the Week; consisting of brief sentences, because the life of Man is short. Drawn out of the Scriptures, Moral Philosophers, Fathers and Doctors of the Church; all in Latin, that it may appear more authentic; with the Author's name quoted to each sentence. Then follows a Paraphrastical Translation thereof, or a kind of Concordance in English Verse; every Meditation has a wooden print prefixed to it, adapted to its subject. 1499 Translation of the Rule of St. Benedict. 1516 Letter to Cardinal Wolsey. FOXE, or Fox, JN., Fel. Mag. Col. Oxon.; Preb. Sar. An Eminent Divine, and Church Historian. Born 1517; died 1587. De non Plutendis morte Adulteriis, Consultatio. Lond. 12mo. 1548 De Censura sive Excommunicatione Ecclesiastica, interpellatio ad Archiep. Cant. 8vo. 1551 Christus Triumphans, Comoedia Apocalyptica. Basil. 8vo. 1551, 1556, 1672 1552 Tables of Grammar. Rerum in Ecclesia Gestarum, quæ postremis et periculosis his Temporibus evenerunt, maximarumque per Europam Persecutionum Sanctorum Dei Martyrum,cæterarumque Rerum, ac FOXE. si quæ insigniora Exempla sint, digesti per Regna et Nationes. Strasb. 8vo. 1554. Basil. fol. 1563. Pars prima vi. libris. Basil. fol. 1559. Primus 1554 Horum vi. librorum. Arg. fol. Locorum Communium Tituli et Ordines cl. ad seriem Prædicamentorum descripti. 4to. 1557 Acts and Monuments of these latter and perilous dayes, touching Matters of the Churche; wherein are comprehended and described, the great persecutions and horrible troubles that haue been wrought and practised by the Romish Prelates, speciallye in this Realme of England and Scotlande, from the year of our Lord 1,000, unto the tyme now present. Gathered and collected accordyng to the true copies and wrytinges certificatorie, as well of the parties themselves that suffered, as also out of the Bishops' Registers, which wer the doers thereof. 3 vols. fol. 9 editions. Lond. 1563-1684 An Abridgement of the Booke of Acts and Monuments of the Church; written by that Reuerend Father, Maister John Fox: and now abridged by Timothy Bright, Doctor of Phisicke, for such as either thorough want of leysure or abilitie haue not the vse of so necessary an 1589 history. Lond. 4to. The Gospels of the Fower Euangelistes; translated in the olde Saxons' tyme, out of Latin into the vulgare toung of the Saxons, newely collected out of Auncient Monumentes of the sayd Saxons, and now published for testimonie of the same. Lond. 4to. 1571 Concio de Christo Crucifixo. Lond. 4to. 1571 The Four Evangelists; published in Saxon 1571 and English. Lond. 4to. Contra Hieron. Osorium eiusque odiosas insectiones pro Euangelicæ veritatis necessaria Defensione, Responsio Apologetica per clariss. virum Gualt. Haddonum inchoata; deinde suscepta et continuata per Johan. Foxum. 4to. 1557 De Oliva Evangelica, Concio in Baptismo Judæi habita Londini primanens, April. Cum Enarratione capitis vndecimi D. Pauli ad Romanos. In qua, de principiis et fundamentis Christianæ fidei, de vera et syncera Ecclesia, de Christo Messia, eiusq; regni æterna amplitudine atq; infinita gloria, Disputatio cum Judæis ex Propheticæ Scripturæ certissimis Testimoniis instituitur. Lond. 8vo. 1578 Sermons on Election, annexed to the Treasure of Truth; and by T. Beza. Lond. 8vo. 1581 -On 2 Cor. 20, 21. Lond. 8vo. 1585, 1609 De Christi Gratia Justificante. Contra Osorianam iustitiam, cæterosque eiusdem inhærentis iustitiæ patronos Stan. Hosium Andrad. Canisium Vegam, Tiletanum, Lorichium, contra vniuersam denique Turbam Tridentinam et Iesuiticam, Amica et Modesta Defensio, Johan. Foxij. In three books. Hereunto is added, Liber quartus, in quo subsequitur gravis et erudita concio eximii Doct. Guliel. Fulsii de duobus Abrahamæ filiis, ex D. Paulo Galat. 5. De Lingua Populari, in Latinum Sermonem reddita, per Johan Foxium. Lond. 8vo. 1583 Supplicatio ad inclytor. ac præpotentes Angliæ Proceres, Ordines, et Status, totamque ejus Gentis Nobilitatem pro afflictis Fratribus. EIKAZMI, seu Meditationes in Sacram Apocalypsir. Lond. fol. 1587 FRANCKLIN. FRANCKLIN, THOS., D. D.; Fel. Trin. Col. Camb.; R. Prof. Gr. Born 1721; died 1784. Translation of Phalaris' Epistles. 8vo. 1749 Translation of Cicero on the Nature of the Gods. An Inquiry into the Astronomy and Anatomy of the Ancients. 1749. Reprinted. 8vo. 1775 Sermons Lond. 4to. 1750-Lond. 4to. 1756 -Fast. Lond. 4to. 1758-Lond. 4to. 1760-On the Relative Duties. 8vo. 1765. For the benefit of unfortunate persons confined for small Debts. Lond. 4to. 1774-Lond. 4to. 1779-On various subjects. Lond. 2 vols. 8vo. 1785. Vol. iii. 1787. Authentic Narrative of the late extraordinary proceedings at Cambridge against the Westminster Club; denying the charges of irregularity, and laying the blame on the Proctor. This pamphlet is anonymous, but Dr. F. is supposed to have been the author. Lond. 8vo. Translation; a Poem. 4to. 1751 1753 FRANKLAND, REV. THOS., M. D.; Fel. B. N. C. Oxon. Physician and Historian. Born 1633; died 1690. The Honour of the Lords Spiritual asserted, and their Privileges to vote in Capital Cases in Parliament maintained by Reason and Precedents. Anon.; but supposed by some to be his production. Lond. fol. 1679 Original of Kingly and Ecclesiastical Government. 8vo. 1681 The Annals of King James I. and King Charles I., containing a faithful History, and important Account of the great Affairs of State and Transactions of Parliament, in Englande, from the 10th of King James, 1612, to the 18th King Charles, 1642; wherein several Passages relating to the late Civil Wars (omitted in former Histories), are made known. Lond. fol. 1681 FREE, JN., D. D.; Chap. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Sermons: On Ps. liii. 11. 8vo. 1739-Twelve. 8vo. 1750-On Exod. xxxiv. 19. 8vo. 1753On Jer. ii. 8vo. 1753-Lond. 4to. 1756-On Gen. i. 2. 8vo. 1764-On Gen. i. 26. Lond. 8vo. 1764 -Lond. 8vo. 1764-On 1 Cor. ix. 13, 14. 4to. 1765-On Lev. xxiv. 21. 8vo. 1768-On Gen. xiv. 14. 8vo. 1769-Lond. 8vo. 1786. FRITH. A Speech, containing a Concise and Characteristic Account of the English Constitution, both Old and New; and of the rise and progress of the modern part of that Assembly which we now call the Parliament; delivered to the Worshipful the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens, at the Town Hall, in Oxon., upon taking up his Freedom of the City. Lond. 8vo. 1753 An Ode of Consolation upon the loss of Minorca. Lond. fol. 1756 Poems on different occasions. 12mo. 1758 Rules for the discovery of False Prophets; or the dangerous impositions of the people called Methodists, detected at the bar of Scripture and of Reason. Lond. 12mo. 1758 His Remarks upon Mr. Jones' Letter. 1759 Seasonable Reflections upon the importance of 1759 the Crown of England. Lond. 8vo. Speech to the London Clergy at Sion College. A genuine Petition to the King, and likewise a letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Bute, concerning the very hard case of an eminent Divine of the Church of England. Lond. 8vo. 1762 His Petition relative to the Archbishops of Lond. 8vo. 1763 Canterbury and York. The Voluntary Exile; or, the English Poet's Sermon in verse. Lond. 8vo. 1765 His edition of the Rev. John Wesley's Second Letter. Lond. 8vo. 1769 FREWEN, ACCEPTED, Preb. Cant.; Dn. Glouc.; Bp. Lich.; Abp. York. La Spectacle de la Nature. Translated from the Works of Antoine Noel de Pleuch. 8vo. 1739 FRIEND, WM., D. D.; Preb. Westminster. Sermons On 1 Pet. ii. 16. Lond. 4to. 1755 -On Gal. v. 1. 4to. 1761. FRITH, JN., Can. Ch. Ch. Oxon. A Learned Preacher and Martyr. Burnt in Smithfield 1533. An Epistle to the Christen Reder. Antithesis; wherein are compared togeder Christe's Acts and our holy Father the Pope's. Foreign Black Letter. Marlborow, in the land of FRITH. Hesse, printed by Hans Lufh. Written under the name of Richard Brightwell. 8vo. 1529 Revelation of Antichrist. Marlborow, in Hesse. Letters unto the faithful followers of Christ's Gospell. 1532 1532 Mirror or Glasse to know thyself. A Book made by John Fryth, prisoner in the Tower of London, answering to M. More's Letter, which he wrote against his Treatise on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 8vo. 1546 Articles for which he died. 1533 Beholde the Sacremente of Baptism described. A Disputacion of Purgatorye; diuided into three bokes: the fyrst boke is an answere vnto Rastell, which goeth about to proue Purgatorye by Naturall Philosophye: the second boke answereth vnto Sir Thomas More, which laboureth to proue Purgatorye by Scripture: the thyrde boke maketh answere vnto my Lord of Rochestre, which moost leaneth vnto the Doctoures. Without date, place, or printer's name. Black Letter. Another Boke against Rastell; named the Subseyde or Bulwark to his fyrst boke, made by Jhon Frithe, prisoner in the Tower. "Awake thou that slepeste, and stonde vppe from deeth, and Chryste shall geue the lyght." (Ephes. v.) Without printer's name, place, or date. Black Letter. 12mo. Fruitful Gatherings of Scripture. 12mo. Answer to John Fisher, Bp. of Rochester, &c. His Works; with the Works of Tyndale and Barnes. Lond. fol. 1573 FULBECK, Wм., Fel. Cor. Ch. Oxon. A Law Writer of some eminence. Born 1560. Christian Ethickes, or Morall Philosophy; containing the difference and opposition of Virtue and Voluptuousness. Lond. 8vo. 1587 History of the continued Factions, Tumults, and Massacres of the Romans and Italians, one hundred and twenty years before the peaceable Empire of Augustus Cæsar. Lond. 4to. 1600, 1601 A Direction or Preparative for the Study of the Law; wherein is shewed what things ought to be observed, and what ought to be eschewed and avoided. Lond. 8vo. 1600-1620 A Parallel, or Conference, of the Civil, Canon, and Common Law of this Realm of England. Lond. 4to. 1601, 1602, 1681. The same, as a Direction, or Preparation, &c. the title only being altered. FULKE. lated out of Latin into Englishe. Whereunto is added, by the Author, a short Treatise in Englishe, as well for the better subuersion of that Fained Arte, as also for the better vnderstanding of the common people, vnto whom the fyrst labour seemeth not sufficient. Lond. 8vo. 1561 A goodly Gallery with a most pleasaunt Prospect into the Garden of Naturall Contemplation, to beholde the Naturall Causes of all kind of Meteors, as well fyery and ayery, as watry and earthly, of which sorte be blasing starres, shootinge starres, flames in the ayre, &c.; thonder, lightninge, earthquakes, &c. ; rayne, dewe, snowe, cloudes, springes, &c.; stones, metalles, earthes. To the glory of God, and the profitte of his Creatures. Lond. 8vo. 1571, 1634 A Confutation of Popishe and Sclanderous Libels, in form of an Apologie, given oute into the Courte, and spreade abrode in diverse other places of the Realme. Lond. 8vo. 1571 : OYPANOMAXIA; hoc est, Astrologorum Ludus ad Bonarum Artium et Astrologiæ in Primis Studiosorum Relaxationem, Comparatus. This game is played after the manner of Chess. The movable pieces, seven for each antagonist, have the characters of the seven Planets. Lond. 1573 Sermons At Hampton-Court. 1571-On Apoc. xiv. Lond. 16mo. 1571-A comfortable Sermon of Faith in temptations and afflictions, (1 John v. 4). Lond. 8vo. 1574-On Gal. iv. 21, &c. Lond. 8vo. 1577. Et Lat. per J. Foxium. Lond. 8vo. 1583-At the Tower, (John xvii. 17). Lond. 16mo. 1581-On Matt. xv. 21, &c. Lond. 8vo. 1506. Prælectiones in Apocalypsim. Lond. 4to. 1573 An Answer to the Popish Apology. 8vo. 1573 Two Treatises written against the Papistes : the one being an Answere of the Christian Protestant to the proude Challenge of a Popish Catholicke; the other, a Confutation of the Popish Churches' Doctrine touching Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead. Lond. 8vo. 1577 The Answer of a True Christian to the proud Challenge of a Counterfeit Catholic. 8vo. 1577 Responsio ad St. Hosii Epistolam de Expresso Dei Verbo. Lond. 8vo. 1578 METPOMAXIA, sive Ludus Grammaticus. Responsio ad Thomæ Stapletoni cauillationes, Calumnias in sua Principorum Doctrinalium Demonstratione, &c. Lond. 8vo. 1579 T. Stapleton and Martiall (two Popish Heretickes) confuted, and of their particular heresies detected. Lond. 8vo. 1580 Heskins' Parliament Repealed; with a Confutation of Saunders' Treatise of Worshiping Images. Lond. 8vo. 1579 D. Heskins, D. Saunders, and M. Rastel, accounted (among their faction) three Pillars and Archpatriarches of the Popish Synagogue, ouerthrowne and detected of their seuerall blasphemous heresies. Lond. 8vo. 1579 The Text of the New Testament of Jesus Christ. Translated out of the vulgar Latin, by the Papists of the traiterous Seminary at Rhemes; with Arguments of Bookes, Chapters, and Annotations; pretending to discover the Corruptions of divers translations, and to cleare the Controuersies of these dayes. With the Authorized English Version, and a Confutation of all such FULKE. arguments, glosses, and annotations, as contain manifest impiety or heresy, treason and slander, against the Catholic Church of God, and the true teachers thereof, or the translations used in the Church of England. Lond. fol. 1601, 1617, 1633 A Retentive, to stay good Christians in the true Faith and Religion, against the motions of Richard Bristow. Also, a Discovery of the dangerous Rocke of the Popish Church. 8vo. 1580 A Rejoinder to Bristowe's Replie in Defence of Allen's scroule of Articles, and Booke of Purgatorie. Also, the Cauiles of Nich. Saunders, about the Supper of our Lord, &c., confuted. A briefe Confutation of a Popish Discourse, lately set forth, and presumptuously dedicated to the Q. Most Excellent Maiestie, by John Howlett, or some other Birde of the night under that name: contayning certaine Reasons why Papistes refuse to come to Church, which are here inserted at large, with their seuerall Answers. 4to. 1581 A Defence of the sincere and true Translations of the Holie Scriptures into the English tong, against the manifolde cauils, friuolous quarrels, and impudent slaunders of Gregorie Martin, one of the Readers of Diuinitie in the trayterous Seminarie of Rhemes. Lond. 8vo. 1583. fol. 1633 De Successione Ecclesiastica, et latente ab Antichristi Tyrannide Ecclesia, liber contra Thomæ Stapletoni, Principiorum fidei Doctrinalium, librum decimum tertium. Lond. 8vo. 1584 A brief and plain Declaration; containing the desire of all those faithful Ministers who seek Discipline and Reformation of the Church of England, which may come as a just Apology against the false Accusations and Slanders of their Adversaries. -This has only been attributed to him. 1584 Commentary on the Rhemish Testament. 1633 FULLER, NICH., Preb. Sarum. A learned Divine and Critic. Born 1557; died 1622. Miscellaneorum Theologicorum libri iii. quibus non modo Scripturæ Divinæ sed et aliorum Classicorum Auct. Plurima Monumenta explicantur atque illustrantur. Heidelburg. 8vo. 1612 A Defence of the same against the charge of Plagiarism, by Drusius, with the v. and vi. Bookes. Lugd. Bat. 1622. The same Leyd. 4to. All these Miscellanies are printed in the 9th vol. of the Critici Sacri, and dispersed throughout Pool's Synopsis Criticorum. FULLWOOD. 2 Sam. xix. 30. 1642-On Rev. ii. 5. Lond. 4to. 1646-On 2 Pet. i. 10. Lond. 1647-The Just Man's Funeral. Lond. 4to. 1649-Perfection and Peace. Lond. 8vo. 1653-Two, with a Commentary on Ruth. Lond. fol. 1654-Three. Lond. 8vo. 1654-Life out of Death. Lond. 8vo. 1655-Collection of Sermons. Lond. 8vo. 1656The Best Name on Earth; with others. Lond. 8vo. 1657. Good thoughts on bad times. The first fruits of the Exeter Press, as he informs us. Ex. 1645 Good thoughts on worse times. 1647. Along with his Good thoughts on bad times. 1652 1660 Mixt Contemplations on better times. The Profane State. Camb. fol. 1648. fol. 1652 Andronicus; or, the unfortunate Politician. 8vo. A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine, and the confines thereof, with the History of the Old and New Testament, acted thereon. Lond. fol. 1650, 1662 Abel Redivivus; or, the dead yet speaking; The Lives and the Deaths of the Modern Divines. The Infants' Advocate; or, a Treatise on Pædobaptism. Lond. 8vo. 1653 The Triple Reconciler of Three Controversies, viz. Whether Ministers have an exclusive power of barring Communicants from the Sacrament; whether any person unordained may lawfully preach; and whether the Lord's Prayer ought not to be used by all Christians. Lond. 8vo. 1654 The Church History of Britain, from the birth of Christ, until the year 1648. Contains a History of the University of Cambridge, since the Conquest, and of Waltham Abbey. Lond. fol. 1655 The Appeal of Injured Innocence unto the religious, learned, and ingenious reader, betwixt the Animadvertor, Dr. Peter Heylyn and the Author, Thomas Fuller. Lond. fol. 1659. With a few Explanatory Notes, by John Nichols. 1811 The Speech of Birds also of Flowers; partly Moral, partly Mystical. 8vo. 1660 of Mariana, Paduana, and Sabina. 12mo. 1662 T. Fuller's Triana; or, Threefold Romanza, History of the Worthies of England. fol. 1662 His Life and Death. Oxon. 8vo. 1661, 1662 Selections from the Writings of Fuller and South; with a Life of the former, by Arthur Brown. Lond. 8vo. 1815 FULLER, Wм., B. C. L.; Can. Ch. Ch. Ephemeris Parliamentaria: The Sovereign's Prerogative, and Subject's Privileges; in several Speeches between K. Charles I. and the most Eminent Persons of both Houses of Parliament. FULLWOOD, FRAS., D. D.; Archd. Tot ness. Vindicia Mediorum et Mediatoris; or, the Reigning Error, (of an immediate call from God,) arraigned at the Bar of Scripture and Reason, in Answer to R. Wilkinson. Lond. 8vo. 1651 The Churches and Ministry of England; true Churches and true Ministry Proved, in a Sermon. Lond. 4to. 1652 True Relation of a Dispute between him and one Thomas Salthouse. Lond. 4to. 1656 A Discourse of the Visible Church. 4to. 1658 Cases of Conscience about things indifferent in Matters of Religion, briefly Stated and Resolved. |